

Разговор након доручка

작가: Joe David (기계 번역 Srpski, Српски)

This inscription is on a stone at the church hall in South Ronaldsey, in the Orkneys, northeast of Scotland.

Разговор након доручка

(Коментар о Јеванђеље по Јовану 21:15-25)


У првом делу овог поглавља седам ученика се вратило кући у Галилеју. Они су отишли на пецање, видели Исуса на обали, следили његовим упутствима да пецају с десне стране чамца, извукли су мрежу напуњену 153 рибом на обалу и ... како почиње друга половина поглавља, управо су имали завршили су брзи раст са Њим. Сада се опуштају.

Исус каже Петру: "Да ли ме волиш?" и Петар, можда мало запрепашћен питањем, мислећи да је одговор очит, одговара „да“, а Исус одговара: „Нахрани моја јагњета“. Још два пута овај низ се понавља, али са неким изменама. Затим, након овог необичног разговора, Господин им свима говори малу присподобу о томе да буду млади и касније остареју. Тада Господ говори Петру да га слиједи, а Петар, наизглед љубоморан, пита шта Иван треба да ради. Господ благо побија Петрову љубомору рекавши: "Ако овај човек посегне док ја не дођем шта вам је то?", Али тада каже и Ивану да га следи.

Коначно, Иваново еванђеље, и заиста збирка сва четири еванђеља, затвара се објашњењем Јована да је писац овог еванђеља.

Дакле, погледајмо пажљивије у разговору, присподобама и избијању љубоморе.

У овом делу приче помињу се само два од седам ученика, Петар и Јован. Петар представља веру или истину, али истина о духовним стварима у које стварно верујемо од Бога. Јован представља добро или љубав према ближњем. Прво пребива у делу који разуме, а други у вољи.

Говорећи Петру да храни овце, Господ каже да следити Њега значи проповедати истине које сви ученици сада знају о Господу, његовом доласку и о томе како треба водити живот, како би могао бити следбеник Господ у новој цркви. У разговору је Господин директан и сондиран. "Симон, Јонасов сине, волиш ли ме више од овога?" Мислим да се Петра пита да ли воли Господа, Исуса, више него што воли своје колеге галилејске пријатеље, иако је то двосмислено, може ли значити „да ли ме волиш више од ових шесторице?“ Када Петар одговори први пут каже: "Господе, знаш да те волим."

Уз ово прво од три пробна питања, Господин одговара „Храните моја јагњета“, док је након тога одговор „Храните моје овце“. Овце и јагње обоје представљају људе који воле љубав према добру, али док овце значе оне који воле чинити добро ради ближњег, јагње значе оне који чине добро зарад Господа. Прво је духовно добро, а друго више, и назива се небеско добро. Али људи који у почетку желе чинити добро не знају шта је добро; они то морају научити из Речи и бити поучени. Због тога се Петру каже да их „нахрани“, што значи да истина мора указивати на то колико добро треба учинити. Да би се урадиле добре ствари, мора се повезати жеља воље и разумевање како се то може решити. За успешан хришћански живот, или у већем обиму, хришћанска црква, "Петар" и "Јован", морају да раде у складу.

Затим долази парабола. "Када сте били млади, сами сте се спремили и радили оно што сте желели. Али када постанете стари, морате посегнути за помоћ и други ће вас одвести тамо где не желите да идете."

Изгледа да се овде не уклапа, али наравно да јесте, и на два начина. Први начин је дат у библијском тексту; говори о Господиновој смрти да су га сва пророчанства водила ка његовом распећу, као што је већ поменуто. Други начин је лекција за све нас. Када смо млади, самоуверени и јаки, осећамо да можемо радити оно што желимо и није нам потребна никаква помоћ. Искушења да чинимо зло с којима се ми сами можемо суочити. Али кад будемо мудрији схватамо да сва наша снага долази од Господара, и ако наставимо да зависимо само од нас самих, искушења из пакла ће бити прејака и ми ћемо бити приморани да радимо оно што пакао желе за нас, а не оно што желимо. Морамо научити у почетку да следимо Господа и да зависимо од Њега. То каже на крају присподобе, где се чини да се не уклапа док не разумијемо присподобу. "А кад је то рекао, он им каже: слиједите ме." То је оно што такође морамо да урадимо.

Петар је сретан што проповиједа истину и можда осјећа да је издвојен, али такође схвата да Јован такође воли Господа и да је вољен заузврат. Па пита: "А шта овај човек треба да ради?" Изгледа да потребна хармонија још увек није присутна и да је Петер љубоморан на везу, и вероватно се нада да ће му бити осигурано да је број један ... али то се неће догодити. Петру је једноставно речено да то није важно; он мора да ради посао који му је дат.

Подсећам на причу о Јакову и Езаву, у Постанак 25, где је Езав прворођени и наследиће од Изак-а право рођења и благослов. Јаков занатом који је осмислила његова мајка превари Изака и краде оно што је Езав. Затим бежи у Падан-Арам и тамо остаје са ујаком и постаје богат. Тек се на повратку, када се бори са анђелом, а име му је промењено у Израел, поново среће са Изавом. Промјена имена значи да сада када је Јаков богат истином из Речи, сада пријатељским сусретом са Езавом, такође богатим, да се два близанаца могу у присподоби спојити у једну личност, звану Израел, што значи спајање добра и истина у уму.

Езав значи нешто слично Ивану, оба представљају доброту или истинску љубав. Јаков значи нешто слично Петру, оба представљају истину научену из Речи. Свако наизглед непријатељство између њих око тога што је важније може их учинити и бескорисним, а код особе која постаје анђеоска (као што би сви требали тежити) нема непријатељства. Истина омогућава добро, а добро надахњује истину да би се нешто постигло. Иако о њима можемо засебно мислити и говорити, они су (савршено у Господу, а мање речено у анђелима) спојени у јединство како бисмо могли да буду ожењени. Брак Божијег добра и Божанске истине је извор свега створења. Да, све креација.

Овај брак добра и истине и потреба да обоје радимо у нашим животима, у равнотежи и хармонији, темељни је новохришћански концепт.

У Еванђељима постоји само још једна прича која се дешава после ове. У њему се остали ученици придружују овде поменутим седморицама да чују последње Господове заповести.

스웨덴보그의 저서에서


Arcana Coelestia #4973

해당 구절 연구하기

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4973. 'And he was in the house of his lord the Egyptian' means to enable it to be introduced into natural good. This is clear from the meaning of 'lord' as good, dealt with below, and from the meaning of 'the Egyptian' as factual knowledge in general, and from this as that which is natural, dealt with in 4967. The reason 'being in the house' means being introduced is that 'house' is the mind in which good dwells, 3538, in this case the natural mind. Moreover 'house' is used in reference to good, 3652, 3720. The human being has both a natural mind and a rational mind. The natural mind exists within his external man, the rational within his internal. Known facts make up the truths that belong to the natural mind, and these are said to be there 'in their own house' when they are joined to good there; for good and truth together constitute a single house like husband and wife. But the forms of good and the truths which are the subject at present are of a more interior kind, for they are suited to the celestial of the spiritual from the rational, which is represented by 'Joseph'. Those suitable interior truths within the natural are applicable to useful purposes, while interior forms of good in the same are the useful purposes themselves.

[2] The expression 'lord' is used many times in the Word, but unless a person is acquainted with the internal sense he assumes that 'lord' has no other meaning than what the word has when used in ordinary conversation. But 'lord' is used nowhere in the Word other than in reference to good, as is similarly the case with the name 'Jehovah'. When however reference is being made to truth, 'God' and also 'king are used. This then is the reason why 'lord' means good, as may also be seen from the following places: In Moses,

Jehovah your God, He is God of gods, and Lord of lords. Deuteronomy 10:17.

In David,

Confess Jehovah, confess the God of gods, confess the Lord of lords. Psalms 136:1-3

In these places Jehovah or the Lord is called 'God of gods' by virtue of Divine Truth which goes forth from Him, and 'Lord of lords' by virtue of Divine Good which exists within Him.

[3] Similarly in John,

The Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings. Revelation 17:14.

And in the same book,

The One sitting on the white horse has on His robe and on His thigh the name written, King of kings and Lord of lords. Revelation 19:16.

The Lord is called 'King of kings' by virtue of Divine Truth, and 'Lord of lords' by virtue of Divine Good, as is evident from the individual expressions used here. 'The name written' is His true nature, 144, 145, 1754, 1896, 2009, 2724, 3006. 'His robe' on which it is written is the truth of faith, 1073, 2576, 4545, 4763. 'His thigh' on which likewise that nature is written is the good of love, 3021, 4277, 4280, 4575. From this too it is evident that by virtue of Divine Truth the Lord is called 'King of kings and by virtue of Divine Good 'Lord of lords'. For more about the Lord being called King by virtue of Divine Truth, see 2015, 2069, 3009, 3670, 4581.

[4] From this it is also plain what 'the Lord's Christ' means in Luke,

Simeon received an answer from the Holy Spirit that he would not see death until he had seen the Lord's Christ. Luke 2:26.

'The Lord's Christ' is the Divine Truth that goes with Divine Good, for 'Christ' is one and the same as Messiah, and Messiah is the Anointed or King, 3008, 3009, 'the Lord' in this case being Jehovah. The name Jehovah is not used anywhere in the New Testament Word, but instead of Jehovah, the Lord and God are used, see 2921, as again in Luke,

Jesus said, How can they say that the Christ is David's son when David himself says in the Book of Psalms, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand? Luke 20:41, 41.

The same appears in David as follows,

Jehovah said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand. Psalms 110:1.

It is obvious that Jehovah in David is called Lord in the gospel, 'Lord' in this case standing for the Divine Good of the Divine Human. Omnipotence is meant by 'sitting at the right hand', 3387, 4592, 4933 (end).

[5] While in the world the Lord was Divine Truth, but once He was glorified, that is, had made the Human within Him Divine, He became Divine Good, from which Divine Truth subsequently goes forth. This explains why after the Resurrection the disciples did not call Him Master, as they had before, but Lord, as is evident in John 21:7, 12, 15-17, 20, and also in the other gospels. Divine Truth - which the Lord was while in the world and which subsequently goes forth from Him, that is, from Divine Good - is also called 'the Angel of the Covenant', in Malachi,

Suddenly there will come to His temple the Lord whom you are seeking, and the Angel of the Covenant in whom you delight. Malachi 3:1.

[6] Because 'Lord' is used to mean Divine Good and 'King' Divine Truth, therefore in places where the Lord is spoken of as having dominion and a kingdom 'dominion' has reference to Divine Good and 'a kingdom' to Divine Truth. For the same reason the Lord is called 'Lord of the nations' but 'King of the peoples', for 'nations' means those governed by good, 'peoples' those governed by truth, 1259, 1260, 1849, 3581

[7] Good is called 'lord' as against a servant, and 'father' as against a son, as in Malachi,

A son should honour his father, and a servant his lord. If I am a Father, where is My honour? And if I am a Lord, where is the fear of Me? Malachi 1:6.

And in David,

To be a slave JOSEPH was sold. The word of Jehovah tested him. The king sent and released him, he who had dominion over nations set him free and placed him as lord of his house and as one with dominion over all his possessions. Psalms 105:17, 19-22.

Here, as is evident from each individual expression, 'Joseph' is used to mean the Lord, 'lord' in this instance being the Divine Good of the Divine Human.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

스웨덴보그의 저서에서


Arcana Coelestia #4545

해당 구절 연구하기

/ 10837  

4545. 'And be purified, and change your garments' means the holiness that was to be put on. This is clear from the meaning of 'being purified' or being cleansed as being made holy, dealt with below, and from the meaning of 'changing one's garments' as putting on, in this case putting on holy truths, for in the internal sense of the Word truths are meant by 'garments'. It is quite evident that 'changing one's garments' was an accepted representative within the Church, but what that custom represented no one can know unless he knows what 'garments' means in the internal sense - namely truths, see 2576. Because in the internal sense the casting aside of falsities and the arrangement by good of truths within the natural is the subject here, it is therefore recorded that Jacob commanded them to change their garments.

[2] 'Changing their garments' was representative of the need to put on holy truths, as may also be seen from other places in the Word, as in Isaiah,

Awake, awake, put on your strength, O Zion, put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city, for there will no more come into you the uncircumcised and the unclean. Isaiah 52:1.

Since 'Zion' means the celestial Church and 'Jerusalem' the spiritual Church, and the celestial Church is that which dwells in good by virtue of its love to the Lord, and the spiritual Church in truth by virtue of its faith and charity, 'strength' is therefore used in reference to Zion, and 'garments' in reference to Jerusalem. And when clothed with these the two are 'clean'.

[3] In Zechariah,

Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and so stood before the angel. And [the angel] answered and said to those standing before him - he said - Remove the filthy garments from upon him. And he said to him, See, I have caused your iniquity to pass away from upon you, by putting on you a change of garments Zechariah 3:3-4.

From this place too it is evident that 'removing garments' and 'putting on a change of garments' represented purification from falsities, for the words 'I have caused your iniquity to pass away from upon you' are used. This also explains why people had changes of garments - which they called simply 'changes', an expression occurring in various places in the Word - because different representations were set forth by means of those changes.

[4] Because the kinds of things mentioned here were represented by changes of garments it is therefore said in Ezekiel, in the description of the new Temple, which in the internal sense means a new Church,

When the priests enter they shall not go out of the holy place to the outer court, but there shall lay aside their garments in which they have ministered, for these are holy, 1 and they shall put on other garments and go near the things which are for the people. Ezekiel 42:14.

And in the same prophet,

When they go out to the outer court, to the people, they shall put off their garments in which they have been ministering and lay them in the holy chambers, and they shall put on other garments, and they shall not sanctify the people in their own garments. 2 Ezekiel 44:19.

[5] Anyone may see that a new temple and the holy city and land which are referred to by the prophet in this chapter, and in the chapters before and after it, are not used to mean any new temple, new city, or new land. For reference is made to sacrifices and religious ceremonies being introduced anew, when in fact these had to be brought to an end; and mention is also made of how the tribes of Israel, referred to by name, were to divide the land among themselves into inheritances, when in fact they were dispersed and never returned to the land. From this it is evident that the religious ceremonies referred to in those chapters mean the spiritual and celestial things constituting the Church. Much the same is meant by Aaron's change of garments when he was going to minister, to offer a burnt offering; in Moses,

He shall put on his linen robe, and linen breeches. He shall place the ashes at the side of the altar. After he takes off his own garments and puts on other garments he shall carry away the ashes to a clean place outside the camp. Leviticus 6:9-12.

This was what he had to do when offering the burnt offering.

[6] As regards 'being cleansed' meaning being made holy, this may be seen from the cleansings that were commanded, such as the command to wash their flesh and their garments, and the command to be sprinkled with the waters of separation. Everyone who knows anything about the spiritual man may also recognize that nobody is made holy by carrying out commands such as these. For what does iniquity or sin have to do with the garments a person is wearing? Yet it is stated several times that after people had cleansed themselves they would be holy. From this it is also evident that such rituals which the Israelites were commanded to carry out were in no way holy except by virtue of their representation of holy things, and that as a consequence people who served as representers did not on that account become holy persons. It was the holiness they represented, quite apart from them as actual persons, that stirred the affections of the spirits present with them, and through these the affections of the angels in heaven, 4307.

[7] For in order that the human race may be kept in being, human beings must of necessity live in communication with heaven; and that communication is effected through the Church. Otherwise human beings would become like animals, lacking any restraints internally or externally, so that all would plunge unchecked into the destruction of others and would annihilate one another. And because in the time of the Israelites no communication through any Church was possible, the Lord therefore provided in an amazing way for a communication to be effected by means of representatives. It is evident from many places in the Word that being made holy was represented by the ritual observance of washing and cleansing, as when Jehovah came down on Mount Sinai and then said to Moses,

Make them holy today and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments and be ready on the third day. Exodus 19:10-11.

In Ezekiel,

I will sprinkle clean water over you, and you will be cleansed from all your uncleannesses, and from all your idols I will cleanse you. And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit will I give in the midst of you. Ezekiel 36:25-26.

Here it is plain that 'sprinkling clean water' represented purification of the heart, so that 'being cleansed' means being made holy.


1. literally, holiness

2. The Latin means they shall sanctify the people in other garments, but the Hebrew means they shall not sanctify the people in their own garments, which Swedenborg has in another place where he quotes this verse.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.