신명기 26:17



17 네가 오늘날 여호와를 네 하나님으로 인정하고 또 그 도를 행하고 그 규례와 명령과 법도를 지키며 그 소리를 들으리라 확언하였고

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Од стране Alexander Payne

Verse 17. For in this state the soul is betrothed to the Lord, and there is a holy desire to be conjoined to Him and to be led by Him, and to conform the life to His laws and His commandments, to attend to every perception of His will, and to obey Divine truth in all things: [Note.—The voice of Jehovah denotes the Word itself, the doctrine of faith, the conscience or internal animadvertence: the voice of Jehovah is Divine truth (AC Index).]