

Giudici 6:27



27 Allora Gedeone prese dieci uomini fra i suoi servitori e fece come l’Eterno gli avea detto; ma, non osando farlo di giorno, per paura della casa di suo padre e della gente della città, lo fece di notte.





Mountains in the Bible represent people's highest points, where we are closest to the Lord -- our love of the Lord and the state of caring for one another. By extension, then, it makes sense that valleys represent our lowest points, the ones most distant from the Lord: Our external, bodily lives in the day-to-day world. Valleys can also represent the external level of other things, depending on context. For instance, the Valley of Shinar, where the Tower of Babel was built, represents the external state of worship people had at the time. And in Genesis 26:19, when Isaac's servants dig a well in a valley, it represents seeking true ideas in the external, literal sense of the Bible.