Arcana Coelestia (Potts translation)

Esta é uma tradução de: Arcana Coelestia por Swedenborg, Emanuel

Traduzido em English


This work explains the inner meaning of Genesis and Exodus. Chapter overviews are underpinned by analysis of the symbolism of Bible words.

Sobre esta tradução:

This work explains the inner meaning of Genesis and Exodus. Chapter overviews are underpinned by analysis of the symbolism of Bible words.

Data de criação: 1905-1910

Crédito: Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

Direitos de autor: Swedenborg Foundation

Revised edition, copyright 1965-1970 Swedenborg Foundation.

Licença: Used with permission - Ver termos

Sobre: The original translation by J. F. Potts from Swedenborg's Latin was done between 1905 and 1910.

Obtido de:

Dados da publicação:

Publicados: 1965-1970 em New York, NY, USA de Swedenborg Foundation

Citação sugerida:

Arcana Coelestia. Translated. New York, NY, USA: Swedenborg Foundation, 1965-1970. Retrieved from:
