A Bíblia


От Иоанна 1:8



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Explanation of John 1:8

Por Brian David

{{title|lang=de|Taufe Christi}}

The "he" here – John the Baptist – represents the external, literal meaning of the Bible. It is a powerful thing, but that power comes from what’s inside it: the internal ideas that express the Lord’s perfect love and leadership. These ideas – called "divine truth" in the Writings – are represented by the "light," and were embodied in the physical form of Jesus.

The purpose of the Bible’s literal stories, then, is not to teach us directly. We are not supposed to read them and try to extrapolate modern interpretations of ancient rules, or even to seek literal applications of Jesus’s own statements. The stories are there to contain and confirm the perfect loving truth within, which is a direct expression of the Lord. That’s what we should be seeking, learning, embracing and following.

Das Obras de Swedenborg


Nine Questions # 3

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Was there not always in the Divine nature a Trinity to be understood as Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, and Quickening Spirit or Holy Proceeding?


The Divine Trinity in one Person ought to be understood as soul, body, and proceeding operation which together make one essence, since one arises from the other and consequently is part of the other. In every man there is likewise a trinity, which together constitute a single person, namely, soul, body, and proceeding operation. In man this trinity is finite, since man is but an organ of life, but in the Lord the Trinity is infinite and thus Divine, because the Lord is life itself as regards the Human too, as He teaches in John 5:26; 14:6, and elsewhere as well.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.