

约翰福音 5



1 这事以後,到了犹太人的一个节期,耶稣就上耶路撒冷去。

2 在耶路撒冷,靠近羊门有一个池子,希伯来话叫作毕士大,旁边有五个廊子;

3 里面躺着瞎眼的、瘸腿的、血气枯乾的许多病人。(有古卷在此有:等候水动;

4 因为有天使按时下池子搅动那水,水动之後,谁先下去,无论害甚麽病就痊愈了。)

5 在那里有一个人,病了三十八年。

6 【 雅吾赎瓦】看见他躺着,知道他病了许久,就问他:“你要痊愈吗?”

7 病人回答:先生,水动的时候,没有人把我放在池子里;我正去的时候,就有别人比我先下去。

8 耶稣对他起来,拿你的褥子走罢!

9 那人立刻痊愈,就拿起褥子来走了

10 那天是安息日,所以犹太人对那医好的人:今天是安息日,你拿褥子是不可的。

11 他却回答:那使我痊愈的,对我:拿你的褥子走罢。

12 他们问他:对你拿褥子走的是甚麽人?

13 那医好的人不知道是谁;因为那里的人多,耶稣已经躲开了。

14 後来耶稣在殿里遇见他,对他:你已经痊愈了,不要再犯罪,恐怕你遭遇的更加利害。

15 那人就去告诉犹太人,使他痊愈的是耶稣。

16 所以犹太人逼迫耶稣,因为他在安息日做了这事。

17 耶稣就对他们说:我父做事直到如今,我也做事。

18 所以犹太人越发想要他;因他不但犯了安息日,并且称神为他的父,将自己和神当作平等。

19 耶稣对他们:我实实在在的告诉你们,子凭着自己不能做甚麽,惟有看见父所做的,子才能做;父所做的事,子也照样做。

20 父爱子,将自己所做的一切事指给他看,还要将比这更大的事指给他看,叫你们希奇。

21 父怎样叫死人起来,使他们活着,子也照样随自己的意思使人活着。

22 父不审判甚麽人,乃将审判的事全交与子,

23 叫人都尊敬子如同尊敬父一样。不尊敬子的,就是不尊敬差子来的父。

24 我实实在在的告诉你们,那我话、又信差我者的,就有永生;不至於定罪,是已经出死入生了。

25 我实实在在的告诉你们,时候将到,现在就是了,死人要见神儿子的声音,见的人就要活了。

26 因为父怎样在自己有生命,就赐给他儿子也照样在自己有生命

27 并且因为他是人子,就赐给他行审判的权柄。

28 你们不要把这事看作希奇。时候要到,凡在坟墓里的,都要见他的声音,就出

29 行善的,复活得生;作恶的,复活定罪。

30 我凭着自己不能做甚麽,我怎麽见就怎麽审判。我的审判也是公平的;因为我不求自己的意思,只求那差我来者的意思。

31 我若为自己作见证,我的见证就不真。

32 另有一位给我作见证,我也知道他给我作的见证是真的。

33 你们曾差人到约翰那里,他为真理作过见证。

34 其实,我所受的见证不是从人来的;然而,我这些话,为要叫你们得

35 约翰是点着的明,你们情愿暂时喜欢他的

36 但我有比约翰更大的见证;因为父交给我要我成就的事,就是我所做的事,这便见证我是父所差来的。

37 差我来的父也为我作过见证。你们从来没有见他的声音,也没有看见他的形像。

38 你们并没有他的道存在心里;因为他所差来的,你们不信。

39 你们查考圣经(或作:应当查考圣经),因你们以为内中有永生;给我作见证的就是这经。

40 然而,你们不肯到我这里生命

41 我不受从人来的荣耀

42 但我知道,你们心里没有神的爱。

43 我奉我父的名,你们并不接待我;若有别人奉自己的名,你们倒要接待他。

44 你们互相受荣耀,却不求从独一之神来的荣耀,怎能信我呢?

45 不要想我在父面前要告你们;有一位告你们的,就是你们所仰赖的摩西

46 你们如果信摩西,也必信我,因为他书上有指着我写的话。

47 你们若不信他的书,怎能信我的话呢?




Explanation of John 5

От Rev. John Clowes M.A.

Explaining the Inner Meaning of John 5

Verses 5:1, 2. That the Lord, as to his humanity, initiated himself into the doctrine of the church, which was in connection with the knowledges of good and truth derived from the Word, thus with truths introductory to good.

Verse 5:3. Which truths are imparted to all those who are made sensible of their natural infirmities and disorders, whether arising from a defect, of intelligence, or from intelligence not yet formed into life, or from faith separate from charity, and thus produce vivification through acknowledgement and faith.

Verse 5:4. And this in consequence of divine influx, so that whoever receives the knowledges of good and truth with his supreme affection, or love, experiences purification from evil, and restoration of spiritual life.

Verses 5:5, 6, 7, 8. Yet some, by reason of the unsettled state of their wills, make slower progress in purification than others, until they are excited to exploration of their secret purposes and intentions, and have their affections and thoughts thereby elevated, so as to live according to the truth.

Verse 5:9. In which case they also are restored to the life of heaven, whilst the doctrine, in which they believe, is elevated to that life, so as to influence their lives, and thus introduce them into a state of eternal rest and peace.

Verses 5:10, 11. That they, who are of the perverted church, are offended on this occasion, and are instructed that all elevation of doctrine to conjunction with the life of heaven is an effect resulting from the divine love of the Lord, in his Divine Humanity.

Verses 5:12, 13. Hence they are led to seek knowledge concerning that Divine Humanity, but are not permitted, by reason of the evils and falsities in which they are principled, to attain such knowledge.

Verse 5:14. That they, who are purified from evils and falsities, are cautioned against the danger of profanation, which consists in turning back again to such evils and falsities.

Verse 5:15. Being therefore thus cautioned, they bear testimony to the Lord's Divine Humanity, as being the only source, of all spiritual and eternal life.

Verse 5:16. But are opposed in this testimony by those of the perverted church, who abide in representative worship, and do not discern how all representatives had reference to the union of the Divine and Human nature in the Lord.

Verse 5:17. Wherefore these latter are instructed, that the union of the two natures is effected reciprocally.

Verse 5:18. But this instruction only excites more of evil, being perversely interpreted as tending not only to destroy all representative worship, but also to confound divinity with humanity, and humanity with divinity.

Verse 5:19. Therefore they are further instructed, that divine truth can do nothing of itself, but from the divine good, and thus divine truth in the Lord's humanity always operates in conjunction and agreement with divine good in his divinity.

Verse 5:20. And this in consequence of the divine love, which manifests to its humanity all its purposes, until its humanity is fully glorified, or made divine, that so mankind may be led to adoration.

Verse 5:21. And also to the discovery, that by virtue of such glorification, the humanity receives from the divinity the power of imparting spiritual life, and thus of delivering man from the power of evil.

Verse 5:22. Also the power of arranging the several principles of the human mind, and thus of separating the evil from the good, which cannot be effected by the divine good alone without the divine truth.

Verse 5:23. To the intent that thus the Humanity of the Lord may always be seen in union with his divinity, and regarded as an equal object of worship and adoration, since otherwise the divinity itself cannot be worshipped and adored.

Verse 5:24. They therefore, who obey the divine truth, and approach the Lord in his Divine Humanity, are admitted into heaven, and never separating truth from good, are raised from a state of damnation to a state of salvation.

For since the assumption of the Human [principle] by the Divine, all who are in ignorance may learn the truths of faith, and may thus be gifted with spiritual life.

Verse 5:26. Inasmuch as the internal of the Lord being Jehovah, his Humanity has independent and underived life, alike with his divinity.

Verse 5:27. And has also the power of separating evil from good, and thus of arranging all goods and truths, as being itself the supreme truth.

Verses 5:28, 29. So that at his appearing even natural men shall be instructed in the divine truth, and if they obey it, shall attain spiritual life; but if they be disobedient, shall immerse themselves in spiritual death.

Verse 5:30. For the Humanity of the Lord operates solely from the divinity in itself, and is thus in divine truth from divine good, because in all things it exalts the divine good.

Verses 5:31, 32. Therefore divine truth claims no authority to itself separate from divine good, but only in union with that good.

Verses 5:33, 34. Neither does it claim authority from human testimony, but from its own divine power of communicating spiritual life.

Verse 5:35. Yet the testimony of man in favour of the divine truth is grounded both in good and truth, and has a tendency to impart to others those heavenly principles.

Verse 5:36. Nevertheless the glorification of the Lord's Humanity, the subjugation of the hells, and the consequent redemption of mankind, are the fullest proofs that the Lord is one with Jehovah.

Verse 5:37. Thus the divine good, which in itself is invisible, testifies that it is made visible in the Divine Humanity, which it assumed for that purpose.

Verse 5:38. But this is not believed by those, who are not enlightened and enlivened by the truth of that good.

Verse 5:39. Therefore all such are exhorted to explore the Holy Word which contains that truth, and which testifies throughout concerning the assumption and glorification of the Lord's Humanity.

Verse 5:40. Nevertheless they, who are of the perverted church, will not draw near to and abide in that Humanity, although there is no other source of good and of truth.

Verses 5:41, 42. Which Humanity testifies that it is purely Divine, and that they who reject it have no genuine affection of truth.

Verse 5:43. Therefore they do not approach the Eternal in his Divine Humanity, because they believe the truth to be unconnected with that its divine source.

Verse 5:44. And this in consequence of exalting human authority above the authority of divine truth.

Verses 5:45, 46, 47. So that even the truth of the Word, which they profess to believe, condemns them, since that truth testifies concerning the Lord's Divine Humanity, and therefore if its testimony be not admitted, the Lord's Divine Humanity cannot be acknowledged.



John 5:42



42 But I know you, that you don't have God's love in yourselves.