

Второзаконие 1:19



19 И отправились мы от Хорива, и шли по всей этой великой и страшной пустыне, которую вы видели, по пути к горе Аморрейской, как повелел Господь, Бог наш, и пришли в Кадес-Варни.



Erläuterung zu Deuteronomium 1

От Alexander Payne (машинно преведени на Deutsch)

Verse 1-8. Eine allgemeine Zusammenfassung.

Verse 9-18. Die Auswahl der richtigen Prinzipien im Geist.

Verse 19-21. Aufforderung zum Eintritt in das himmlische Leben.

Verse 22-25. Eine Untersuchung darüber, was das himmlische Leben ausmacht.

Verse 26-40. Der Unwille des unerneuerten Herzens, es zu betreten.

Verse 41-46. Der Versuch, dies aus der Selbstbezogenheit und der Niederlage in der Versuchung heraus zu tun.

От "Съчиненията на Сведенборг


Arcana Coelestia #7248

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7248. I have been told that the inhabitants of that planet who, when they die and become spirits, appear on this side of it derive the greatest pleasure out of acts of plunder, and most especially out of eating from the plunder. The delight they experience when they think about eating from the plunder was conveyed to me, and I perceived that it was very great. The fact that people with that kind of bestial nature have also inhabited our own planet is evident from the history of various nations, and also from the inhabitants of the land of Canaan, 1 Samuel 30:16, as well as from the Jewish and Israelite nation in David's time, in that they made raids every year on nations, pillaged them, and rejoiced in the pillage. So far as these inhabitants of the planet Venus are concerned, they do indeed find pleasure in acts of plunder; yet they are not cruel. They throw people whom they despoil into water, using that as the method to put them to death; but they keep alive those they can. They afterwards bury those whom they have put to death in that way, which shows that there is some humanity in them, unlike the Jews, whose delight it was to cast aside those they killed and expose them to be devoured by wild animals of the forest or by birds, and sometimes to put them to death in a savage and cruel manner, 2 Samuel 12:31. How much delight the Jews took in such practices I was also allowed to recognize in the sphere conveyed to me from those who, in great numbers, quickly came near and then fled.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.