A Bíblia


耶利米书 36



1 犹大王约西亚的儿子约雅敬第四年,耶和华的临到耶利米说:

2 你取一卷,将我对你攻击以色列犹大,并各国的一切,从我对你说话的那日,就是从约西亚的日子起直到今日,都在其上。

3 或者犹大见我想要降与他们的一切灾祸,各就回头,离开恶道,我好赦免他们的孽和罪恶

4 所以,耶利米召了尼利亚的儿子巴录来;巴录就从耶利米中,将耶和华耶利米的一切卷上。

5 耶利米吩咐巴录说:我被拘管,不能进耶和华的殿。

6 所以你要去趁禁食的日子,在耶和华殿中将耶和华的,就是你从我中所在书卷上的,念给百姓和一切从犹大城邑出的人听。

7 或者他们在耶和华面前恳求各回头,离开恶道,因为耶和华向这百姓所说要发的怒气和忿怒是的。

8 尼利亚的儿子巴录就照先知耶利米一切所吩咐的去行,在耶和华的殿中从上念耶和华的

9 犹大王约西亚的儿子约雅敬第五年九耶路撒冷的众民和那从犹大城邑耶路撒冷的众民,在耶和华面前宣告禁食的日子,

10 巴录就在耶和华殿的上院,耶和华殿的新门口,沙番的儿子文士基玛利雅的内,念耶利米给众民听。

11 沙番的孙子、基玛利雅的儿子米该亚耶和华的一切

12 他就到王宫,进入文士的子。众首领,就是文士以利沙玛、示玛雅的儿子第莱雅、亚革波的儿子以利拿单、沙番的儿子基玛利雅、哈拿尼雅的儿子西底家,和其馀的首领都在那里。

13 於是米该亚对他们述说他所见的一切,就是巴录向百姓念那的时候所见的。

14 众首领就打发古示的曾孙、示利米雅的孙子、尼探雅的儿子犹底到巴录那里,对他说:你将所念给百姓听的书卷拿在中到我们这里。尼利亚的儿子巴录就拿书卷到他们那里。

15 他们对他:请你下,念给我们听。巴录就念给他们听。

16 他们见这一切就害怕,面面相观,对巴录:我们必须将这一切告诉王。

17 他们问巴录:请你告诉我们,你怎样从他这一切呢?

18 巴录回答:他用向我这一切,我就用笔墨上。

19 众首领对巴录:你和耶利米要去藏起来,不可叫知道你们在哪里。

20 众首领进院见王,却先把书卷存在文士以利沙玛的屋内,以後将这一切说给王听。

21 王就打发犹底去拿这书卷来,他便从文士以利沙玛的屋内取来,念给王和王左右侍立的众首领听。

22 那时正是九,王在过冬的房屋里,王的前面火盆中有烧着的火。

23 犹底念了篇(或译:行),王就用文士的刀将书卷割破,扔在盆中,直到全卷在中烧尽了。

24 王和见这一切的臣仆都不惧怕,也不撕裂衣服

25 以利拿单和第莱雅,并基玛利雅恳求王不要烧这书卷,他却不

26 王就吩咐哈米勒的儿子(或译:王的儿子)耶拉篾和亚斯列的儿子西莱雅,并亚伯叠的儿子示利米雅,去捉拿文士巴录和先知耶利米耶和华却将他们隐藏

27 王烧了书卷(其上有巴录从耶利米中所)以耶和华的临到耶利米说:

28 你再取一卷,将犹大约雅敬所烧第一卷上的一切在其上。

29 论到犹大约雅敬你要耶和华如此:你烧了书卷,:你为甚麽在其上着,巴比伦王必要毁灭这,使这上绝了人民牲畜呢?

30 所以耶和华论到犹大约雅敬:他後裔中必没有人大卫的宝座上;他的尸首必被抛弃,白日受炎热,黑夜受寒霜。

31 我必因他和他後裔,并他臣仆的罪孽刑罚他们。我要使我所的一切灾祸临到他们和耶路撒冷居民,并犹大;只是他们不

32 於是,耶利米又取一卷交尼利亚的儿子文士巴录,他就从耶利米犹大约雅敬所烧前卷上的一切,另外又添了许多相彷的






'The Lord's throne' signifies, in general, the whole heaven, and specifically, the spiritual heaven, and by extension, divine truth proceeding, and so, everything of heaven and the church.

In Genesis 41:40, this signifies things that are natural. (Arcana Coelestia 5313)

In Exodus 11:5, this signifies the falsified truths of faith that have wrongly receive attention. (Arcana Coelestia 7779)

'The throne built by Solomon,' as mentioned in 1 Kings 10:18-20, signifies both royalty and judgment.

In Isaiah 66:1, this signifies celestial and spiritual things which when they relate to the Divine are like natural things to man's spiritual and celestial. (Arcana Coelestia 2162[8])

In Matthew 25:31, this signifies judgment. (Arcana Coelestia 4809[3])

In Revelation 1:4, this signifies the universal heaven. 'Throne' signifies heaven and judgment.

'Throne,' as in Revelation 4:2, signifies a representation of judgment, because the things which John saw were representative visions. He saw them as he described them, but they were forms representative of things to come.

In Revelation 8:2, this signifies the church regarding doctrine.

'Throne,' as in Revelation 12:5, signifies the angelic heaven.

'Throne' also signifies the government of falsity and evil in Revelation 2:13, 8:2, Daniel 7:9, Haggai 2:22, and Isaiah 14:13.

(Referências: Apocalypse Explained 8 [2], 289)

A Bíblia


1 Kings 10:18-20



18 Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with the finest gold.

19 There were six steps to the throne, and the top of the throne was round behind; and there were stays on either side by the place of the seat, and two lions standing beside the stays.

20 Twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other on the six steps: there was nothing like it made in any kingdom.