A Bíblia


Ezekiel 27:8



8 και-C ο- A--NPM αρχων-N3--NPM συ- P--GS ο- A--NPM καταοικεω-V2--PAPNPM *σιδων-N---ASF και-C *αραδιος-N2--NPM γιγνομαι-VBI-AMI3P κωπηλατης-N1M-NPM συ- P--GS ο- A--NPM σοφος-A1--NPM συ- P--GS *σορ-N---VSF ος- --NPM ειμι-V9--IAI3P εν-P συ- P--DS ουτος- D--NPM κυβερνητης-N1M-NPM συ- P--GS

Das Obras de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia # 10696

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10696. 'And Aaron and all the princes in the assembly turned back to him' means the chief ones among those who, although their interest lay in things on an outward level devoid of those on an inward level, would nevertheless represent those on an inward level. This is clear from the representation of 'Aaron and the princes in the assembly' as the chief ones among those whose interest lay in things on an outward level devoid of what was inward; for Aaron was their head and the princes were their leaders. 'Aaron' represents that which is outward devoid of what is inward, see 10397, and 'the princes' the chief persons, 1482, 2089, 5044. The fact that they were to assume a representative role, see below in 10698.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.

Das Obras de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia # 10698

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10698. 'And afterwards all the children of Israel approached' means all who, although their interest lay in things on an outward level devoid of what was inward, would nevertheless represent those on an inward level. This is clear from the representation of 'the children of Israel' as those whose interest lay in things on an outward level devoid of those on an inward one, dealt with just above in 10692. The reason why those who would represent things on an inward level is also meant is that Moses won for that nation the concession that it should represent the Church even though they were by nature such that no Church could be established among them. No Church can exist among those whose interest lies in things on an outward level devoid of what is inward, because the Church resides with a person on an inward level and not on an outward one devoid of the inward. For a person is in contact with heaven and with the Lord through the inward level; when this does not exist, that is, when it has been closed off, he is in contact with hell. But although the children of Israel were by nature such that it was impossible for them to have any contact with heaven through the inward level, they were nevertheless able to represent such things as belonged to the Church and heaven. This was accomplished solely by means of outward things to which inward ones correspond; and it was on account of this that they were accepted.

No Church existed among that nation, only a representative of the Church, see in the places referred to in 9320 (end), 10396.

Through the outward things which represented inward ones contact with heaven was effected, see again in the places referred to in 9320 (end), 10396, and also what is said in 10492, 10500, 10549-10551, 10570, 10575, 10602, 10629.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.