1 Konger 16:31



31 Og som om det ikke var nok med, at han vandrede i Jeroboams, Nebats Søns, Synder, ægtede han oven i Købet Jesabel, en Datter af Zidoniemes Konge Etba'al, og gik hen og dyrkede Ba'al og tilbad ham.


Par Henry MacLagan

Verse 31. For with persons in this state, the corruption of the understanding which has the capacity for perceiving truths, and the practice of external worship without internal, are not only considered light offences, but they also conjoin in themselves falsity with evil from the abuse of exterior knowledges, which culminates in the acknowledgment of faith without charity (which burns to destroy all truth and goodness), and in the worship of self,

The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University