

2 Samuel 16:21



21 Et Achithophel dit à Absalom : Va vers les concubines de ton père, qu'il a laissées pour garder la maison, afin que quand tout Israël saura que tu te seras mis en mauvaise odeur auprès de ton père, les mains de tous ceux qui sont avec toi, soient fortifiées.





The roof of a house is its highest point, and the part most exposed to the sun. So it makes sense that in the Bible, “roof” represents what is inmost in a person -- the part that is closest and most in contact with the Lord. This inmost part is, in everyone, a love or affection rather than a truth or idea. This makes sense if you think about it: Even the greatest thinkers are driven by a love of ideas -- our character is ultimately a matter of what we care about, not what we think. Following this, then, “roof” represents our most deeply felt affection for what is good and true.