




9392. 出埃及记 24:6-8. 摩西取一半的血盛在盆中, 将一半的血洒在祭坛上. 然后, 他拿起约书来, 向百姓耳中读; 他们说, 耶和华所说的一切话, 我们都必遵行, 也必听从. 摩西就取了血来, 将血洒在百姓身上, 说, 看哪, 立约的血, 是耶和华按这一切话与你们所立的.

“摩西取了一半的血” 表已经变成生命和敬拜之事的神性真理.

“盛在盆中” 表与人同在, 在形成其记忆的事物中.

“将一半的血洒在祭坛上” 表从主的神性人身发出的神性真理.

“然后, 他拿起约书来” 表与天堂里的圣言结合的文字上的圣言.

“向百姓耳中读” 表为了倾听和服从.

“他们说, 耶和华所说的一切话, 我们都必遵行, 也必听从” 表接受从主的神性人身发出的真理, 出于内心和灵魂服从它.

“摩西就取了血来, 将血洒在百姓身上” 表使人适合接受它.

“说, 看哪, 立约的血” 表主的神性人身通过这真理与天地结合.

“是耶和华按这一切话与你们所立的” 表主通过圣言的每一个部分实现这种结合.


Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)



Arcana Coelestia#10112



10112. 'And a stranger shall not eat them' means no making of good their own by those who do not acknowledge the Lord. This is clear from the meaning of 'a stranger' or a foreigner as one who is outside the Church, dealt with in 2049, 2115, 7996, and they are said to be outside the Church who do not acknowledge the Lord (among the Jewish nation those who did not acknowledge Jehovah as their God or allow themselves to receive instruction in the ritual observances of the Church [were called 'outsiders']; those who did acknowledge Him and allow themselves to receive instruction were called 'sojourners', who had the same rights as natives, see 8007, 8013, 9196); and from the meaning of 'eating' as making good one's own, dealt with in 10109. The reason why good is not made their own by people who do not acknowledge the Lord is that acknowledging one's God is the starting point of religion, and among Christians acknowledging the Lord is the starting point of the Church; for without acknowledgement of Him there can be no transmission of anything from Him, nor consequently any faith, nor thus any love. So it is that the chief thing the Christian Church teaches is that without the Lord there is no salvation. For whatever a person calls true and believes and whatever he calls good and loves cannot be said to be true or good unless it comes from the Divine, and so unless it comes from the Lord. For no one left to himself is able to believe what is true or do what is good; rather, as is also well known, everything true and everything good comes from above. From this it is plainly evident that people within the Church who do not acknowledge the Lord cannot possess faith, nor thus any love to God, and therefore cannot be saved. This was represented among the Israelite nation by their acknowledgement of Jehovah as their God, by the acceptance of their worship and its being called holy, and by their being sanctified then, regardless of what they were like inwardly. For things of a representative nature were no more than outward forms, and with that nation an interest in these alone was sufficient, see the places referred to in 9320(end). Those of them therefore who did not acknowledge Jehovah but some other God, however much they offered the same kinds of sacrifice and worshipped in the same kinds of ways, were nevertheless banished from the Church, such as those who honoured baal and other gods. From this it may be recognized what kind of fate in the next life awaits those who have been born within the Church and yet at heart fail to accept the Lord, whatever the ways in which they have behaved towards others. Much experience as well has led me to see that they cannot be saved, as also the Lord teaches explicitly in John,

He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not believe in the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God rests upon him. John 3:36.

As regards nations outside the Church however, those who, true to their religion, have led lives in which some kind of charity towards their neighbour has figured, and some kind of love to God the Creator of the universe in a human form, are accepted in the next life by the Lord and saved. For after receiving instruction from angels they acknowledge the Lord, believe in Him, and love Him, see 2589-2604.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.






4060. 因此, 前面 (4056节) 所引用的那些话表示那时教会在良善, 就是在对邻之仁和对主之爱方面的状态. 这一点从它们的内义明显可知, 内义如下:

“那些日子的灾难一过去” 表示教会在信之真理方面的状态, 如刚才所述. 在圣言中, 真理的荒废在各处都被称作 “灾难”, “日子” 是指状态 (参看23, 487, 488, 493, 893, 2788, 3462, 3785节). 由此明显可知, 这些话表示, 一旦信不复存在, 仁也就不存在了. 事实上, 信通向仁, 因为信教导何为仁, 仁从信之真理接受其品质. 然而, 信之真理从仁接受其本质和生命, 这一点在前几卷已反复说明.

“日头就变黑了, 月亮也不放光” 表示对主之爱, 就是 “日头”; 对邻之仁, 就是 “月亮”. “就变黑了” 和 “也不放光” 表示那爱与仁不会出现, 因而会消失. “日头” 表示爱的属天种类, “月亮” 表示爱的属灵种类; 也就是说, “日头” 表示对主之爱, “月亮” 表示通过信而来的对邻之仁 (参看1053, 1529, 1530, 2120, 2441, 2495节). 太阳和月亮之所以具有这样的含义, 是因为在来世, 主向那些处于对主之爱, 被称为属天的人显为一轮太阳, 向那些处于对邻之仁, 被称为属灵的人显为一轮月亮 (参看1053, 1521, 1529-1531, 3636, 3643节).

天上的太阳和月亮, 也就是主从不变黑, 也不会失去它们的光, 而是永远发光; 因而在天上, 属天天使所具有的对主之爱不会变黑, 属灵天使所具有的对邻之仁也不会失去它的光; 地上与这些天使同在的人, 也就是那些处于爱与仁的人也不会. 然而, 那些没有爱与仁, 而是陷入自我之爱和尘世之爱, 因而陷入仇恨和报复的人就给自己招来这种 “变黑”. 这就像是这个世界的太阳不断发光, 但当有乌云介入时, 这太阳就看不见了 (2441节).

“众星要从天上坠落” 表示对良善与真理的认知要灭亡. 在圣言中, 当提及 “众星” 时, 它们没有其它含义 (1808, 2849节). “天势都要震动” 表示教会的根基, 当这些认知灭亡时, 就说这些根基 “震动” 或 “摇撼”. 这是因为地上的教会就是天堂的根基; 良善与真理从主经由天堂的流注最后终结于教会成员所具有的良善与真理. 所以, 当教会成员的状态如此败坏, 以致他不再允许良善或真理流入他里面时, 就说天势要 “震动”. 正因如此, 主一直规定, 教会的某种遗迹要存留下来; 并且当旧教会灭亡时, 一个新教会要再次兴起.

“那时, 人子的兆头要显在天上” 表示那时神性真理的显现; “兆头” 表示显现; “人子” 表示神性真理方面的主 (参看2803, 2813, 3704节). 门徒们所问的, 就是这种显现或 “兆头”, 当时他们对主说:

请告诉我们, 什么时候有这些事? 你降临和这时代的完结, 有什么预兆呢? (马太福音 24:3)

因为他们从圣言知道, 当世代要终结时, 主就会到来; 他们从主自己得知, 祂会 “再来”, 他们将主的 “再来” 理解为主第二次降世; 殊不知每当教会被毁时, 主都会到来, 但不是以人的形式到来, 如祂通过生在世上披上人身并使这人身变成神性时的情形, 而是通过祂自己的显现或显明到来, 如当祂在幔利向亚伯拉罕显现, 在荆棘中向摩西显现, 在西乃山向以色列人显现, 在约书亚进入迦南地的时候向他显现时的情形; 或不是如此显现, 而是通过领受启示并由此给出圣言, 后来则通过圣言本身显现时的情形. 因为主就存在于圣言中; 圣言中的一切细节都出自祂, 并论及祂, 这一点从直到目前的多次说明可以看出来. 这后者就是此处 “人子的兆头” 所表示的显现, 也就是本节所论述的主题.

“地上的众支派都要哀哭” 表示所有处于爱之良善和信之真理的人都要悲伤. 这就是 “哀哭” 的意思 (参看撒迦利亚书 12:10-14); “支派” 表示良善与真理的一切事物, 就是爱与信的一切事物, 因而表示那些处于这些事物的人 ( 参看3858, 3926节). 经上之所以用 “地上的支派” 这个词, 是因为所指的是那些在教会之内的人, “地” 是指教会 (参看662, 1066, 1067, 1262, 1733, 1850, 2117, 2928, 3355节).

“他们要看见人子有能力, 有大荣耀, 驾着天上的云降临” 表示那时圣言的内义将被揭示出来, 主就存在于内义中. “人子” 表示圣言里面的神性真理 (2803, 2813, 3704节); “云” 表示字义; “能力” 论及良善, “荣耀” 论及其中的真理. “看见人子驾着天上的云降临” 表示这些事 (参看18章的序言). 这就是此处所指的主的到来, 不是字面上所说的祂要显现在云中. 接下来的主题是一个新教会的建立, 一旦旧教会被毁坏和抛弃, 这种事就会发生.

“祂要差遣祂的使者, 用号筒的大声” 表示拣选, 不是通过可见的天使, 更不是通过号筒的大声拣选, 而是通过从主经由天使而来的神圣良善与神圣真理的流注拣选; 因此, 在圣言中, “使者或天使” 表示本质上属于主的某种事物 (1925, 2821, 3039节); 在此表示出于主并涉及主的事物. “号筒” 和 “大声” 表示福音传播, 和在圣言别处的一样.

“将祂的选民从四风, 从天这边到天那边, 都招聚了来” 表示一个新教会的建立. “选民” 是指那些处于爱与信之良善 (3755-3900节); 他们要被招聚所来的 “四风” 是指良善与真理的一切状态 (3708节); “从天这边到天那边” 表示教会的内在和外在. 这些就是主的这些话所表示的事.


Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)