

Ezechiël 33:27



27 Alzo zult gij tot hen zeggen: De Heere Heere zegt alzo: Zo waarachtig als Ik leef, indien niet, die in die woeste plaatsen zijn, door het zwaard zullen vallen, en zo Ik niet dien, die in het open veld is, het wild gedierte overgeve, dat het hem vrete, en die in de vestingen en in de spelonken zijn, door de pestilentie zullen sterven!





In most cases, "mouth" in the Bible represents thought and logic, especially the kind of active, concrete thought that is connected with speech. The reason for this is pretty obvious, but it also holds when people, for instance, remove a stone from the mouth of a well, which represents gaining access to spiritual ideas. The mouth is used for eating as well as speaking, of course. In those circumstances, it represents our first, most external perception of a new spiritual idea or desire. This also makes sense, mirroring the way tasting food in the mouth gives us an instant impression of the quality of the food.