A Bíblia


以西結書 16:62



62 我要堅定與你所立的約(你就知道我是耶和華),

A Bíblia


詩篇 147



1 你們要讚美耶和華!因歌頌我們的為善為美;讚美的話是合宜的。

2 耶和華建造耶路撒冷,聚集以色列中被趕散的人。

3 他醫好傷的人,裹好他們的傷處。

4 他數點宿的數目,一一稱他的名。

5 我們的,最有能力;他的智慧無法測度。

6 耶和華扶持謙卑人,將惡人傾覆於

7 你們要以感謝向耶和華歌唱,用琴向我們的歌頌。

8 他用,為,使生長在上。

9 他賜食和啼的小烏鴉

10 他不喜悅的力大,不喜愛的腿快。

11 耶和華喜愛敬畏他和盼望他慈愛的人。

12 耶路撒冷啊,你要頌讚耶和華!錫安哪,你要讚美你的

13 因為他堅固了你的閂,賜福給你中間的兒女。

14 他使你境內平安,用上好的麥子使你滿足

15 他發命在;他的頒行最快。

16 他降如羊毛,撒如爐灰。

17 他擲下冰雹如碎渣;他發出寒冷,誰能當得起呢?

18 他一出令,這些就都消化;他使颳起,便流動。

19 他將他的道指示雅各,將他的律例典章指示以色列

20 別國他都沒有這樣待過;至於他的典章,他們向來沒有知道。你們要讚美耶和華






The city of "Sodom", in the Bible, represents the love of self and the love of ruling or dominating others springing from the love of self. This is why it is depicted as such an evil place, and why it was utterly destroyed by God.

This is not, of course, the usual association people have with Sodom; it has long been connected to homosexuality because in Genesis 19 the men of the city tried to rape the male angels who were visiting Lot. But if you think about it, it makes sense. Experts regard rape as a crime of violence and domination more than a crime of sexual desire. The fact that Lot offered his daughters as an alternative indicates that he thought that the men of the city were not picky about who they dominated and violated. Their chief pleasure was in the domination. All stories about adultery in the Bible -- from the more mild up to and including the intended homosexual gang rape in Sodom -- are actually depictions of selfishness in various forms.