Van Swedenborgs Werken


Hemel en Hel #530

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530. Dat een leven leiden dat naar de hemel voert, niet zo moeilijk is als gewoonlijk wordt verondersteld, mag uit de volgende overwegingen blijken. Wie is er niet in staat om zedelijk en burgerlijk te leven, terwijl iedereen van zijn kindsheid af erin opgeleid en ermee bekend wordt door zijn leven in deze wereld? Werkelijk leidt dan ook iedereen zulk een leven, of hij slecht is of goed, want wie wil niet een oprecht man genoemd worden en wie wil niet rechtvaardig genoemd worden? Bijna allen oefenen uiterlijk oprechtheid en rechtvaardigheid en wel zo, dat zij in hun hart oprecht en rechtvaardig schijnen te zijn, of uit ware oprechtheid en rechtvaardigheid schijnen te handelen. De geestelijke mens behoort op dezelfde wijze te leven en hij kan dit even gemakkelijk doen als de natuurlijke mens, alleen met dit verschil, dat de geestelijke mens in God gelooft en zuiver en recht handelt, niet alleen omdat de burgerlijke en zedelijke wetten dit eisen, maar ook omdat het volgens de Goddelijke wetten verlangd wordt. Iemand die, wanneer hij handelt, aan de Goddelijke wetten denkt, staat met de engelen in de hemel in gemeenschap en naarmate hij zo denkt en handelt, treedt hij met hen in verbinding. Langs deze weg wordt de innerlijke mens geopend die in zichzelf beschouwd de geestelijke mens is. Is de mens van zo'n karakter, dan wordt hij aangenomen en geleid door de Heer, hoewel hij er onbewust van is. Zijn oprecht en rechtvaardig handelen in het zedelijk en burgerlijk leven is dan van geestelijke oorsprong, en uit deze oorsprong handelen is werkelijk oprecht zijn, of van harte doen. Naar het uiterlijk schijnt hun rechtvaardigheid en oprechtheid geheel gelijk aan dezelfde deugden van de natuurlijke mensen, en zelfs van hen die kwaad zijn en hels, maar innerlijk verschillen zij geheel en al. Want bozen handelen alleen eerlijk en oprecht ter wille van zichzelf en van de wereld. Waren zij niet bevreesd voor de wetten en haar straffen en voor verlies van goede naam, eer, winst of leven, dan zouden zij uitermate oneerlijk en onrechtvaardig handelen, omdat zij God noch enige Goddelijke wet vrezen en dus geen innerlijke band hebben die hen weerhoudt. Zij zouden daarom in zo'n geval met alle macht anderen bedriegen, beroven en plunderen en zulke daden met genot doen. Dat zij innerlijk zo zijn, blijkt duidelijk uit dergelijke personen in het andere leven, waar iedereen van zijn uiterlijk wordt ontdaan, terwijl zijn innerlijk wordt geopend, waarin hij dan eeuwig blijft leven (zie nr. 499-511). an zijn zulke mensen ontdaan van uiterlijke banden, zoals vrees voor de wet, voor het verliezen van hun goede naam, eer, winst en hun leven en handelen ze onzinnig en lachen met eerlijkheid en rechtvaardigheid. Als zij echter die recht en rechtvaardig hebben gehandeld uit eerbied voor de Goddelijke wetten, ontdaan worden van hun uiterlijk en aan hun innerlijk leven worden overgelaten, dan gedragen zij zich wijs, omdat zij in vereniging zijn met de engelen van de hemel, van wie hun wijsheid wordt medegedeeld. Hieruit blijkt dat de geestelijke mens evenzo als de natuurlijke mens burgerlijk en zedelijk kan leven, mits hij met God verbonden is naar zijn innerlijk, of naar zijn wil en gedachten. (zie nr. 358-360)

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Boekhuis NL and Guus Janssens for their permission to use this translation.

Van Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Explained #182

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182. Verse 1. And to the angel of the church in Sardis write, signifies those who live a moral but not a spiritual life, because they have little regard for the knowledges of spiritual things and for intelligence and wisdom therefrom. This is evident from what is written to the angel of this church, from which, when viewed in the internal or spiritual sense, it can be seen that those who live a moral but not a spiritual life, because they have little regard for the knowledges of the spiritual things and for intelligence and wisdom therefrom, are here treated of. But before unfolding the things that follow as to their spiritual sense, it is necessary to explain and open what moral life is and what spiritual life is, also what moral life from spiritual life is, and what moral life apart from spiritual life. Moral life is acting well, sincerely, and justly with one's companions in all the affairs and occupations of life; in a word, it is the life that is apparent before men, because it is the life lived with them. But this life has a two-fold origin; it is either from the love of self and the world, or it is from love to God and love towards the neighbor.

[2] Moral life from the love of self and the world is not in itself moral life, although it seems to be moral; for the man acting thus acts well, sincerely, and justly for the sake of self and the world only, and what is good, sincere, and just serves him as means to an end, which is, either that he may be raised above others and rule over them, or that he may gain wealth; and of these things he thinks in his spirit, or when he is by himself secretly; but these things that he thinks he does not dare to avow openly, because they would destroy the good opinion others have of him, and thus destroy the means by which he wishes to attain his ends. From this it can be seen that there lies within the moral life of such a man nothing else than to acquire all things in preference to others, thus that he wishes to have all others to serve him, or to gain possession of their goods; from which it is evident that his moral life is not in itself a moral life; for if he should gain what he aims at, or what he has as an end, he would subject others to himself as slaves, and would deprive them of their goods. And as all means savor of the end, and in their essence are of the same quality as their ends, for which reason they are also called intermediate ends, therefore such a life, regarded in itself, is merely craftiness and fraud. And this also becomes clearly evident in the case of those with whom these external bonds are released, as takes place, when engaged in lawsuits against their fellows, when they desire nothing so much as to subvert justice, and secure the good will of the judge or the favor of the king, and this secretly, that they may deprive others of their goods; and when they obtain this, they rejoice in spirit and in heart. This is still more evident in the case of kings who place honor in wars and victories, that they find the highest joy of their hearts in subjugating provinces and kingdoms, and where resistance is made, in depriving the vanquished of all their goods, and even of life. Such also is the delight of many who engage at such times in military service. This becomes still more evident with all of this character when they become spirits, which is immediately after the death of the body. As they then think and act from their spirit, they rush into every wickedness according to their love, however morally they may have lived in appearance while in the world.

[3] But spiritual life is wholly different, because it has a different origin; for it is from love to God and love towards the neighbor. Consequently, the moral life also of those who are spiritual is different, and is a truly moral life; for these, when they think in their spirit, which takes place when they are thinking secretly by themselves, do not think from self and the world, but from the Lord and heaven; for the interiors of their minds, that is, of their thought and will, are actually elevated by the Lord into heaven, and are there conjoined to Him; thus the Lord flows into their thoughts, intentions, and ends, and governs them and withdraws them from their proprium [what is their own], which is solely from the love of self and of the world. The moral life of such persons is, in appearance, like the moral life of those described above, and yet their moral life is spiritual, because it is from a spiritual origin. Their moral life is simply an effect of spiritual life, which is the efficient cause, thus the origin. For they act well, sincerely, and justly with their fellows from fear of God and from love of the neighbor; in these loves the Lord keeps their mind and disposition [mentem et animum]; consequently when they become spirits, which takes place when the body dies, they think and act intelligently and wisely, and are elevated into heaven. Of these it may be said, that with them every good of love and every truth of faith flows in out of heaven, that is, through heaven from the Lord. But this is not true of those described above; for their good 1 is not the good of heaven, nor is their truth the truth of heaven; but what they call good is the delight of the lust of the flesh, and it is falsity therefrom that they call truth; these flow into them from self and from the world. From this it can also be known what moral life from spiritual life is, and what moral life apart from spiritual life is; namely, that moral life from spiritual life is truly moral life, which may be called spiritual, since it has its cause and origin in the spiritual; but that moral life apart from spiritual life is not moral life, and may be called infernal, for so far as the love of self and of the world reign in it, so far it is fraudulent and hypocritical.

[4] From what has now been said, the quality of external sanctity may also be inferred (by which is meant worship in churches, prayers, and gestures then), with such as are in the love of self and of the world, and yet live an apparently moral life, namely, that nothing of these is elevated to heaven and is heard there, but that they flow out from some thought of the external or natural man, and thus from their mouth into the world. For the interior thoughts of such, which are of their very spirits, are full of craftiness and fraud against the neighbor; and yet it is through interiors that there is elevation into heaven. Moreover, their worship in churches, and prayers, and gestures at such times, are either the result of habit from infancy, and are thence become familiar, or they are from a principle that such external things contribute everything to salvation, or they are a consequence of there being no business for them at home and abroad on holy days, or of a fear of being regarded as irreligious by their companions. But worship with those who live a moral life from a spiritual origin is altogether different, for it is truly a worship of God, for their prayers are elevated to heaven and are heard, for the Lord leads their prayers through heaven to Himself. (But more may be seen on these subjects in the work on Heaven and Hell, n. 468, 484, 529, 530-534; and above, in the Explanation of the Apocalypse, n. 107.) These things are premised, because what is written to the angel of this church treats of those who live a moral but not a spiritual life, for the reason that they have little regard for the knowledges of spiritual things.


1. The Latin for "good" has "the good of heaven. "

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.