A Bíblia


Exodus 34



1 Derpå sagde HE EN til Moses: "Tilhug dig to Stentavler ligesom de forrige, så vil jeg på Tavlerne skrive de samme Ord, som stod på de forrige Tavler, du slog i Stykker.

2 Gør dig så rede til i Morgen, stig om Morgenen op på Sinaj Bjerg og stil dig hen og vent på mig der på Bjergets Top.

3 Ingen må følge med dig derop, og ingen må vise sig noget Sted på Bjerget, end ikke Småkvæg eller Hornkvæg må græsse i Nærheden af dette Bjerg."

4 Da tilhuggede han to Stentavler ligesom de forrige, og tidligt næste Morgen steg Moses op på Sinaj Bjerg, som Gud havde pålagt ham, og tog de to Stentavler med sig.

5 Da steg HE EN ned i Skyen; og Moses stillede sig hos ham der og påkaldte HE ENs Navn.

6 Og HE EN gik forbi ham og råbte: "HE EN, HE EN, Gud, som er barmhjertig og nådig, langmodig og rig på Miskundhed og Trofasthed,

7 som bevarer Miskundhed mod Tusinder, som tilgiver Brøde, Overtrædelse og Synd, men ikke lader den skyldige ustraffet, som straffer Fædres Brøde på Børn og Børnebørn, på dem i tredje og fjerde Led!"

8 Da bøjede Moses sig hastelig til Jorden, tilbad

9 og sagde: "Har jeg fundet Nåde for dine Øjne, Herre, så drage min Herre med i vor Midte; thi det er et halsstarrigt Folk. Men tilgiv vor Brøde og vor Synd og lad os være din Ejendom!"

10 Han sagde: "Se, jeg vil slutte en Pagt; i hele dit Folks Påsyn vil jeg gøre Undere, som aldrig før er sket nogensteds på Jorden og blandt noget Folkeslag, og hele det Folk, i hvis Midte du lever, skal Se HE ENs Værk; thi det, jeg vil udføre ved dig, er forfærdeligt.

11 Hold dig det efterrettelig, som jeg i Dag byder dig! Se, jeg vil drive Amoriterne, Kana'anæerne, Hetiterne, Perizziterne, Hivviterne og Jebusiterne bort foran dig!

12 Vogt dig vel for at slutte nogen Pagt med Indbyggerne i det Land, du kommer til, for at de ikke skal blive en Snare for dig, når de lever i din Midte.

13 Men I skal nedbryde deres Altre, sønderslå deres Stenstøtter og omhugge deres Asjerastøtter!

14 Thi du må ikke tilbede nogen anden Gud, thi "Nidkær" er HE ENs Navn, nidkær Gud er han.

15 Du må ikke slutte Pagt med Landets Indbyggere, og når de boler med deres Guder og ofrer til dem og man indbyder dig til at være med, må du ikke spise af deres Ofre;

16 og du må ikke af deres Døtre tage Hustruer til dine Sønner, så deres Døtre, når de boler med deres Guder, får dine Sønner til også at bole med dem.

17 Du må ikke gøre dig noget støbt Gudebillede.

18 Du skal lejre de usyrede Brøds Højtid; i syv Dage skal du spise usyret Brød, som jeg har pålagt dig, lå den fastsatte Tid i Abib Måned, thi i Abib Måned drog du ud af Ægypten.

19 Alt førstefødt tilhører mig; af dine Hjorde skal du ofre mig det førstefødte af Handyrene, både af Okset og småt Kvæg;

20 men de førstefødte Æsler skal du udløse med et Stykke småt Kvæg, og hvis du ikke udløser det, skal du sønderbryde Halsen derpå; alle dine førstefødte Sønner skal du udløse. Du må ikke stedes for mit Åsyn med tomme Hænder

21 I seks Dage må du arbejde, men på den syvende skal du hvile; i Pløje og Høsttiden skal du holde Hviledag.

22 Du skal fejre Ugehøjtid med Førstegrøden af Hvedehøsten og Frugthøsthøjtid ved Jævndøgnstide.

23 Tre Gange om Året skal alle at Mandkøn hos dig stedes for den Herre HE EN Israels Guds Åsyn.

24 Thi jeg vil drive Folkeslag bort foran dig og gøre dine Landemærker vide, og ingen skal attrå dit Land, medens du drager hen for at stedes for HE EN din Guds Åsyn tre Gange 01n Året.

25 Du må ikke ofre Blodet af mit offer sammen med syret Brød. Påskehøjtidens Offer må ikke gemmes til næste Morgen.

26 Det bedste af din Jords Førstegrøde skal du bringe til HE EN din Guds Hus. Du må ikke koge et Hid i dets Moders Mælk!"

27 Og HE EN sagde til Moses: "Skriv disse Ord op, thi på Grundlag af disse Ord slutter jeg Pagt med dig og Israel."

28 Og han blev der hos HE EN fyrretyve Dage og fyrretyve Nætter uden at spise eller drikke; og han skrev Pagtsordene, de ti Ord, på Tavlerne.

29 Da Moses steg ned fra Sinaj Bjerg med Vidnesbyrdets to Tavler i Hånden, vidste han ikke, at hans Ansigts Hud var kommet til at stråle, ved at han talede med ham.

30 Men Aron og alle Israeliterne så Moses, og se, hans Ansigts Hud strålede, og de turde ikke komme ham nær.

31 Men Moses kaldte på dem, og da vendte Aron og alle Menighedens Øverster tilbage til ham, og Moses talte til dem.

32 Derpå kom alle Israeliterne hen til ham, og han pålagde dem alt, hvad HE EN havde talet til ham på Sinaj Bjerg.

33 Men da Moses var færdig med at tale til dem, lagde han et Dække over sit Ansigt.

34 Hver Gang han derefter trådte frem for HE ENs Åsyn for at tale med ham, tog han Sløret af, indtil han kom ud igen; og når han kom ud, meddelte han Israeliterne, hvad der var blevet ham påbudt.

35 Da så Israeliterne, at Moses's Ansigts Hud strålede; og Moses lagde da Dækket over sit Ansigt, indtil han atter gik ind for at tale med ham.


The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University

A Bíblia


Exodus 23:32



32 Du må ikke slutte Pagt med dem eller deres Guder.

The Project Gutenberg Association at Carnegie Mellon University

Das Obras de Swedenborg


Arcana Coelestia # 9348

Estudar Esta Passagem

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9348. 'For it will be a snare to you' means owing to evils that are enticing and deceptive. This is clear from the meaning of 'a snare', when it has reference to evils, as enticement and deception. The reason why evils are enticing and deceptive is that all evils spring from self-love and love of the world, 9335, and self-love and love of the world are born together within a person. These are the source of what the person feels as the delight of his life right from when he is first born; indeed the life that is his comes from them. Those loves therefore, like the hidden currents in a river, are constantly drawing the person's thought and will away from the Lord to self, and away from heaven to the world, thus away from the truths and forms of the good of faith to falsities and evils. At this time reasonings based on the illusions of the senses are especially predominant, and also the literal sense of the Word wrongly explained and used.

[2] These two things are what 'snares', 'traps', 'pits', 'nets', 'ropes', 'fetters', and also 'pretences' and 'deceits' are used to mean in the spiritual sense of the Word, as in Isaiah,

Terror and the pit and the snare are upon you, O inhabitant of the earth. Consequently it will happen, that he who is fleeing from the sound of terror will fall into the pit, and he who is climbing out of the pit will be caught in the snare, for the floodgates from on high have been opened, and the foundations of the earth have been shaken. Isaiah 24:17-19.

And in Jeremiah,

Fear, the pit, and the snare are upon you, O inhabitant of Moab. He who flees from the fear will fall into the pit, and he who climbs out of the pit will be caught in the snare. Jeremiah 48:43-44.

'Terror' and 'fear' are the disturbance and commotion in the mind when it is held fast between evils and forms of good, and consequently between falsities and truths. 'The pit' is falsity created by reasonings based on the illusions of the senses to lend support to delights that are attributable to self-love and love of the world; 'the snare' is the enticement and deception of evil that results from it.

[3] In Isaiah,

They will go and stumble 1 backwards, and be broken, and snared, and caught. Isaiah 28:13.

'Falling backwards' stands for turning oneself away from goodness and truth; 'being broken' stands for dispensing with truths and forms of good; 'being snared' stands for being enticed by the evils of self-love and love of the world; and 'being caught' stands for being carried away by them.

[4] In Ezekiel,

The mother of the princes of Israel is a lioness. One of her cubs learned to seize prey; he devoured men (homo). The nations heard about him; he was caught in their pit, and they led him away with hooks to the land of Egypt. Later on he ravished widows 2 and devastated cities; the land and its fullness was desolated by the sound of his roaring. Therefore the nations from the provinces round about lay in ambush against him, and spread their net over him; he was caught in their pit. They put him in a cage with hooks, and led him to the king of Babel; [they led him away] in nets, that his voice should no longer be heard on the mountains of Israel. Ezekiel 19:2-4, 7-9.

This describes the profanation of truth in successive stages by the enticements of falsities arising from evils. 'The mother of the princes of Israel' is the Church where primary truths are, 'the mother' being the Church, see 289, 2691, 2717, 4257, 5581, 8897, and 'the princes of Israel' primary truths, 1482, 2089, 5044. 'A lioness' is falsity that arises from evil and that perverts the Church's truths; 'a lion's cub' is evil in its power, 6367. 'Seizing prey' and 'devouring men' mean destroying truths and forms of good, for 'man' is the Church's good, 4287, 7424, 7523. 'The nations' are evils, 1259, 1260, 1849, 2588 (end), 4444, 6306. 'A pit', in which the nations caught him, is falsity arising from evil, 4728, 4744, 5038, 9086. 'The land of Egypt', to which he was led away with hooks, is factual knowledge through which falsity comes, 9340. 'Ravishing widows' means perverting forms of good which have the desire for truth, for 'ravishing' means perverting, 2466, 2729, 4865, 8904, and 'widows' forms of good that have the desire for truth, 9198, 9200. 'Devastating cities' means destroying the Church's teachings that present the truth, 402, 2268, 2449, 2943, 3216, 4478, 4492, 4493. 'Desolating the land and its fullness' means destroying all things of the Church, 9325. 'The sound of the lion's roaring' is falsity. 'Spreading a net over him' means enticing by means of delights belonging to earthly kinds of love and by means of reasonings attributable to them. 'Leading away to the king of Babel' is the profaning of truth, 1182, 1283, 1295, 1304, 1307, 1308, 1321, 1322, 1326.

[5] The fact that such things do not happen when a person does not love self and the world above all things is described in the following manner in Amos,

Will a lion roar in the forest when he has no prey? Will a bird fall into a snare on the earth if there is no trap for it? Will a snare spring up from the earth if it has certainly not caught [anything]? Amos 3:4-5.

[6] It is evident to anyone that 'a snare' in the spiritual sense means enticement and deception effected by means of the delights of self-love and love of the world, thus the enticement and deception of evils, which operate through reasonings that are based on the illusions of the senses and lend support to those delights. For the ensnarement and capturing of people is brought about by nothing else. When the devil's crew makes its attack on a person it concentrates on his loves, which they charm in every way until they have captivated him; and when he has been captivated that person reasons from falsities against truths, and from evils against forms of good. Yet he does not remain content to do that; he also takes delight in snaring others and enticing them towards falsities and evils. The reason why he also takes delight in doing this is that he too is now one of the devil's crew.

[7] Since 'a snare', 'a trap', and 'a net' mean such things they also mean the destruction and so annihilation of spiritual life; for the delights belonging to those loves are what destroy it and annihilate it, since those loves, as stated above, are the source from which all evils spring. From self-love springs disdain for others in comparison with self, then mockery and denigration of them, followed by enmity if they disagree with oneself, and finally by the delight that goes with hatred, vengeance, and so with inhumanity, indeed barbarity. This love in the next life rises to such a height that unless the Lord shows such people favour and grants them dominion over others, they are not only disdainful of Him but also mock the Word which speaks of Him. At length they are stirred by hatred and vengeance to act against Him; and insofar as they are unable to do so they carry out their hatred and vengeance with inhumanity and barbarity against everyone who confesses Him. All this shows where the essential nature of the devil's crew springs from, namely from self-love. Therefore since 'a snare' means the delight of selfish and worldly love, it means the destruction and annihilation of spiritual life; for the whole of love and faith to the Lord, and the whole of love towards the neighbour are destroyed by the delight of selfish and worldly love where it reigns supreme; see the places referred to in 9335.

[8] The fact that those loves are the origins of all evils, that hell arises from them and lies within them, and that those loves are the fires of hell is not known in the world at the present day. Yet people could have known this from the consideration that those loves are the opposites of love towards the neighbour and love to God, and the opposites of humility of heart, and from the consideration that from those loves alone spring all disdain, all hatred, all vengeance, and all inhumanity and barbarity, as anyone may realize who gives any thought to the matter.

[9] The fact that 'a snare' therefore means the destruction and annihilation of spiritual life is evident from the following places: In David,

Jehovah will rain on the wicked, snares, fire and brimstone. Psalms 11:6.

'Fire and brimstone' are the evils of selfish and worldly love. For this meaning of 'fire', see 1297, 1861, 5071, 5215, 6314, 6832, 7324, 7575, 9144, and for 'brimstone', 2446, from which it is evident what 'snares' mean. In Luke,

... lest that day comes on you suddenly, 3 for it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Luke 21:34-35.

This refers to the last phase of the Church, when there is no faith because there is no charity, since self-love and love of the world will reign. This is followed by annihilation, which is meant by 'a snare'. In Jeremiah,

Among My people are found wicked ones. They keep watch, like fowlers laying [snares]; they set a gin to catch human beings. Jeremiah 5:26.

In David,

Those seeking my life 4 lay snares, and those seeking my hurt speak of ways to annihilate, and contemplate deceits all the day. Psalms 38:12.

In the same author,

Keep me from the hands of the trap they have set for me, and from the snares of the workers of iniquity. Let them fall into their own nets, 5 the wicked together, until I pass by. Psalms 141:9-10.

In Isaiah,

He will be as a sanctuary, though He will be as a stone to strike against and as a rock to stumble over, 6 for both houses of Israel; He will be as a snare and as a trap for the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Many among them will trip, and fall, and be broken to pieces, and be snared and caught. Isaiah 8:14-15.

This refers to the Lord. 'A stone to strike against' and 'a rock to stumble over' stand for stumbling blocks that are laid; and 'a snare' and 'a trap' for the annihilation accomplished by those who attack and try to destroy truths and forms of the good of faith in the Lord by means of falsities that lend support to self-love and love of the world. For to all proud people the very fact that the Divine appeared in a human form, and that He did so not in royal majesty but in a guise that was despised, is not only a stumbling block but also a snare.

From all this it is now evident that 'it will be a snare' means the enticement and deception of evils, and consequent annihilation, as in other places in Moses,

... lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land onto which you will come, lest it becomes a snare in your midst. Exodus 34:12.

In the same author,

You shall not serve their gods, for that will be a snare to you. Deuteronomy 7:16.

In the same author,

Beware lest perhaps you are ensnared to follow 7 the nations, and lest perhaps you inquire after their gods. Deuteronomy 12:30.

'The nations' are evils and the falsities arising from them.

Notas de rodapé:

1. literally, trip

2. The Hebrew text here, which means literally And he knows his widows, is thought to be corrupt. As a consequence English versions of the Scriptures are based on textual emendations and therefore read somewhat differently.

3. literally, lest that sudden day stands upon you

4. literally, soul

5. literally, into his nets. The singular is used possibly to imply each one of the wicked. Sebastian Schmidt, in his Latin version of the Bible which Swedenborg draws on here, regarded them as God's nets.

6. literally, as a stone of striking and as a rock of stumbling

7. literally, ensnared after

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.