

以西結書 16:9



9 那時我用你,洗淨你身上的血,又用抹你。

Из Сведенборгових дела


属天的奥秘 # 5620

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5620. “一点乳香, 一点蜂蜜” 表外层属世层的良善之真理及其快乐. 这从 “乳香” 的含义清楚可知, “乳香” 是指良善之真理, 或源于良善的真理 (参看4748节). “乳香” 之所以具有这种含义, 是因为它属于香膏, 以及芳香物质. 芳香物质表示诸如属源于良善的真理的那类事物, 当这些物质还具有油膏的性质, 因而在它们的成分中有油质时, 更是如此; 因为 “油” 表示良善 (886, 3728, 4582节). 这乳香是芳香的 (参看创世记 37:25); 因此, 在原文, 这个词表示香膏. 显然, 它是软膏状的, 或油腻的. 由此可见, “乳香” 表示存在于属世层, 在此存在于外层属世层中的良善之真理, 因为经上首先提到 “乳香”, 然后又加上 “蜂蜜”, “蜂蜜” 表示那里的快乐. “蜂蜜” 之所以表示快乐, 是因为它是甜的, 自然界中的一切甜蜜皆对应于灵界中的某种快乐或愉悦. 之所以说它的快乐, 也就是存在于外层属世层中源于良善的真理之快乐, 是因为一切真理, 尤其一切良善之真理都有自己的快乐. 但这快乐源于对这类真理, 因而对它们所提供的功用的一种情感.

“蜂蜜” 表示快乐, 这一事实也可从圣言的其它经文看出来, 如以赛亚书:

必有童女怀孕生子, 给祂起名叫以马内利 (就是神与我们同在的意思). 到祂晓得弃恶择善的时候, 祂必吃奶油与蜂蜜. (以赛亚书 7:14-15)

这论及主; “奶油” 表示属天之物, “蜂蜜” 表示源于属天之物的东西.


后来因为出的奶多, 他就得吃奶油; 在地中间所剩的人都要吃奶油与蜂蜜. (以赛亚书 7:22)

这论及主的国; “奶” 表示属灵良善; “奶油” 表示属天良善; “蜂蜜” 表示源于这些的事物, 即幸福, 快乐和愉悦.


这样, 你就妆饰了金银, 穿的是细麻衣和丝绸并绣花衣; 吃的是细面, 蜂蜜并油. 你也极其美貌, 发达到了王国的尊荣. 又将我赐给你的细面, 油和蜂蜜都摆在他们面前为馨香之气. (以西结书 16:13, 19)

这论及耶路撒冷, 耶路撒冷表示属灵教会, 经上描述了它在古人当中是什么样, 后来变成什么样; 它 “妆饰了金银” 表示妆饰了属天和属灵的良善和真理; 它 “穿的是细麻衣和丝绸并绣花衣” 表示存在于理性层和属世层的那两个部分中的真理; “细面” 表示属灵之物; “蜂蜜” 表示它的怡人; “油” 表示它的良善. 谁都能看出, 所有这些各自都表示诸如属于天堂的那类事物.


犹大和以色列地的人都与你交易; 他们用米匿的麦子, 饼, 蜜, 油, 乳香兑换你的货物. (以西结书 27:17)

这论及推罗, 推罗表示属灵教会, 即就对良善与真理的认知而言, 它起初是什么样, 后来变成什么样 (1201节). “蜂蜜” 在此也表示从对认识并学习属天和属灵的良善和真理的情感那里所获得的愉悦和快乐.


耶和华使他乘驾地的高处, 得吃田间的土产; 又使他从磐石中咂蜜, 从火石中吸油. (申命记 32:13)

这也论及古代的属灵教会; “从磐石中咂蜜” 表示从含有真理在里面的记忆知识中所得的快乐.


我必拿肥美的麦子给他们吃, 又拿从磐石出的蜂蜜叫他们饱足. (诗篇 81:16)

“拿从磐石出的蜂蜜叫他们饱足” 表示从信之真理中所获得的快乐, 或充满来自信之真理的快乐.


耶和华领你进入美地, 那地有流水的河, 有从山谷中流出的泉, 源; 那地有小麦, 大麦, 葡萄树, 无花果树, 石榴树; 那地有橄榄树和蜜. (申命记 8:7-8)

这论及迦南地; 在内义上论及主在天上的国度. “那地有橄榄树和蜜” 表示属灵良善及其愉悦.

由于同样的原因, 迦南地被称为 “流奶与蜜之地” (民数记 13:27; 14:8; 申命记 26:9, 15; 27:3; 耶利米书 11:5; 32:22; 以西结书 20:6). 就这些经文的内义而言, 如前所述, “迦南地” 表示主的国度; “流奶” 表示丰盛的属天-属灵事物; “流蜜” 表示从这些所得的丰盛的幸福和快乐.


耶和华的典章真实, 全然公义. 都比金子且比极多的精金可羡慕; 比蜜且比蜂房滴下的甘甜. (诗篇 19:9-10)

“耶和华的典章” 表示神性真理; “比蜜且比蜂房滴下的甘甜” 表示从良善所得的快乐和从真理所得的愉悦. 又:

你的言语在我上颚何等甘美, 在我口中比蜜更甜! (诗篇 119:103)


在摩西五经, 雅各的后代在旷野所得, 以之为食物的吗哪被描述如下:

这吗哪就像芫荽的种子, 白色; 它的滋味如同搀蜜的薄饼. (出埃及记 16:31)

“吗哪” 因表示经由天堂从主而降的神性真理, 故而表示主自己的神性人身, 如祂自己在约翰福音 (6:51, 58) 所教导的. 因为主的神性人身就是一切为神性的真理所来自的源头; 事实上, 所指的就是一切为神性的真理. 正因如此, 就赋予快乐和愉悦的吗哪的滋味而言, 经上描述它 “如同搀蜜的薄饼”. “滋味” 表示良善的快乐和真理的愉悦 (参看3502节).

由于和以利亚 (2762, 5247节) 一样, 施洗约翰也代表圣言方面的主, 圣言是地上的神性真理, 所以他是那在主之前 “先来的以利亚” (玛拉基书 4:5; 马太福音 17:10-12; 马可福音 9:11-13; 路加福音 1:17); 因此, 他的衣服和食物都是有意义的符号. 它们在马太福音中被描述如下:

这约翰身穿骆驼毛的衣服, 腰束皮带, 他的食物是蝗虫, 野蜜. (马太福音 3:4; 马可福音 1:6)

“骆驼毛的衣服” 显示了就圣言字义的真理而言, 圣言是什么样. 字义, 即属世之义就是内义有一件衣服; 因为 “毛” 和 “骆驼” 都表示属世之物; “食物是蝗虫, 野蜜” 显示了就圣言字义的良善而言, 圣言是什么样; “野蜜” 表示这良善的快乐.

就外在意义而言, 以西结书中的 “蜜” 也描述了神性真理的快乐:

他对我说, 人子啊, 要吃我所赐给你的这书卷, 充满你的肚腹. 我就吃了, 口中觉得其甜如蜜. (以西结书 3:3)


天使对我说, 你拿着吃尽了, 便叫你肚子发苦, 然而在你口中要甜如蜜. 我从天使手中把小书卷接过来, 吃尽了, 在我口中果然甜如蜜, 及至吃完了, 肚子觉得发苦了. 他对我说, 你必在许多人民, 民族, 方言, 君王面前再说预言. (启示录 10:9-11)

以西结书中的 “书卷” 和启示录中的 “小书卷” 表示神性真理. 味道 “甜如蜜” 表示就外在形式而言, 这书卷令人快乐; 因为神性真理就像圣言, 在外在形式或字义上是令人快乐的, 因为这字义或外在形式允许各人以适合各人的任何方式来理解和诠释它. 但内义不允许这样, 这一点由它的苦味来表示; 因为内义揭示人内在的样子. 外在意义之所以令人快乐, 是因为如前所述, 人能以适合他的任何方式来解释其中的事物. 包含在外在意义中的真理都是总体真理, 并且在添加限定它们的具体真理, 以及添加限定具体真理的细节真理之前, 一直是总体真理. 外在意义也充满快乐, 因为它是属世的, 藏有属灵之物在自己里面. 此外, 它也必须充满快乐, 以便人能接受它, 也就是被引入其中, 而不是被吓阻在门槛处.

主复活后当着门徒的面所吃的 “蜜房和烧鱼” 也表示圣言的外在意义, “鱼” 表示与外在意义有关的真理, “蜜房” 表示它的愉悦; 对此, 我们在路加福音中读到:

耶稣就说, 你们这里有什么吃的没有? 他们便给祂一片烧鱼和一块蜜房, 祂接过来, 在他们面前吃了. (路加福音 24:41-43)

由于鱼和蜜房表示这些事物, 所以主对他们说:

这些就是我从前与你们同在之时对你们所讲的话, 就是: 摩西的律法, 先知的书和诗篇上所记的关于我的话都必须应验. (路加福音 24:44)

表面上看, 所表示的不是这类事物, 因为他们有一片烧鱼和一块蜜房似乎是很偶然的. 而事实上, 他们拥有这些东西是天意; 不仅这一点, 而且圣言中所提到的其它一切最小的事都是天意. 由于所表示的是这类事物, 所以主论到圣言说, 它里面所记的是关于祂自己的事. 然而, 旧约字义中所记关于主的事极少; 但包含在其内义中的一切都与主有关; 圣言的神圣性便由此而来. 这就是主说 “摩西的律法, 先知的书和诗篇上所记的关于我的话都必须应验” 所表示的.

由此可见 “蜂蜜” 表示从良善与真理, 也就是从对它们的情感所得的快乐, 尤其表示外在快乐, 因而表示外层属世层的快乐. 由于这快乐具有这样的性质: 它是从世界经由感官得来的, 因而包含大量源于尘世之爱的事物在里面, 所以人们被禁止在素祭中使用蜂蜜. 这一点在利未记中说明如下:

凡献给耶和华的素祭都不可发酵, 因为你们不可烧一点酵, 一点蜜, 当作火祭献给耶和华. (利未记 2:11)

“蜜” 表示这种外在快乐, 它因包含某种尘世之爱的东西在里面, 故类似于酵母, 因此被禁止. 至于 “酵” 或 “发酵” 是什么意思, 可参看前文 (2342节).

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Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)

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The New Jerusalem and its Heavenly Doctrine # 47

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Of the internal and the external with man.

It is known in the Christian world, that man has an internal and an external, or an internal man and an external man; but it is little known what is the quality of the one and of the other (n. 1889, 1940). The internal man is spiritual, and the external is natural (n. 978, 1015, 4459, 6309,9701-9709). How the internal man which is spiritual is formed to the image of heaven; and the external which is natural to the image of the world; and man was therefore called by the ancients a microcosm (n. 3628, 4523-4524, 6057, 6314, 9706, 10156, 10472). Thus in man the spiritual world and natural world are conjoined (n. 6057, 10472). Thence man is such that he can look up towards heaven, and down towards the world (n. 7601, 7604, 7607). When he looks upwards, he is in the light of heaven and sees thence; but when he looks downwards, he is in the light of the world and sees thence (n. 3167, 10134). There is given with man a descent from the spiritual world into the natural (n. 3702, 4042).

The internal man which is spiritual, and the external man which is natural, are altogether distinct (n. 1999, 2018, 3691, 4459). The distinction is such as exists between cause and effect, and between prior and posterior, and there is no continuity (n. 3691, 4154, 5145-5146, 5711, 6275, 6284, 6299, 6326, 6465, 8603, 10076, 10099, 10181). Consequently that the distinction is like that between heaven and the world, or between the spiritual and the natural (n. 4292, 5032, 5620, 5639). The interiors and exteriors of man are not continuous, but distinct according to degrees, and each degree is terminated (n. 3691, 4145, 5114, 6326, 6465, 8603, 10099). He who does not perceive the distinctions of the interiors and the exteriors of man according to degrees, and does not understand the quality of those degrees, cannot comprehend the internal and the external of man (n. 5146, 6465, 10099, 10181). The things of a higher degree are more perfect than those of a lower degree (n. 3405). There are three degrees in man answering to the three heavens (n. 4154).

The exteriors are more remote from the Divine with man, and therefore they are respectively obscure, and of a general nature (n. 6451). And they are also respectively not in order (n. 996, 3855). The interiors are more perfect, because nearer to the Divine (n. 5146-5147). In the internal there are thousands and thousands of things, which in the external appear as one general thing (n. 5707). Thence thought and perception is clearer in proportion as it is interior (n. 5920). Hence it follows that man ought to be in internals (n. 1175, 4464).

The interiors of the mind, with the man who is in love and charity, are actually elevated by the Lord, and otherwise they would look downwards (n. 6952, 6954, 10330). Influx and enlightenment from heaven with man, is an actual elevation of the interiors by the Lord (n. 7816, 10330). Man is elevated when he advances to spiritual things (n. 9922). As far as man is elevated from externals towards interiors, so far he comes into light, consequently into intelligence; and this is what is meant by being withdrawn from sensual things, according to the saying of the ancients (n. 6183, 6313). Elevation from the external to the interiors, is like that from mist into light (n. 4598).

Influx from the Lord is through the internal man into the external (n. 1940, 5119). Interiors can flow into exteriors, but not the contrary; consequently that influx is spiritual and not physical, namely, from the spiritual man into the natural, and not from the natural man into the spiritual (n. 3219, 5119, 5259, 5427-5428, 5477, 6322, 9109-9110). The Lord from the internal, where there is peace, governs the external, where there is turbulence (n. 5396).

The internal can see all things in the external, but not the reverse (n. 1914, 1953, 5427-5428, 5477). When man lives in the world, he thinks from the internal in the external, consequently his spiritual thought flows into his natural, and there presents itself naturally (n. 3679). When man thinks well, it is from the internal or spiritual in the external or natural (n. 9704-9705, 9707). The external man thinks and wills according to conjunction with the internal (n. 9702-9703). There is an interior and an exterior thought; the quality of the one and the other (n. 2515, 2552, 5127, 5141, 5168, 6007). The thought and affection in the internal is not perceived by man during his life in the world, but only that which is in the external therefrom (n. 10236, 10240). But in the other life externals are taken away, and man is then let into his own internals (n. 8870). It then becomes manifest what is the quality of his internals (n. 1806-1807).

The internal produces the external (n. 994-995). And the internal then invests itself with such things as enable it to produce its effects in the external (n. 6275, 6284, 6299); and by which it may live in the external (n. 1175, 6275). The Lord conjoins the internal or spiritual man to the external or natural man, when He regenerates him (n. 1577, 1594, 1904, 1999). The external or natural man is then reduced into order through the internal or spiritual man, and is subordinated (n. 9708).

The external must be subordinate and subject to the internal (n. 5077, 5125, 5128, 5786, 5947, 10272). The external is so created, that it may serve the internal (n. 5947). The internal must be lord, and the external its minister, and in a certain respect its servant (n. 10471).

The external ought to be in correspondence with the internal, that there may be conjunction (n. 5427-5428, 5477). What the quality of the external is when it corresponds with the internal, and what when it does not correspond (n. 3493, 5422-5423, 5427-5428, 5477, 5511). In the external man there are things which correspond and agree with the internal, and there are things which do not correspond and agree (n. 1563, 1568).

The external has its quality from the internal (n. 9912, 9921-9922). How great the beauty of the external man is, when it is conjoined with the internal (n. 1590). And how great its foulness when not conjoined (n. 1598). Love to the Lord and charity towards the neighbor conjoin the external man with the internal (n. 1594). Unless the internal man be conjoined with the external, there is no fructification (n. 3987).

The interiors successively flow into the exteriors, even into the extreme or ultimate, and they there exist and subsist together (n. 634, 6239, 9215-9216). They not only flow in successively, but also form in the ultimate what is simultaneous, in what order (n. 5897, 6451, 8603, 10099). All the interiors are held in connection from the first, through the ultimate (n. 9828). Thence also in the ultimates are strength and power (n. 9836). And therefore responses and revelations were made from the ultimates (n. 9905, 10548). Thence also the ultimate is more holy than the interiors (n. 9824). Hence also in the Word, "first and last" signify all and every particular, thus the whole (n. 10044, 10329, 10335).

The internal man is open to him who is in Divine order, but shut to him who is not in Divine order (n. 8513). There is no conjunction of heaven with the external man without the internal (n. 9380). Evils and the falsities of evil shut the internal man, and cause man to be only in externals (n. 1587, 10492). Especially evils from the love of self (n. 1594). The interiors are shut even to the sensual, which is the ultimate, if the Divine is denied (n. 6564). With the intelligent and learned of the world, who from the sciences confirm themselves against the things of heaven and the church, the internal is shut more than with the simple (n. 10492).

Because the internal man is in the light of heaven, and the external in the light of the world, therefore they who are in the external without the internal, that is, they with whom the internal is shut, do not care for the internal things of heaven and the church (n. 4464, 4946). In the other life they cannot at all endure internal things (n. 10694, 10701, 10707). They believe nothing (n. 10396, 10400, 10411, 10429). They love themselves and the world above all things (n. 10407, 10412, 10420). Their interiors, or the things which are of their thought and affection, are vile, filthy, and profane, howsoever they may appear in externals (n. 1182, 7046, 9705, 9707). The ideas of their thought are material, and not at all spiritual (n. 10582). The quality further described of those whose internal that looks heavenward is shut (n. 4459, 9709, 10284, 10286, 10429, 10472, 10492, 10602, 10683).

So far as the internal, which is spiritual, is opened, so far truths and goods are multiplied; and so far as the internal, which is spiritual, is shut, so far truths and goods vanish (n. 4099). The church is in the internal spiritual man, because that is in heaven, and not in the external without it (n. 10698). Hence the external church with man is nothing without the internal (n. 1795). External worship without internal worship is no worship (n. 1094, 1175). Concerning those who are in the internal of the church, of worship, and of the Word; of those who are in the external in which is the internal; and of those who are in the external without the internal (n. 10683). The external without the internal is hard (n. 10683).

The merely natural man is in hell, unless he be made spiritual by regeneration (n. 10156). All who are in the external without the internal, or with whom the spiritual internal is shut, are in hell (n. 9128, 10483, 10489).

The interiors of man are actually turned according to his loves (n. 10702). In each and all things there must be an internal and an external that they may subsist (n. 9473).

"Above" and "high" in the Word, signifies the internal (n. 1725, 2148, 4210, 4599). Thence in the Word higher is interior, and lower is exterior (n. 3084).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.