

Бытие 1:29



29 И сказал Бог: вот, Я дал вам всякую траву, сеющую семя, какая есть на всей земле, и всякое дерево, у которого плод древесный, сеющий семя; – вам сие будет в пищу;





'Herb bearing seed,' as mentioned in Genesis 1:29, signifies truth in terms of its use. (Arcana Coelestia 57) Every herb in the Bible signifies some type of knowledge.

'Green herbs,' as mentioned in Genesis 1:30, mean food for the natural man.

'Eating the herb of the field,' as mentioned in Genesis 3:18, signifies that a person should live as a beast.

'Herb of the field' signifies spiritual truth.

(Ссылки: Arcana Coelestia 7626)