Numeri 31:8



8 Pobili také krále Madianské mezi jinými, kteréž porazili, totiž Evi, Rekem, Sur, Hur a Rebe, pět králů Madianských; Baláma také, syna Beorova, zabili mečem.

Комментарий к этой строфе  

Написано Henry MacLagan

Verse 8. Also the leading principles of such falsifications of truth are overcome as well as falsified truths themselves, namely the lust of falsifying; cunning by which falsity is mixed with truths; that which confirms and fixes such falsifications; the natural affection which delights in them; and that which gives the appearance of consistency to them, this involving the whole of such falsifications; and in addition falsity from the evil which misinterprets the Word is also overcome.