

Levítico 3:4



4 os dois rins e a gordura que está sobre eles, e a que está junto aos lombos, e o redenho que está sobre o fígado, juntamente com os rins, ele os tirará.

От "Съчиненията на Сведенборг


Apocalypse Explained #363

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363. Come and see. That this signifies attention and perception, is clear from what was said above where the same words were explained (as shown above, n. [354] 1 ).

Бележки под линия:

1 NCBS Editor's Note: Originally had n. 364, but appears to refer to 354.

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

От "Съчиненията на Сведенборг


Apocalypse Explained #478

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478. And serve him day and night in his temple.- That this signifies that they are continually kept in truths in heaven, is evident from the signification of serving, as being said of those who are in truths, on which subject we shall speak presently; and from the signification of day and night, as denoting continually and in every state, upon which also we shall speak presently; and from the signification of the temple of God, as denoting heaven where Divine Truth reigns; concerning, which see above (n. 220, 391:2). By these words it is therefore signified that they are continually kept in truths in heaven. The reason of this signification is, that these things are said of those who, during their life in the world, were in falsities from ignorance, as shown above; and those who are in falsities from ignorance, and yet in the good of life according to their religion, cannot be saved until their falsities have been removed, and truths implanted in their stead; and truths are implanted by means of temptations. When therefore they come out of temptations, the falsities still remain, although removed by means of truths; for nothing evil and false can be absolutely blotted out from man, spirit, or angel, but only removed. For they are withheld from their own evils and falsities, and retained in good and in truth by the Lord, and when this is the case, they seem to themselves to be as it were without evils and falsities; hence it is, that unless those who, in the world, had been in falsities from ignorance, were continually retained in truths by the Lord, they would relapse into falsities. This, therefore, is the meaning of the words "they serve him day and night in his temple." Temple also signifies heaven, where truths reign.

[2] That they were in the good of life according to their religion, is indeed the ground of their salvation, but this does not save as long as they are in falsities, therefore after their life in the world their falsities are removed. The reason that they cannot be saved before is, that good derives its essence from truths; for good is the esse [inmost being] of truth, and truth is the form of good, wherefore, as is the quality of truths, such is good. From these considerations also, it is clear, that although anyone may live well, yet he cannot come into heaven until he is in truths. On this account, there are places of instruction for those who are about to come into heaven, for no one can enter therein until he has been instructed. Concerning the instruction, and the places of instruction, for those who are about to come into heaven, see the Heaven and Hell 512-520).

[3] It is said that they serve Him day and night in His temple, but this does not mean that they are continually in a temple, or continually engaged in worship and prayers, for this is not the case in the heavens; there every one, just as in the world, is in his own office and employment, and in turn in a temple as in the world; but still they are said to serve God day and night in His temple, when they are continually in truths, for thus they interiorly serve Him continually. For every good spirit and angel is his own truth and his own good, because they are affections of truth and good. Affection or love constitutes the life of every one; therefore those who are in the affection for truth serve the Lord continually, even when engaged in their duties, business, and employments, for the affection which is within continually reigns and serves. The Lord also desires this service, but He does not desire that they should be engaged continually in temples and in worship. To be engaged in temples and in worship there, and not to be in truths, is not to serve the Lord; but to serve the Lord is to be in truths, and to act sincerely and justly in every thing, for then the true, sincere, and just things themselves in man, serve the Lord. By means of these also man can be in heaven after his life in the world, but not by means of worship alone, for worship without these, consequently without truths, is empty worship, into which there is no influx. In the Word mention is made of serving, and ministering, also of servants and ministers, and those are called servants of the Lord, and are said to serve Him who are in truths; and those are called ministers of the Lord, and are said to minister to Him, who are in good. That those are called servants in the Word who are in truths, may be seen above (n. 6); and that those are called ministers who are in good (n. 155).

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Translation by Isaiah Tansley. Many thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.