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Arcana Coelestia # 9411

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9411. 'And they saw God' means faith. This is clear from the meaning of 'seeing God' as being endowed with intelligence and faith. 'Seeing' in the internal sense means seeing in a spiritual manner, and seeing in a spiritual manner implies seeing with the gift of faith; this is why 'seeing' in the Word means having faith, 2325, 3863, 3869, 4403-4421, 5400, 6805, 9128. The reason why they saw the God of Israel, that is, the Lord, is that in a broad sense the laws declared from Mount Sinai mean the Word in its entirety, and the Word is Divine Truth from the Lord, which deals in its highest sense with the Lord alone. All this being so, those who receive enlightenment when they read the Word see the Lord; they do so because of the faith and the love they have. They see Him solely in the Word and in no other writing whatever. From this it is evident why Moses, Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and the seventy elders saw Him. The fact that these saw Him and not the children of Israel who had been set apart is evident from the preceding verses 9 and 10, which say, 'Moses and Aaron went up, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel. And they saw the God of Israel', and the present verse says, 'And on the children of Israel who had been set apart He did not lay a hand'. The reason why the former saw God and not the latter was that 'Moses and Aaron' represented the Word in respect of its inward and outward senses, 9374, 'Nadab and Abihu' teachings derived from both senses, 9375, and 'the seventy elders' all who are governed by good which results from truths received from there, 9376, 9404, whereas 'the children of Israel who had been set apart' represented those who are restricted to the outward sense of the Word, separated from the inward.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia # 7318

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7318. 'And the fish that are in the river will die' means that factual knowledge of truth will be destroyed. This is clear from the meaning of 'fish' as factual knowledge, dealt with in 40, 991, at this point factual knowledge of truth since it says that the fish are going to die because the water they are in has been turned into blood, meaning that such knowledge will be destroyed through falsification; and from the meaning of 'dying' as being destroyed. A number of examples will show what the falsification of truth is. Truth is falsified when on the basis of false reasonings people deduce and declare that because no one can do good all by himself good contributes nothing to salvation. Truth is also falsified when they declare that whatever good a person does has self in view and is done for the sake of reward, and this being so, that the works of charity do not need to be performed. Truth is falsified when people declare that because all good has its origin in the Lord a person should not perform anything good at all but should wait for inspiration. Truth is falsified when they declare that truth can exist with a person without the good of charity, thus faith without charity. Truth is falsified when people declare that nobody can enter heaven except him who is wretched and poor, and also when they declare that no one can enter unless he gives all his goods to the poor and reduces himself to a state of wretchedness.

[2] Truth is falsified when people declare that everyone, irrespective of the kind of life he has been leading, can by mercy be admitted into heaven. Truth is falsified further still when they declare that someone has been given the power to admit whomever he chooses into heaven. Truth is falsified when people declare that sins are altogether purged, and washed away like dirt by water. And truth is falsified further still when they declare that somebody has the power to forgive sins, and that when they have been forgiven those sins are altogether purged, making the person pure. Truth is falsified when people declare that the Lord has taken onto Himself and so bears all sins, so that a person can be saved no matter what kind of life he leads. Truth is falsified when they declare that no one is saved except him who is within the Church. The reasonings by means of which falsification is effected are contained in the notion that those who are within the Church have been baptized, possess the Word, know about the Lord, resurrection, eternal life, heaven, and hell, and accordingly know what the faith that enables them to be justified is. Reasonings like these are countless, for not one single truth exists that is incapable of being falsified, and there is no falsification that cannot be substantiated by means of reasonings based on illusions.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia # 9128

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9128. 'If the sun has risen on him' means if he sees it clearly - the theft that is being committed - from a more internal level. This is clear from the meaning of 'the sun rising' as its being seen in light, thus its being seen clearly, at this point that good or truth is being taken away, meant by 'the theft', 9125. The reason why 'if the sun has risen' has this meaning is that 'the thief caught digging through', spoken of in the previous verse, means good or truth being taken away secretly, thus without its being seen, 9125. The reason for saying seen from a more internal level is that such an action is seen by the internal man.

[2] Since it is an important matter, something must be stated about what seeing from a more internal level implies. A person sees within himself whether what he thinks and intends, and consequently what he speaks and does, is good or bad, and therefore whether it is true or false. This is not at all possible unless the person sees from a more internal level. Seeing from a more internal level takes place when things are seen by the internal man within the external. This is like the sight of the eye; the eye cannot see things within itself, only those outside it. This then is how a person sees the good and the bad he has within himself. Nevertheless one person's sight of this is better than another's, and some have no sight of it whatever. The ones with sight of it are those who have received from the Lord the life of faith and charity; for this life is internal life or the life of the internal man. Because truth resides with these people by virtue of their faith, and good by virtue of their charity, they can see the evils and falsities present in themselves; for evil can be seen from good, and falsity can be seen from truth, but not the other way round. The reason for this is that good and truth are in heaven and the light of heaven, whereas evil and falsity are in hell and the darkness of hell. From this it is evident that those immersed in evil and as a result in falsity cannot see good or truth; they cannot even see the evil and falsity present within themselves. Nor consequently can they see from a more internal level.

[3] But it should be recognized that seeing from a more internal level is seeing from the Lord; for the situation with sight is the same as it is with everything that comes into being. Nothing brings itself into being; rather it springs from what is prior to or higher than itself, and so finally from the First and Highest. The First and Highest is the Lord. Anyone who understands this can also understand that all of the life present in a person comes from the Lord; and, since charity and faith constitute that most real life a person can have, that all of the charity and all of the faith come from the Lord. A person endowed with greater power of thought and perception than others can also understand from all this that the Lord sees every single thing, even the smallest things present in a person. Evil and falsity however do not spring into being from what is higher than themselves but from what is lower; consequently they do not spring from the Lord but from the world, since the Lord is above whereas the world is below. Therefore the internal man with those immersed in evil and as a result in falsity is closed above and open below. This is why they see all things in an upside down manner - the world as everything and heaven as nothing. They are also for this reason seen by angels to be upside down, feet upwards and head downwards. This is what all in hell look like.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.