La Bibbia


Второзаконие 1:19



19 И отправились мы от Хорива, и шли по всей этой великой и страшной пустыне, которую вы видели, по пути к горе Аморрейской, как повелел Господь, Бог наш, и пришли в Кадес-Варни.



Erläuterung zu Deuteronomium 1

Da Alexander Payne (tradotto automaticamente in Deutsch)

Verse 1-8. Eine allgemeine Zusammenfassung.

Verse 9-18. Die Auswahl der richtigen Prinzipien im Geist.

Verse 19-21. Aufforderung zum Eintritt in das himmlische Leben.

Verse 22-25. Eine Untersuchung darüber, was das himmlische Leben ausmacht.

Verse 26-40. Der Unwille des unerneuerten Herzens, es zu betreten.

Verse 41-46. Der Versuch, dies aus der Selbstbezogenheit und der Niederlage in der Versuchung heraus zu tun.

Dalle opere di Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #10701

Studia questo passo

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10701. 'And he put a veil over his face' means that the inward form which the Church, worship, and the Word take was not visible to the Israelite nation, only the outward without the inward. This is clear from the meaning of 'putting a veil over his face' as closing the inward level in order that the outward form alone, without what exists on the inward level, may be seen. For 'the gleaming of the skin of Moses' face' means the shining forth of the inward level of the Word, the Church, and worship within outward things, see above in 10691. But the interest of that nation lay, as it does at the present day, in outward things devoid of what is inward, see in the places referred to above in 10692. From all this it is also evident how the outward form which the Word, the Church, and worship take among that nation appears in heaven; that is to say, not indeed as a human face but as a veil before the face. For obscurity like this exists with them so far as the interior things of the Word are concerned.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.