1 kuningat 3:15



15 Ja Saalomon ärkas, ja vaata, see oli olnud unenägu. Kui ta tuli Jeruusalemma, siis ta astus Issanda seaduselaeka ette, ohverdas põletusohvreid ja valmistas tänuohvreid ning tegi kõigile oma sulaseile suure peo.

Commento a questo verso  

Da Henry MacLagan

Verse 15. The celestial man, therefore, is aroused by the obscure perception which is granted to him, the consequence of which is, a closer conjunction of goodness with truth, or of the celestial with the spiritual, involving a recognition of inmost good, and the consecration to the Lord of all affections both internal and external in a free state, and thus the full appropriation of good in the natural man.