

约珥书 2:5



5 顶蹦跳的响声,如车辆的响声,又如焰烧碎秸的响声,好像强盛的民摆阵预备打仗。

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属天的奥秘 #5897

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5897. “为要给你们存留余种在这地上” 表教会的中间和至内在部分。这从 “余种” 的含义清楚可知, “余种” 是指与真理联结并被主储存在人里面的良善 (468, 530, 560, 561, 660, 1050, 1906, 2284, 5135, 5342节), 在此是指教会中间和至内在部分。之所以说 “中间和至内在部分”, 是因为人里面的至内在之物占据属世层的中间, 至内在之物和相对内在之物便在那里共存。一般来说, 哪里有一系列连续接踵而来的事物, 并又有另一个系列使得它们能在其中分布并共存, 如属世层的情形, 哪里这个系列的至内在部分与另一个系列的中间或中心部分是同一个东西。这就是至内在的事物在更外在的事物里面排列自己的方式。

“为要给你们存留余种在这地上” 暗示教会的至内在部分必存在于雅各的儿子们中间。并不是说他们自己要在这至内在部分, 而是说表面上处处看似一个真教会的教会代表要建在他们中间, 圣言也要存在于那里。这些就是当论及教会、从这个民族抽象出来理解时的 “余种” (经上或译为余剩)所表示的事。

圣言各处都提到 “余种” 或 “余剩”, 以及 “余民”; 照纯文字来理解这两个词的话, 它们表示一个人民或民族当中的余剩或余民。但迄今为止, 人们完全不知道它们在灵义上表示被主储存在内层人中的良善与真理; 如在以下经文中, 以赛亚书:

到那日, 耶和华发生的苗必华美尊荣, 地出产的果实必为以色列逃脱的人显为荣华茂盛。那时, 剩在锡安留在耶路撒冷的, 就是一切住耶路撒冷, 在生命册上记名的, 必称为圣。(以赛亚书 4:2, 3)

“剩在锡安留在耶路撒冷的”, 以及 “在生命册上记名的” 和其他人一样, 绝不会成圣; 因此, “剩下和留下的” 明显表示神圣并记在生命册上的事物。这些事物就是与真理联结并被主储存在内层人中的良善。


到那日, 以色列所剩下的和雅各家所逃脱的, 不再倚靠那击打他们的, 却要诚实倚靠耶和华以色列的圣者。所剩下的, 就是雅各家所剩下的, 必归回大能的神。(以赛亚书 10:20, 21)

“剩下的 (或余剩)” 不是指任何人民或民族的余民, 这一点从以下事实可以看出来: 在圣言中, 尤其在先知书部分, “以色列” 不是指以色列, “雅各” 也不是指雅各; 这二者表示教会和构成教会的东西。正因如此, “剩下的 (或余剩)” 不是指以色列和雅各的余民, 而是指构成教会的真理和良善。当经上说 “一个人民的余剩” 和 “一个民族的余民” 时, 他们并非表示任何人民的余剩或任何民族的余民; 因为 “人民 (经上或译百姓)” 在内义上表示真理 (1259, 1260, 3295, 3581节), “民族” 表示良善 (1259, 1260, 1416节)。这一点, 即 “剩下的 (或余剩)” 表示真理与良善之所以一直不为人知, 看似很奇怪, 是因为字义, 尤其它呈现为历史形式的地方, 将人的心思吸引走, 并强有力地阻止它深入思考这类观念。


余剩的百姓, 就是从亚述剩下回来的, 必有一条大道, 如当日以色列从埃及地上来经过红海一样。(以赛亚书 11:16)

“从亚述剩下的” 同样是指那些没有通过错误的推理而被毁坏的人; 因为 “亚述” 表示这类推理 (参看1186节)。又:

到那日, 万军之耶和华必作祂余剩之民的荣冠华冕。(以赛亚书 28:5)


犹大家所逃脱余剩的, 仍要往下扎根, 向上结果。必有余剩的民从耶路撒冷而出; 必有逃脱的人从锡安山而来。(以赛亚书 37:31, 32)


在地中所剩的人都要吃奶油与蜂蜜。(以赛亚书 7:22)


我要将我羊群中所余剩的, 从我赶他们到的各地内招聚出来, 领他们归回本圈, 他们也必繁殖增多。(耶利米书 23:3)


在剑下幸存的人民, 在旷野蒙恩, 我要将安息赐给他, 赐给以色列。(耶利米书 31:2)

“在剑下幸存的人民” 是指那些被称为 “小孩子” 的人, 其余的都死了以后, 他们被领到迦南地。这些 “小孩子” 就是余民, 他们表示纯真的良善, 把他们引到迦南地代表并入主的国度。


我要保留一些余剩的人, 你们中有人得以在列族中逃脱刀剑, 分散在地上。那时, 你们那些逃脱的人必在被掳所到的各族中记念我。(以西结书 6:8, 9)

“他们分散并被掳所到的各族中余剩的人和留下的人” 之所以代表主储存在人之内层中的良善与真理, 是因为人不断在邪恶与虚假当中, 被它们所掳。邪恶与虚假就是 “各族或列邦” 所表示的。外在人在脱离内在人时, 完全就在它们中间, 所以若非主将良善与真理聚敛起来, 它们在人生命过程的各个阶段被注入人, 此人就绝无可能得救。没有余留或余剩, 任何人都没有救恩。


到那凡求告耶和华名的必得逃脱; 因为照耶和华所说的, 在锡安山, 耶路撒冷必有逃脱的人, 在剩下的人中, 必有耶和华所召的。(约珥书 2:32)


雅各余剩的人必在列族当中, 在多民中间, 如森林间百兽中的狮子。(弥迦书 5:8)


以色列所剩下的人必不作罪孽, 不说谎言, 口中也没有诡诈的舌头; 而且吃喝躺卧, 无人惊吓。(西番雅书 3:13)

这些话描述了剩下之人的品质, 众所周知, 被称为 “以色列” 的百姓从来就不曾有这种品质。由此也明显可知, “剩下的人” (或余民)具有其它含义; 显然, 这些是指良善与真理, 因为这些才是那 “不作罪孽, 不说谎言, 口中也没有诡诈的舌头” 的。


城中街上必满有男孩女孩在街上玩耍。这事在我余剩的民眼中看为希奇, 但如今, 我待这余剩的民必不像从前。因为这余剩的民将是平安之种; 葡萄树必结果子, 地土必有出产, 天也必降甘露。我要使这余剩的民承受这一切。(撒迦利亚书 8:5, 6, 11, 12);

“余剩的民” 在此被称为 “平安之种”, 他们就是拥有源于良善的真理之人, “葡萄树必结果子, 地土必有出产, 天也必降甘露” 描述了这些真理所结的硕果。

灵义上所指的余留或余剩因邪恶的生活和虚假的信念而被如此封闭, 以至于不再显现。当首先出于情感接受真理, 后来又出于情感否认它时, 它们就被毁了; 因为当这种情况发生时, 真理与虚假就会混在一起, 这就是所谓的亵渎。关于这类余剩或余留, 我们在圣言, 如以赛亚书中读到:

耶和华将人迁走; 旷野在这地中增多; 那里若还有十分之一, 也必连根拔起。(以赛亚书 6:12, 13)

“十” 表示余剩或余留 (参看276, 1906, 2284节)。又:

我必治死你的根; 你所余剩的人他必杀戮。(以赛亚书 14:30)

这论及非利士人, 他们是指那些拥有认知的知识, 但没有照之生活的人 (1197, 1198, 3412, 3413节); 所余剩的人被称为 “根”, 是因为使得人成为真正之人的良善与真理从他们, 如同从根发出。所以, “耶和华将人迁走” (如刚才所引用的以赛亚书中的经文)表示毁灭余留或余剩。


年轻人必死在剑下; 他们的儿女必因饥荒而死; 并且没有余剩的人留给他们。(耶利米书 11:22, 23);


我必使那转脸进入埃及地寄居在那里的犹大余剩的人, 尽都灭绝; 进入埃及地, 住在那里的, 无人逃脱, 也没有一个犹大余剩的人。(耶利米书 44:12, 14, 28)

犹大人之所以不能在埃及寄居, 也不能住在那里, 他们被严厉禁止这样做, 是因为犹大支派代表主的属天教会, 属天之人根本不想知道 “埃及” 所表示的记忆知识。因为他们从他们所在的属天良善知道一切, 如果他们真的去往或使用记忆知识, 属天良善就会灭亡。事实上, 由于主的属天国度的成员处于属天良善, 属天真理是仁爱, 而属灵真理是信仰, 所以他们甚至不愿提及信仰, 唯恐他们从良善 “下去” 并 “回头看” (参看202, 337, 2715, 3246, 4448节)。这些事也是这些话的意思:

在房顶上的, 不要下来拿家里的东西。在田里的, 也不要回去取衣裳。(马太福音 24:17, 18)


你们要回想罗得的妻子。(路加福音 17:32)

她回头看, 变成一根盐柱。关于一看和回头, 可参看前文 (2454, 3652节)。

彻底被毁, 甚至没有一个人剩下的列族代表他们当中的罪孽满盈, 以致没有丝毫良善与真理幸存下来, 因而没有任何余留或余剩; 如摩西五经:

他们击杀了巴珊王噩和他的众子并他的众民, 没有留下一个幸存者。(民数记 21:35; 申命记 3:3)


我们夺了西宏的一切城邑, 将有人居住的各城, 连男带女, 以及小孩子尽都毁灭, 没有留下一个幸存者。(申命记 2:34)


关于余留或余剩, 即主储存在人之内层中的良善与真理, 情况是这样: 当人出于情感, 因而出于自由处于良善与真理时, 良善与真理就被植入人内。并且当这种情况发生时, 天堂的天使就会靠近, 并与此人联结。正是天使与他的这种联结使得与真理结合的良善来存在于人的内层中。但是, 当外在事物占据人的注意力, 如他忙于追求世俗和肉体事物时, 天使就会离开; 一旦他们离开, 这些良善与真理就连一丝痕迹也不显现了。然而, 由于这种联结已经实现, 所以此人有能力与天使联结, 进而与属于他们的良善并真理联结。只是这种联结不如主所愿的那样经常和充分, 主照着对那人最有利的方向来掌控局势。

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Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

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Apocalypse Explained #288

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288. Verse 9. And when the animals gave glory and honor and thanksgiving, signifies Divine truth and Divine good and glorification. This is evident from the signification of "glory and honor," as being, in reference to the Lord, Divine truth and Divine good; "glory" being Divine truth, and "honor" Divine good (of which presently); and from the signification of "thanksgiving," as being glorification. Let it first be told what is here meant by glorification. Glorification, when it is from the Lord, is a perpetual influx with angels and men of Divine good with Divine truth; and glorification of the Lord among angels and men is reception and acknowledgment in heart that all good and all truth are from the Lord, and thence all intelligence, wisdom, and blessedness; this in the spiritual sense is what "giving thanks" signifies. Moreover, all glorification of the Lord by the angels of heaven and by the men of the church is not from themselves, but flows in from the Lord. Glorification that is from men and not from the Lord is not from the heart, but only from the activity of the memory, and thus from the mouth; and what goes forth from the memory and the mouth only, and not through them from the heart, is not heard in heaven, thus is not received by the Lord, but goes out into the world like any other sonorous words. This glorification is not an acknowledgment in heart that all good and all truth are from the Lord. It is said an acknowledgment in heart, which means from the life of the love; for "heart," in the Word, signifies love, and love is a life according to the Lord's precepts; when man is in this life, then there is glorification of the Lord, which is acknowledgment from the heart that all good and truth is from the Lord. This is meant by "being glorified," in John:

If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatsoever ye will and it shall be done unto you. Herein is My Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit, and that ye be My disciples (John 15:7-8).

[2] "The four animals," which were cherubim, "gave glory and honor and thanksgiving," because Divine truth and Divine good and glorification, which are signified by glory, honor, and thanksgiving, proceed and flow in from the Lord; for these cherubim signify the Lord in respect to providence and guard (See above, n. 277); and they were "in the midst of the throne, and around the throne" (as is manifest from verse 6), and the Lord was "upon the throne" (verse 2); from which it is clear that these things were from the Lord; but reception and acknowledgment in heart are meant by the words of the verse following, where it is said, that when these things had been heard, "the four and twenty elders fell down before Him that sitteth on the throne, and worshipped Him that liveth unto ages of ages, and cast their crowns before the throne."

[3] In the Word, "glory and honor" is a frequent expression, and "glory" everywhere signifies truth, and "honor" good. The two are mentioned together because in the particulars of the Word there is a heavenly marriage, which is the conjunction of truth and good. There is this marriage in the particulars of the Word, because the Divine that proceeds from the Lord is Divine truth united to Divine good; and because these together make heaven and also make the church, therefore this marriage is in the particulars of the Word; so also in the particulars of the Word is the Divine from the Lord, and the Lord Himself; this is why the Word is most holy. (That there is such a marriage in the particulars of the Word, see above, n. 238; and Arcana Coelestia, n. 2516, Arcana Coelestia 2712, 2712, 3004, 3005, 3009, 4138, 5138, 5194, 5502, 6343, 7022, 7945, 8339, 9263, 9314)

[4] That "glory" signifies Divine truth from the Lord, see above (n. 33); that "honor" signifies Divine good follows from what has been said concerning the heavenly marriage in the particulars of the Word; as can also be seen from the following passages. In David:

Jehovah made the heavens; glory and honor are before Him; strength and splendor are in His sanctuary (Psalms 96:5-6).

By "the heavens" the Divine that proceeds from the Lord is meant, since the heavens are from His Divine; and as the Divine that proceeds and makes the heavens is Divine truth and Divine good, it is said, "glory and honor are before Him;" "sanctuary" means the church; Divine good and Divine truth therein are meant by "strength and splendor." (That the Divine of the Lord makes the heavens, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 7-12; and that the Divine of the Lord in the heavens is Divine truth and Divine good, n. 7, 13, 133, 137, 139-140.)

[5] In the same:

O Jehovah God, Thou art very great; Thou hast put on glory and honor (Psalms 104:1).

"To put on glory and honor" signifies, in reference to Jehovah, His girding Himself with Divine truth and Divine good, for these proceed from Him, and thus gird Him, and make the heavens; therefore in the Word they are called "His vesture" and "His covering" (See above, n. 65, 271).

[6] In the same:

The works of Jehovah are great. Glory and honor are His work (Psalms 111:2-3

"The works of Jehovah" mean all things that proceed from Him and are done by Him; and as these are referable to Divine truth and Divine good, it is said, "His work is glory and honor."

[7] In the same:

Generation to generation shall praise Thy works, and shall declare Thy mighty acts. Upon the honor of the magnificence of Thy glory and the words of Thy wonders will I meditate. And I will make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, and the glory of the honor of His kingdom (Psalms 145:4-5, 12).

"The honor of the magnificence of glory" means Divine good united to Divine truth; and "the glory of the honor" means Divine truth united to Divine good. This is so said because the unition is reciprocal; for Divine good proceeds from the Lord united to Divine truth; but by the angels in heaven and by the men of the church Divine truth is received and is united to Divine good; it is therefore said, "the glory of the honor of His kingdom," for "His kingdom" means heaven and the church.

[8] In the same:

Glory and honor wilt thou lay upon Him; for thou settest Him blessings forever (Psalms 21:5, 6).

These things were said of the Lord, and "glory and honor upon Him" means all Divine truth and Divine good.

[9] In the same:

Gird Thy sword upon the thigh, O mighty One in Thy glory and honor. And in Thy honor mount, ride upon the word of truth (Psalms 45:3, 4).

This also is said of the Lord; "to gird the sword upon the thigh" signifies Divine truth combating from Divine good (that this is signified by "sword upon the thigh," see Arcana Coelestia 10488); and because the Lord from Divine truth subjugated the hells, and brought the heavens into order, He is said to be "mighty in glory and honor," and also "in honor mount and ride upon the word of truth;" this signifies to act from Divine good through Divine truth.

[10] In the same:

Thou hast made Him to be a little less than the angels, but thou hast crowned Him with glory and honor (Psalms 8:5). This also is said of the Lord; His state of humiliation is described by "thou hast made Him to be a little less than the angels," and His state of glorification by "thou hast crowned Him with glory and honor." "Glorifying" means uniting the Divine Itself to His Human, and also making His Human Divine.

[11] In Isaiah:

Rejoice, ye wilderness and dry place, and let the plain of the desert exult and blossom as the rose, in blossoming let it blossom and exalt; the glory of Lebanon has been given to it, the honor of Carmel and Sharon: they shall see the glory of Jehovah, and the honor of our God (Isaiah 35:1, 2).

This treats of the enlightenment of the Gentiles; that ignorance of truth and good is signified by "the wilderness and the dry place;" their joy in consequence of instruction in truths and enlightenment is signified by "rejoicing, exulting, and blossoming;" "the glory of Lebanon given to them" signifies Divine truth; and "the honor of Carmel and Sharon" signifies Divine good which they receive; this is why it is also said "they shall see the glory of Jehovah, and the honor of our God."

[12] In Revelation:

The nations that have been saved shall walk by its light, and the kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honor to it. And the glory and honor of the nations shall be brought into it (Revelation 21:24, 26).

This is said of the New Jerusalem, by which a new church in the heavens and on earth is signified; "nations" there signify all who are in good; and the "kings of the earth" all who are in truths from good; it is said of both that "they shall bring their glory and honor into it," which means worship from the good of love to the Lord and from the truths of faith which are from the good of charity towards the neighbor.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.