Le texte de la Bible


Hesekiel 16



1 Ja Herran sana tapahtui minulle ja sanoi:

2 Sinä ihmisen poika, ilmoita Jerusalemille hänen kauhistuksensa!

3 Ja sano: sinun sukus ja syntys on Kanaanealaisten maalta, sinun isäs Amorilaisista ja sinun äitis Hetiläisistä.

4 Sinun sukus ei ole sinulta napaa leikanneet, kuin synnyit, ei ole sinua myös saunoitettu vedellä, ettäs olisit puhtaaksi tullut, eikä suolalla tahottu, eikä kapaloihin kääritty.

5 Sillä ei kenkään sinua surkutellut, että hän olis armahtanut sinua, ja osoittanut sinulle yhdenkin näistä, mutta sinä heitettiin kedolle, niin ylönkatsottu oli sinun sielus, kuin synnyit.

6 Mutta minä kävin sinun ohitses, ja näin sinun veressäs makaavan, ja sanoin sinulle: sinun pitää elämän, kuin sinä niin sinun veressäs makasit; totta sinulle sanoin minä, kuin niin veressäs makasit: sinun pitää elämän.

7 Ja minä olen enentänyt sinun moneksi tuhanneksi ja antanut sinun suureksi tulla, niinkuin hedelmän maan päällä, ja sinä olit kasvanut isoksi ja aivan kauniiksi tullut, sinun nisäs olivat kasvaneet, ja sinä olit saanut kauniit pitkät hiukset, mutta sinä olit vielä alastoin ja kaino.

8 Ja minä kävin ohitses ja katsoin päälles, ja katso, sinä olit täysikasvuinen, niin minä hajoitin hameeni liepeen sinun ylitses, ja peitin sinun häpiäs; ja minä vannoin sinulle, ja annoin itseni liittoon sinun kanssas, sanoo Herra, Herra, että sinun piti minun oleman.

9 Ja pesin sinun vedellä, ja virutin sinun verestäs, ja voitelin sinun öljyllä.

10 Ja vaatetin sinun neulotuilla vaatteilla, ja kengitin sinun Tekasjimin nahalla, ja annoin sinulle kalliit liinavaatteet, puetin sinun silkkiin.

11 Ja kaunistin sinun kaunistuksella, ja panin käsirenkaat sinun kätees ja käädyt sinun kaulaas.

12 Ja annoin otsalehden sinun otsaas, ja korvarenkaat korviis ja kunnian kruunun päähäs.

13 Niin sinä kaunistettiin kullalla ja hopialla, ja vaatetettiin kalliilla liinavaatteella, silkillä ja neulotulla työllä; sinä söit myös sämpyläleipää, hunajaa ja öljyä; ja olit ylenpaljon kaunistettu, ja sait valtakunnan.

14 Ja sinun nimes kuului kauvas pakanain seassa sinun kauneutes tähden, joka juuri täydellinen oli, senkaltaisten kaunistusten kautta, jotka minä olin pannut päälles, sanoo Herra, Herra.

15 Mutta sinä uskalsit kauneutees; ja ettäs niin ylistetty olit, teit sinä huorin, niin että sinä itses teit yhteiseksi jokaiselle, jotka kävivät ohitses, ja teit hänen tahtonsa.

16 Ja otit sinun vaatteistas, ja teit siitä kirjavat alttarit itselles, ja teit huoruuttas niiden päällä; joka ei ikänä tapahtunut ole, eikä pidä tapahtuman.

17 Ja otit sinun kunniakaluistas, jotka minä sinulle minun kullastani ja hopiastani antanut olin, ja teit niistä miehen kuvat itselles, ja teit huorin niiden kanssa.

18 Ja otit neulotut vaattees ja peitit ne niillä, ja minun öljyni ja suitsutukseni asetit sinä heidän eteensä.

19 Ruokani, jonka minä annoin syödäkses, sämpylöitä, öljyä ja hunajaa, asetit sinä heidän eteensä makiaksi hajuksi; ja niin se oli, sanoo Herra, Herra.

20 Ja sinä otit poikas ja tyttäres, jotka minulle synnyttänyt olit, ja uhrasit ne heille syötää; luuletkos niin halvaksi huoruutes?

21 Ja sinä teuraaksi teit minun lapseni, ja annoit polttaa heitä heidän edessänsä.

22 Et kuitenkaan sinä ole kaikessa kauhistuksessas ja huoruudessas koskaan ajatellut nuoruutes aikaa, kuinka paljas ja alastoin sinä olit, ja makasit veressäs.

23 Joka tapahtui kaiken sinun pahuutes jälkeen. Voi! voi sinuas! sanoo Herra, Herra.

24 Sinä rakensit itselles korkeudet, ja teit sinulles kukkulat kaikille kaduille.

25 Ja kaikkein teiden suihin rakensit sinä kukkulas, ja teit sinun kauneutes kauhistukseksi; sinä hajoitit jalkas jokaiselle, joka kävi siitä ohitse, ja teit suurta salavuoteutta.

26 Ensin sinä teit salavuoteutta lähimmäistes Egyptin lasten kanssa, joilla suuri liha oli, ja teit suurta salavuoteutta kehoittaakses minua.

27 Ja katso, minä ojensin käteni sinua vastaan ja hillitsin senkaltaisen tapas, ja hylkäsin sinun vihollistes Philistealaisten tyttärien tahtoon, jotka häpesivät sinun häpeemätöntä työtäs.

28 Sitte sinä teit huoruutta Assurin lasten kanssa, ja et taitanut heistä kyllääs saada; ja kuin sinä olit tehnyt huoruutta heidän kanssansa, ja et taitanut heistä kyllääntyä;

29 Enensit sinä vielä sitte sinun huoruuttas Kanaanin maalla, Kaldeaan asti, ja et sinä vielä sittenkään taitanut silläkään kyllääntyä.

30 Kuinka siis minun pitäis ympärileikkaaman sinun sydämes, sanoo Herra, Herra: ettäs senkaltaisen julkihuoran töitä teet?

31 Siinä, ettäs niin rakennat korkeutes joka tien suuhun, ja teet kukkulas kaikille kaduille, ja et ole niinkuin muu portto, joka rahalla ostettaman pitää,

32 Taikka niinkuin joku huorivaimo, joka miehensä siaan laskee toisen.

33 Kaikille portoille annetaan lahjoja; mutta sinä annat kaikille sinun värtämiehilles palkan, ja lahjoitat heitä, että heidän joka paikasta sinun tykös tuleman pitäis, huoruutta tekemään sinun kanssas.

34 Ja löydetään sinun tykönäs sinun huotuudessas juuri vastoin sitä mikä tapa on muiden vaimoin kanssa, ettei sinun perässäs juosta; ja että sinä palkan annat, ja ei sinulle palkkaa anneta, niin sinä teet juuri vastahakoisin.

35 Sentähden sinä portto, kuule Herran sanaa:

36 Näin sanoo Herra, Herra: ettäs niin mielelläs annat rahaa, ja julistat häpiäs huoruutes kautta värtämiehelles ja kaiken sinun kauhistukses epäjumalain kanssa, ja vuodatat lastes veren, jonkas heille uhraat;

37 Sentähden, katso, minä tahdon koota kaikki sinun värtämiehes, joiden kanssa sinä olet hekumassa elänyt, ynnä kaikkein niiden kanssa, joita ystävinäs pidät, ja joita vihaat; ja minä tahdon ne koota sinua vastaan joka taholta, ja julistaa sinun häpiäs, että heidän kaikki sinun häpiäs näkemän pitää.

38 Ja minä annan käydä huoran ja verenvuodattajan oikeuden sinun ylitses, ja annan vuodattaa sinun veres julmuudella ja kiivaudella.

39 Ja minä annan sinut heidän käsiinsä, että heidän pitää särkemän sinun korkeutes, ja kukistaman sinun kukkulas, ja riisuman sinun vaattees, ja ottaman sinulta pois sinun kunniakappalees, ja antaman istua sinun alasti ja paljaana.

40 Ja heidän pitää antaman tulla sinun vastaas suuren väkijoukon, jotka pitää sinua kivittämän kuoliaaksi ja hakkaaman miekoillansa rikki;

41 Ja tulella polttaman sinun huonees, ja näyttämän sinulle sinun oikeutes monen vaimon silmäin edessä; ja minä tahdon tehdä lopun sinun huoruudelles, ettei sinun enään pidä antaman rahaa.

42 Ja kuin minä olen antanut minun vihani levätä sinun päälläs, niin pitää minun kiivauteni sinusta luopuman, että minä mahtaisin olla levossa, ja en enään vihastua.

43 Ettes muistanut nuoruutes aikaa, vaan kehoitit minua näillä kaikilla, sentähden tahdon minä myös panna kaikki sinun menos sinun pääs päälle, sanoo Herra, Herra, ettes tekisi sitä pahaa kaikkein sinun kauhistustes kanssa.

44 Katso, kaikki jotka itsiänsä sananlaskussa harjoittavat, ne pitää tämän sananlaskun sinusta sanoman: tytär on niinkuin äitikin.

45 Sinä olet äitis tytär, joka hylkäsi miehensä ja lapsensa; ja sinä olet sisartes sisar, jotka jättivät pois miehensä ja lapsensa; teidän äitinne on Hetiläinen, ja teidän isänne Amorilainen.

46 Samaria on sinun vanhempi sisares tyttärinensä, joka vasemmalla puolellas tykönäs asuu; ja Sodoma on sinun nuorempi sisares tyttärinensä, joka asuu oikialla puolellas.

47 Vaikka et sinä kuitenkaan heidän teillänsä vaeltanut, taikka tehnyt heidän kauhistustensa jälkeen, niin ei siitä paljo puutu, ettet sinä pahempia asioita tehnyt ole kuin he, kaikissa sinun menoissas.

48 Niin totta kuin minä elän, sanoo Herra, Herra, Sodoma, sinun sisares tyttärinensä, ei ole niin tehnyt kuin sinä ja sinun tyttäres.

49 Katso, se oli sinun sisares, Sodoman synti: ylpeys, ja kaikissa yltäkylläisyys, ja hyvä rauha, joka hänellä ja hänen tyttärillänsä oli: mutta köyhiä ja tarvitsevia ei he auttaneet;

50 Mutta he olivat ylpiät, ja tekivät kauhistuksen minun edessäni; sentähden olen myös minä heittänyt heidät pois, kuin minä sen näin.

51 Niin ei myös Samaria ole tehnyt puoliakaan sinun syntejäs; mutta sinä olet paljon enemmin tehnyt sinun kauheuttas kuin hän, ettäs olet tehnyt sisares hyväksi kaikkein sinun kauhistustes suhteen, joita sinä tehnyt olet.

52 Niin kanna myös häpiäs, sinä, joka sisares hyväksi teet synteis kautta, joissa sinä suuremmat ja olet tehnyt heitä paremmaksi kuin sinä olet: niin häpee nyt ja kanna häpiäs, ettäs sisares, hyväksi tehnyt olet.

53 Mutta minä tahdon kääntää heidän vankiutensa: Sodoman vankiuden ja hänen tytärtensä, ja Samarian vankiuden ja hänen tytärtensä, ja sinun vankiutes vangit heidän keskellänsä,

54 Niin että sinun täytyy kantaa sinun häpiäs ja pilkkas kaiken sen edestä, jonka tehnyt olet, jolla heitä olet lohduttava.

55 Ja sinun sisares Sodoma ja hänen tyttärensä pitää käännetyksi tuleman, niinkuin he ennen ovat olleet, ja Samaria ja hänen tyttärensä pitää käännetyksi tuleman, niinkuin he ennen ovat olleet; ja sinun myös tytärtes kanssa pitää käännetyksi tuleman, niinkuin te ennen olleet olette.

56 Ja ei pidä (enää) Sodoma sinun sisares huutoon tuleman sinun suussas, (niinkuin) ylpeytes aikana.

57 Kuin pahuutes ei vielä julki ollut, niinkuin siihen aikaan, kuin Syrian ja Philistealaisten tyttäret häpäisivät sinua joka paikassa, ja kaikki sen ympäristö katsoi sinun ylön;

58 Kuin sinun täytyi kantaa pahuuttas ja kauheuttas, sanoo Herra, Herra.

59 Sillä näin sanoo Herra, Herra: minä tahdon tehdä sinulle, niinkuin sinä tehnyt olet, ettäs valan katsoit ylön ja särjit liiton.

60 Mutta minä tahdon muistaa minun liittoni, jonka minä kanssas tehnyt olen nuoruutes aikana, ja tahdon tehdä ijankaikkisen liiton sinun kanssas.

61 Niin sinun pitää mielees johdattaman sinun teitäs, ja häpeemän, kuin olet ottava tykös vanhemmat ja nuoremmat sisares, jotka minä sinulle tyttärikses antava olen; vaan ei sinun liitostas.

62 Mutta minä tahdon tehdä minun liittoni sinun kanssas, että sinun ymmärtämän pitää, että minä olen Herra:

63 Ettäs sitä ajattelisit ja häpeäisit, ja et rohkeaisi häpiän tähden suutas avata, koska minä sinulle anteeksi antava olen kaikki, mitäs tehnyt olet, sanoo Herra, Herra.


SWORD version by Tero Favorin (tero at favorin dot com)

Des oeuvres de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #10540

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10540. 'And now, take off your finery' means the nature of their external which is such that it is without anything Divine. This is clear from the meaning of 'finery', when the Church is the subject, as holy truth or that which is Divine in external things, dealt with above in 10536; and from the meaning of 'taking it off' as shedding it, thus being without it. The fact that that which is Divine in external things or holy truth is meant by 'finery' is clear from the following places: In Ezekiel,

I clothed you with embroidered cloth, and shod you with badger; and I swathed you in fine linen and covered you with silk. And I adorned you with finery, and put bracelets onto your hands and a chain onto your neck. And I put a jewel onto your nose, and earrings on your ears, and a crown of glory onto your head. Thus were you adorned with gold and silver; and your garments were fine linen, and silk, and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour, [honey,] and oil; therefore you became extremely beautiful, and attained to a kingdom. For this reason your fame 1 went out among the nations, regarding your beauty; for this was made perfect by My finery which I had put on you. Ezekiel 16:10-14.

[2] This refers to Jerusalem and means the Church which had been established by the Lord after the Flood and was succeeded by the Israelite and Jewish Church. The character of the latter is also described in the same chapter; but the character of that previous Ancient Church is described in the verses just quoted, its holy truths being described by the adornments spoken of there. Anyone may see that things such as have to do with the Church are meant by those specifically mentioned, and that each one means something particular. What other purpose does such a description of Jerusalem serve?

[3] Yet which aspect of the Church is meant by each one becomes clear solely from the internal sense. For this sense shows what exactly in the spiritual world corresponds to each item in the description. The following is made clear by that sense,

'Embroidered cloth' means true factual knowledge, 9688.

'Fine linen' means intellectual truth from the Divine, 5319, 9469, 9596, 9744.

'Bracelets' means the power of truths, 3103, 3105.

'A neck-chain' means the flowing in of truth derived from good, and the consequent joining together of interior things and exterior ones, 5320.

'A nose-jewel' means the perception of truth, and 'earrings' obedience to truths, 4551, 10402.

'A crown of glory' means spiritual good, or the good of truth, good being meant by 'a crown', 9930, and that which is spiritual by 'glory', 9815.

'Gold and silver' means goodness and truth in general, 113, 1551, 1552, 5658, 6914, 6917, 9874.

'Fine flour, honey, and oil' means truths and forms of good, external and internal ones, truth from good being meant by 'fine flour', 9995, external good by 'honey', 10530, and internal good by 'oil', 886, 4582, 4638, 9474, 9780, 10254, 10261.

'Beauty' means the outward form taken by truth derived from good, 3080, 3821, 4985, 5199.

And 'Jerusalem', about which those things are said, means the Church, see 402, 2117, 3654. From all this it is evident what 'finery' means, namely holy truth in its entirety.

[4] All the finery of the daughters of Zion which is itemized in Isaiah has a like meaning,

On that day the Lord will take away the finery of the anklets, and of the networks, and of the crescents, and of the perfume containers 2 , and of the chainlets, and of the bracts 3 , and the tiaras, and the garters, and the sashes, and the perfume boxes 4 , and the charms; the rings, and the nose-jewels, the changes of clothes, and the robes, and the veils, and the pin-cases, the mirrors, and the muslin, and the turbans, and the linen garments. And it will happen, that instead of fragrance there will be rottenness, and instead of a girdle, a falling apart, and instead of well-set hair 5 , baldness, and instead of a robe, a girding of sackcloth, burning instead of beauty. Your people will fall by the sword, and [so will] your strength in war. Isaiah 3:18-25.

Those who confine themselves to the literal sense inevitably think that all these items with which the daughters of Zion are said to be adorned must be understood literally, and that it was because of that finery and the pride and arrogance it would create that the people of that kingdom would perish, since it says, your people will fall by the sword, and your strength in war. But those who raise their minds to some extent above the literal statement can see that such things should not be understood literally.

[5] From various places in the Word they can see that 'the daughters of Zion' should not be taken to mean the daughters of Zion but such things as are aspects of the Church, which are also meant by the daughters of Jerusalem, the daughters of Israel, the daughters of Judah, and many other daughters. Regarding 'daughters', that they mean the Church and aspects of the Church, see 6729, 9055(end). Since therefore the Church and aspects of the Church are meant by 'the daughters of Zion' it follows that all their finery itemized in this chapter of Isaiah mean the Church's truths and forms of good, and that each item means some specific truth or form of good. For nothing that appears in the Word, not even one small expression, is devoid of meaning.

[6] And because that Church will be bereaved of its truths and forms of good, meant by all that finery, the prophecy goes on to say that instead of fragrance there will be rottenness, instead of a girdle a falling apart, instead of well-set hair baldness, instead of a robe a girding of sackcloth, burning instead of beauty, and also that the people will fall by the sword, as will [their] strength in war. For 'fragrance' or 'spice' means the perception of Divine Truth, 10199, 10291, and 'rottenness' the deprivation of it; 'a girdle' means a bond holding truths and forms of good in connection with one another, 9341(end), 9828, 9837, 'a falling apart instead of it' the disintegration and diffusion of them; 'well-set hair' means true factual knowledge, 2831 6 , 'baldness' being deprived of an intelligent understanding of truth and of a wise discernment of good, 9960; 'burning' means the destruction of these by the evils of self-love, 1297, 2446, 7852, 9055, 9141, 'beauty' the outward form that truth springing from good takes within the Church, thus the perfection of it, 3080, 3821, 4985, 5199; and 'the sword' by which the people will fall means falsity destroying truth and good, 2799, 4499, 6353, 7102, 8294. Having no 'strength in war' means having no resistance to evil and falsity, for 'war' is spiritual conflict, and temptation, 1659, 1664, 2686, 8273, 8295, 10455.

From all this it is now evident that 'finery' in general means the Divine Truth which the Church possesses.

[7] The like is meant by 'finery' in the second Book of Samuel,

O daughters of Israel, weep over Saul, who clothed you in twice-dyed pleasantly 7 , who put gold finery on your clothing. 2 Samuel 1:24.

These words appear in David's lamentation over Saul, which he entitled in verse 18 of that chapter, To teach the children of Judah the bow. 'The bow' in this verse means doctrine consisting of truth engaged in conflict against falsities of evil, 2686, 2709, 6422. This being so, 'daughters of Israel' means the Church's affections for truth, 2362, 3963, 6729, 6775, 6788, 8994; 'being clothed in twice-dyed pleasantly' means being endued with the Church's interior truths, which spring from good, 4922, 9468; 'putting gold finery on clothing' means giving truths that spring from good a beautiful appearance, good being meant by 'gold', see in the places referred to in 9874, and truth in general by 'clothing' or 'garment', in the places referred to above in 10536(end). The reason why David's lamentation over Saul has to do with doctrine consisting of truth, meant by 'the bow', engaged in conflict against falsity of evil is that 'the king' or the royal office held by Saul means Divine Truth in respect of protection and of judgement, 1672, 2015, 2069, 3009, 4575, 4581, 4966, 5044, 5068, 6148.

[8] The like is meant by 'finery' in other places: In David,

Give to Jehovah the glory of His name; bow down to Jehovah in the finery of holiness. Psalms 29:2.

'In the finery of holiness' means with the authentic truths of the Church. Similarly in Isaiah,

Your sons will make haste. Lift up your eyes round about, and see; they all gather together. I am the Living One, said Jehovah; you will put them all on as finery, and gird them round yourself like a bride. Isaiah 49:17-18.

These words too refer to Zion, by which the celestial Church is meant, 'sons' who 'will make haste' meaning this Church's truths. (For the meaning of 'sons' as truths, see 489, 491, 2623, 2803, 2813, 3373, 3704, 4257, 9807.) This explains why it says that Zion will put them all on as finery and gird them round herself like a bride; such can be said of the Church's truths, but not of the sons of Zion.

[9] Since almost everything in the Word also has a contrary meaning, so do those objects constituting finery. In the contrary sense they mean truths that have been falsified, as in Jeremiah,

You who have been laid waste, what will you do? If you clothe yourself in twice-dyed, if you adorn yourself with gold finery, if you widen your eyes with stibium 8 , in vain will you make yourself beautiful. Jeremiah 4:29, 30.

And in Hosea,

I will visit on her 9 the days of the baals to whom she burned incense, and put on her nose-jewel and her finery, and went after her lovers and forgot Me. Hosea 2:13.

And in other places.

Notes de bas de page:

1. literally, name

2. Probably worn around the neck

3. i.e. thin metal plates worn as jewelry

4. literally, houses of the soul

5. literally, instead of the work of plaited [hair]

6. The Latin here rendered literally the work of plaited [hair] and idiomatically well-set hair is opus implexum. In 2831 the second of these words applies to the branches of trees and is consequently rendered entangled.

7. literally, with pleasant things

8. literally, break open the eyes with stibium. Stibium was a cosmetic used for blackening the eyelids and eyebrows, thereby making the eyes look brighter or more open.

9. i.e. I will punish her for

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Des oeuvres de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia #5044

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5044. 'And the governor of the prison-house gave' means the truth governing in a state of temptations. This is clear from the meaning of 'the governor (or the prince)' as the primary and so governing truth, dealt with below; and from the meaning of 'the prison-house' as the laying waste of falsity, and therefore temptation, dealt with above in 5038, 5039, 5043. What the truth governing in a state of temptations is must first be discussed. With all who are undergoing temptations truth from the Lord is flowing in, and this truth rules and governs their thoughts, uplifting them every time they are given to doubt and also to feelings of despair. This truth is what that governing truth is, and it is the kind of truth which they have learned from the Word and from doctrine and which they themselves have confirmed. Other kinds of truth may also be called on at such times, but these do not govern those persons interiorly. Sometimes the truth governing them does not make itself clearly visible in their understanding but lies obscured, yet continues to govern. For the Lord's Divine flows into that governing truth and in so doing keeps the interior parts of the mind within its domain, so that when it comes out into the light the person undergoing temptation receives comfort from it and is uplifted by it.

[2] Not the actual truth but an affection for it is what the Lord uses to govern those undergoing temptations; for the Divine does not flow into anything except that which is regarded with affection. Truth that has been implanted and become rooted in a person interiorly has been implanted and become rooted there through affection. Absolutely nothing grows there without affection. Truth that has been implanted and become rooted through affection sticks in the mind, and it is recollected through an affection for it. Furthermore when that truth is recollected it also manifests the affection attached to it, an affection which in that person is a reciprocal one. This being what goes on in a person who undergoes temptations, no one is therefore allowed to experience any spiritual temptation until he reaches adult years and so has acquired some truth by means of which he may be governed. Without that truth he goes under, in which case his latter state is worse than his former one. From all this one may see what is implied by the truth governing in a state of temptations, meant by 'the governor of the prison-house'.

[3] The reason 'a prince (or a governor)' means a primary truth is that 'a king' in the internal sense means the truth itself, 1672, 1728, 2015, 2069, 3009, 3670, 4575, 4581, 4789, 4966, and consequently because 'princes' are the king's chief subjects the primary features of that truth are meant by them. For this meaning of 'princes', see 1482, 2089; yet because those two paragraphs have not shown that meaning from other places in the Word, let some be introduced here: In Isaiah,

To us a boy is born, to us a son is given, on whose shoulder will be the government 1 - the prince of peace, increasing government 2 and peace [to which] there will be no end. Isaiah 9:6-7.

This refers to the Lord. 'The government upon his shoulder' means all Divine Truth in the heavens originating in Him, for the heavens are distinguished into separate principalities in keeping with the varieties of truth derived from good, which also explains why angels are called principalities. 'Peace' means the state of bliss in the heavens which inmostly affects what is good and true, 3780. This is why the Lord is called 'the prince of peace' and why it speaks of Him 'increasing government and peace to which there will be no end'.

[4] In the same prophet,

The princes of Zoan are foolish, the wise counsellors of Pharaoh. How do you say to Pharaoh, I am a son of the wise, a son of the kings of old? The princes of Zoan have become fools, the princes of Noph deluded, and they have led Egypt astray, the corner-stone of the tribes. Isaiah 19:11, 13.

This refers to Egypt, by which the Church's factual knowledge is meant, 4749, and so natural truth, which is the last and lowest degree of order. For the same reason Egypt is here called 'the corner-stone of the tribes', for by 'the tribes' are meant all aspects of truth in their entirety, 3858, 3862, 3926, 3939, 4060. Here however 'Egypt' is factual knowledge that perverts the truths known to the Church, and so is truths in the lowest degree of order that have been falsified, meant by 'the princes of Zoan and the princes of Noph'. The reason Egypt calls itself 'a son of the kings of old' is that the factual knowledge which existed in that land had its origin in the truths known to the Ancient Church. Actual truths are meant by 'kings', as shown above, and the truths known to the Ancient Church by 'the kings of old'.

[5] In the same prophet,

Asshur does not think what is right and his heart does not consider what is right, for his heart is to destroy, and to cut off nations not a few, for he says, Are not my princes kings? Isaiah 10:7-8.

'Asshur' stands for reasoning about Divine truths which gives rise to falsities, and so stands for perverted reason, 1186. Truths falsified in this way, that is, falsities, which are the product of reasoning and look altogether like truths, are meant when Asshur says 'Are not my princes kings?' As long as a person's mind is fixed on the historical sense of the letter he cannot see or consequently believe that 'Asshur' means reasoning, and that 'princes who are kings' means major falsities which are regarded as supreme truths. Still less can he believe this if he refuses to entertain the idea that there is something holier and more universal within the Divine Word than that which is seen in the literal sense. Yet in the internal sense 'Asshur' is used to mean in the Word nothing else than reason and reasoning, and 'kings' to mean actual truths, 'princes' the primary features of truth. Also, those in heaven have no knowledge as to what or who 'Asshur' may be, besides which angels put away from themselves the idea of a king or a prince; and when they detect this idea residing with man they transfer it to the Lord and then perceive that which goes forth from the Lord and which is the Lord's in heaven, namely His Divine Truth going forth from His Divine Good.

[6] In the same prophet,

Asshur will fall by the sword, not of man (vir), and a sword, not of man (homo), will devour him. Also his rock will pass away by reason of terror, and his princes will be dismayed by the ensign. Isaiah 31:8-9.

This too refers to Egypt, by which the Church's factual knowledge once it has been perverted is meant. Reasoning based on known facts regarding Divine truths which leads to perversion and falsification is meant by 'Asshur', those perverted and falsified truths being 'his princes'. 'The sword by which Asshur will fall' is falsity engaged in conflict with truth and bringing about the devastation of it, 2799, 4499.

In the same prophet,

The strength of Pharaoh will become shame for you, and trust in the shadow of Egypt ignominy, when his princes will be in Zoan. Isaiah 30:3-4.

'Princes in Zoan' stands for truths that have been falsified, and so stands for falsities, as above.

[7] In the same prophet,

The spoon-bill and the duck will possess it, and the owl and the raven will dwell in it; and he will stretch over it the line of emptiness, and the plumb-line of a waste place. Let them call its nobles who are not there a kingdom, and all its princes will be nothing. Isaiah 34:11-12.

'The spoon-bill', 'the duck', 'the owl', 'the raven' stand for varieties of falsity which arise when Divine truths in the Word are rendered valueless. The desolation and laying waste of truth is meant by 'the line of emptiness and the plumb-line of a waste', while the falsities, which are primary truths so far as the people described here are concerned, are meant by 'its princes'. In the same prophet,

I will render the princes of holiness profane, and I will give Jacob to utter destruction and Israel to reproaches. Isaiah 43:28.

'Rendering the princes of holiness profane' refers to holy truths. The annihilation of the truth known to the Church - the internal Church and the external - is meant by 'giving Jacob to utter destruction and Israel to reproaches', 'Jacob' being the external Church and 'Israel' the internal, see 4286.

[8] In Jeremiah,

There will enter through the gates of this city kings and princes seated on the throne of David, riding in chariots and on horses, they and their princes. Jeremiah 17:25.

Anyone who understands the Word at this point according to its historical sense cannot know that anything deeper and holier lies hidden within these words than the idea that kings and princes will enter through the gates of the city in chariots and on horses, from which he gathers that the duration of the kingdom is meant. But one who is aware of what is meant by 'city' in the internal sense, and what is meant by 'kings', 'princes', 'the throne of David', and 'riding in chariots and on horses' sees deeper and holier matters in this description. For 'the city', which is Jerusalem, means the Lord's spiritual kingdom, 2117, 3654; 'kings' Divine Truths, as shown above; 'princes' the primary features of truth; 'the throne of David' the Lord's heaven, 1888; and 'riding in chariots and on horses' the existence in the Church of a spiritual understanding, 2760, 2761, 3217.

[9] In the same prophet,

O sword against the Chaldeans and against the inhabitants of Babel, and against its princes and against its wise men! O sword against the liars! O sword against its horses and against its chariots! Jeremiah 50:35-37.

'Sword' stands for truth engaged in conflict with falsity, and for falsity in conflict with truth and laying it waste, 2799, 4499. 'The Chaldeans' stands for those who profane truths, and 'the inhabitants of Babel' for those who profane good, 1182, 1283, 1295, 1304, 1307, 1308, 1321, 1322, 1326, 1327 (end). 'Princes' stands for falsities, which to such people are primary truths. 'Horses' stands for the Church's possession of understanding, and 'chariots' for its doctrinal teaching, the laying waste of these being meant by 'a sword against its horses and against its chariots'.

[10] In the same prophet,

How in His anger the Lord covers the daughter of Zion with a cloud! The Lord has swallowed up - He has not spared - all the dwelling-places of Jacob. He has destroyed in His wrath the strongholds of the daughter of Judah; He has cast them down to the ground; He has profaned the kingdom and her princes. The gates have sunk into the ground; He has broken in pieces her bars; her king and princes are among the nations. Lamentations 1:1, 2, 9.

'The daughter of Zion and Judah' stands for the celestial Church, in this case for that Church when it has been destroyed. 'The kingdom' stands for the truths of doctrine there, 2547, 4691, 'king' for truth itself, and 'princes' for the primary features of this truth.

[11] In the same prophet,

Our skins have been blackened like an oven because of the storms of famine; they have ravished women in Zion, virgins in the cities of Judah. Princes have been hung up by their hands. Lamentations 5:10-12.

'Princes hung up by their hands' stands for the fact that truths have been made profane, for being hung up represented the damnation brought about by profanation. And because being hung up represented that profanation the command was also given that when the people went whoring after Baalpeor and worshipped their gods, the princes were to be hung up before the sun, Numbers 25:1-4, since 'to go whoring after Baalpeor and to worship their gods' was to make worship profane.

In Ezekiel,

The king will mourn, and the prince will be wrapped in stupidity, and the hands of the people of the land will be all atremble; I will deal with them in their way. Ezekiel 7:27.

Here likewise 'the king' stands for truth in general, and 'the prince' for the primary features of it.

[12] In the same prophet,

The prince who is in the midst of them will be carried on the shoulder under darkness and will go forth; they will dig through the wall to lead out through it; he will cover his face, so that with the eye he does not see the earth. Ezekiel 12:12.

Here it is quite evident that 'the prince' does not mean a prince but truth known to the Church. When the words 'will be carried on the shoulder under darkness' are used in reference to it, the meaning is that total power is used to bear away among falsities, 'darkness' meaning falsities. 'Covering the face' means that truth is completely out of sight; 'so that with the eye he does not see the earth' means that nothing of the Church is visible, 'earth' or 'land' meaning the Church, see 661, 1066, 1067, 1262, 1413, 1607, 1733, 1850, 2117, 4535. In Hosea,

The children of Israel will sit many days with no king and no prince, and no sacrifice, and no pillar, and no ephod, and no teraphim. Hosea 3:4.

[13] And in David,

All glorious is the king's daughter within, in her clothing with gold interweavings; in embroidered robes she will be led to the king. Instead of your fathers will be your sons; you will set them as princes in the whole earth. Psalms 45:13-14, 16.

'The king's daughter' means the Lord's spiritual kingdom. It is called His spiritual kingdom by virtue of the Lord's Divine truth, which in this instance is described by means of 'clothing consisting of gold interweavings and of embroidered robes'. 'Sons' are the truths of that kingdom which are derived from the Lord's Divine, which are going to be 'the princes', that is, the primary features of it.

'The prince' who is described - he and his possession in the New Jerusalem and in the new land - in Ezekiel 44:3; 45:7-8, 17; 46:8, 10, 12, 16, 18; 48:21, means, in general, truth that is derived from the Lord's Divine. For 'the New Jerusalem' in these places, 'the New Temple', and 'the new land' are used to mean the Lord's kingdom in heaven and on earth, which kingdom is described here in Ezekiel by means of representatives such as figure elsewhere in the Word.

Notes de bas de page:

1. literally, principality or princely rule

2. literally, multiplying the principality or princely rule

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.