A Bíblia


Второзаконие 32



1 Внемлите небеса, и я начну говорить; И слушай земля слова устъ моихъ.

2 Польется, какъ дождь, ученіе мое; Покаплетъ, какь роса, слово мое, какъ мелкій дождь на зелень, какъ ливень на траву.

3 Ибо имя Господа провозглашаю; Воздайте славу Богу нашему.

4 Твердыня! совершенны дјла Его, ибо всј пути его праведны. Богъ истины, и нјтъ неправды в Немъ, Онъ правдивъ и вјренъ.

5 Но они развратились предъ Нимъ, они не дјти Его по своимъ порокамъ, родъ строптивый и вјроломный.

6 Сіе ли воздаете вы Господу, народъ глупый и несмысленный? Не Онъ ли Отецъ твой, Который усвоилъ тебя, сотворилъ тебя, и устроилъ тебя?

7 Вспомни дни древніе, помыслите о лјтахъ прежнихъ родовъ, спроси отца своего, и возвјститъ тебј, старцевъ твоихъ, и они скажутъ тебј.

8 Когда Всевышній давалъ удјлы народамъ, и разселялъ сыновъ человјческихъ: Тогда поставилъ предјлы народовъ по числу сыновъ Израилевыхъ.

9 Ибо часть Господня народъ Его; Іаковъ наслјдственный удјлъ Его.

10 Онъ обрјлъ его въ пустынј, въ степи печальной и дикой; Ограждалъ его, смотрјлъ за нимъ, хранилъ его, какъ зјницу ока Своего.

11 Какъ орелъ вызываетъ гнјздо свое, носится надъ птенцами своими, расширяетъ крылья свои, беретъ ихъ и поднимаетъ ихъ на перьяхъ своихъ:

12 Такъ Господь одинъ водилъ его, и не было съ Нимъ чужаго бога,

13 Онъ вознесъ его на высоту земли, и кормилъ произведеніями полей, и питалъ его медомъ изъ камня, и елеемъ отъ скалы кремнистой,

14 Сыромъ коровьимъ и молокомъ овечьимъ, и тукомъ агнцевъ и овновъ Васанскихъ и козловъ, и тукомъ пшеницы, и ты пилъ вино, кровь виноградныхъ ягодъ.

15 И утучнјлъ Израиль, и упоренъ сталъ; Ты утучнјлъ, отолстјлъ и разжирјлъ, и оставилъ онъ Бога, Который сотворилъ его, и презрјлъ твердыню спасенія своего.

16 Богами чуждыми они раздражили Его, и мерзостями разгнјвали Его.

17 Приносили жертвы бјсамъ, а не Богу, Богамъ, которыхъ они не знали, новымъ, которые пришли отъ сосјдей и которыхъ не боялись отцы ваши.

18 А Заступника, родившаго тебя, ты забылъ, и не помнилъ Бога, произведшаго тебя.

19 Господь увидјлъ, и пренебрегъ въ негодованіи Сыновъ Своихъ и дочерей Своихъ.

20 И сказалъ: сокрою лице Мое отъ нихъ; Увижу, какой будетъ конецъ ихъ: Ибо они родъ развращенный, дјти, въ которыхъ нјтъ вјрности.

21 Они раздражили меня не богомъ, суетными своими огорчили меня: И Я раздражу ихъ не народомъ, народомъ невјжественнымъ огорчу ихъ.

22 Ибо огнь возгорјлся во гнјвј Моемъ, и жжетъ до ада преисподняго, и поядаетъ землю и произведенія ея, и попаляетъ основанія горъ.

23 Соберу на нихъ бјдствія, и истощу на нихъ стрјлы Мои.

24 Будутъ истощены голодомъ, истреблены хищными птицами и лютою заразою, и пошлю на нихъ зубы звјрей, и ядъ ползающихъ по землј.

25 Отвнј будетъ губить дјтей ихъ мечъ, а въ домахъ ужасъ, и юношу, и дјвицу, и груднаго младенца, и покрытаго сјдиною старца.

26 Я сказалъ бы: разсыплю ихъ, изглажу изъ среды человјковъ память о нихъ,

27 Если бы я не опасался огорченія отъ враговъ; Чтобы непріятели его не возмнили и не сказали: наша рука высока. И не Господь сдјлалъ все сіе

28 Ибо они народъ потерявшій разсудокъ, и нјтъ въ нихъ смысла.

29 О, если бы они сдјлались мудрыми, подумали о семъ, уразумјли, что съ ними будетъ!

30 Какъ бы могъ одинъ преслјдоватъ тысячу, и двое прогонять тму, если бы Заступникъ ихъ не предалъ ихъ, и Господь не отдалъ ихъ!

31 Ибо заступникъ ихъ не таковъ, какъ нашъ Заступникъ; Сами враги наши могутъ судить.

32 Ибо виноградъ ихъ отъ виноградеой лозы Содомской и съ полей Гоморрскихъ; Ягоды ихъ ягоды ядовитыя, грозды ихъ горькія;

33 Вино ихъ ярость драконовъ и гибельный ядъ аспидовъ.

34 Не сокрыто ли сіе у Меня? Не запечатано ли въ сокровищницахъ Моихъ?

35 У мена отмщеніе и воздаяніе, когда поколеблется нога ихъ ибо близокъ день погибели ихъ, скоро наступитъ уготованное для нихъ.

36 Ибо Господь будетъ судить народъ Свой, и надъ рабами Своими умилосердится, когда онъ увидитъ, что рука ихъ ослабјла, и не стало ни зависящаго, ни не зависимаго.

37 Тогда скажетъ: гдј боги ихъ, твердыня, на которую они надјялись,

38 Которые јли тукъ жертвъ ихъ, пили вино возліяній ихъ? Пусть они возстанутъ и помогутъ вамъ, пусть будутъ для васъ покровомъ!

39 Видите нынј, что это Я, Я, и нјтъ Бога кромј Меня. Я умерщвлю и оживлю, Я поражу и Я исцјлю, и никто не избавитъ отъ руки Моей.

40 Я подьемлю къ небесамъ руку Мою, и говорю: живу Я въ вјкъ;

41 Изострю сверкающій мечъ Мой, и рука Моя пріиметъ судъ, отмщу врагамъ Моимъ и ненавидящимъ Меня воздамъ.

42 Упою стрјлы Мои кровію, и мечъ Мой насытится плотію, кровію убитыхъ и плјнныхъ, головами начальниковъ врага.

43 Возвеселитесь язычники, народъ Его: Ибо Онъ мститъ за кровь рабовъ Своихъ, и воздаетъ мщеніе врагамъ Своимъ, и очищаетъ землю, народъ Свой.

44 И пришелъ Моисей, и изрекъ всј слова пјсни сей вслухъ народа, онъ и Іисусъ сынъ Навинъ.

45 Когда Моисей изрекъ всј слова сіи всему Израилю,

46 тогда сказалъ имъ: положите на сердце ваше всј слова, которыя я объявилъ вамъ сегодня, и завјщавайте ихъ дјтямъ своимъ, чтобъ они старались исполнять всј слова закона сего.

47 Ибо это не пустое для васъ; но это жизнь ваша, и чрезъ сіе вы долгое время пробудете на той землј, въ которую вы переходите за Іорданъ, чтобы взять ее вь наслјдіе.

48 И говорилъ Господь Моисею въ тотъ же самый день, и сказалъ:

49 взойди на сію гору Аваримъ, на гору Нево, которая въ землј Моавитской, противъ Іерихома и посмотри на землю Ханаанскую, которую Я даю во владјніе сынамъ Израилевымь.

50 И умри на горј, на которую ты взойдешь, и отойди къ народу своему, такъ какъ умеръ Ааронъ, братъ твой, на горј Оръ, и отошелъ къ народу своему,

51 за то, что вы согрјшили противъ Меня среди сыновъ Израилевыхъ при водахъ Меривы въ Кадесј, въ пустынј Цинъ, за то, что не явили святости Моей среди сыновъ Израилевыхъ.

52 Предъ собою ты увидишь землю, а не войдешь туда, въ землю, которую Я даю сынамъ Израилевымъ.


Das Obras de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia # 9854

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9854. 'With the work of slender rope' means the mode of the joining together. This is clear from the meaning of 'slender rope' as that which serves to join things together. The reason why 'slender rope' means that which so serves to join things together is that such a cord is used to join one object to another. But in this instance it means the mode of the joining together, for the narrative is saying that the small chains of pure gold had to be made 'with the work' of slender rope. 'Slender rope' is used in the original language to describe a cord made from twisted and intertwined work, by which is meant in the internal sense a joining together such as that of truths within known facts and interlinking such facts, thus a joining together in the natural or external memory. The reason why this kind of joining together is meant is that the subject at this point is the joining together of truths through good in the last and lowest parts of the spiritual kingdom. For 'the ephod' and 'the breastplate', to which [the shoulder-pieces] were joined by means of the small chains made from 'the work of slender rope', mean the lowest levels of the spiritual kingdom, 9824. As regards what is intertwined or tangled, that it denotes factual knowledge, see 2831.

[2] In the next life also ropes appear, varying in the ways in which their strands are twisted together and varying in thickness; and they represent the varying modes by which things are joined together. This explains also why in the Word things which serve to join others together are meant by 'ropes', as in the following places: In Isaiah,

Woe to those who draw iniquity with ropes of vanity, and [whose] sin is like a cart rope! Isaiah 5:18.

'Ropes of vanity' are joinings together of falsities, through which iniquity or evil in life is brought in. In the same prophet,

Look upon Zion, the city of our appointed feast. May your eyes see Jerusalem, a quiet dwelling-place, a tent which will not be overthrown. Its pegs will never be removed, and none of its ropes will be pulled away. Your ropes have been loosed; they will not strengthen their mast. Isaiah 33:20, 23.

'Pegs' and 'ropes' stand for the things which serve to join together heaven's truths and forms of good; for the dwelling-place and tent, which the ropes spoken of here belong to, are heaven, 9457, 9481, 9485, 9615, 9784.

[3] In the same prophet,

Enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwelling-places; do not stop [them]. Lengthen your ropes, and make your pegs firm. Isaiah 54:2.

And in Jeremiah,

My tent has been laid waste, and all My ropes torn away. Jeremiah 10:20.

Here also 'ropes' stands for things that serve to join others together and make them firm. 'Tent' stands for the Church, which is the Lord's heaven on earth. In Hosea,

I drew them with ropes of human kindness, 1 with thick ropes of love. Hosea 11:4.

Here 'ropes' plainly stands for things which join others together; for love is spiritual togetherness. In Ezekiel,

Asshur and Kilmad, they were your traders with the treasures of garments tied by means of ropes. Ezekiel 27:23-24.

This refers to Tyre, by which cognitions or knowledge of goodness and truth are meant, 1201. Outward joinings together of these are meant by 'garments tied by means of ropes'. In addition 'ropes' is also used in the Word to mean apportionments of inheritances and of the land, because ropes were used in measurements of them, as in Deuteronomy 32:9; Amos 7:17; Micah 2:4-5; Zechariah 2:1; Psalms 16:6; 78:55; 105:11; 140:5; and many times elsewhere.

Notas de rodapé:

1. literally, with ropes of man (homo)

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Das Obras de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia # 1201

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1201. That 'Sidon' means the exterior cognitions of spiritual things is clear from the fact that he is called 'Canaan's firstborn', for in the internal sense the firstborn of every Church is faith, see 352, 367. Here however, where faith does not exist because internal things are missing they are no more than exterior cognitions of spiritual things taking the place of faith, thus cognitions such as those with the Jews which are cognitions not only of the ceremonies of external worship but also of many other things belonging to that worship, such as matters of doctrine. That 'Sidon' has this meaning is also evident from the fact that Tyre and Sidon were the furthest limits of Philistia, and were in fact by the sea. 'Tyre' therefore meant interior cognitions, and 'Sidon' those which were exterior, and yet cognitions of spiritual things. This is also clear from the Word: in Jeremiah,

On the day that is coming to lay waste all the Philistines, to cut off from Tyre and Sidon every helper that remains, for Jehovah is laying waste the Philistines, the remnants of the island of Caphtor. Jeremiah 47:4.

Here 'the Philistines' stands for knowledge of the cognitions of faith and charity, 'Tyre' for interior cognitions, and 'Sidon' for cognitions of spiritual things.

[2] In Joel,

What are you to Me, O Tyre and Sidon, and all the borders of Philistia? You have taken My silver and gold, and My good and desirable treasures you have carried into your temples. Joel 3:4-5.

Here 'Tyre' and 'Sidon' clearly stand for cognitions and are called 'the borders of Philistia', for 'gold and silver' and 'good and desirable treasures' are cognitions. In Ezekiel,

The princes of the north, all of them, and every Sidonian, who have gone down with the slain 1 into the pit. He was made to lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with those slain' by the sword, Pharaoh and all his multitude. Ezekiel 32:30, 32.

Here 'the Sidonian' stands for exterior cognitions, which when devoid of things that are internal are nothing else than facts, and it is for this reason that he is mentioned along with Pharaoh, or Egypt, who means facts. In Zechariah,

Hamath also will border on it, Tyre and Sidon, for it is exceedingly wise. Zechariah 9:2.

This refers to Damascus. 'Tyre and Sidon' stands for cognitions.

[3] In Ezekiel,

The inhabitants of Sidon and Arvad were your rowers; your wise men, O Tyre, were in you, they were your pilots. Ezekiel 27:8.

Here 'Tyre' stands for interior cognitions, and therefore her wise men are called 'pilots', while 'Sidon' stands for exterior cognitions and her inhabitants are therefore called 'rowers', for such is the relationship of interior cognitions to exterior. In Isaiah,

The inhabitants of the island are silent, O merchant of Sidon passing over the sea; they have replenished you. But on the great waters the seed of Shihor, the harvest of the river, was her revenue, and was the merchandise of nations. Blush, O Sidon, for the sea has spoken, the stronghold of the sea saying, I have not gone into labour, nor have I given birth, nor reared young men, nor brought up virgins. Isaiah 23:2-5.

Here 'Sidon' stands for exterior cognitions which, because they have nothing internal within them are called 'the seed of Shihor, the harvest of the river, her revenue, the merchandise of the nations', and also 'the sea, the stronghold of the sea', and 'one that does not go into labour and give birth'. What these expressions may mean could never be discerned in the literal sense, but their meaning is perfectly plain in the internal sense, as with everything else in the Prophets. Since 'Sidon' means exterior cognitions it is also referred to as the region surrounding Israel, which is the spiritual Church, Ezekiel 28:24, 26, for exterior cognitions are like a surrounding region.

Notas de rodapé:

1. literally, pierced

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.