

Joel 2



1 Sonate con la tromba n Sion, e date di gran gridi nel monte mio santo, sieno commossi tutti gli abitanti del paese; perciocchè il giorno del Signore viene, perciocchè egli è presso;

2 giorno di tenebre e di caligine; giorno di nuvola e di folta oscurità, che si spande su per li monti, come l’alba; un grande, e possente popolo viene, il cui simile non fu giammai nè sarà dopo lui in alcuna età.

3 Davanti a lui un fuoco divora, e dietro a lui una fiamma divampa; la terra è davanti a lui come il giardino di Eden, e dietro a lui è un deserto di desolazione; ed anche egli non lascia nulla di resto.

4 Il suo aspetto è come l’aspetto de’ cavalli, e corrono come cavalieri.

5 Saltano su per le cime de’ monti, facendo strepito come carri; come fiamma di fuoco, che arde della stoppia; come un gran popolo apparecchiato alla battaglia.

6 I popoli saranno angosciati veggendolo, ogni faccia ne impallidirà.

7 Correranno come uomini prodi, saliranno sopra le mura come uomini di guerra; e cammineranno ciascuno nell’ordine suo, e non torceranno i lor sentieri.

8 E l’uno non incalzerà l’altro, ciascuno camminerà per la sua strada, e si avventeranno per mezzo le spade, e non saranno feriti.

9 Andranno attorno per la città, correranno sopra le mura, saliranno nelle case, entreranno per le finestre, come un ladro.

10 La terra tremerà davanti a loro, il cielo ne sarà scrollato; il sole e la luna ne saranno oscurati, e le stelle sottrarranno il loro splendore.

11 E il Signore darà fuori la sua voce in capo al suo esercito; perciocchè il suo campo sarà grandissimo; perciocchè l’esecutor della sua parola sarà possente; perciocchè il giorno del Signore sarà grande, e grandemente spaventevole; e chi lo potrà sostenere?

12 Ma pure anche, dice il Signore, ora convertitevi a me di tutto il cuor vostro, e con digiuno, e con pianto, e con cordoglio.

13 E stracciate i vostri cuori, e non i vostri vestimenti; e convertitevi al Signore Iddio vostro; perciocchè egli è misericordioso e pietoso, lento all’ira, e di gran benignità, e si pente del male.

14 Chi sa se egli si rivolgerà, e si pentirà, e lascerà dietro a sè qualche benedizione, qualche offerta di panatica, e da spandere, da fare al Signore Iddio vostro?

15 Sonate la tromba in Sion, santificate il digiuno, bandite la solenne raunanza;

16 adunate il popolo, santificate la raunanza, congregate i vecchi, accogliete i piccoli fanciulli, e quelli che lattano ancora le mammelle; esca lo sposo della sua camera, e la sposa del suo letto di nozze.

17 Piangano i sacerdoti, ministri del Signore, fra il portico e l’altare, e dicano: Perdona, Signore, al tuo popolo; e non esporre la tua eredità a vituperio, facendo che le genti la signoreggino; perchè si direbbe egli fra i popoli: Dove è l’Iddio loro?

18 OR è il Signore ingelosito per lo suo paese, ed ha avuta compassione del suo popolo.

19 E il Signore ha risposto, ed ha detto al suo popolo: Ecco, io vi mando del frumento, del mosto, e dell’olio; e voi ne sarete saziati; e non vi esporrò più a vituperio fra le genti;

20 ed allontanerò da voi il Settentrionale, e lo sospingerò in un paese arido e deserto; la parte dinnanzi di esso verso il mare orientale, e quella di dietro verso il mare occidentale; e la puzza di esso salirà, e l’infezione ne monterà dopo ch’egli avrà fatte cose grandi.

21 Non temere, o terra; festeggia, e rallegrati; perciocchè il Signore ha fatte cose grandi.

22 Non temiate, bestie della campagna; perciocchè i paschi del deserto hanno germogliato, e gli alberi hanno portato il lor frutto; il fico e la vite han prodotta la lor virtù.

23 E voi, figliuoli di Sion, festeggiate, e rallegratevi nel Signore Iddio vostro; perciocchè egli vi ha data la pioggia giustamente, e vi ha fatta scender la pioggia della prima, e dell’ultima stagione, nel primo mese.

24 E le aie saranno ripiene di frumento; e i tini traboccheranno di mosto e di olio.

25 Ed io vi ristorerò delle annate che la locusta, il bruco, il grillo, e la ruca, quel mio grande esercito, che io avea mandato contro a voi, avranno mangiate.

26 E voi mangerete abbondantemente, e sarete saziati; e loderete il Nome del Signore Iddio vostro, il quale avrà operato maravigliosamente inverso voi; e il mio popolo non sarà giammai più confuso.

27 E voi conoscerete che io sono in mezzo d’Israele; e che io sono il Signore Iddio vostro; e che non ve n’è alcun altro; e il mio popolo non sarà giammai più confuso.

28 ED avverrà, dopo queste cose, che io spanderò il mio Spirito sopra ogni carne, e i vostri figliuoli e le vostre figliuole profetizzeranno; i vostri vecchi sogneranno de’ sogni, i vostri giovani vedranno delle visioni.

29 E in quei giorni spanderò il mio Spirito eziandio sopra i servi e le serve;

30 e farò prodigi in cielo ed in terra; sangue, e fuoco, e colonne di fumo.

31 Il sole sarà mutato in tenebre, e la luna diventerà sanguigna; avanti che venga il grande e spaventevole giorno del Signore.

32 Ma egli avverrà, che chiunque invocherà il Nome del Signore sarà salvato; perciocchè nel monte di Sion, e in Gerusalemme, vi sarà salvezza, come ha detto il Signore; e fra i rimasti, che il Signore avrà chiamati.


To many Protestant and Evangelical Italians, the Bibles translated by Giovanni Diodati are an important part of their history. Diodati’s first Italian Bible edition was printed in 1607, and his second in 1641. He died in 1649. Throughout the 1800s two editions of Diodati’s text were printed by the British Foreign Bible Society. This is the more recent 1894 edition, translated by Claudiana.

От "Съчиненията на Сведенборг


Coronis (An Appendix to True Christian Religion) #59

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59. V. BEFORE THIS STATE, AND AFTER IT, PROMISE WAS MADE OF THE COMING OF THE LORD JEHOVIH INTO THE WORLD, AND OF A NEW CHURCH AT THAT TIME, WHEREIN JUSTICE AND JUDGMENT SHOULD REIGN. It is known, from the reading of the prophetic Word of the Old Testament, that, in many places there, the Coming of our Lord is foretold, and also that the Lord is there designated by various names; as, that He is called "Jehovah Zebaoth," "Jehovah our Righteousness," "Jehovah our Saviour and Redeemer," "Lord Jehovih," "Adonai," "Immanuel" or "God with us," "God of Israel," "Holy One of Israel," "Rock of Israel," "Messiah" or "Anointed of Jehovah," "King," "David," "Mighty One of Jacob," "Shepherd of Israel," "High Priest," "Priest after the order of Melchizedech," "Son of God," "Son of Man," "Angel of Jehovah," "Angel of the Covenant," the "Grand Prophet," "Shiloh"; also, in Isaiah, "Counsellor," "Prince of Peace," "Father of Eternity"; and in the New Covenant, "Jesus Christ," and "Son of God." That our Lord's Coming was foretold in very many places in the Prophets, will be seen from the predictions adduced in the following pages. But it may be asked,

Why was such frequent prediction of His Coming made? There were many reasons, some regarding the Israelitish and Jewish people, and some regarding the Christian people after them.

[2] But we will recount the reasons which especially regarded the Israelitish and Jewish people. The First was that, by His being named and recalled to mind, they might be kept in the interior worship of Jehovah, since, without that, there was no entrance of Jehovah to any one of them, nor approach of any one of them to Jehovah. The case was then as it is at this day,

that no one hath seen God the Father; the Only Begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath set Him forth (John 1:18; 5:37);

and again:

No one cometh to the Father, but by Me (John 14:6).

The Second reason regarding that people was, that the representative types of their Church, which all looked to our Lord and to the Church to be established by Him after His Coming, might serve them as so many signs and symbols of their worship; consequently, that they might acknowledge Him when He came, and suffer themselves to be introduced into the internals of the worship of Him, and, together with the nations that surrounded them, become Christians. The Third reason was that, by calling to mind His Coming, somewhat of the notion, or idea, of the resurrection and eternal life might find entrance into their thoughts. For who of them could not have thought interiorly in himself, or in his heart, "What is the Messiah to us after we are dead, unless we return then, see His glory and reign with Him?" From this source was derived their superstition, that, at that time, they were to be raised again, everyone out of his grave, and return to the land of Canaan. The Fourth reason was that they might be succoured and healed in their state of vastation and oppression, when they were in temptations and afflictions, like their fathers and brethren in the wilderness (Num. 21:1-9; John 3:14-15); for, without such succour and healing, they would have cast aspersions against Jehovah, and departed, in crowds, from the representative worship of Him to idolatry.

[3] Indeed, temptations and afflictions, in the state of vastation and oppression, are nothing else than combats of the Lord with the Devil respecting man, that is, respecting his soul, which is to possess it; of which state it may be said, that the God of Israel, or the Lord the Messiah, stands on one side, and Beelzebub and the Serpent, the Devil, on the other, and that the latter casts forth out of his mouth blasphemies like a flood against the Lord, but that the Lord turns them aside and bears them away, and thus delivers man from spiritual captivity and slavery. This combat is felt in man as if waged by himself. That temptation is such a combat, and that there is such a perception by man, and hence co-operation, I can avow, for, having often experienced it, I have known it perfectly. That it is carried on outside man, and is felt in him as if by himself, and that man is standing in the middle, and co-operates, is for the end that recompense may be ascribed to him when he conquers; but only that man conquers who looks to the Lord, and trusts in Him alone for help.

[4] That every one who calls upon the Lord in temptations, conquers, but that otherwise he yields, shall be illustrated by comparisons. It is like a ship hurled by storms near the rocks: unless the captain knows how to divert it from its danger, and to direct it to an outlet and thus to port, it must be lost. It is like a city besieged by enemies: unless there be escape or aid somewhere, the commander and his garrison become hopeless and disheartened, and yield themselves prisoners, and surrender their lives to the will of the enemy. It is like a person on a journey entering unawares into a cottage where there are robbers, unless, when he is shut in, a friend come and knock at the door, or show himself at the window, and thereby terrify those villains and rescue him from ill-treatment. It is like a person falling into a cave where there is a bear with cubs, or into a pit where there are a wolf and a leopard, if his father, or brother, on seeing this, do not immediately let down to him a ladder, or a rope, and draw him up thence. It is like a person who stands, or walks, in the day-time, in a thick fog, who consequently does not know which way to turn, unless he light a lamp, and thereby show himself the place where he stands or the way in which he should walk. It is like being in the depth of winter, and short of provisions, if not supported by the hope of a harvest to come, on the return of summer. So, again, it is like a person wandering at midnight in a wood, unless he comfort himself with the hope of day, and in that hope goes to lie down, and sleeps quietly till morning. It is also like one, who, for the sake of salvation, is desirous of being instructed in the things of the Christian Religion, and who meets with mitred doctors and laurelled teachers, who expound them by terms borrowed from metaphysics, and wrap them in mysteries, unless there be some other person to explain those terms, and thereby unravel the perplexities, and to set forth from the Word, thus from the Lord, the holy things of the Church, in clear light: would he not otherwise be bewildered by the falsities respecting faiths, and the other dogmas which depend on the faith laid down, just as the links of a chain hang together unbrokenly from a hook fixed to the wall?

[5] The case would be similar in temptations and the attendant infestations from satans, unless man looked trustingly to the Lord, and fully assured himself that the whole work and ability of deliverance are from Him alone. It is for these reasons that the Coming of the Lord is so frequently foretold in the Old Prophetic Word, and for the same reasons also the Lord is proclaimed in the New Evangelic and Apostolic Word, and his Second Coming foretold; concerning which see the statements following.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Lamentations 1:16



16 For these things I weep; my eye, my eye runs down with water; Because the comforter who should refresh my soul is far from me: My children are desolate, because the enemy has prevailed.