

约拿书 1


1 耶和华的临到亚米太的儿子约拿,说:

2 起来尼尼微城去,向其中的居民呼喊,因为他们的恶达到我面前。

3 约拿起来,逃往他施去躲避耶和华到约帕,遇见一只,要往他施去。他就价,上了,要与上的人同往他施去躲避耶和华

4 然而耶和华使中起就狂作,甚至几乎坏。

5 水手便惧,各哀求自己的。他们将上的货物抛在中,为要使轻些。约拿到底舱,躺卧沉睡。

6 船主到他那里对他:你这沉睡的人哪,为何这样呢?起来,求告你的,或者顾念我们,使我们不致灭亡。

7 船上的彼此:来吧,我们掣签,看看这灾临到我们是因谁的缘故。於是他们掣签,掣出约拿来。

8 众人对他:请你告诉我们,这灾临到我们是因谁的缘故?你以何事为业?你从哪里?你是哪一国?属哪一族的人?

9 :我是希伯来人。我敬畏耶和华─那创造沧旱地之上的

10 他们就,对他:你做的是甚麽事呢?他们已经知道他躲避耶和华,因为他告诉了他们。

11 他们问他我们当向你怎样行,使浪平静呢?这话是因浪越发翻腾。

12 他对他们:你们将我抬起来,抛在中,就平静了;我知道你们遭这风是因我的缘故。

13 然而那些人竭力荡桨,要把船拢岸,却是不能,因为浪越发向他们翻腾。

14 他们便求告耶和华耶和华啊,我们恳求你,不要因这的性命使我们死亡,不要使流无辜血的罪归与我们;因为你─耶和华是随自己的意旨行事。

15 他们遂将约拿抬起,抛在中,的狂浪就平息了。

16 那些人便敬畏耶和华,向耶和华献祭,并且许愿。

17 耶和华安排一条约拿,他在鱼腹中夜。



Exploring the Meaning of Jonah 1

От Helen Kennedy

Billy Graham once said that the whole of Jesus' ministry could be summed up in two words; Come and Go.

COME to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Matthew 11:28)

GO and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19)

In the beginning of the Book of Jonah, chapter 1, we have a story about what happens when you do the first step, but not the second. Jonah was supposed to go preach the gospel -- the monotheistic worship of Jehovah -- to the people of Ninevah. Swedenborg tells us that the verses in Jonah 1:1-2 are about the people of Israel, who had received the Word - but wouldn't go out and share it amongst the nations.

In Jonah 1:4-6, peoples' spiritual knowledge declines, and begins to perish. It happens both in the land of Israel, and in the wider world.

Here are some key symbolic elements in this account:

- A ship represents the knowledge of good and truth useful for life (a church). (Apocalypse Revealed 406)

- A sea, storm and wind represents Hell and its influence. (Apocalypse Revealed 343[4])

- To be asleep means to be deluded by our own glory. (Arcana Coelestia 147)

In Jonah 1:7-9, the people who lived outside the land of Israel had some perception that their own spiritual knowledge was lacking, and they it had led to a collapse of their spiritual state. As Swedenborg puts it, "the state of the church was perverted among themselves".

When they perceived this, they also came to understand that they needed to reject falsified truths that they were getting from the Jewish church at that time, and pray to the Lord for salvation, to try to restore real worship, real spiritual love and wisdom.

Drawing lots, or playing a game of chance, represents pulling truths apart. (Arcana Coelestia 9942.13)

In Jonah 1:10-13, throwing Jonah into the sea represents the rejection of that hollowed-out church, to make way for a new church. Then, in Jonah 1:14-16, when the people in the boat pray unto the Lord for salvation -- it works! They are saved from foundering and drowning.

What's the takeaway for us? If we're getting false ideas from our neighbors, we need to perceive it, and stop. We need to identify our false beliefs, and reject them -- throw them into the sea. Then, we need to pray for salvation -- and then a new "church" can start in us, too, personally, with renewed spiritual life. And, when we come to the Lord, and experience spiritual "rest", then we can also go share our new true ideas and good loves with our neighbors -- coming, and going.

Here's a link to an interesting (audio) sermon on this chapter, by Rev. Todd Beiswenger.

Finally, here's a link to Rev. McCurdy's Study Guide for the Book of Jonah, which is available for free as a .pdf, for your use.



Matthew 28:20



20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.