

Jérémie 50:30



30 C'est pourquoi ses gens d'élite tomberont dans les places, et on fera perdre la parole à tous ses gens de guerre en ce jour-là, dit l'Eternel.



Psaumes 137



1 Nous nous sommes assis auprès des fleuves de Babylone, et nous y avons pleuré, nous souvenant de Sion.

2 Nous avons pendu nos harpes aux saules, au milieu d'elle.

3 Quand ceux qui nous avaient emmenés prisonniers, nous ont demandé des paroles de Cantique, et de les réjouir de nos harpes que nous avions pendues, [en nous disant] : Chantez-nous quelque chose des cantiques de Sion; [nous avons répondu] :

4 Comment chanterions-nous les Cantiques de l'Eternel dans une terre d’étrangèrs?

5 Si je t'oublie, Jérusalem, que ma droite s'oublie elle-même.

6 Que ma langue soit attachée à mon palais, si je ne me souviens de toi, [et] si je ne fais de Jérusalem le [principal] sujet de ma réjouissance.

7 Ô Eternel, souviens-toi des enfants d'Edom, qui en la journée de Jérusalem disaient : découvrez, découvrez jusqu’à ses fondements.

8 Fille de Babylone, [qui va être] détruite, heureux celui qui te rendra la pareille [de ce] que tu nous as fait!

9 Heureux celui qui saisira tes petits enfants et qui les froissera contre les pierres!






Time is an aspect of the physical world, but it is not an aspect of the spiritual world. The same is true of space: There is no space in heaven. This is hard for us to grasp or even visualize, because we live in physical bodies with physical senses that are filled with physical elements existing in time and space. Our minds are schooled and patterned in terms of time and space, and have no reference point to imagine a reality without them. Consider how you think for a second. In your mind you can immediately be in your past or in some speculative future; in your mind you can circle the globe seeing other lands and faraway friends, or even zoom instantly to the most distant stars. Such imaginings are insubstantial, of course, but if we could make them real we would be getting close to what spiritual reality is like. Indeed, the mind is like a spiritual organ, which may be why physicians and philosophers have had such a hard time juxtaposing its functions to those of the brain. What this means in the Bible is that descriptions of time -- hours, days, weeks, months, years and even simply the word "time" itself -- represent spiritual states, and the passing of time represents the change of spiritual states. Again, we can see this a little bit within our minds. If we imagine talking to one friend then talking to another, it feels like going from one place to another, even though we're not moving. The same is true if we picture a moment from childhood and then imagine something in the future; it feels like a movement through time even though it's instantaneous. Changing our state of mind feels like a physical change in space and time. The Bible simply reverses that, with marking points in space and time representing particular states of mind.