

レビ記 22



1 はまたモーセに言われた、

2 「アロンとそのたちに告げて、イスラエルの人々の聖なる物、すなわち、彼らがわたしにささげる物をみだりに用いて、わたしの聖なる名を汚さないようにさせなさい。わたしはである。

3 彼らに言いなさい、『あなたがたの代々の孫のうち、だれでも、イスラエルの人々がにささげる聖なる物に、汚れた身をもって近づく者があれば、その人はわたしのから断たれるであろう。わたしはである。

4 アロンの子孫のうち、だれでも、らい病の者、また流出ある者は清くなるまで、聖なる物を食べてはならない。また、すべて死体によって汚れた物に触れた者、精を漏らした者、

5 または、すべて人を汚す這うものに触れた者、または、どのような汚れにせよ、人を汚れさせる人に触れた者、

6 このようなものに触れた人は夕まで汚れるであろう。彼はその身をにすすがないならば、聖なる物を食べてはならない。

7 日が入れば、彼は清くなるであろう。そののち、聖なる物を食べることができる。それは彼の食物だからである。

8 自然に死んだもの、または裂き殺されたものを食べ、それによって身を汚してはならない。わたしはである。

9 それゆえに、彼らはわたしの言いつけを守らなければならない。彼らがこれを汚し、これがために、罪を獲て死ぬことのないためである。わたしは彼らを聖別するである。

10 すべて一般の人は聖なる物を食べてはならない。祭司の同居人や雇人も聖なる物を食べてはならない。

11 しかし、祭司が金をもって人を買った時は、その者はこれを食べることができる。またそのに生れた者も祭司の食物食べることができる。

12 もし祭司の娘が一般の人にとついだならば、彼女は聖なる供え物を食べてはならない。

13 もし祭司の娘が、寡婦となり、または出されて、子供もなく、その父のに帰り、娘の時のようであれば、その父の食物食べることができる。ただし、一般の人は、すべてこれを食べてはならない。

14 もし人があやまって聖なる物を食べるならば、それにその五分の一を加え、聖なる物としてこれを祭司に渡さなければならない。

15 祭司はイスラエルの人々が、にささげる聖なる物を汚してはならない。

16 人々が聖なる物を食べて、そののとがを負わないようにさせなければならない。わたしは彼らを聖別するである』」。

17 はまたモーセに言われた、

18 「アロンとそのたち、およびイスラエルのすべての人々に言いなさい、『イスラエルのの者、またはイスラエルにおる他国人のうちのだれでも、誓願の供え物、または自発の供え物を燔祭としてにささげようとするならば、

19 あなたがたの受け入れられるように牛、羊、あるいはやぎの雄の全きものをささげなければならない。

20 すべてきずのあるものはささげてはならない。それはあなたがたのために、受け入れられないからである。

21 もし人が特別の誓願をなすため、または自発の供え物のために、牛またはを酬恩祭の犠牲として、にささげようとするならば、その受け入れられるために、それは全きものでなければならない。それには、どんなきずもあってはならない。

22 すなわち獣のうちで、めくらのもの、折れた所のあるもの、切り取った所のあるもの、うみの出る者、かいせんの者、かさぶたのある者など、あなたがたは、このようなものをにささげてはならない。また祭壇の上に、これらを火祭として、にささげてはならない。

23 牛あるいは羊で、足の長すぎる者、または短すぎる者は、あなたがたが自発の供え物とすることはできるが、誓願の供え物としては受け入れられないであろう。

24 あなたがたは、こうがんの破れたもの、つぶれたもの、裂けたもの、または切り取られたものを、にささげてはならない。またあなたがたののうちで、このようなことを、行ってはならない。

25 また、あなたがたは異邦人のからこれらのものを受けて、あなたがたの神の食物としてささげてはならない。これらのものには欠点があり、きずがあって、あなたがたのために受け入れられないからである』」。

26 はまたモーセに言われた、

27 「牛、または羊、またはやぎが生れたならば、これを七の間その母親のもとに置かなければならない。八目からはにささげる火祭として受け入れられるであろう。

28 あなたがたは雌牛または雌羊をその子と同じにほふってはならない。

29 あなたがたが感謝の犠牲をにささげるときは、あなたがたの受け入れられるようにささげなければならない。

30 これはそののうちに食べなければならない。明くるまで残しておいてはならない。わたしはである。

31 あなたがたはわたしの戒めを守り、これを行わなければならない。わたしはである。

32 あなたがたはわたしの聖なる名を汚してはならない。かえって、わたしはイスラエルの人々のうちに聖とされなければならない。わたしはあなたがたを聖別するである。

33 あなたがたのとなるために、あなたがたをエジプトから導き出した者である。わたしはである」。


Из Сведенборгових дела


Life # 2

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2. As for the fact that religion is about how we live and that the [religious] way to live is to do good, everyone who reads the Word sees this and acknowledges it on reading it. We find the following in the Word:

Whoever breaks the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called the least in the kingdom of the heavens, but whoever does and teaches [these commandments] will be called great in the kingdom of the heavens. I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will not enter the kingdom of the heavens. (Matthew 5:19-20)

Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire; therefore by their fruits you will know them. (Matthew 7:19-20)

Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of the heavens, but those who do the will of my Father who is in the heavens. (Matthew 7:21)

On that day many will say to me, "Lord, Lord, haven't we prophesied in your name and done many great things in your name?" But then I will declare to them, "I do not know you. Depart from me, you workers of iniquity." (Matthew 7:22-23)

Everyone who hears my words and does them I will liken to a wise man who built his house on the rock; but everyone who hears my words and does not do them will be likened to a foolish man who built his house on the sand. (Matthew 7:24, 26)

Jesus said, "A sower went out to sow. Some seed fell on a hard-packed path, some on stony ground, some among thorns, and some into good ground. The people who received seed in good ground are those who hear and understand the Word, and as a result bear fruit and become productive, some a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, and some thirtyfold." When he had said these things, Jesus cried out and said, "Those who have ears to hear must hear this." (Matthew 13:3-9, 23)

The Son of Humanity is going to come in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay all people according to their deeds. (Matthew 16:27)

The kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation that bears its fruits. (Matthew 21:43)

When the Son of Humanity comes in his glory, then he will sit on the throne of his glory and will say to the sheep on his right, "Come, you who are blessed, and possess as your inheritance the kingdom prepared for you since the founding of the world; because I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you took me in. I was naked and you clothed me. I was sick and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me." Then the righteous will answer him, "When did we see you like this?" But the king will answer and say, "I tell you truly, as much as you did this to one of the least of my people, you did it to me." And the king will say similar things to the goats on the left, but since they had not done things like these, he will say, "Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels." (Matthew 25:31-46)

Bear fruit that is consistent with repentance. The axe is already lying against the root of the trees. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. (Luke 3:8-9)

Jesus said, "Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord, ' and not do what I say? Everyone who comes to me and hears what I am saying and does it is like someone building a house who laid its foundation on the rock; but anyone who hears and does nothing is like someone building a house on the ground without a foundation." (Luke 6:46-49)

Jesus said, "My mother and my brothers are these who hear the Word of God and do it." (Luke 8:21)

Then you begin to stand outside and knock on the door, saying, "Lord, open the door for us!" But he will say in reply, "I do not know where you are from. Depart from me, all you workers of iniquity." (Luke 13:25-27)

This is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, but people loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. All who do evil hate the light, because their deeds would be exposed; but those who do the truth come to the light so that their deeds may be clearly seen, because their deeds were done in God. (John 3:19-21)

Those who have done what is good will go forth into [the resurrection of life, but those who have done what is evil will go forth into] the resurrection of condemnation. (John 5:29)

We know that God does not hear sinners; but he does hear people who worship God and do his will. (John 9:31)

If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them. (John 13:17)

The people who love me are those who have my commandments and do them; and I will love them and will manifest myself to them. I will come to them and make a home with them. Those who do not love me do not keep my words. (John 14:15, 21-24)

Jesus said, "I am the vine, and my Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away; and every branch that bears fruit he prunes, so that it will bear more fruit." (John 15:1-2)

My Father is glorified by your bearing much fruit and becoming my disciples. (John 15:8)

You are my friends if you do whatever I command you. I have chosen you so that you will bear fruit and your fruit will remain. (John 15:14, 16)

The Lord said to John, "To the angel of the church of Ephesus write, 'I know your works. I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Repent and do the first works, or else I will remove your lampstand from its place.'" (Revelation 2:1-2, 4-5)

To the angel of the church in Smyrna write, "I know your works." (Revelation 2:8-9)

To the angel of the church in Pergamum write, "I know your works. Repent!" (Revelation 2:12-13, 16)

To the angel of the church in Thyatira write, "I know your works and your love; your last works are more than the first." (Revelation 2:18-19)

To the angel of the church in Sardis write, "I know your works, that you have a name that you are alive, but you are dead. I have not found your works perfect before God. Repent!" (Revelation 3:1-3)

To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write, "I know your works." (Revelation 3:7-8)

To the angel of the church in Laodicea write, "I know your works. Repent!" (Revelation 3:14-15, 19)

I heard a voice from heaven saying, "Write: 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.'" "[Yes,]" says the spirit, "so that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them." (Revelation 14:13)

A book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged by the things that were written in the book; all were judged according to their works. (Revelation 20:12-13)

Behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to give to all according to what they have done. (Revelation 22:12)

In the Old Testament, too:

Repay them according to their work and according to the deeds of their hands. (Jeremiah 25:14)

Jehovah, whose eyes are open to all the ways of humankind, to give to all according to their ways and according to the fruit of their deeds ... (Jeremiah 32:19)

I will punish them according to their ways and repay them according to their deeds. (Hosea 4:9)

Jehovah deals with us according to our ways and according to our deeds. (Zechariah 1:6)

There are also many passages where it says that we are to do the statutes, commandments, and laws, such as the following:

Keep my statutes and my judgments. Anyone who does so will live by means of them. (Leviticus 18:5)

You shall observe all my statutes and my judgments by doing them. (Leviticus 19:37; 20:8; 22:31)

The children of Israel were promised blessings if they did the precepts and curses if they did not do them (Leviticus 26:3-46). They were commanded to make for themselves a fringe on the hems of their garments to remind them of all the precepts of Jehovah so that they would do them (Numbers 15:38-39)-and there are thousands more passages.

Then too, the Lord teaches in parables that works are what make us part of the church and that our salvation depends on them. Many of his parables are about those who do good being accepted and those who do evil being rejected. See, for example, the parable of the workers in the vineyard (Matthew 21:33-44), the parable of the fig tree that bore no fruit (Luke 13:6 and following), the parable of the talents and the minas which those [in the parable] were to use in business (Matthew 25:14-31; Luke 19:12-25), the parable of the Samaritan who bound up the wounds of the man beaten by robbers (Luke 10:30-37), the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31), and the parable of the ten young women (Matthew 25:1-12).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.



Leviticus 19:37



37 "'You shall observe all my statutes, and all my ordinances, and do them. I am Yahweh.'"