

Второзаконие 1:23



23 Слово это мне понравилось, и я взял из вас двенадцать человек, по одному человеку от каждого колена.



Explanation of Deuteronomy 1:23

От Alexander Payne

Verse 23. And this desire is approved by the conscience instructed by Divine truth; and it selects from the faculties of the mind every thought and volition which is suitable for the purpose.

От "Съчиненията на Сведенборг


Heaven and Hell #272

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272. There is still another reason, beyond the ones already given, why angels can accept so much wisdom, a reason that in heaven is actually the primary one. It is that they are free of any selfishness; for to the extent that people are free of selfishness they can be wise in divine matters. Selfishness is what closes off our deeper natures from the Lord and heaven and opens our outer natures and turns them toward ourselves. So all people in whom that selfish love predominates are in the depths of darkness as far as heavenly realities are concerned, no matter how much light they may enjoy in regard to worldly matters. In contrast, since angels are free of that love, they enjoy the light of wisdom. The heavenly loves in which they are centered - love for the Lord and love for their neighbor - open the deeper levels because these loves come from the Lord and the Lord himself is within them. (These loves constitute heaven in general and form heaven in individuals in particular: 13-19.)

Since heavenly loves open our deeper levels toward the Lord, all the angels turn their faces toward the Lord (142): in the spiritual world love is what turns the deeper levels of every individual toward itself, and what turns the deeper levels turns the face, since the face there acts in unison with the deeper levels and is actually their outward form. Further, because love does turn the deeper levels and the face toward itself, it also unites itself to them, since love is spiritual union. Therefore it also shares what it has with them. It is from this turning and the consequent union and sharing that angels get their wisdom (all union in the spiritual world takes place according to the way people are facing, 255).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.