Le texte de la Bible


Deutéronome 28



1 Or il arrivera que si tu obéis exactement à la voix de l'Eternel ton Dieu, et que tu prennes garde de faire tous ses commandements que je te prescris aujourd'hui, l'Eternel ton Dieu te rendra haut élevé par dessus toutes les nations de la terre.

2 Et toutes ces bénédictions ici viendront sur toi, et t'atteindront, quand tu obéiras à la voix de l'Eternel ton Dieu.

3 Tu seras béni dans la ville, tu seras aussi béni aux champs.

4 Le fruit de ton ventre sera béni, et le fruit de ta terre, et le fruit de ton bétail; les portées de tes vaches, et les brebis de ton troupeau.

5 Ta corbeille sera bénie; et ta maie aussi.

6 Tu seras béni en ton entrée, et tu seras aussi béni en ta sortie.

7 L'Eternel fera que tes ennemis qui s'élèveront contre toi, seront battus devant toi; ils sortiront contre toi par un chemin, et ils s'enfuiront devant toi par sept chemins.

8 L'Eternel commandera à la bénédiction qu'elle soit avec toi, dans tes greniers, et dans tout ce à quoi tu mettras ta main; et il te bénira au pays que L'Eternel ton Dieu te donne.

9 L'Eternel ton Dieu t'établira pour lui être un peuple saint, selon qu'il te l'a juré, quand tu garderas les commandements de L'Eternel ton Dieu, et que tu marcheras dans ses voies.

10 Et tous les peuples de la terre verront que le Nom de l'Eternel est réclamé sur toi, et ils auront peur de toi.

11 Et l'Eternel ton Dieu te fera abonder en biens, [multipliant] le fruit de ton ventre, et le fruit de tes bêtes, et le fruit de ta terre, sur la terre que l'Eternel a juré à tes pères de te donner.

12 L'Eternel t'ouvrira son bon trésor, [savoir] les cieux, pour donner la pluie, telle qu'il faut à ta terre en sa saison, et pour bénir tout le travail de tes mains; et tu prêteras à beaucoup de nations, et tu n'emprunteras point.

13 L'Eternel te mettra à la tête, et non à la queue, et tu seras seulement au dessus, et non point au dessous; quand tu obéiras aux commandements de L'Eternel ton Dieu que je te prescris aujourd'hui, afin que tu prennes garde de les faire;

14 Et que tu ne te détournes ni à droite ni à gauche d'aucune des paroles que je te commande aujourd'hui, pour marcher après d'autres dieux, [et] pour les servir.

15 Mais si tu n'obéis point à la voix de l'Eternel ton Dieu, pour prendre garde de faire tous ses commandements et ses statuts que je te prescris aujourd'hui, il arrivera que toutes ces malédictions-ci viendront sur toi, et t'atteindront.

16 Tu seras maudit dans la ville, et tu seras aussi maudit aux champs.

17 Ta corbeille sera maudite, et ta maie aussi.

18 Le fruit de ton ventre sera maudit, et le fruit de ta terre; les portées de tes vaches, et les brebis de ton troupeau.

19 Tu seras maudit en ton entrée, tu seras aussi maudit en ta sortie.

20 L'Eternel enverra sur toi la malédiction, l'effroi, et la dissipation dans tout ce à quoi tu mettras la main [et] que tu feras, jusqu'à ce que tu sois détruit, et que tu périsses [promptement], à cause de la méchanceté des actions par lesquelles tu m'auras abandonné.

21 L'Eternel fera que la mortalité s'attachera à toi, jusqu'à ce qu'il t'aura consumé de dessus la terre en laquelle tu vas pour la posséder.

22 L'Eternel te frappera de langueur, d'ardeur, de fièvre, de chaleur brûlante, d'épée, de sécheresse et de nielle, qui te poursuivront jusqu'à ce que tu périsses.

23 Et tes cieux, qui [seront] sur ta tête, seront d'airain; et la terre qui [sera] sous toi, sera de fer.

24 L'Eternel te donnera au lieu de la pluie telle qu'il faut à ta terre, une poussière menue, et une poudre [qui] descendra sur toi des cieux, jusqu'à ce que tu sois exterminé.

25 Et l'Eternel fera que tu seras battu devant tes ennemis. Tu sortiras par un chemin contr'eux, et tu t'enfuiras devant eux par sept chemins; et tu seras vagabond par tous les Royaumes de la terre.

26 Et tes corps morts seront en viande à tous les oiseaux des cieux, et aux bêtes de la terre, et il n'y aura personne qui les effarouche.

27 L'Eternel te frappera de l'ulcère d'Egypte, d'hémorroïdes, de gale, et de grattelle, dont tu ne pourras guérir.

28 L'Eternel te frappera de frénésie, et d'aveuglement, et de stupidité.

29 Tu iras tâtonnant en plein midi, comme un aveugle tâtonne dans les ténèbres; tu n'amèneras point tes entreprises à un heureux succès, tu ne feras autre chose que souffrir des injustices et le pillage; et il n'y aura personne qui te garantisse.

30 Tu fianceras une femme, mais un autre couchera avec elle; tu bâtiras des maisons, mais tu n'y demeureras point; tu planteras des vignes, mais tu n'en cueilleras point le fruit pour toi.

31 Ton bœuf sera tué devant tes yeux, mais tu n'en mangeras point; ton âne sera ravi de devant toi, et ne te sera point rendu; tes brebis seront livrées à tes ennemis, et tu n'auras personne qui [les] en retire.

32 Tes fils et tes filles seront livrés à un autre peuple, et tes yeux le verront, et se consumeront tout le jour en [regardant] vers eux; et tu n'auras aucun pouvoir en ta main.

33 Et le peuple que tu n'auras point connu, mangera le fruit de ta terre, et tout ton travail; et tu ne feras autre chose que souffrir des injustices et des concussions tous les jours.

34 Et tu seras hors du sens à cause des choses que tu verras de tes yeux.

35 L'Eternel te frappera d'un ulcère malin sur les genoux, et sur les cuisses, dont tu ne pourras être guéri; [il t'en frappera] depuis la plante de ton pied jusqu'au sommet de ta tête.

36 L'Eternel te fera marcher, toi et ton Roi que tu auras établi sur toi, vers une nation que tu n'auras point connue, ni toi, ni tes pères, et tu serviras là d'autres dieux, le bois, et la pierre.

37 Et tu seras là un sujet d'étonnement, de railleries, et d'invectives parmi tous les peuples vers lesquels l'Eternel t'aura emmené.

38 Tu jetteras beaucoup de semence dans ton champ, et tu en recueilleras peu; car les sauterelles la consumeront.

39 Tu planteras des vignes, tu les cultiveras, mais tu n'en boiras point le vin, et tu n'[en] recueilleras rien; car les vers en mangeront le fruit.

40 Tu auras des oliviers en tous tes quartiers, mais tu ne t'oindras point d'huile; car tes oliviers perdront leur fruit.

41 Tu engendreras des fils et des filles, mais ils ne seront pas à toi, car ils iront en captivité.

42 Les hannetons gâteront tous tes arbres, et le fruit de ta terre.

43 L'étranger qui est au milieu de toi, montera au dessus de toi bien haut, et tu descendras bien bas.

44 Il te prêtera, et tu ne lui prêteras point; il sera à la tête, et tu seras à la queue.

45 Et toutes ces malédictions viendront sur toi, et te poursuivront, et t'atteindront, jusqu'à ce que tu sois exterminé; parce que tu n'auras pas obéi à la voix de l'Eternel ton Dieu, pour garder ses commandements et ses statuts qu'il t'a prescrits.

46 Et ces choses seront en toi et en ta postérité, pour signes et pour prodiges à jamais.

47 Et parce que tu n'auras pas servi l'Eternel ton Dieu avec joie, et de bon cœur, malgré l'abondance de toutes choses;

48 Tu serviras, dans la faim, dans la soif, dans la nudité, et dans la disette de toutes choses, ton ennemi, que l'Eternel enverra contre toi; et il mettra un joug de fer sur ton cou, jusqu'à ce qu'il t'ait exterminé.

49 L'Eternel fera lever contre toi de loin, du bout de la terre, une nation qui volera comme vole l'aigle; une nation dont tu n'entendras pas la langue.

50 Une nation impudente, qui n'aura point d'égard à la personne du vieillard, et qui n'aura point pitié de l'enfant.

51 Elle mangera le fruit de tes bêtes, et les fruits de ta terre, jusqu'à ce que tu sois exterminé. Elle ne te laissera rien de reste, soit froment, soit vin, soit huile, ou portée de tes vaches, ou brebis de ton troupeau, jusqu'à ce qu'elle t'ait ruiné.

52 Et elle t'assiégera dans toutes tes villes, jusqu'à ce que tes murailles les plus hautes et les plus fortes, sur lesquelles tu te seras assuré en tout ton pays, tombent par terre. Elle assiégera, dis-je, toutes tes villes dans tout le pays que l'Eternel ton Dieu t'aura donné.

53 Tu mangeras le fruit de ton ventre, la chair de tes fils et de tes filles que l'Eternel ton Dieu t'aura donnés, dans le siège et dans la détresse dont ton ennemi te serrera.

54 L'homme le plus tendre et le plus délicat d'entre vous regardera d'un œil malin son frère et sa femme bien-aimée, et le reste de ses enfants qu'il aura réservés;

55 Pour ne donner à aucun d'eux de la chair de ses enfants, laquelle il mangera; parce qu'il ne lui sera rien demeuré du tout, à cause du siège et de la détresse dont ton ennemi te serrera dans toutes tes villes.

56 La femme la plus tendre et la plus délicate d'entre vous, qui n'eût point osé mettre la plante de son pied sur la terre, par délicatesse et par mollesse, regardera d'un œil malin son mari bien-aimé, son fils, et sa fille;

57 Et la taie de son petit enfant qui sortira d'entre ses pieds, et les enfants qu'elle enfantera; car elle les mangera secrètement dans la disette de toutes choses, à cause du siège et de la détresse, dont ton ennemi te serrera dans toutes les villes.

58 Si tu ne prends garde de faire toutes les paroles de cette Loi, qui sont écrites dans ce livre, en craignant le Nom glorieux et terrible de l'Eternel ton Dieu;

59 Alors l'Eternel rendra tes plaies et les plaies de ta postérité des plaies étranges, des plaies grandes et de durée, des maladies malignes et longues.

60 Et il fera retourner sur toi toutes les langueurs d'Egypte, desquelles tu as eu peur, et elles s'attacheront à toi.

61 Même l'Eternel fera venir sur toi toute [autre] maladie, et toute [autre] plaie, qui n'est point écrite au livre de cette Loi, jusqu'à ce que tu sois exterminé.

62 Et vous resterez en petit nombre, après avoir été comme les étoiles des cieux, tant vous étiez en grand nombre; parce que tu n'auras point obéi à la voix de l'Eternel ton Dieu.

63 Et il arrivera que comme l'Eternel s'est réjoui sur vous, en vous faisant du bien, et en vous multipliant ; de même l'Eternel se réjouira sur vous en vous faisant périr, et en vous exterminant; et vous serez arrachés de dessus la terre dans laquelle vous allez pour la posséder.

64 Et l'Eternel te dispersera parmi tous les peuples, depuis un bout de la terre jusqu'à l'autre; et tu serviras là d'autres dieux, que ni toi ni tes pères n'avez point connus, le bois et la pierre.

65 Encore n'auras-tu aucun repos parmi ces nations-là; même la plante de ton pied n'aura aucun repos ; car l'Eternel te donnera là un cœur tremblant, et défaillance d'yeux, et détresse d'âme.

66 Et ta vie sera pendante devant toi; et tu seras dans l'effroi nuit et jour, et ne seras point assuré de ta vie.

67 Tu diras le matin : Qui me fera voir le soir? et le soir tu diras : Qui me fera voir le matin? à cause de l'effroi dont ton cœur sera effrayé, et à cause des choses que tu verras de tes yeux.

68 Et l'Eternel te fera retourner en Egypte sur des navires, pour faire le chemin duquel je t'ai dit : Il ne t'arrivera plus de le voir; et vous vous vendrez là à vos ennemis pour [être] esclaves et servantes, et il n'y aura personne qui vous achète.


Des oeuvres de Swedenborg


Apocalypse Explained #695

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695. And to give the reward to thy servants the prophets and to the saints.- That this signifies heaven to those who are in truths of doctrine and in a life according to them, is evident from the signification of giving reward, as denoting salvation, consequently heaven; from the signification of his servants the prophets, as denoting those who are in truths of doctrine, for those are called servants of the Lord who are in truths, because truths serve to produce, confirm, and preserve good, and whatever serves good, serves the Lord, for all good is from the Lord, and they are called prophets who teach doctrine, therefore in an abstract sense, they signify doctrine (that those are called servants of God who are in truths, may be seen above, n. 6, 409; and prophets, those who teach doctrine, and in an abstract sense doctrines, n. 624); and from the signification of saints, as denoting those who are in the truths of doctrine from the Word, and in a life according them (concerning which see above n. 204). It is therefore evident, that to give the reward to his servants the prophets, and to the saints, signifies heaven to those who are in truths of doctrine and in a life according to them.

[2] That reward signifies salvation, and thus heaven, is evident without enlargement and explanation. But because few know what is properly meant by reward, it shall be stated. Reward properly means that delight, blessedness, and happiness which is contained in the love or affection for good and truth; this love or affection has in itself all that joy of heart which is called heavenly joy, and also heaven. The reason is, that the Lord is in this love or affection, and with the Lord also heaven. It is this joy, therefore, or this delight, blessedness, and happiness, that is properly meant by the reward which those will receive who do good and speak truth from love and affection for good and truth, thus from the Lord, and not in any way from themselves; and as they do this from the Lord, and not from themselves, therefore the reward is not of merit but of grace. From these things it is evident, that he who knows what heavenly joy is, may know also what reward is. What heavenly joy is in its essence may be seen in Heaven and Hell 395-414). This therefore is the signification of the reward which is given to those who are in truths from good; but the reward that those have who are in falsities from evil is joy or delight, and good fortune and happiness, in the world, but hell after their departure out of the world.

[3] From these few things the signification of reward in the following passages is clear.

In Isaiah:

"Behold the Lord Jehovih cometh in might; behold his reward is with him, and his recompense before him" (40:10).

In the same:

"Say to the daughter of Zion, Behold thy salvation cometh, and his recompense before him" (62:11).

And in the Apocalypse:

"Behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every one as his work shall be" (22:12).

Behold the Lord Jehovih cometh in might, and behold thy salvation cometh, and behold he cometh quickly, signify the first and second coming of the Lord. His reward is with him, signifies heaven, and all things pertaining to it, as above, for where the Lord is, there is heaven, heaven not being heaven from the angels there, but from the Lord with the angels. That they will receive heaven according to the love and affection for good and truth from the Lord, is meant by, his recompense before him, and by giving to every one as his work shall be. The work for which heaven shall be given as a reward, means nothing else than work from the love or affection for good and truth, for every work in man must spring out of that from which heaven exists. For a work derives its all from love or affection, just as an effect derives its all from the efficient cause, therefore as is the love or affection, so is the work. It is consequently evident what is meant by the work according to which it shall be given to every one, and what by recompense.

[4] Similarly in Isaiah:

"I Jehovah, who love judgment, will give the reward of their work in truth, and will make with them a covenant of eternity" (61:8).

The judgment which Jehovah loves signifies truth in faith, affection, and act, for man has judgment from truth, both when he thinks and desires truth, and when he speaks truth and acts according to it. And because this is signified by judgment, therefore it is said, "I will give the reward of their work in truth," that is, heaven according to faith in and affection for truth in act. And as from this there is conjunction with the Lord, from whom reward comes, therefore it is also said, "I will make with them a covenant of eternity"; for covenant, in the Word, signifies conjunction by love, and a covenant of eternity signifies conjunction by the love of good and truth, for this love being of the Lord Himself because it proceeds from Him, is conjunctive.

[5] That to love good and truth for the sake of good and truth is reward, because the Lord and heaven are in that love, is also evident from the following passages.

In Matthew:

"Do not ye your alms before men, to be seen of them, for otherwise ye have no reward of your Father, who is in the heavens. When thou doest alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do, in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory from men; verily I say to you, they have their reward. But thou, when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth, that thine alms may be in secret; then thy Father who seeth in secret, will reward thee openly. And if thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues, and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men; verily I say to you, they have their reward; but thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy chamber, and having shut thy door, pray to thy Father, who is in secret; then thy Father who seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly" (6:1-6).

By alms, in the most general sense, is signified all the good which a man desires and does, and by praying, in the same sense, is signified all the truth which a man thinks and speaks. Those who do these two things in order to be seen, that is, to make a display, do good and speak truth for the sake of themselves and ofthe world, that is, for the sake of glory, which is the delight of self love, and this they receive from the world. Because delight in glory is the reward of such persons, it is said that they have their reward; but this delight in glory, which in the world seems to them like heaven, is changed into hell after their departure out of the world. But those who do good and speak truth, not for the sake of themselves and of the world, but for the sake of good itself and truth itself, are meant by those who do alms in secret, and who pray in secret, for these act, and pray from love or affection, thus from the Lord. This therefore is to love good and truth for the sake of good and truth; of these therefore it is said, that their Father in the heavens will reward them openly. Thus reward is to be in goods and truths from love or affection, which is the same thing as to be in them from the Lord, since in these is heaven together with all the happiness and blessedness of heaven.

[6] In Luke:

"When thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not the rich, lest haply they should call thee in return, and a recompense be made thee, but call the poor, then shalt thou be blessed, for they have not wherewith to recompense thee; for it shall be recompensed thee in the resurrection" of the dead (14:12-14).

To make a dinner and a supper, and to call them, signifies the same as giving to eat and drink, or giving bread and wine, namely, to do good to the neighbour, and to teach truth, and thus to be associated in love. Those therefore who do this with a view to be recompensed, do it not for the sake of good and truth, thus not from the Lord, but for the sake of themselves and the world, and thus from hell; while those who do this, not for the purpose of being recompensed, do it for its own sake, namely, for the sake of good and truth; and those who act for the sake of these act from them, thus from the Lord, who is the source of these with man. The heavenly blessedness which is in and thus from those deeds is reward, and is meant by, it shall be recompensed thee in the resurrection of the dead.

[7] In the same:

"Rather love your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; then shall your reward be much, and ye shall be sons of the Most High" (6:35).

The signification of these words is similar to that above, namely, that good is not to be done for the sake of recompense, that is, for the sake of self and the world, thus not for the sake of reputation, glory, honour, and gain, but for the sake of the Lord, that is for the sake of good itself and truth itself which they have from the Lord, and in which therefore the Lord is. To love enemies and do good to them, means here in the nearest sense, to love the Gentiles and do good to them, and this by teaching them truth and leading them to good by means of it; for the Jewish nation called their own people brethren and friends, but they called the Gentiles foes and enemies. To lend signifies to communicate the goods and truths of doctrine from the Word; hoping for nothing again, signifies, not for the sake of any thing of self and of the world, but for the sake of good and truth. Then shall your reward be much, signifies that then heaven with its happiness and delights shall be theirs; and ye shall be sons of the Most High, signifies because they do these things not from themselves but from the Lord. For he who does good and teaches truth from the Lord is His son, but not he who does good from self; and this is what every one does who looks to honour and gain as the end of his actions.

[8] In Matthew:

"He that receiveth a prophet, in the name of a prophet, shall receive a prophet's reward; he that receiveth a just man, in the name of a just man, shall receive a just man's reward. Whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a drink of cold [water] only, in the name of a disciple, he shall not lose his reward" (10:41, 42).

How these words of the Lord are to be understood, no one can see except from their internal or spiritual sense; for who can know what is meant by receiving a prophet's reward, and a just man's reward, and by receiving a prophet and a just man in the name of a prophet and of a just man? also what is meant by the reward which he shall receive who shall give to drink unto one of the little ones a drink of cold [water] only, in the name of a disciple? Without the internal spiritual sense, who can see that these words mean that every one will receive heaven and the joy thereof according to his affection for truth and good, and according to obedience?

[9] That this is the meaning becomes evident, when it is seen that prophet means the truth of doctrine, just man, the good of love, and disciple, the truth and good of the Word and of the church, and that in their name means for the sake of these, and according to their quality in those who do and teach them; also that reward means heaven, as said above, namely, that heaven is with every one in the measure of his affection for truth and good, and according to its quantity and quality. For all things of heaven are inscribed on these affections, since no one can possess these affections except from the Lord, for it is the Divine proceeding from the Lord, in which and from which heaven is.

[10] To give to drink a drink of cold [water] only unto one of the little ones, in the name of a disciple, means to do good and teach truth from obedience, for water signifies truth in affection, and cold water, truth in obedience, for obedience alone is a natural and not a spiritual affection, and is therefore comparatively cold; and a disciple in whose name or for whose sake it is given to drink, signifies the truth and good of the Word and of the church. That a prophet signifies the truth of doctrine, may be seen above (n. 624); that a just man signifies the good of love (n. 204); that a disciple signifies the truth and good of the Word and of the church (n. 100, 122); and that name signifies the quality of a thing and state (n. 102, 135, 148, 676).

[11] In Mark:

"Whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye are Christ's, verily I say unto you, he shall not lose his reward" (9:41).

These words also mean that those shall receive the delight of heaven who from affection hear, receive, and teach the truth, because truth and the affection for it are from the Lord, thus for the Lord's sake and consequently also for the truth's sake, since because ye are Christ's signifies for the sake of Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord. That Christ is the Lord as to Divine Truth, and thus Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord, may be seen above (n. 684, 685).

[12] In Zechariah:

"The foundation of the house of Jehovah Zebaoth was laid, that the temple might be built; for before these days there was no reward of man, or reward of beast, and to him that went out and to him that came in no peace from the enemy. Now the seed of peace; the vine shall give fruit, and the earth shall give its produce, and the heavens shall give their dew" (8:9, 10, 12).

These things are spoken of a new church to be established by the Lord at the devastation of the old. The new church which shall be established is signified by the house of Jehovah Zebaoth whose foundation was laid, and by the temple which shall be built; the house of Jehovah signifies the church as to good, and the temple, the church as to truth, as may be seen above (n. 220). Before these days there was no reward of man, or reward of beast, signifies that before this no one had any spiritual affection for truth and good, or any natural affection for truth and good, man signifying spiritual affection for truth, beast, natural affection for good, and reward heaven, which those possess who are in affections for truth and good. That man signifies spiritual affection for truth, and consequent intelligence, may be seen above (n. 280, 546, 547); and that beast signifies natural affection (n. 650).

[13] To him that went out and to him that came in, no peace from the enemy, signifies that heretofore they had been infested by hell in every state of life, going out and coming in signifying the state of life from beginning to end, no peace, infestation by evils and falsities therefrom, while enemy signifies hell, the source of evils and falsities. The seed of peace signifies the truth of heaven and of the church, which is from the Lord; this is called the seed of peace, because it defends against the hells, and gives security. The vine shall give its fruit, and the earth its produce, signifies that spiritual affection for truth shall bring forth the good of charity, and natural affection for good and truth shall, bring forth the works of charity, the vine signifying the church as to the spiritual affection for truth, the earth, the church as to the natural affection for truth, fruit, the good of charity, and produce, the works of that good. The heavens shall give dew signifies that these things are from influx through heaven from the Lord.

[14] In John:

"Lift up your eyes, and behold the fields that they are white already for harvest, and he that reapeth receiveth reward and gathereth fruit unto life eternal, that he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together" (4:35, 36).

These things also are said of a new church from the Lord. That it is at hand is signified by the fields being white already for harvest; those of that church who are in the spiritual affection for truth, and thus in heaven, are meant by, he that reapeth receiveth reward, and gathereth fruit unto eternal life; and the Lord Himself, from whom the affection for truth, and heaven are derived, is meant by he that soweth may rejoice together [with him that reapeth.]

[15] In Jeremiah:

"Rachel mourning for her sons, refused to be comforted for her sons, because they were not. But refrain thy voice from weeping and thine eyes from tears, for there is reward for thy labour; for they shall return from the land of the enemy, and there is hope for thy latter end, for thy sons shall return to their own border" (31:15-17; Matthew 2:18).

That these words refer to the infant boys that were put to death in Bethlehem by command of Herod is evident from the passage cited in Matthew, but what this signified has not yet been known; the signification is this, that when the Lord came into the world, there was no spiritual truth remaining. For Rachel represented the internal spiritual church, and Leah, the external natural church, Bethlehem the Spiritual, and the boys who were put to death, truth from that source. That there was no spiritual truth any longer remaining is signified by Rachel mourning for her sons, and refusing to be comforted for her sons, because, they were not.

[16] That henceforth there will be no grief on that account, because the Lord has been born, from whom there will be a new church, which will be in truths from spiritual affection, is signified by, refrain thy voice from weeping and thine eyes from tears, for there is reward for thy labour, His reward signifying heaven with those who will be of that church from a spiritual affection for truth, and labour signifying the Lord's combat against the hells, and the subjugation of them, in order that a new church might be established. That a new church will be established in the place of the one that perished, is signified by they shall return from the land of the enemy, and there is hope for thy latter end, also by, thy sons shall return to their own border; to return from the land of the enemy signifies to be brought out of hell, hope for thy latter end, signifies the end of the former church and the beginning of the new, while the sons returning to the border signifies that spiritual truths will exist with those who will be of that new church.

[17] Again in Isaiah:

"I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength in emptiness and vanity; yet surely my judgment is with Jehovah and the reward of my work with my God" (49:4).

This also is said of a new church to be established by the Lord. That it could not be established with the Jewish nation, because truths could not be received by that nation from any spiritual affection, is meant by, I said, I have laboured in vain, I have spent my strength in emptiness and vanity. That still a spiritual church is being provided by the Lord, namely, among the nations, is signified by, my judgment is with Jehovah, and the reward of my work is with my God; reward here signifies the church which is in the spiritual affection for truth; labour and work signify the combat of the Lord against the hells, and their subjugation by means of which He restored the equilibrium between heaven and hell, in which man is able to receive truth, and become spiritual. Concerning this equilibrium see Heaven and Hell 589-603), and the Last Judgment 33, 34, 73, 74).

[18] In David:

"Lo, sons are a heritage of Jehovah, a reward the fruit of the womb; as darts in the hand of the mighty, so are sons of youth; happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, when they shall speak with enemies in the gate" (Psalm 127:3-5).

What sons, the fruit of the womb, darts, the quiver, and enemies in the gate signify, may be seen above (n. 357:10), where it is also shown that reward signifies the happiness which those enjoy who are in heaven.

[19] In the Evangelists:

"Blessed are ye when men shall reproach you, and persecute you, and say every evil word against you falsely," for Christ's sake; "rejoice and be exceeding glad, for your reward is great in the heavens; for so persecuted they the prophets who were before you" (Matthew 5:11, 12; Luke 6:22, 23).

This is said of those who fight and conquer in temptations induced by evils, thus by hell; temptations are signified by reproaching, persecuting, and saying an evil word falsely for Christ's sake, for temptations are assaults upon and infestations of truth and good by falsities and evils. "Christ" means Divine Truth from the Lord, which is assaulted, and on account of which they are infested. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, because great is your reward in the heavens, signifies heaven and its joy with those who are in the spiritual affection for truth, for such alone fight and conquer, because the Lord is in that affection, and resists and conquers for man in the combats of temptations. For so persecuted they the prophets who were before you, signifies that formerly they similarly assaulted the truths of doctrine with those who were in the spiritual affection for truth, for prophets, in an impersonal sense, signify truths from the Word, or from the Lord.

From what has been now cited from the Word, it is evident that reward signifies heaven in respect to its happiness, blessedness, and delight, which those have who are in the spiritual affection for truth and good, and that the reward is that affection itself; for whether you say that affection, or heaven, it amounts to the same thing, since heaven is in and from that affection.

[20] But those who speak truth and do good, not from a spiritual but only from a natural affection, and who continually think of heaven as a reward, were represented in the Israelitish church by hirelings, concerning whom there were many statutes in that church. As that the hirelings should not eat of the passover (Exodus 12:43, 45); that they should not eat of the holy things (Leviticus 22:10), that the wages of a hireling should not abide with any one all night until the morning (Leviticus 19:13); they should not oppress a "hireling that is poor and needy, of thy brethren, or of the stranger who is in thy land, and in thy gates; in his day thou shalt give him his hire, so that the sun may not go down upon it, lest he cry against thee unto Jehovah and it be in thee a sin" (24:14, 15).

In Malachi:

I will "be against the oppressors of the hireling in his wages, of the widow and of the fatherless, and against them that turn aside the stranger and fear not me" (3:5); and elsewhere.

Hirelings were not to eat of the passover, or of things sanctified, because they represented those who are natural and not spiritual, and the spiritual are of the church, but not the natural. For to look to heaven as a reward for the goods which they do, is natural, since the Natural considers good to be from itself, and thus heaven to be the reward thereof, and this makes good meritorious. But it is otherwise with the Spiritual, which acknowledges that good is not from itself, but from the Lord, and thus that heaven is from mercy, and not from any merit. But because [those signified by hirelings] nevertheless do good, although not from a spiritual but a natural affection, which is obedience, and at the same time think of heaven as a reward, therefore they are mentioned among the needy, the poor, the strangers, the fatherless, and the widows, because they are in a state of spiritual poverty. For genuine truths are to them obscure, because light from heaven does not flow in through the spiritual man into their natural; this is why they are classed among those mentioned above, and why it was commanded that their reward should be given them before the going down of the sun. Such persons are also in the lowest parts of the heavens, where they are in a state of servitude, and are there rewarded according to their works. But more may be seen upon these things in the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 150-158).

[21] But hirelings who do not think of reward in heaven, but of reward in the world, that is who do good for the sake of gain, whether it be honours or wealth, consequently from the love of honours or wealth, that is for the sake of self and of the world, are infernal-natural. These hirelings are meant in John:

"I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd layeth down his soul for the sheep, but the hireling seeth the wolf and forsaketh the sheep, and fleeth, because he is a hireling" (10:11-13),

and in Jeremiah:

"Egypt is a very beautiful heifer; destruction cometh from the north, her hirelings are like fatted calves, for they also have turned themselves back, they flee together, they stood not, because the day of their destruction is come upon them" (46:20, 21);

and also elsewhere, as in Isaiah (16:14; 21:16).

[22] As reward, in the Word, signifies heaven, which those have who are in the spiritual love of truth and good, so reward, in the opposite sense, signifies hell, which those have who are in the love of falsity and evil; this is the signification of reward in David:

"He shall put on cursing as his garment, and it hath entered into the midst of him as waters, and as oil between his bones; this is the reward of mine adversaries from Jehovah, and of them that speak evil against my soul" (Psalm 109:18, 20).

These words, in the spiritual sense, are to be understood of the Lord; for where David speaks of himself in the Psalms, in that sense the Lord is meant, David as a king representing the Lord, and thus signifying Him as to the spiritual Divine, which is the royalty of the Lord. The reward of the Lord's adversaries and of them that speak evil against His soul, is described as hell from the love of falsity and evil, as follows, "he shall put on cursing as his garment, and it hath entered into the midst of him as waters, and as oil between his bones." Hell which is received in externals and in internals is described by those two expressions, cursing put on as a garment describing the hell that is received in externals, and cursing entering into the midst of him as waters, and as oil between his bones describing the hell that is received in internals. It is said as waters and as oil, because waters signify falsities from faith, and oil, evils from love, therefore the two expressions mean the love or affection for falsity and evil, which is hell, as is evident also from this fact, that love imbibes everything which agrees with it, just as a sponge imbibes water and oil; for the love of evil is nourished upon falsities, and the love of falsity is nourished upon evils; and love being such, it is therefore said that cursing enters into the midst of him as waters, and as oil between his bones.

[23] Because reward, in the opposite sense, signifies hell as to the affection for falsity from evil, therefore the falsification of truth is everywhere in the Word called the reward of whoredom.

As in Hosea:

"Rejoice not, O Israel, to exultation as the nations, because thou hast committed whoredom under God; thou hast loved the reward of whoredom upon every corn-floor; the floor and the press shall not feed them [and the new wine (mustum) shall deceive her]" (9:1, 2).

To commit whoredom under God signifies to falsify the truths of the Word, and to apply the holy things of the church to idolatries. To love the reward of whoredom, signifies delight in falsifying and in falsity, and also in idolatry, from infernal love. Upon every corn-floor, signifies all things of the Word and of doctrine from the Word, for corn, from which bread is made, signifies every thing that spiritually nourishes, while the floor signifies where it is collected together, consequently the Word. The floor and the press shall not feed them, signifies not to draw from the Word the good things of charity and of love, that is, those things which nourish the soul, for the floor there denotes the Word as to the goods of charity, and the press, as to the goods of love, the press here meaning oil, for which there were presses as well as for wine. And the new wine shall deceive her, signifies that neither shall there be any truth of good, for new wine (mustum), just as wine (vinum), signifies truth from the good of charity and love.

[24] In Micah:

"All the graven images" of Samaria "shall be beaten to pieces, and all the rewards of her whoredom shall be burned in the fire, and I will lay waste all their idols, for she hath gathered them from the reward of whoredom, therefore to the reward of whoredom shall they return; therefore I will lament and howl, I will go stripped and naked" (1:7, 8).

Samaria means the spiritual church as to the truths of doctrine, here, as to falsities of doctrine; for by their graven images are signified things falsified, which are from [their] own intelligence; the rewards of her whoredom which shall be burned in the fire signify falsifications of truth from the love of falsity from evil, and thence from infernal delight; and as that love is from hell, it is said, that they shall be burned in the fire, fire signifying love in both senses. And I will lay waste all their idols, signifies that falsities must be destroyed; for from the reward of whoredom she gathered them signifies from the love of falsity which is from evil, and from consequent infernal delight; therefore to the reward of whoredom shall they return, signifies that all things of that church will be truths falsified, because such is their source. Therefore I will lament and howl signifies the grief of the angels of heaven and of the men of the church in whom the church is, and thus with whom the Lord is. I will go stripped and naked signifies mourning on account of the vastation of all truth and good. That graven images and idols signify doctrinals from one's own intelligence favouring the loves of self and of the world, and the principles derived therefrom, consequently the falsities of doctrine, of religion, and of worship, may be seen above (n. 587, 654).

[25] In Ezekiel:

"Thou hast built thy height at the head of every way, and thy lofty place in every street; neither hast thou been as a harlot to glory in reward; the adulterous woman received strangers instead of her husband; they give reward to all harlots, but thou hast given thy rewards to all thy lovers, and hast bribed them, that they might come unto thee from all sides in thy whoredoms. Thus it was contrary in thee from women in thy whoredoms, that they went not after thee to commit whoredom in giving a reward, and no reward was given thee, therefore thou hast been contrary" (Ezekiel 16:31-44).

This chapter treats of the abominations of Jerusalem, that is, of those things of the Jewish church that are to be abhorred, because they not only perverted and adulterated the goods of the Word, but also adopted falsities of religion and of worship from idolatrous nations, and by that means adulterated the truths and goods of the Word, and confirmed these adulterations. The signification of building a height at the head of every way, and making a lofty place in every street, may be seen above (n. 652:17). That adulteries and whoredoms, in the Word signify adulterations and falsifications of the truth and good of the church, may be seen above (n. 141, 511). Not to have been as a harlot to glory in reward signifies not to have so falsified the truths of the Word from a delight of affection; the adulterous woman received strangers instead of her husband signifies the perversion of the truths and goods of the Word by the falsities of other nations. They give reward to all harlots, but thou hast given thy rewards to all thy lovers, and hast bribed them, signifies that they loved the falsities of religion and of worship of other nations, a reward or gift of whoredom denotes the love of falsifying by means of the falsities of others; that they might come to thee from all sides in thy whoredoms signifies that falsities were searched for in every direction, by means of which they falsified truth. Thus it was contrary in thee from women in their whoredoms, that they went not after thee to commit whoredom in giving a reward, and no reward was given thee, therefore thou hast been contrary, signifies the delight of the love and affection for falsifying the truths of their church by means of the falsities of other religions, and of confirming those falsifications; the delight of love and affection towards the falsities of other religions is here meant by reward or a gift of whoredom.

[26] From what has now been adduced, it is evident what is spiritually meant by reward in both senses; for that which affects with delight and joy is spiritual reward. For example there are riches, possessions, honours, and gifts, with which a man is rewarded for well-doing; these things are not reward spiritually understood, but the delights and joys which proceed from them. Much more is this the case with the heavenly reward, that the man of the church who lives well will receive, which is the spiritual affection for truth, and intelligence and wisdom therefrom, which is the source of blessedness and happiness. Moreover, in heaven there are opulence and magnificence which proceed from heavenly love, as its correspondent; yet in heaven opulence and magnificence are not regarded as reward, but the Spiritual from which they are. This also is meant by the price of a work, and by the reward, which is in the Lord and from the Lord (Isaiah 40:10; 61:8; 62:11; Luke 6:35; 14:12-14; and elsewhere).

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

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Apocalypse Explained #357

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357. That a bow signifies doctrine fighting, or doctrine from which evils and falsities are fought against, and that arrows, javelins, and darts signify the truths of doctrine which fight, is evident from the following passages. In Zechariah:

"I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem, and the bow of war shall be cut off. On the contrary, he shall speak peace to the nations. Return to the stronghold, ye prisoners of hope, and I will bend Judah to me, and with the bow I will fill Ephraim, and I will stir up thy sons, O Zion, for Jehovah shall appear over them, and his dart shall go forth as the lightning; and the Lord Jehovih shall blow with the trumpet, and he shall go in the whirlwinds of the south" (9:10, 12-14).

The vastation of the Jewish church is here treated of, and the establishment of the church among the gentiles. The vastation of the Jewish church is described by, I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem, and the bow of war shall be cut off; by which is signified that truth in doctrine would be no more, nor the understanding of truth, and thence no combat or resistance against falsity. By the chariot is signified the doctrine of truth; by the horse, the understanding thereof; by the bow of war, combat from doctrine against falsity. It is said the bow of war, because doctrine fighting is meant. By Ephraim is signified the church as to the understanding of truth, and by Jerusalem [the same] as to doctrine. And the establishment of the church among the nations, is described by these words, "On the contrary, he shall speak peace to the nations. Return to the stronghold, ye prisoners of hope; and I will bend Judah to me, and with the bow I will fill Ephraim, and I will stir up thy sons, O Zion." By which is signified, that the church shall be established among those who are in the good of love to the Lord, and in truths thence. By peace is signified that good; by Judah those who are in that good; and by Ephraim those who are in the understanding of truth thence; therefore it is said concerning Ephraim, "with the bow he will fill him," that is, with the doctrine of truth. Their enlightenment in truths is described by these words, "His dart shall go forth as the lightning; and the Lord Jehovih shall blow with the trumpet, and he shall go in the whirlwinds of the south." The dart which shall go forth as lightning, signifies truth enlightened, thus truth from the good of love; He shall blow with the trumpet signifies the plain perception of good; and the whirlwinds of the south signify the plain understanding of truth, the south denoting the light of truth; the subject here treated of is the Lord, thus that those things are from the Lord.

[2] In Moses:

"The son of a fruitful one is Joseph, the son of a fruitful one near a fountain; the daughters, as he walketh upon the wall, shall embitter him, and shall shoot at him, the archers shall hate him; and he shall sit in the firmness of his bow, and the arms of his hands shall be strengthened by the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob; thence is he the shepherd, the stone of Israel" (Genesis 49:22-24).

By Joseph, in the highest sense, is signified the Lord as to the spiritual kingdom. There are two kingdoms of heaven; one is called the celestial kingdom, and the other the spiritual kingdom; the celestial kingdom is described in the prophetic declaration concerning Judah, and the spiritual kingdom in this concerning Joseph. Those who are in the Lord's celestial kingdom are in the good of love to Him, which is called celestial good; and those who are in the Lord's spiritual kingdom are in the good of love towards the neighbour, and thence in truths; and because all truths proceed from the Lord through the spiritual kingdom, it is thence that Joseph is called the son of a fruitful one, the son of a fruitful one near a fountain. By a fruitful one is signified spiritual good, which is the good of charity; by son is signified truth from that good; and by a fountain is signified the Word; combat against evils and falsities is described by "the daughters shall embitter him, and shoot at him, and the archers shall hate him," daughters signify those who are in evils, and who by falsities are desirous of destroying goods. Those who assault by evils are signified by, they shall shoot, and those who [assault] by falsities of evil by the archers who shall hate him. The Lord's victory over them is described by these words: "And he shall sit in the firmness of his bow, and the arms of his hands shall be strengthened by the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob, thence is he the shepherd, the stone of Israel." By sitting in the firmness of the bow is signified in the doctrine of genuine truth, and by the arms of his hands shall be strengthened by the hands of the Mighty One of Jacob, is signified the power [given] to them from the Lord; the arms of the hands denoting power, and the Mighty One of Jacob the Lord, who also is called the shepherd, the stone of Israel, from the doctrine of charity and of the faith thence which is from Him. That Joseph, in the highest sense, signifies the Lord as to the Divine Spiritual, and, in the internal sense, His spiritual kingdom, may be seen, n. 3969, 3971, 4669, 6417; and what [he signifies] besides, n. 4286, 4592, 4963, 5086, 5087, 5106, 5249, 5307, 5869, 5877, 6224, 6526).

[3] In the second book of Samuel:

"David lamented over Saul and over Jonathan his son; and wrote, For teaching the sons of Judah the bow" (1:17, 18).

In that lamentation the fighting of truth from good against falsity from evil is treated of; for by Saul as a king is there signified truth from good, for such truth is meant by a king in the Word (see above, n. 31); and by Jonathan, as the son of a king, is signified the truth of doctrine; therefore he wrote the lamentation, For teaching the sons of Judah the bow, by which is signified to teach them the doctrine of truth which is from good. The fighting of that truth against falsities and evils is described in that lamentation by these words:

"Without the blood of the slain, without the fat of the mighty, the bow of Jonathan returned not back, and the sword of Saul returned not empty" (verse 22).

The blood of the slain signifies falsities conquered and dispersed; similarly the fat of the mighty signifies evils. That these are conquered and dispersed by the doctrine of truth which is from good, is signified by, "The bow of Jonathan returned not back, and the sword of Saul returned not empty," the bow of Jonathan denoting doctrine, and the sword of Saul denoting truth from good.

[4] In David:

"God teacheth my hands war, and placeth a bow of brass in mine arms" (Psalm 18:34).

By war here is signified war in the spiritual sense, which is that against evils and falsities; this war God teaches; and by the bow of brass is signified the doctrine of charity, God places this in the arms, that is, that it may prevail.

[5] In Isaiah:

"Who raised up one from the east, whom in justice he called to his train, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings? He gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow" (41:2).

These things are said concerning the Lord, and concerning His dominion over evils and falsities. By the nations which He gave before him are signified evils; and by the kings over whom he made Him to rule, are signified falsities. That he disperses the latter and the former as nothing by means of His Divine truth, and the doctrine thence, is signified by, "He gave them as dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow," his sword denoting Divine truth, and his bow denoting doctrine. That evils and falsities are dispersed as nothing, is signified by, "As the dust, and as driven stubble"; it is said that evils and falsities are so dispersed, and it is meant that those who are in evils and thence in falsities are so [dealt with] in the other life.

[6] In Zechariah:

"Jehovah shall visit his flock, the house of Judah, and shall place them as the horse of his glory in the battle. Out of him [shall come forth] the corner, out of him the nail, out of him the bow of war" (10:3, 4).

This may be seen explained in the article immediately preceding, where the signification of the horse is treated of"; by the bow of war is signified the truth fighting from doctrine.

[7] In Habakkuk:

"Was Jehovah displeased with the rivers? was thine anger against the rivers? was thy wrath against the sea, that thou ridest upon thy horses, thy chariots salvation? With bareness shall thy bow be made bare" (3:8, 9).

This was also explained in the preceding article; by, "Thy bow shall be made bare," is signified that the doctrine of truth shall be opened.

[8] In Isaiah:

"Before the swords shall they wander, before the drawn sword, and before the bended bow; and for the grievousness of the war all the glory of Kedar shall be consumed, and the remains of the number of the bow of the strong sons of Kedar shall be few" (21:15-17).

The subject here treated of, in the spiritual sense, is that the knowledges of good would perish, and that few would remain; by Kedar or Arabia are signified those who are in the knowledges of good, and abstractedly those knowledges themselves. That the knowledges of truth would perish by falsities and by the doctrine of falsity, is signified by, "Before the swords shall they wander, before the drawn sword, and before the bended bow." The sword denotes falsity combating and destroying, and the bow denotes the doctrine of falsity. That the knowledges of good would perish, is signified by these words, "for the grievousness of the war all the glory of Kedar shall be consumed," the grievousness of war denoting the state of assault, and all the glory of Kedar shall be consumed, denoting vastation. And that few knowledges of good would remain, is described by the remains of the number of the bow of the strong sons of Kedar shall be few. The bow of the mighty, denoting the doctrine of truth from the knowledges which prevail against falsities.

[9] In the same:

"He hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; he hath made me a polished dart; in his quiver hath he hid me" (49:2).

The Lord is treated of here also; and by the sharp sword is signified truth dispersing falsity; by the polished dart truth dispersing evil; and by the quiver the Word. Hence it is manifest what is signified by, "He hath made my mouth as a sharp sword, and he hath made me a polished dart, and in his quiver hath he hid me," namely, that in Him and from Him is Divine truth, by which falsities and evils are dispersed, and that in Him and from Him is the Word, where and whence those truths are.

[10] In David:

"Lo, sons are the heritage of Jehovah; the fruit of the womb is his reward. As darts in the hand of a mighty man, so are the sons of youth. Blessed is the man that hath his quiver full of them; they shall not be ashamed, when they speak with the enemies in the gate" (Psalms 127:3-5).

By the sons who are the heritage of Jehovah, are signified truths, whence is intelligence; by the fruit of the womb which is His reward, are signified goods, whence is happiness; by the sons of youth which are as darts in the hand of a mighty man, are signified the truths of the good of innocence; because nothing evil or false can resist those truths, therefore, it is said "they are as darts in the hand of a mighty man." The good of innocence is the good of love to the Lord; because those truths have such power, it is therefore said, "Blessed is the man that hath his quiver full of them"; by quiver here is signified the same as by bow, namely, doctrine from the Word. "They shall not be ashamed, when they speak with the enemies in the gate," signifies, that they shall be in no fear of evils from the hells; enemies denoting evils, and the gate denoting hell (as may be seen in the work concerning Heaven and Hell 428, 429, 583, 584, 585).

[11] In the same:

"The sons of Ephraim, who were armed, shooters of the bow, turned back in the day of battle. They kept not the covenant of God" (Psalms 78:9, 10).

By Ephraim here, as above, is signified the understanding of truth, and by his sons the truths themselves; therefore they are also called shooters of the bow, that is, combatants against evils and falsities. That in this case they did not resist these, because they were not conjoined with the Lord, is signified by, "they turned back in the day of battle, because they did not keep the covenant of God." Covenant denotes conjunction, and not to keep it, is not to live according to the truths and goods that conjoin. From the passages adduced it is evident, that by a bow is signified the doctrine of truth fighting against falsities and evils, and dispersing them.

[12] That this is signified by bow is still further evident from the opposite sense of it, in which bow signifies the doctrine of falsity fighting against truths and goods, and destroying them; and by darts and arrows the falsities themselves. The bow is mentioned in this sense in the following passages: In David:

"Lo, the wicked bend the bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may shoot in darkness at the upright in heart" (Psalms 11:2).

The wicked bending the bow, signifies that they frame doctrine; their making ready the arrow upon the string, signifies that they apply to it falsities that appear as truths; to shoot in darkness at the upright in heart, signifies to deceive those who are in truths from good. Bow here denotes the doctrine of falsity; arrow denotes falsity itself; to shoot denotes to deceive; and the darkness denotes appearances, for they reason from appearances in the world and from fallacies, by applying also the sense of the letter of the Word.

[13] In the same:

"The wicked uncover the sword, and bend their bow, to cast down the miserable and needy. Their sword shall enter their own heart, and their bows shall be broken" (Psalms 37:14, 15).

By the sword is signified falsity fighting against truth, and by the bow is signified the doctrine of falsity. To cast down the miserable and the needy, signifies to pervert those who are in ignorance of truth and good. Their sword shall enter into their own heart, signifies that they shall perish from their own falsity; and their bows shall be broken, signifies that their doctrine of falsity shall be dissipated, which also is done after their departure out of the world; then their falsities destroy them, and their doctrine, so far as it concerns truths adjoined to falsities, is dissipated.

[14] In the same:

"Who whet their tongue like a sword, and bend their arrows with a bitter word; that they may shoot in the hiding places at the perfect (Psalms 64:3, 4).

Because a sword signifies falsity fighting against truth, therefore, it is said they sharpen their tongue like a sword; and because an arrow signifies falsity of doctrine, therefore it is said "they bend their bow with a bitter word; to shoot in the hiding places at the perfect," signifies the same as above to shoot in darkness at the upright in heart, namely, to deceive those who are in truths from good.

[15] In Jeremiah:

"They are all adulterers, an assembly of treacherous men, who bend their tongue, their bow is a lie; neither in the truth have they prevailed in the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, neither have they known me" (9:2, 3).

By adulterers, an assembly of treacherous men, are meant those who falsify the knowledges of truth and good; adulterers denote those who falsify the knowledges of truth, and the treacherous those who [falsify] the knowledges of good; concerning, such it is said that they bend the tongue, and that their bow is a lie, the bow denoting doctrine whence come the principles of falsity, and a lie denoting falsity; and hence it is also said, "in the truth they have not prevailed in the earth," that is, in the church, where genuine truths are; that those are of such a quality who are in a life of evil, and do not acknowledge the Lord, is signified by, "for they proceed from evil to evil, neither have they known me."

[16] In Jeremiah:

"Behold, I cause to come up against Babel an assembly of great nations from the land of the north; their darts as of a mighty one, none shall return vain; set yourselves in array against Babel round about, all ye that bend the bow shoot against her, spare not the arrows; make the shooters heard against Babel, all that bend the bow encamp against her round about, let there be no escape for her" (50:9, 14, 29, 42; 51:3).

By these words is described the total devastation of truth with those meant by Babel; these arrogate to themselves the Divine power, and indeed acknowledge the Lord, but deprive Him of all power of salvation, and thence profane Divine truths. And because the Lord very carefully provides that genuine truths may not be profaned, therefore, those [truths] are entirely taken away from them, and they are imbued with absolute falsities instead. By the assembly of great nations from the land of the north, are signified direful evils rising up from hell; the great nations denoting direful evils, and the land of the north denoting hell, where there is nothing but falsity; by their darts as of a mighty man, none shall return vain, is signified that thence they shall be imbued with absolute falsities. By "Put yourselves in array against Babel round about; all ye that bend the bow, shoot against her, spare not the arrows," is signified also as to all doctrinals; the total devastation of truth with them is signified by "all ye that bend the bow, camp against her round about; let there be no escape for her."

[17] In Isaiah:

"I stir up against them the Medes, who will not esteem the silver, and in the gold they will not delight, whose bows will dash in pieces the young men, and the fruit of the belly they will not pity; so shall Babel be as the overthrowing of God, Sodom and Gomorrah" (13:17-19).

These things also are said of Babel and of the devastation of all things of the church with those who are meant by Babylon, concerning which we have spoken just above. By the Medes are signified those who regard the truths and goods of heaven and the church as nothing; therefore it is said concerning them, "who will not esteem the silver, and in the gold they will not delight"; silver signifying truth, and gold good, both of the church. By their bows which shall dash in pieces the young men, and by the fruit of the belly which they shall not pity, are signified the doctrinals that destroy all truth and all the good thence; the young men signifying truths, and the fruit of the belly goods; and because all evil with them is from the love of self, and all falsity is from that evil, and because that evil and the falsity thence are condemned to hell, therefore it is said, "so shall Babel be as the overthrowing of God, Sodom and Gomorrah"; God's overthrowing signifying damnation to hell, and Sodom and Gomorrah signifying the evils from the love of self and the falsities thence. (That these things are signified by Sodom and Gomorrah, may be seen in the Arcana Coelestia 2220, 2246, 2322.)

[18] In the same:

"In that day, every place where there were a thousand vines for a thousand of silver, shall even be for thorn-brake and bramble-bush. With arrow and with bow shall he come thither; because the whole land shall be thorn-brake and bramble-bush" (7:23, 24).

The church devastated as to all truth and good is thus described; the quality of the church before, when genuine truths, which are truths from good, were there in abundance, [is described] by there being a thousand vines for a thousand of silver; a thousand vines denoting truths from good in abundance, a thousand of silver denoting that they are most highly esteemed because they are genuine; silver denoting truth, and a thousand many, thus, in abundance. But what the quality of the church became when vastated as to all truth and good, is described by these words, "with arrow and with bow shall he come thither; because the whole land shall be thorn-brake and bramble-bush." Arrow denotes falsity destroying truth, and the bow denotes the doctrine of falsity. A thorn-brake signifies falsity from evil, and a bramble-bush evil from falsity; the land denotes the church.

[19] In Jeremiah:

"Behold, a people cometh from the land of the north, and a great nation shall be stirred from the sides of the earth. They lay hold on bow and spear; they are cruel, and have no mercy; their voice resoundeth like the sea; and they ride upon horses, equipped as a man for war against thee, O daughter of Zion" (6:22, 23).

The devastation of the church by the falsities of evil is described here also; what a people from the land of the north signifies, and a great nation from the sides of the earth, also what their voice signifies which resoundeth as the sea, and their riding upon horses, was explained in the article just preceding. That they lay hold on bow and spear signifies falsity of doctrine destroying truth, and a spear the falsity of evil destroying good; the daughter of Zion denotes the church.

[20] In the same:

"The whole land is a desolation, for the voice of the horseman and of the archers the whole city fleeth; they have entered the clouds, they have ascended into the rocks, the whole city is deserted, no one dwelling therein" (4:27, 29).

This also may be seen explained in the article immediately preceding. The voice of the horseman and of the archers signifies reasonings from falsities, and assaults of the truth; the archers or those who bend the bow, denoting those who assault truths from falsities of doctrine; hence it is said the whole city fleeth, the whole city is deserted, city signifying the doctrine of the church.

[21] In Isaiah:

Jehovah "hath lifted up an ensign to the nations from far, and behold the swift one shall come quickly, his arrows are sharp, and all his bows bent; the hoofs of his horses are counted as rocks, and his wheels as the whirlwind" (5:26, 28).

By his arrows are sharp, and all his bows bent, are signified falsities of doctrine prepared to destroy truths; what is signified by the nations from far, and by the hoofs of the horses are counted like rocks, and by the wheels which are like a whirlwind, may be seen in the article just above, where they are explained.

[22] In Amos:

"He that handleth the bow shall not stand, neither the swift with his feet deliver himself; neither shall he that rideth the horse deliver his own soul. But the strong in his heart among the heroes shall flee naked in that day" (2:15, 16).

Man's own intelligence is here described, and confidence therefrom that he can reason from falsities against truths. By, "he that handleth the bow shall not stand, and the swift with the feet shall not deliver himself," is signified that he who knows how to reason readily and skilfully from the doctrine and the memory which belong to the natural man, cannot provide anything for his own salvation, or stand in the day of judgment. The same is signified by, he that rideth the horse shall not deliver his own soul. By the strong in heart who shall flee in that day, is signified that he who therefrom trusts in himself that he can reason from falsities, shall then be deprived of all truth; by the strong in heart is meant one who trusts in himself on that account, and by naked, is signified, deprived of all truth.

[23] In David:

"God is a just judge, God, who is angry all the day; if [the evil] will not return, he hath sharpened his sword, he hath bent his bow, and directed it, and hath prepared for him the instruments of death, he maketh his arrows burning" (Psalms 7:11-13).

It is here attributed to God, that He is angry with the wicked, that He sharpens His sword, that He bends and directs His bow, prepares instruments of death, and makes His arrows burning; but the spiritual sense means that man acts thus to himself. Those things are attributed to God in the sense of the letter, because that sense is natural, and for the natural man who believes that God is to be feared on account thereof; and fear with him operates as love does afterwards, when he becomes spiritual. It is therefore evident what is here signified by those words, namely, that the wicked man is angry with God, that he sharpens the sword against himself, and bends the bow and directs it, prepares the instruments of death, and makes his arrows burning. By, he sharpeneth the sword, is signified that he procures to himself falsity by which he fights against truths; by, he bended the bow and directs it, is signified that from falsities he makes for himself doctrine against truths; and by he prepareth the instruments of death, and maketh his arrows burning, is signified that from infernal love he makes for himself principles of falsity, by which he destroys good and its truths.

[24] In Lamentations:

The Lord "hath bent his bow like an enemy; he stood with his right hand as an adversary, he slew all the desirable things of the eyes" (2:4).

Here also similar things are attributed to the Lord, for a similar reason, as explained above. That He bends His bow like an enemy, and stands with His right hand like an adversary, signifies that the evil man does so to himself, that is, he defends evil against good, and falsity against its truths, from the doctrine which he has framed to himself from his own intelligence, and confirmed by the sense of the letter of the Word. For in the Lamentations the vastation of all good and all truth with the Jewish nation, on account of the application of the sense of the letter of the Word to favour their own loves, is treated of; the bow there denotes the doctrine of falsity thence; the enemy denotes evil, and the adversary falsity. That, consequently, all understanding of truth and good perished, is signified by the Lord shall slay all the desirable things of the eyes, the desirable things of the eyes denoting all things belonging to intelligence and wisdom.

[25] In Moses:

"A fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall consume the earth with her produce, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains. I will empty out evils upon them; I will spend mine arrows upon them" (32:22, 23).

These words are in the song of Moses, in which the Israelitish and Jewish nation is treated of, and what they were in their heart is described, namely, that they had nothing of the church because there was absolute falsity from evil. By the earth and her produce which should be consumed, is signified the church, and all its truth and good; by the earth is signified the church, and by the produce, all its truth and good. By the foundations of the mountains which shall be set on fire, are signified truths upon which the goods of love are founded; specifically the truths of the sense of the letter of the Word, because those are the foundations. By the evils that shall be emptied out upon them, and by the arrows which shall be spent upon them, is signified that they shall be imbued with all evils and falsities. What was the character of that nation from the beginning, and also what it is at this day, may be seen in the Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 248.

[26] In the first book of Samuel:

"The bows of the mighty are broken, and they who were smitten were girded with strength" (2:4).

This is a prophetic declaration of Hannah the mother of Samuel, in which the deprivation of truth with those who belonged to the church is treated of, because they had no spiritual affection of truth; also concerning the reception and enlightenment of those who were outside the church, because they had a spiritual affection of truth. That the doctrines of falsities in which those were who belonged to the church are as nothing, is signified by, the bows of the mighty are broken; and the reception and enlightenment of those who were outside the church, are signified by, they who were smitten were girded with strength; those are called smitten, who are bound by the falsities of ignorance; and strength is predicated of power and abundance of truth from good.

[27] In Jeremiah:

"Behold, I break the bow of Elam, the beginning of his power" (49:35).

By Elam is meant the knowledge (scientia) of the natural man, and confidence therefrom; by his bow is signified knowledge from which he fights as from doctrine; and by the beginning of his power is signified confidence; for knowledge avails nothing if it does not serve the rational and spiritual man. That by Elam is meant the knowledge which belongs to the natural man, is evident from those places where it is named in the Word (as Genesis 10:22; Isaiah 21:2; Jeremiah 25:24-26; 49:34-39; Ezekiel 32:24).

[28] In David:

Jehovah "maketh wars to cease even to the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear asunder; he burneth the chariots with fire" (Psalms 46:10).

Because by wars are signified spiritual combats, which are here those of falsity against the truth and against the good which belong to the church, it is hence evident what is signified by, Jehovah shall make wars to cease even to the end of the earth, namely, that all combat, and all disagreement [should cease] from the first to the last of the truth of the church, the end of the earth signifying its last. That there shall be no combat of doctrine against doctrine, is signified by, He shall break the bow; that there shall be no combat from any falsity of evil, is signified by, He shall cut the spear asunder; and that everything of the doctrine of falsity shall be destroyed, by, He shall burn the chariots with fire.

[29] In the same:

"In Salem is the tabernacle" of Jehovah, "and his dwelling place in Zion. There brake he the strings of the bow, the shield, and the sword, and the battle" (Psalms 76:1-3).

The cessation of all combat and all dissension in the Lord's kingdom is here also treated of. By Salem where Jehovah's tabernacle is, and by Zion where His dwelling place is, are signified His spiritual kingdom, and His celestial kingdom; by Salem, the spiritual kingdom, where genuine truth is; and by Zion, the celestial kingdom, where genuine good is; and by, He shall break the strings of the bow, the shield, the sword, and the battle, is signified the dispersion of all combat of the falsities of doctrine against good and truth; the strings of the bow denoting the principal things of doctrine.

[30] In Hosea:

"In that day will I make a covenant for them with the beast of the field, and with the bird of the heavens, and with the creeping thing of the ground; and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle from off the earth, and I will make to lie down safely" (2:18).

The Lord's advent is here treated of, and then His conjunction with all those who are in truths from good. By the covenant with the beast of the field, with the bird of the heavens, and with the creeping thing of the ground, is signified conjunction with their affection of good, with their affection of truth, and with their affection for the knowledges of the truth and good that belong to the church; for the beast of the field signifies the affection of good; the bird of the heavens, the affection of truth; and the creeping thing of the ground, the affection for the knowledges of truth and good. That no beast, or bird, or reptile of the earth is here meant, every one sees; for how can any covenant be made with them? By, I will break the bow and the sword and the battle from off the earth, is signified that from conjunction with the Lord there shall exist no combat of falsity against truth; the bow here denotes doctrine, the sword denotes falsity, and the battle denotes combat.

[31] In Ezekiel:

"This is the day whereof I have spoken, then the inhabitants of the cities of Israel shall go forth, and they shall set on fire and burn the arms, and the shield and the buckler, with the bow and with the arrows, and with the handstaff, and with the spear, and they shall kindle a fire with them seven years" (39:8, 9).

Gog is here treated of, by whom are meant those who are in external worship and not in internal; these, because they are opposed to the spiritual affection of truth, which is to love truths because they are truths, and hence are in falsities as to doctrine, and in evils as to life; for no one can be reformed, that is, withdrawn from falsities and evils, but by truths. This is the reason why it is said, that the inhabitants of the cities of Israel shall go forth, and they shall burn the arms, and the shield and the buckler, with the bow and with the arrows, and with the handstaff, and with the spear. By the inhabitants of the cities of Israel are meant those who are in the affection of truth from good, that is, in the spiritual affection of truth, and thence in the doctrine of genuine truth; by burning the arms is signified to extirpate falsities of every kind; by the shield, falsity destroying good; by the buckler, falsity destroying truth; by the bow with the arrows, doctrine with its falsities; by the handstaff and the spear are signified one's own power and confidence. Such are those who place everything of the church, and thence of salvation, in external worship. That they should kindle a fire with them seven years, signifies that those falsities and evils shall be altogether extinguished; seven years signifying all things, what is full, and altogether (as may be seen above, n. 257, 299).

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.