

Jeremia 33



1 Und das Wort Jehovas geschah zum zweiten Male zu Jeremia, als er noch im Gefängnishofe verhaftet war, also:

2 So spricht Jehova, der es tut, Jehova, der es bildet, um es zu verwirklichen, Jehova ist sein Name:

3 Rufe zu mir, und ich will dir antworten und will dir große und unerreichbare Dinge kundtun, die du nicht weißt.

4 Denn so spricht Jehova, der Gott Israels, über die Häuser dieser Stadt und über die Häuser der Könige von Juda, welche abgebrochen werden wegen der Wälle und wegen des Schwertes;

5 indem man kommt, um gegen die Chaldäer zu streiten und die Häuser mit den Leichnamen der Menschen zu füllen, welche ich in meinem Zorn und in meinem Grimm geschlagen, und um all deren Bosheit willen ich mein Angesicht vor dieser Stadt verborgen habe:

6 Siehe, ich will ihr einen Verband anlegen und Heilung bringen und sie heilen, und ich will ihnen eine Fülle von Frieden und Wahrheit offenbaren.

7 Und ich werde die Gefangenschaft Judas und die Gefangenschaft Israels wenden, und werde sie bauen wie im Anfang.

8 Und ich werde sie reinigen von all ihrer Ungerechtigkeit, womit sie gegen mich gesündigt haben; und ich werde alle ihre Missetaten vergeben, womit sie gegen mich gesündigt haben und womit sie von mir abgefallen sind.

9 Und sie soll mir zum Freudennamen, zum Ruhm und zum Schmuck sein bei allen Nationen der Erde, welche all das Gute hören werden, das ich ihnen tue. Und sie werden zittern und beben über all das Gute und über all den Frieden, den ich ihr angedeihen lasse. -

10 So spricht Jehova: An diesem Orte, von dem ihr saget: "Er ist verödet, ohne Menschen und ohne Vieh", in den Städten Judas und auf den Straßen Jerusalems, die verwüstet sind, ohne Menschen und ohne Bewohner und ohne Vieh, wird wiederum gehört werden die Stimme der Wonne

11 und die Stimme der Freude, die Stimme des Bräutigams und die Stimme der Braut, die Stimme derer, welche sagen: Lobet Jehova der Heerscharen, denn Jehova ist gütig, denn seine Güte währt ewiglich! Die Stimme derer, welche Lob in das Haus Jehovas bringen. Denn ich werde die Gefangenschaft des Landes wenden wie im Anfang, spricht Jehova.

12 So spricht Jehova der Heerscharen: An diesem Orte, der verödet ist, ohne Menschen und ohne Vieh, und in allen seinen Städten wird wiederum eine Wohnung sein für die Hirten, welche Herden lagern lassen.

13 In den Städten des Gebirges, in den Städten der Niederung und in den Städten des Südens, und im Lande Benjamin und in den Umgebungen von Jerusalem und in den Städten Judas werden wiederum die Herden unter den Händen des Zählers vorüberziehen, spricht Jehova.

14 Siehe, Tage kommen, spricht Jehova, da ich das gute Wort erfüllen werde, welches ich über das Haus Israel und über das Haus Juda geredet habe.

15 In jenen Tagen und zu jener Zeit werde ich dem David einen Sproß der Gerechtigkeit hervorsprossen lassen, und er wird Recht und Gerechtigkeit üben im Lande.

16 In jenen Tagen wird Juda gerettet werden und Jerusalem in Sicherheit wohnen; und dies wird der Name sein, mit welchem man es benennen wird: Jehova, unsere Gerechtigkeit.

17 Denn so spricht Jehova: Nie soll es dem David an einem Manne fehlen, der auf dem Throne des Hauses Israel sitze.

18 Und den Priestern, den Leviten, soll es nie an einem Manne vor mir fehlen, der Brandopfer opfere und Speisopfer anzünde und Schlachtopfer zurichte alle Tage. -

19 Und das Wort Jehovas geschah zu Jeremia also:

20 So spricht Jehova: Wenn ihr meinen Bund betreffs des Tages und meinen Bund betreffs der Nacht brechen könnt, so daß Tag und Nacht nicht mehr seien zu ihrer Zeit,

21 so wird auch mein Bund mit meinem Knechte David gebrochen werden, daß er keinen Sohn habe, der auf seinem Throne König sei, und auch mit den Leviten, den Priestern, meinen Dienern.

22 Wie das Heer des Himmels nicht gezählt und der Sand des Meeres nicht gemessen werden kann, also werde ich den Samen Davids, meines Knechtes, und die Leviten mehren, die mir dienen. -

23 Und das Wort Jehovas geschah zu Jeremia also:

24 Hast du nicht gesehen, was dieses Volk redet, indem es spricht: "Die zwei Geschlechter, welche Jehova erwählt hatte, die hat er verworfen"? Und so verachten sie mein Volk, so daß es vor ihnen keine Nation mehr ist.

25 So spricht Jehova: Wenn nicht mein Bund betreffs des Tages und der Nacht besteht, wenn ich nicht die Ordnungen des Himmels und der Erde festgesetzt habe,

26 so werde ich auch den Samen Jakobs und Davids, meines Knechtes, verwerfen, daß ich nicht mehr von seinem Samen Herrscher nehme über den Samen Abrahams, Isaaks und Jakobs. Denn ich werde ihre Gefangenschaft wenden und mich ihrer erbarmen.


От "Съчиненията на Сведенборг


True Christian Religion #159

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159. At this point I shall describe some more experiences, of which this is the first.

Once when I was in company with angels in heaven, I saw far below a huge cloud of smoke with fire bursting out of it from time to time. I remarked to the angels who were talking with me, that few people here know that the sight of smoke in the hells arises from arguments in favour of falsities, and that fire is an outburst of anger against those who contradict them. I added that this is as little known in that world, as it is in the world where I live in the body, that flame is nothing but ignited smoke. I have often observed this, when, seeing smoke rising from wood on a hearth on earth, I have applied a lighted taper to it and seen the smoke turn into flame; and the flames copied the shape of the smoke, for each particle of smoke becomes a spark, and they join to make a blaze, just as also happens with gunpowder. 'It is the same with the smoke we can see down here below. It is composed of so many falsities, and the fire bursting out as flames is the outburst of zeal in their favour.'

[2] Then the angels said to me: 'Let us beg the Lord to allow us to go down and come near, so as to find out what falsities they have that produce so much smoke and fire.'

Permission was granted, and at once a beam of light surrounded us and brought us down without a break to that place. There we saw four groups of spirits who were arguing vigorously that God the Father, because He is invisible, should be approached and worshipped, and not His Son who was born in this world, because He was a man and visible. On looking to either side I saw on the left the learned clergy, and behind them the unlearned clergy; and on the right the educated laymen, and behind them the uneducated. But between us and them yawned an unbridgeable gap.

[3] We turned our eyes and ears towards the left, where the clergy were with the learned ones in front and the unlearned behind, and heard them arguing about God in these terms. 'We know from the teaching of our church, which on the subject of God is one and the same throughout Europe, that one should approach God the Father, being invisible, and at the same time God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, who are also invisible, being co-eternal with the Father. Since God the Father is the creator of the universe, and consequently in the universe, He is present wherever we turn our gaze. When we pray to Him, He is graciously pleased to accept our prayers, and when the Son has mediated for us, He sends the Holy Spirit to put in our hearts the glory of His Son's righteousness and to make us blessed. We, who have been made doctors of the church, felt, when we preached, the holy working of the Spirit's mission in our breasts, and we breathed the devotion aroused by His presence in our minds. We feel these emotions because we direct all our senses towards the invisible God who works not in a single way on the sight of our understanding, but universally throughout our mental and bodily systems by means of His emissary, the Spirit. Such effects could not be produced by the worship of a visible God, or one apprehensible mentally as a man.'

[4] This speech was greeted with applause from the unlearned clergy, who stood behind them. 'What is the source,' they added, 'of holiness, if it is not from an invisible and imperceptible Divine? As soon as this idea crosses the threshold of our hearing, our faces break into smiles and we are cheered as by the soothing breath of an incense-laden breeze, and we also beat our breasts. It is quite different if we think of a visible and perceptible Divine; if this idea penetrates our ears, it is reduced to something purely natural and no longer Divine. It is for a similar reason that the Roman Catholics conduct their masses in the Latin language, and take the Host, the alleged subject of Divine mysteries, from repositories on the altar and display it. At this moment the people fall on their knees as if before the profoundest mystery and reverently hold their breath.'

[5] After this we turned to the right, where the educated, and behind them the uneducated, laymen stood. I heard the educated speak as follows: 'We know that the wisest of the ancients worshipped an invisible God whom they called Jehovah, but in the period which followed this they made themselves gods out of dead rulers, including Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Apollo as well as Minerva, Diana, Venus, and Themis, building temples to them and giving them Divine worship. This worship in the course of time led to idolatry, a madness which finally pervaded the whole world. We are therefore unanimous in assenting to the opinion of our priests and elders, that there were and are three Divine Persons from eternity, each of whom is God. It is enough for us that they are invisible.'

The uneducated behind them added: 'We agree. Surely God is God and man is man? But we know that if anyone proposed God-man, the common people, whose idea of God is only derived from the senses, will accept it.'

[6] At the end of this speech their eyes were opened and they saw us standing near them. Then they became angry that we had heard them and refused to say another word. But the angels used the power they had been given to shut off the exterior or lower levels of their thought, and open the interior or higher levels; so they compelled them to speak about God in this state. Then they said: 'What is God? We have not seen His appearance, nor have we heard His voice. God then must be merely nature in its first and last manifestations. Nature we have seen, because it is clear before our eyes, and nature we have heard, for its sounds are ever in our ears.'

On hearing this we said to them: 'Have you ever seen Socinus, who would acknowledge only God the Father? Or Arius, who denied the divinity of our Lord and Saviour? Or any of their followers?' 'No,' they replied. 'They are,' we said, 'in the depths below you.' Then some people were sent for from that place and questioned about God. They spoke in much the same way as the others had done, adding: 'What is God? We can make as many gods as we wish.'

[7] 'It is useless,' we said then, 'to talk to you about the Son of God born in the world, but this at least we shall say. To prevent faith about God, in Him and from Him, from becoming, merely because no one has seen Him, like a water-bubble floating in the air, full of beautiful colours in the first and second moments of its existence, but in the third and thereafter collapsing into nothing, it has pleased Jehovah God to come down and take upon Himself human form, thus putting Himself on view, and proving that God is no entity conceived by the faculty of reason, but That which was, is and shall be, from eternity to eternity. God is no three-letter 1 word, but the whole of reality from alpha to omega. Consequently He is life and salvation to all who believe in Him as a visible God, not to those who say that they believe in an invisible God. For believing, seeing and recognising make up a single act, which is why the Lord said to Philip:

He who sees and knows me sees and knows the Father.

and elsewhere that it is the Father's will that they should believe in the Son, and he who believes in the Son has everlasting life, but he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God will rest upon him. (Both this and the previous passage are in John 3:15-16, 36; 14:6-15.)' On hearing this many of the four groups became so furious that smoke and fire came out of their nostrils. So we went away, and after escorting me home the angels went up to their own heaven.

Бележки под линия:

1. This is a puzzling expression, since God in Latin is Deus; but as the conversation took place in the spiritual world, it may refer to a word in the spiritual language.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.



Jeremiah 17:5



5 Thus says Yahweh: Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from Yahweh.