De Bijbel


คร่ำครวญ 1


1 กรุงที่คับคั่งด้วยพลเมืองมาอ้างว้างอยู่ได้หนอ กรุงที่รุ่งเรืองอยู่ท่ามกลางประชาชาติมากลายเป็นดั่งหญิงม่ายหนอ กรุงที่เป็นดั่งเจ้าหญิงท่ามกลางเมืองทั้งหลายก็กลับเป็นเมืองขึ้นเขาไป

2 กรุงนั้นร่ำไห้สะอื้นในราตรีกาล และน้ำตาของเธอก็อาบแก้ม เธอจะหาใครท่ามกลางคนที่รักเธอให้มาปลอบเธอก็หาไม่พบ บรรดาพวกเพื่อนของเธอสิ้นทุกคนได้ทรยศต่อเธอ เขาทั้งปวงกลับเป็นศัตรูของเธอ

3 ยูดาห์ได้ถูกกวาดไปเป็นเชลย ได้รับความทุกข์ใจ ต้องทำงานอย่างทาส เธอต้องพำนักอยู่ท่ามกลางประชาชาติทั้งหลาย เธอไม่พบที่หยุดพักสงบเลย บรรดาผู้ข่มเหงได้ไล่ทันเธอเมื่อเวลาเธอทุกข์ใจ

4 ถนนหนทางที่เข้าเมืองศิโยนก็คร่ำครวญอยู่ เพราะไม่มีผู้ใดเดินไปในงานเทศกาลที่เคร่งครัดทั้งหลายนั้น บรรดาประตูเมืองของเธอก็รกร้างเสียแล้ว พวกปุโรหิตของเธอได้พากันถอนใจ สาวพรหมจารีทั้งหลายของเธอก็ต้องทนทุกข์ และตัวเธอเองก็ได้รับความขมขื่นยิ่งนัก

5 พวกคู่อริของเธอกลายเป็นหัวหน้า พวกศัตรูของเธอได้จำเริญขึ้น ด้วยว่าพระเยโฮวาห์ได้ทรงกระทำให้เธอทนทุกข์ เพราะความทรยศอันมหันต์ของเธอ ลูกเต้าทั้งหลายของเธอตกไปเป็นเชลยต่อหน้าคู่อริ

6 และความโอ่อ่าตระการได้พรากไปจากธิดาแห่งศิโยนเสียแล้ว พวกเจ้านายของเธอก็กลับเป็นดุจฝูงกวางที่หาทุ่งหญ้าเลี้ยงชีวิตไม่ได้ และได้วิ่งป้อแป้หนีไปข้างหน้าผู้ไล่ติดตาม

7 เยรูซาเล็มเมื่อตกอยู่ในยามทุกข์ใจและยามลำเค็ญก็ได้หวนระลึกถึงสิ่งประเสริฐที่ตนเคยมีในครั้งกระโน้น เมื่อพลเมืองของเธอตกอยู่ในมือของคู่อริ และหามีผู้ใดจะสงเคราะห์เธอไม่ พวกคู่อริเห็นเธอแล้วก็เยาะเย้ยวันสะบาโตทั้งหลายของเธอ

8 เยรูซาเล็มได้ทำบาปอย่างใหญ่หลวง เหตุฉะนี้เธอจึงถูกไล่ออก บรรดาคนที่เคยให้เกียรติเธอก็ลบหลู่เธอ เพราะเหตุเขาทั้งหลายเห็นความเปลือยเปล่าของเธอ เออ เธอเองได้ถอนใจยิ่งและหันหน้าของเธอไปเสีย

9 มลทินของเธอก็กรังอยู่ในกระโปรงของเธอ และเธอหาได้คำนึงถึงอนาคตของเธอไม่ ดังนั้นเธอจึงได้เสื่อมทรามลงเร็วอย่างน่าใจหาย เธอก็ไม่มีผู้ใดจะเล้าโลม "ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์ ขอทอดพระเนตรความทุกข์ใจของข้าพระองค์ เพราะพวกศัตรูได้พองตัวขึ้นแล้ว"

10 พวกศัตรูได้ยื่นมือของเขายึดเอาบรรดาของประเสริฐของเธอ ด้วยเธอได้เห็นบรรดาประชาชาติบุกรุกเข้ามาในสถานบริสุทธิ์ของเธอ คือคนที่พระองค์ได้ทรงห้ามไม่ให้เข้ามาในชุมนุมชนของพระองค์

11 บรรดาพลเมืองของเธอได้ถอนใจใหญ่ เขาทั้งหลายเสาะหาอาหาร และพวกเขาได้เอาของประเสริฐของตัวออกแลกอาหารกิน เพื่อจะได้ประทังชีวิต "ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์ ขอทรงทอดพระเนตรและพิจารณา เพราะข้าพระองค์เป็นที่เหยียดหยามเสียแล้ว"

12 "ดูก่อน ท่านทั้งหลายที่เดินผ่านไป ท่านไม่เกิดความรู้สึกอะไรบ้างหรือ ดูเถิด จงดูซิว่ามีความทุกข์อันใดบ้างไหมที่เหมือนความทุกข์ที่มาสู่ข้าพเจ้า เป็นความทุกข์ซึ่งพระเยโฮวาห์ได้ทรงกระทำแก่ข้าพเจ้าในวันที่พระองค์ทรงกริ้วข้าพเจ้าอย่างเกรี้ยวกราดนั้น

13 พระองค์ได้ทรงส่งเพลิงลงมาจากเบื้องบนให้เข้าไปเหนือกระดูกทั้งหลายของข้าพเจ้า และเพลิงนั้นก็มีชัยชนะต่อกระดูกเหล่านั้น พระองค์ได้ทรงกางตาข่ายไว้ดักเท้าของข้าพเจ้า พระองค์ได้ทรงกระทำให้ข้าพเจ้าต้องหันกลับ พระองค์ได้ทรงกระทำให้ข้าพเจ้าโดดเดี่ยวอ้างว้าง และอ่อนระอาตลอดทั้งวัน

14 แอกแห่งการละเมิดทั้งมวลของข้าพเจ้าก็ถูกรวบเข้าโดยพระหัตถ์ของพระองค์ทรงรวบมัดไว้ แอกนั้นรัดรึงรอบคอข้าพเจ้า พระองค์ได้ทรงกระทำให้กำลังข้าพเจ้าถอยไป องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าได้ทรงมอบข้าพเจ้าไว้ในมือของเขาทั้งหลาย ซึ่งข้าพเจ้าไม่สามารถต่อต้านได้

15 องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าได้ทรงเหยียบบรรดาผู้มีกำลังแข็งแกร่งของข้าพเจ้าไว้ใต้พระบาทท่ามกลางข้าพเจ้า พระองค์ได้ทรงเกณฑ์ชุมนุมชนเข้ามาต่อสู้ข้าพเจ้า เพื่อจะขยี้ชายฉกรรจ์ของข้าพเจ้าให้แหลกไป องค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าได้ทรงย่ำบุตรสาวพรหมจารีแห่งยูดาห์ ดั่งเหยียบผลองุ่นลงในบ่อย่ำองุ่น

16 เพราะเรื่องเหล่านี้ข้าพเจ้าจึงร้องไห้ นัยน์ตาของข้าพเจ้า เออ นัยน์ตาของข้าพเจ้ามีน้ำตาไหลลงมา เพราะผู้ปลอบโยนที่ควรจะปลอบประโลมใจข้าพเจ้าก็อยู่ไกลจากข้าพเจ้า ลูกๆของข้าพเจ้าก็โดดเดี่ยวอ้างว้าง เพราะพวกศัตรูได้ชัยชนะ"

17 มืองศิโยนได้เหยียดมือทั้งสองออก แต่ก็ไม่มีใครที่เล้าโลมเธอได้ พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงมีพระบัญชาเรื่องยาโคบว่า ให้พวกคู่อริล้อมยาโคบไว้ เยรูซาเล็มเป็นดั่งผู้หญิงเมื่อมีประจำเดือนท่ามกลางเขาทั้งหลาย

18 "พระเยโฮวาห์ทรงชอบธรรมแล้ว เพราะข้าพเจ้าได้กบฏต่อพระบัญญัติของพระองค์ ดูก่อนบรรดาชนชาติทั้งหลาย ข้าพเจ้าขอท่านได้ฟังและขอมามองดูความทนทุกข์ของข้าพเจ้า สาวพรหมจารีของข้าพเจ้า และหนุ่มๆของข้าพเจ้าตกไปเป็นเชลยแล้ว

19 ข้าพเจ้าได้ร้องเรียกบรรดาคนรักของข้าพเจ้า แต่เขาทั้งหลายได้หลอกลวงข้าพเจ้า พวกปุโรหิตและพวกผู้ใหญ่ของข้าพเจ้าก็ตายที่กลางเมือง ขณะเมื่อเขาออกหาอาหารเพื่อประทังชีวิตของตน

20 ข้าแต่พระเยโฮวาห์ โปรดทอดพระเนตร เพราะข้าพระองค์มีความทุกข์ จิตใจของข้าพระองค์มีความทุรนทุราย จิตใจของข้าพระองค์ยุ่งเหยิงเพราะข้าพระองค์มักกบฏอย่างร้ายกาจ นอกบ้านมีคนต้องคมดาบตาย ในบ้านก็เหมือนมฤตยู

21 เขาทั้งหลายได้ยินว่า ข้าพระองค์ถอนใจอย่างไร หามีผู้ใดปลอบโยนข้าพระองค์ไม่ บรรดาศัตรูของข้าพระองค์ได้ยินถึงเหตุร้ายที่ตกแก่ข้าพระองค์ เขาทั้งหลายก็พากันดีใจที่พระองค์ได้ทรงกระทำอย่างนี้ พระองค์จะทรงนำวารที่พระองค์ทรงประกาศไว้นั้นให้มาถึง และเขาทั้งหลายจะเป็นอย่างที่ข้าพระองค์เป็นอยู่นี้

22 ขอให้บรรดาการชั่วของเขาทั้งหลายมาปรากฏต่อพระพักตร์พระองค์ และขอทรงกระทำแก่เขาทั้งหลาย เหมือนที่พระองค์ได้ทรงกระทำแก่ข้าพระองค์ เพราะการละเมิดทั้งสิ้นของข้าพระองค์เถิด ด้วยความสะท้อนถอนใจของข้าพระองค์นั้นมากมายหลายครั้ง และจิตใจของข้าพระองค์ก็อ่อนเพลียเต็มทีแล้ว"

Many thanks to Philip Pope for the permission to use his 2003 translation of the English King James Version Bible into Thai. Here's a link to the mission's website:

Van Swedenborgs Werken


Apocalypse Explained #622

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/ 1232  

622. And when I had eaten it my belly was made bitter, signifies that it was perceived and ascertained that the Word was inwardly undelightful because of the adulterated truth of the sense of its letter. This is evident from the explanations above (n. 617, 618), where there are like words. The "belly" here signifies the interiors of the Word, which are called spiritual, because exploration was represented by "devouring or eating up the little book," which means the Word, and by its taste, which means perception; therefore the first perception is signified by the taste in the mouth, where the little book was "sweet as honey." The first perception of the Word is such as is the perception of the sense of its letter, that is, as the Word is outwardly. The other perception however is signified by its taste when it has come into the belly, which is said to be made bitter by it. This other perception of the Word is such as the perception of its spiritual sense is, that is, as the Word is inwardly. Consequently, as the "mouth" signifies what is exterior, so here the "belly" signifies what is interior, because inwardly received and ascertained. The "belly" signifies interior things because the belly stores up the food inwardly, and "food" signifies everything that nourishes the soul; also because the belly, like the bowels, is within or in the midst of the body; for this reason the "belly," and also the "bowels," signify in the Word interior things.

[2] That the "belly," and the "bowels" signify interior things can be seen from the following passages.

In Ezekiel:

Son of man, feed thy belly and fill thy bowels with this roll (Ezekiel 3:1, 3).

This has a similar signification as what is now being explained in Revelation, that "he took and ate up the little book," for the "roll" has a similar signification as "the little book," namely, the Word, and "to feed the belly and fill the bowels with the roll" signifies to explore how the Word is understood in the church, which is done by the reading and perception of it.

[3] In David:

Fill their belly with Thy treasure; the sons are fed to the full, and what remains to them they leave to their babes (Psalms 17:14).

"Treasure" signifies the truth of the Word, "belly" the interior understanding, so "to fill their belly with treasure" signifies to instruct their interior understanding in the truths of the Word; that thence those who are affected by truths are fully instructed is signified by "the sons are fed to the full," "sons" signifying those who are in the affection of truth; and the sons' "babes," truths in their birth; of such it is said that "what remains to them they leave to their babes." It is here said the interior understanding, for man has an exterior understanding and an interior understanding; the exterior understanding is of the natural mind, and the interior understanding is of the spiritual mind; the interior understanding is signified by the "belly."

[4] In John:

Jesus said, If anyone thirst let him come unto Me and drink. He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture saith, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. This He said of the Spirit which they that believe on Him were to receive (John 7:37-39).

Thus the Lord describes Divine truth inwardly perceived by those who are in the spiritual affection of truth; such are meant by "those who thirst and come to the Lord and drink;" that such shall have an understanding of Divine truth is signified by "out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water," "rivers out of the belly" meaning interior understanding or intelligence, and "living water," Divine truth from the Lord; and as "the Holy Spirit" means Divine truth proceeding from the Lord, it is added "this He said of the Spirit which they that believe on Him were to receive."

[5] In Mark:

Whatsoever from without goeth into the man cannot render him unclean, because it goeth not into his heart but into the belly; and is cast out into the draught purging all foods. But that which goeth forth out of the man, that rendereth the man unclean; for from within out of the heart of men it goeth forth (Mark 7:18-21; Matthew 15:17-20).

These words must be thus understood, that all things, whether falsities or evils, that from things seen or things heard flow into the thought of the understanding and not into the affection of its will, do not affect or infect the man, since the thought of a man's understanding, so far as it does not proceed from the affection of his will, is not in the man but outside of him, therefore it is not appropriated to him; it is similar with truth and good. This the Lord teaches by correspondences when He says that "that which enters through the mouth into the belly does not render a man unclean, because it does not enter into the heart, for that which enters into the belly is cast out into the draught;" which means that whatever enters into the thought of man's understanding from without or from the outside, whether from objects of sight or from objects of speech or from objects of the memory, does not render him unclean, but so far as it is not of his affection or will it is separated and cast out, as what is taken into the belly is cast out into the draught. These spiritual things the Lord explained by natural things, since the foods that are taken into the mouth and thus pass into the belly signify such things as man takes in spiritually and with which he nourishes his soul; this is why the "belly" corresponds to the thought of the understanding and signifies it. That the "heart" signifies the affection of man's will has been shown above; also that only that which is made a part of a man's affection or will is appropriated to him. Evidently spiritual, not natural, things are here meant, for the Lord says that "out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, whoredoms, thefts, false testimonies, blasphemies." Since the falsities and evils that enter from without into the thoughts enter from the hells, and if not received by man with the will's affection are cast back into the hells, it is said that "they are cast out into the draught," for the "draught" signifies hell; and for the reason that in the hells all things are unclean, and those who are there have been cast out of heaven, which is like a man in form, and is therefore called the Greatest Man and also corresponds to all things of man, while the hells correspond to what is cast out of the belly of the Greatest Man or heaven; this is why hell is meant in the spiritual sense by the "draught." The "belly" is said "to purge all foods," because the "belly" signifies the thought of the understanding, as has been said above, and "foods" signify all spiritual nourishments, and the thought of the understanding is what separates unclean things from what are clean, and thus purges.

[6] In Jeremiah:

Jehovah God hath said, Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon hath confounded Me, he hath placed Me as an empty vessel, he hath swallowed Me up as a whale, he hath filled his belly with My delicacies, he hath thrust Me out (Jeremiah 51:34).

"Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon" signifies the profanation of Divine truth; and as those who profane it drink it in more than others and apply it to filthy loves, especially to the love of rule, even to the transference to themselves of all Divine power, this is signified by "he hath swallowed me up as a whale, he hath filled his belly with my delicacies," "whale" signifying the lowest natural, in which those are who are in the love of self, and "delicacies" meaning the knowledges of truth and good from the Word, so "to fill the belly with them" signifies to drink in and to profane them.

[7] In David:

Be gracious unto me, O Jehovah, for I am in distress; mine eye wasteth away with vexation, my soul and my belly (Psalms 31:9).

"Eye, soul, and belly," here signify the understanding and exterior and interior thought of truth therefrom; thus the "belly" signifies the interiors of the understanding, which are said "to waste away with vexation" when they are destroyed by falsities.

[8] In the same:

Our soul is bowed down to the dust, our belly cleaveth unto the earth (Psalms 44:25).

Here, too, "soul" and "belly" signify in the spiritual sense the thought of the understanding; and "bowed down to the dust," and "cleaving to the earth," signify to be imbued with falsities, for "dust" and "earth" signify what is infernal and damned. What is infernal and damned is signified also by "going upon the belly" and "eating dust," as was said to the serpent:

Be thou cursed above all beasts, and above all the wild beasts of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life (Genesis 3:14).

For this reason also:

It was strictly forbidden to eat anything that goeth upon the belly, for it was an abomination (Leviticus 11:42).

"Dust" and "the cleaving of the belly to the earth" signify falsity infernal and damned, because in the spiritual world the hells are under the lands, and through the lands there, falsities of evil are exhaled from the hells; also because the "belly" signifies from correspondence the interiors of the understanding and of thought, and these, if they cleave to the earths there, are infected and imbued with the falsities of evil. For this reason, in the spiritual world no one lies with the belly upon the ground; and indeed, to walk there with the feet upon the ground means to touch and drink in what is exhaled from the hells with the corporeal natural, which corresponds to the soles of the feet; and this natural has no communication with the thoughts of the understanding, except in those who are in evils in respect to life and in falsities in respect to doctrine.

[9] In Job:

The belly prepareth deceit (Job 15:35).

And again:

I am filled with words, the spirit of my belly causes anguish for me; and my belly, like wine, is not opened (Job 32:18, 19);

which means inability to open the thoughts of one's understanding. In Jeremiah:

O Jerusalem, wash thy heart from evil, that thou mayest be saved. How long shall thoughts of thy iniquity lodge in thy belly? (Jeremiah 4:14).

Here thoughts are plainly attributed to the belly, for it is said, "How long shall thoughts of iniquity lodge in thy belly?" and evil is attributed to the heart, because the heart corresponds to the will, in which evil has its seat. In David:

There is no certainty in the mouth of anyone; perditions are their belly; their throat is an open sepulcher; they flatter with their tongue (Psalms 5:9).

Here "perditions," that is, evil thoughts, are attributed to "the belly." In the same:

The belly of man and the heart are deep (Psalms 64:6).

Here "the belly of man" signifies the thoughts of falsity, and "the heart" the affections of evil; the latter belong to the will, the former to the understanding. In Habakkuk:

My belly trembled, my lips quivered at the voice (Habakkuk 3:16).

"My belly trembled" signifies grief of thought, therefore it is added, "my lips quivered at the voice," which signifies a consequent stammering of the speech:

The bowels of the whale in which Jonah was three days and three nights (Jonah 1:17);

signifies the hells where there are most direful falsities, with which he was encompassed, consequently grievous temptations, as can be seen from the prophecy of Jonah in the next chapter, where it is also said:

Out of the belly of hell have I cried, and Thou hast heard my voice (Jonah 2:2).

[10] The "bowels" have a similar signification as the "belly," as can be seen from the following passages. In Isaiah:

My bowels are moved like a harp for Moab, and My inward part for Kir-heres (Isaiah 16:11).

In David:

Bless Jehovah, O my soul, and all my bowels the name of His holiness (Psalms 103:1).

In the same:

I have desired to do Thy will, O my God, and Thy law is in my bowels (Psalms 40:8).

In Ezekiel:

Their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of Jehovah's anger; they shall not satisfy their soul, neither fill their bowels (Ezekiel 7:19).

"Their silver and gold" signify falsities and evils of a religion that is from self-intelligence and self-will; that from these there is no spiritual nourishment, or intelligence and affection of good, is signified by "they shall not satisfy their soul, neither fill their bowels." Because the "bowels" signify the interiors of the thought, and these are what are affected by grief, such grief is described in the Word by "being moved in the bowels" (as Isaiah 63:15; Jeremiah 31:20; Lamentations 1:20; Matthew 9:36; Mark 6:34; 8:2; Luke 1:78; 7:12, 13; 10:33, 34; 15:20).

[11] As the "belly" signifies the interiors of the thought or of the understanding, so "the fruit of the belly" signifies in the spiritual sense the goods of the understanding, and "sons" its truths. Thus in David:

Lo, sons are the heritage of Jehovah, and the fruit of the belly is His reward (Psalms 127:3).

In Isaiah:

They shall have no compassion on the fruit of the belly, their eye shall not spare the sons (Isaiah 13:18).

And in Job:

Pitying I mourn for the son of my belly (Acts of the Apostles 19:17).

In Moses:

He will bless the fruit of the belly and the fruit of the ground (Deuteronomy 7:13).

In Hosea:

Even when they have brought forth I will slay the desires of their belly (Hosea 9:11, 16).

"The fruit of the belly" and "the desires of the belly" signify in the sense of the letter, natural offspring, but in the spiritual sense spiritual offspring, which is knowledge [scientia], intelligence, and wisdom, for man is reborn into these when he is regenerated; this is why "births," "sons," "daughters," and other terms pertaining to nativity signify such things as pertain to spiritual nativity, that is, regeneration; for angels, who perceive the Word spiritually, know of no other births or "fruits of the belly."

[12] For the same reason "womb" and "belly" have this signification in the following passages. In Isaiah:

O that thou hadst hearkened to My commandments! Thy seed would have been as the sand, and the issue of thy bowels like the grains thereof (Isaiah 48:18, 19).

In David:

I was cast upon Thee; from my mother's belly Thou art my God (Psalms 22:10).

In the same:

Thou dost possess my reins; Thou hast covered me in my mother's belly (Psalms 139:13).

In the same:

The wicked are estranged from the womb; they err from the belly, speaking falsehood (Psalms 58:3).

So elsewhere.

[13] The "belly" or "bowels" signify the interiors of the thought or of the understanding, because there are two lives with man, the life of the understanding and the life of the will; to these two fountains of life all things of the body correspond; consequently under their direction all things of the body are acted upon and act, even to the extent that any part of the body that does not suffer itself to be put in action by the understanding and the will has no life. For this reason the universal body is subject to the control of these two lives, for all things in the body that are moved, and so far as they are moved by the respiration of the lungs, are subject to the control of the life of the understanding; and all things in the body that are brought into action, and so far as they are brought into action by the pulsation of the heart, are subject to the control of the life of the will. This is why "soul" and "heart" are often mentioned in the Word, and why the "soul" signifies the life of the understanding, also the life of faith, for the soul is predicated of respiration; and why the "heart" signifies the life of the will, also the life of the love. For the same reason "the belly and bowels" are predicated of thought, which is of the understanding, and the "heart" is predicated of affection, which is of the will.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

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Arcana Coelestia #1025

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1025. That 'with your seed after you' means those who are being created anew is clear from the meaning of 'seed' and also from what follows. It is clear from the meaning of 'seed', in that in the literal sense 'seed' means descendants, but in the internal sense faith; and because faith, as stated often, does not exist except where charity does so, it is charity itself that is meant in the internal sense by 'seed'. And from what follows it is clear that not only the person inside the Church is the subject but also he who is outside the Church, and so the whole of the human race. Wherever there is charity, even among gentiles furthest away from the Church, the seed is there, for heavenly seed is charity. Indeed nobody at all can do anything good from himself; everything good comes from the Lord. The good that gentiles do, who in the Lord's Divine mercy will be dealt with later on, also comes from the Lord. That the seed of God is faith has been shown already in 255. By faith, there and in other places, is meant charity from which faith flows, for no faith that is really faith exists apart from faith that is an expression of charity.

[2] The same applies elsewhere in the Word where 'seed' is mentioned; for example, where the seed of Abraham, or Isaac, or Jacob is referred to, love or charity is meant. Actually Abraham represented celestial love, Isaac spiritual love, both of which belong to the internal man, while Jacob represented the same as they exist with the external man. This applies not only in prophetical but also in historical sections. In heaven it is not the historical descriptions of the Word that are perceived but the things that those descriptions mean, for the Word has been written not only for the sake of man but also for that of angels. When man reads the Word and gains from it no more than the literal sense, the angels do not gain the literal sense but the internal sense. The material, worldly, and bodily ideas man has when reading the Word become with angels spiritual and celestial ideas. While man is reading about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, for example, the angels do not have Abraham, Isaac, or Jacob in mind at all but those real things which are represented and so meant by them.

[3] The same applies with Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Angels have no knowledge of those people nor do they perceive anything else but the Ancient Church. More interior angels do not even perceive the Church, but the faith of that Church, and according to the train of thought they perceive the state of the things under discussion. Thus when 'seed' is mentioned in the Word, as here in reference to Noah, in the statement about the covenant being established with them and with their seed after them, angels do not perceive the descendants of those persons, for the man Noah never existed, only the Ancient Church bearing that name. By 'seed' angels understand charity, the essential constituent of the faith of that Church. The same applies to the historical details concerning Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; when their seed is mentioned angels in no way understand the actual descendants of those three but all people throughout the world - both those who are inside the Church and those who are outside - with whom heavenly seed, which is charity, resides. And indeed the more interior angels perceive love itself, which is the heavenly seed - by itself, abstractly.

[4] That 'seed' means love and also everyone who has love is clear from the following places which refer to Abram,

Jehovah said, To your seed I will give this land. Genesis 12:7.

And also,

All the land which you see I will give to you and to your seed even for ever. And I will make your seed as the dust of the earth. Genesis 13:15-16.

People who keep to the sense of the letter grasp no more than this - that 'seed' is used to mean Abram's descendants, and 'land' to mean the land of Canaan, especially as that land was given to his descendants. But people possessing the internal sense, as the whole of heaven does, perceive 'the seed of Abram' to be nothing other than love, 'the land of Canaan' as nothing other than the Lord's kingdom in heaven and on earth, and 'the land' being given to them as nothing other than its representative, which in the Lord's Divine mercy will be dealt with elsewhere. A similar usage occurs in another place which refers to Abram,

Jehovah brought him outside and said, Look up now towards heaven, and count the stars, if you are able to count them. And He said to him, So will your seed be. Genesis 15:5.

Here in like manner, because Abram represented love, which was saving faith, no other descendants are meant in the internal sense by 'his seed' but all people throughout the world who dwell in love.

[5] Similarly,

I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your seed after you. And I will give to you, and to your seed after you, the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an eternal possession; and I will be their God. This is My covenant, which you shall keep between Me and you and your seed after you: every male among you shall be circumcised. Genesis 17:7-8, 10.

Here too 'establishing a covenant' means the conjunction of the Lord with men throughout the world by means of love, a love represented by Abram. From this it is clear what his seed means, namely all people throughout the world who dwell in love. The covenant involved the circumcision mentioned here. By this heaven never understands circumcision of the flesh but circumcision of the heart - the circumcision received by people who dwell in love. Circumcision was a representative of regeneration by means of love, as is explained clearly in Moses,

Jehovah God will circumcise your heart, and the heart of your seed, so that you will love Jehovah your God with all your heart and with all your soul, that you may live. Deuteronomy 30:6.

From these words it is clear what circumcision is in the internal sense. Consequently wherever circumcision is mentioned it is used to mean nothing other than love and charity, and the life deriving from these.

[6] That 'the seed of Abraham' means all people throughout the world who have love is also clear from the Lord's words to Abraham and to Isaac - to Abraham after he had shown his willingness to sacrifice Isaac as commanded,

I will certainly bless you and I will certainly multiply your seed as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore. And your seed will inherit the gate of your enemies, and in your seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed. Genesis 22:17-18.

Here it is quite clear that 'seed' is used to mean all people throughout the world who have love.

[7] Just as Abraham represented celestial love, as has been stated, so Isaac represented spiritual love; consequently 'the seed of Isaac' means nothing else than all with whom spiritual love, or charity, resides. Of them the following is said,

Sojourn in this land and I will be with you and will bless you, for to you and to your seed I will give all these lands, and I will fulfil the oath which I swore to Abraham your father, and I will cause your seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and I will give to your seed all these lands, and in your seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed. Genesis 26:3-4, 24.

This clearly means all nations who dwell in charity. Celestial love was represented by Abraham as 'the father' of spiritual love represented by Isaac, for what is spiritual is born from what is celestial, as shown already.

[8] Since Jacob represented the external features of the Church which arise from those that are internal, and so represented all things in the external man that have their origins in love and charity, 'his seed' therefore means all people throughout the world whose worship is external containing internal worship, and whose charitable acts contain charity from the Lord. Concerning that seed Jacob was told, after he had seen the stairway in a dream,

I am Jehovah, the God of Abraham your father, and the God of Isaac. The land on which you are lying I will give to you and to your seed, and your seed will be as the dust of the earth. And in you, and in your seed, will all the families of the ground be blessed. Genesis 18:13-14; 32:12; 48:4.

[9] That 'seed' has no other meaning becomes clear from the following places, in addition to those quoted from the Word in 255. In Isaiah,

You, Israel, My servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham, My friend. Isaiah 41:8.

This refers to the regeneration of man. When the distinction is made between Israel and Jacob, as it is frequently, 'Israel' means the internal spiritual Church, 'Jacob' the external features of the same Church. Both are called 'the seed of Abraham', that is, of the celestial Church, because celestial, spiritual, and natural follow one another consecutively. In Jeremiah,

I had planted you as a wholly excellent vine, a seed of truth. How have you turned from Me into the degenerate [branches] of a strange vine? Jeremiah 2:21.

This refers to the spiritual Church, which is 'an excellent vine', whose charity, that is, faith deriving from charity, is called 'a seed of truth'.

[10] the same prophet,

As the host of heaven is unnumbered, and the sand of the sea immeasurable, so I will multiply the seed of David My servant, and the Levites ministering to Me. Jeremiah 33:22.

Here 'seed' clearly stands for heavenly seed, for 'David' means the Lord. The fact that the seed of David was not like the unnumbered host of heaven, or the immeasurable sand of the sea, is well known to everyone. In the same prophet,

Behold, the days are coming, says Jehovah, and I will raise up for David a righteous branch and He will reign as King, act with understanding, and execute judgement and righteousness in the land. In His days Judah will be saved, and Israel will dwell with confidence. And this is His name which they will call Him, Jehovah our Righteousness. Therefore, behold, the days are coming, says Jehovah, and men will say no longer, As Jehovah lives who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt, but, As Jehovah lives who brought up and led the seed of the house of Israel out of the land of the north. Jeremiah 23:5-8.

Here entirely different things are meant from those that appear in the letter - David, Judah, and Israel do not mean David, Judah, and Israel, but David means the Lord, Judah that which is celestial, and Israel that which is spiritual. Consequently 'the seed of Israel' means people who have charity, that is, faith inhering in charity.

[11] In David,

You who fear Jehovah, praise Him! all the seed of Jacob, glorify Him! stand in awe of Him, all the seed of Israel! Psalms 22:23-24.

Here 'seed of Israel' is used to mean no other seed than the spiritual Church. In Isaiah,

Its stump will be the holy seed. Isaiah 6:13.

'Holy seed' stands for remnants, which are holy because they are the Lord's. In the same prophet,

I will bring forth seed from Jacob, and from Judah the possessor of My mountains, and My chosen ones will possess it, and My servants will dwell there. Isaiah 65:9.

This refers to the celestial Church, external and internal. In the same prophet,

They will not generate in sudden terror. They will be the seed of the blessed of Jehovah, and their offspring with them. Isaiah 65:23.

This refers to the new heavens and a new earth, that is, to the Lord's kingdom. People who are there, having been generated, or regenerated, from love, are called 'the seed of the blessed of Jehovah'.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.