


原作者: John Odhner (机器翻译成: 中文)

Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, aerial view




“不要判断,不要谴责您。为什么您要看哥哥眼中的斑点,却不考虑您自己眼中的木板?” (马太福音7:1, 3

门徒詹姆士这样说:“有一个律政者,谁能拯救和毁灭。你是谁来审判另一个?” (雅各书4:1


耶稣不鼓励这种态度。祂曾经与一些“信任自己”的人说话,他们得救了,其他人则没有。他请他们考虑两个祈祷:“上帝,我感谢你,我不像其他人。”和“上帝,怜悯我,一个罪人!”耶稣称赞那个自以为是罪人的人。 (路加福音18:9-14



圣经清楚地表明,决定一个人是否去天堂的是人的生活方式,而不仅仅是他的信仰。耶稣说:“不是每个对我说'主啊,主'的人都要进入天国,但要奉行我父在天上的旨意。 (马太福音7:21

再一次,“他将根据自己的工作奖励每一个人。” (马太福音16:27

他说:“行善的人会复活,而行恶的人会死刑。” (约翰福音5:29


“那天有许多人对我说:'主啊,主啊,我们岂不是以你的名预言,以你的名驱赶魔鬼,以你的名行了许多奇事?”然后我向他们宣告:“我从不认识你:离开我,你们这是行不通的!””(马太福音27:22-23, 路加福音13:25-27

非基督徒可以得救的一个原因是,他可以爱他的邻居。真正爱他的邻居的人也爱基督,尽管他可能没有意识到。耶稣说:“因为你照管了我弟兄中最少的一个,你就对我做了。” (马太福音25:40


“尽管我有全部信念,所以我可以摘山,但没有爱,我什么都不是。” (哥林多前书13:2


“爱相信一切。” (哥林多前书13:7

“行善的人是上帝的,但行恶的人却没有看见上帝。” (约翰三书1:11

“让我们彼此相爱,因为爱是上帝的爱,每个相爱的人都是上帝所生,并且认识上帝。上帝就是爱,任何恪守爱心的人都恪守上帝,上帝也奉行上帝。” (约翰一书4:7-11




有关新基督教教会教义的一些参考资料: 天堂与地狱318-328, 天命326

经非常有用的网站的作者John Odhner的许可使用:http://whatthebiblesays.info/Introduction.html

The "Big Spiritual Questions" videos are produced by the General Church of the New Jerusalem. Link: newchurch.org






318. 天國中的非基督徒

一般認為, 教會以外出身的所謂"外邦人"(或"非基督徒")不能得救, 因為他們沒有聖言, 不認識主, 而離開主便沒有救恩。然而, 單從主的憐憫惠及萬民的事實, 可知非基督徒也可能得救。他們同樣生而為人, 且相對而言, 教會的信徒只是少數。外邦人(或非基督徒)不知道主, 錯不在他們。任何理智的人不難看出, 沒有人是為地獄而生。主就是仁, 祂的仁使祂樂意拯救萬民。為此, 祂預備每個人皆有某種信仰, 通過各自的信仰來承認至高者的存在, 並過內在的生活。照各人的信仰原則生活, 就是過內在的生活;因為在此條件下, 我們的心專注於所信之至高者。既專注于至高者, 就不再關注於塵世, 也就離棄塵世的生活, 這是外在的生活。


Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)



Apocalypse Explained#356



356. And he that sat on him had a bow, signifies the doctrine of charity and faith from that understanding, by which evils and falsities are combated and dispersed. This is evident from the signification of "he that sat on a white horse," as meaning the Word (respecting which just above); also from the signification of "bow," as meaning the doctrine of charity and faith, by which evils and falsities are combated and dispersed. That "bow" signifies this doctrine will be seen in what follows. Here first let something be said respecting doctrine:

1. Without doctrine no one can understand the Word.

2. Without doctrine from the Word no one can fight against evils and falsities, and disperse them.

3. Without doctrine from the Word no one within the church, where the Word is, can become spiritual.

4. Doctrine can be acquired from no other source than from the Word, and by none except those who are in illustration from the Lord.

5. All things of doctrine must be confirmed by the sense of the letter of the Word.

In respect to the first, namely, "Without doctrine no one can understand the Word," it can be seen from this, that the sense of the letter consists of pure correspondences, which contain in themselves things spiritual, thus it consists of such things as are in the world and in its nature. From this it is that the sense of the letter is natural and not spiritual, accommodated, however, to the apprehension of the simple, who do not elevate their ideas above such things as they see before their eyes. From this it is, moreover, that it contains such things as do not appear to be spiritual, although the whole Word inwardly in itself is purely spiritual, because it is Divine. For this reason there are in the sense of the letter many things that cannot serve as doctrine for the church at this day, and many things that can be applied to various and diverse principles, and from this heresies arise; yet there are many things intermingled from which doctrine can be gathered and formed, especially the doctrine of life, which is the doctrine of charity and of faith therefrom. But he who reads the Word from doctrine sees there all things that confirm, as well as many things that lie concealed from the eyes of others; nor does he suffer himself to be drawn away into strange doctrines by those things in the Word that do not seem to agree, and that he does not understand; for all things of doctrine that he sees there are clear to him, and other things are obscure to him. Doctrine, therefore, which consists of genuine truths is as a lamp to those who read the Word; but on the other hand, to those who read the Word without doctrine it is like a lampstand without a light, placed in a dark place, by means of which nothing conducive to salvation can there be seen, known, inquired into, or found; moreover, one who so reads it is liable to be led away into any errors to which the mind is bent by some love, or is drawn by some principle. From this it can be seen that without doctrine no one can understand the Word.

[2] Second, "That without doctrine from the Word no one can fight against evils and falsities, and disperse them," can be seen from this, that from doctrine truths can be seen in their own light and in their own order, but not from the Word without doctrine. This is clear from what has just been said. But if truths cannot be seen, neither can falsities and evils be seen, for the latter are the opposite of the former; and yet all combat against evils and falsities is from truths, that is, by means of truths from the Lord; consequently he who reads the Word without doctrine may easily be led to fight for falsity against truth and for evil against good, by confirming evils and falsities by a wrong interpretation and application of the sense of the letter of the Word; and as a consequence the man is not reformed; for man is reformed by the dispersion of evils and the falsities of evil, by means of truths applied to the life. This is what is here meant by "the white horse" that was seen, and by "he that sat on him having a bow;" for "a white horse" signifies the understanding of truth from the Word, and "a bow" signifies the doctrine of charity and of faith therefrom by which evils and falsities are combated and dispersed.

[3] Third, "That without doctrine from the Word no one within the church, where the Word is, can become spiritual," can be seen from what has now been said, namely, that without doctrine the Word is not understood, and that without doctrine from the Word evils and falsities cannot be combated; for man becomes spiritual by means of a life according to Divine truths, which he does not know without doctrine, and by removing evils and falsities, which cannot be done without doctrine, as was said above. Without these two man is not reformed, thus does not become spiritual, but remains natural, and confirms his natural life by the sense of the letter of the Word, which is natural, by wrongly interpreting and applying it. It is said, within the church, where the Word is, since those who are out of the church do not have the Word, and therefore know nothing about the Lord; and no one becomes spiritual except from the Lord; and yet all who acknowledge a God and worship Him under the human form, and live in charity according to a religious principle that is in accord with the Word, are prepared by the Lord to receive spiritual life, and do receive it in the other life (on which we see in the work on Heaven and Hell 313-328; and above, n. 107, 195). Man becomes spiritual by regeneration, and regeneration is effected by "water and the spirit," that is, by means of truths and a life according to them (See in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, n. 173-186; that baptism in the Christian world is for a sign and memorial of regeneration, n. 202-209, in the same work).

[4] Fourth, "That doctrine can be acquired from no other source than from the Word, and by none except those who are in illustration from the Lord," can be seen from this, that the Word is Divine truth itself, and is such that the Lord is in it; for the Lord is in His Divine truth that proceeds from Him; those, therefore, who frame doctrine from any other source than from the Word, do not frame it from Divine truth nor from the Lord. Moreover, in the particulars of the Word there is a spiritual sense, and the angels of heaven are in that sense; consequently there is a conjunction of heaven with the church by means of the Word; those, therefore, who frame doctrine from any other source than the Word do not frame it in conjunction with heaven, from which nevertheless is all illustration. (That the conjunction of heaven with man is by means of the Word, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 303-310.) From this it is evident that doctrine is to be acquired from no other source than the Word, and by none except those who are in illustration from the Lord. They are in illustration from the Lord who love truths because they are truths; and because such as these do them, they are in the Lord and the Lord is in them.

[5] Fifth, "That all things of doctrine must be confirmed by the sense of the letter of the Word," can be seen from this, that Divine truth in the sense of the letter is in its fullness; for that is the ultimate sense, and the spiritual sense is in it; when, therefore, doctrine has been confirmed by that sense the doctrine of the church is also the doctrine of heaven, and there is conjunction by correspondence. Let this be illustrated by this only: when man thinks any truth and confirms it by the sense of the letter, it is perceived in heaven, but not if he does not confirm it; for the sense of the letter is the basis into which spiritual ideas, which are the angels' ideas, close, much the same as words are the basis into which the meaning of the thought falls and is communicated to another. That this is so might be confirmed by much experience from the spiritual world; but this is not the place to present it.


Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.