De Bijbel


Daniel 2



1 I sitt andra regeringsår hade Nebukadnessar drömmar av vilka han blev orolig till sinnes, och sömnen vek bort ifrån honom.

2 Då lät konungen tillkalla sina spåmän, besvärjare, trollkarlar och kaldéer, för att de skulle giva konungen till känna vad han hade drömt, och de kommo och trädde fram för konungen.

3 Och konungen sade till dem: »Jag har haft en dröm, och jag är orolig till sinnes och ville veta vad jag har drömt.»

4 talade kaldéerna till konungen på arameiska: »Må du leva evinnerligen, o konung! Förtälj drömmen för dina tjänare, så skola vi meddela uttydningen.»

5 Konungen svarade och sade till kaldéerna: »Nej, mitt oryggliga beslut är, att om I icke sägen mig drömmen och dess uttydning, skolen I huggas i stycken, och edra hus skola göras till platser för orenlighet.

6 Men om I meddelen drömmen och dess uttydning, så skolen I få gåvor och skänker och stor ära av mig. Meddelen mig alltså nu drömmen och dess uttydning.»

7 De svarade för andra gången och sade: »Konungen må förtälja drömmen för sina tjänare, så skola vi meddela uttydningen.»

8 Konungen svarade och sade: »Jag märker nogsamt att I viljen vinna tid, eftersom I sen att mitt beslut är oryggligt,

9 att om I icke sägen mig drömmen, domen över eder icke kan bliva annat än en. Ja, I haven kommit överens om att inför mig föra lögnaktigt och bedrägligt tal, i hopp att tiderna skola förändra sig. Sägen mig alltså nu vad jag har drömt, så märker jag att I ock kunnen meddela mig uttydningen därpå.»

10 Då svarade kaldéerna konungen och sade: »Det finnes ingen människa på jorden, som förmår meddela konungen det som han vill veta; aldrig har ju heller någon konung, huru stor och mäktig han än var, begärt sådant som detta av någon spåman eller besvärjare eller kaldé.

11 Ty det som konungen begär är alltför svårt, och ingen finnes, som kan meddela konungen det, förutom gudarna; och de hava icke sin boning ibland de dödliga.

12 Då blev konungen vred och mycket förtörnad och befallde att man skulle förgöra alla de vise i Babel.

13 När alltså påbudet härom hade blivit utfärdat och man skulle döda de vise, sökte man ock efter Daniel och hans medbröder för att döda dem.

14 Då vände sig Daniel med kloka och förståndiga ord till Arjok, översten för konungens drabanter, vilken hade dragit ut för att döda de vise i Babel.

15 Han tog till orda och frågade Arjok, konungens hövitsman: »Varför har detta stränga påbud blivit utfärdat av konungen?» Då omtalade Arjok för Daniel vad som var på färde.

16 Och Daniel gick in och bad konungen att tid måtte beviljas honom, så skulle han meddela konungen uttydningen.

17 Därefter gick Daniel hem och omtalade för Hananja, Misael och Asarja, sina medbröder, vad som var på färde,

18 och han uppmanade dem att bedja himmelens Gud om förbarmande, så att denna hemlighet bleve uppenbarad, på det att icke Daniel och hans medbröder måtte förgöras tillika med de övriga vise Babel.

19 Då blev hemligheten uppenbarad för Daniel i en syn om natten. Och Daniel lovade himmelens Gud därför;

20 Daniel hov upp sin röst och sade: »Lovat vare Guds namn från evighet till evighet! Ty vishet och makt höra honom till.

21 Han låter tider och stunder omskifta, han avsätter konungar och tillsätter konungar, han giver åt de visa deras vishet och åt de förståndiga deras förstånd.

22 Han uppenbarar det som är djupt och förborgat, han vet vad i mörkret är, och hos honom bor ljuset.

23 Dig, mina fäders Gud, tackar och prisar jag för att du har givit mig vishet och förmåga, och för att du nu har uppenbarat för mig det vi bådo dig om; ty det som konungen ville veta har du uppenbarat för oss

24 I följd härav gick Daniel in till Arjok, som av konungen hade fått befallning att förgöra de vise i Babel; han gick åstad och sade till honom så: »De vise i Babel må du icke förgöra. För mig in till konungen, så skall jag meddela konungen uttydningen.»

25 Då förde Arjok med hast Daniel inför konungen och sade till honom så: »Jag har bland de judiska fångarna funnit en man som kan säga konungen uttydningen.»

26 Konungen svarade och sade till Daniel, som hade fått namnet Beltesassar: »Förmår du säga mig den dröm som jag har haft och dess uttydning?»

27 Daniel svarade konungen och sade: »Den hemlighet som konungen begär att få veta kunna inga vise, besvärjare, spåmän eller stjärntydare meddela konungen.

28 Men det finnes en Gud i himmelen, som kan uppenbara hemligheter, och han har låtit konung Nebukadnessar veta vad som skall ske i kommande dagar. Detta var din dröm och den syn du hade på ditt läger:

29 När du, o konung, låg på ditt läger, uppstego hos dig tankar på vad som skall ske i framtiden; och han som uppenbarar hemligheter lät dig veta vad som skall ske.

30 Och för mig har denna hemlighet blivit uppenbarad, icke i kraft av någon vishet som jag äger framför alla andra levande varelser, utan på det att uttydningen må bliva kungjord för konungen, så att du förstår ditt hjärtas tankar.

31 Du, o konung, såg i din syn en stor bildstod stå framför dig, och den stoden var hög och dess glans övermåttan stor, och den var förskräcklig att skåda.

32 Bildstodens huvud var av bästa guld, dess bröst och armar voro av silver, dess buk och länder av koppar; dess ben voro av järn,

33 dess fötter delvis av järn och delvis av lera.

34 Medan du nu betraktade den, blev en sten lösriven, dock icke genom människohänder, och den träffade bildstoden på fötterna, som voro av järn och lera, och krossade dem.

35 Då blev på en gång alltsammans krossat, järnet, leran, kopparen, silvret och guldet, och det blev såsom agnar på en tröskloge om sommaren, och vinden förde bort det, så att man icke mer kunde finna något spår därav. Men av stenen som hade träffat bildstoden blev ett stort berg, som uppfyllde hela jorden.

36 Detta var drömmen; och vi vilja nu säga konungen uttydningen:

37 Du, o konung, konungarnas konung, åt vilken himmelens Gud har givit rike, väldighet, makt och ära,

38 och i vilkens hand han har givit människors barn och djuren på marken och fåglarna under himmelen, varhelst varelser bo, och som han har satt till herre över allasammans, du är det gyllene huvudet.

39 Men efter dig skall uppstå ett annat rike, ringare än ditt, och därefter ännu ett tredje rike, ett som är av koppar, och det skall råda över hela jorden.

40 Ett fjärde rike skall ock uppstå och vara starkt såsom järn, ty järnet krossar och sönderslår ju allt; och såsom järnet förstör allt annat, så skall ock detta krossa och förstöra.

41 Men att du såg fötterna och tårna vara delvis av krukmakarlera och delvis av järn, det betyder att det skall vara ett söndrat rike, dock så att det har något av järnets fasthet, ty du såg ju järn vara där, blandat med lerjord.

42 Och att tårna på fötterna voro delvis av järn och delvis av lera, det betyder att riket skall vara delvis starkt och delvis svagt.

43 Och att du såg järnet vara blandat med lerjord, det betyder att väl en beblandning där skall äga rum genom människosäd, men att delarna likväl icke skola hålla ihop med varandra, lika litet som järn kan förbinda sig med lera.

44 Men i de konungarnas dagar skall himmelens Gud upprätta ett rike som aldrig i evighet skall förstöras och vars makt icke skall bliva överlämnad åt något annat folk. Det skall krossa och göra en ände på alla dessa andra riken, men självt skall det bestå evinnerligen;

45 ty du såg ju att en sten blev lösriven från berget, dock icke genom människohänder, och att den krossade järnet, kopparen, leran, silvret och guldet. Så har en stor Gud uppenbarat för konungen vad som skall ske i framtiden, och drömmen är viss, och dess uttydning är tillförlitlig.»

46 Då föll konung Nebukadnessar på sitt ansikte och tillbad inför Daniel, och befallde att man skulle offra åt honom spisoffer och rökoffer.

47 Och konungen svarade Daniel och sade: »I sanning, eder Gud är en Gud över andra gudar och en herre över konungar och en uppenbarare av hemligheter, eftersom du har kunnat uppenbara denna hemlighet.»

48 Därefter upphöjde konungen Daniel och gav honom många stora skänker och satte honom till herre över hela Babels hövdingdöme och till högste föreståndare för alla de vise i Babel.

49 Och på Daniels bön förordnade konungen Sadrak, Mesak och Abed-Nego att förvalta Babels hövdingdöme; men Daniel själv stannade vid konungens hov.


Van Swedenborgs Werken


Conjugial Love #79

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79. The fifth account:

The same angel as before, who had been my guide and companion to the ancient peoples who had lived in the four ages called golden, silver, copper and iron - the same angel appeared again and said to me, "You would like to see the age that followed those ancient ages, to find out what it was like, and what it is still like today. Follow me, then, and you will see. These are the people of whom Daniel prophesied when he said:

(A kingdom will arise after those other four, in which iron will be mixed with miry clay.) They will mingle together through the seed of man, but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay. (Daniel 2:41-43)"

The angel added, "The seed of man, through which iron will be mingled with clay, and yet without their adhering together - this seed means the truth of the Word falsified."

[2] After these words I followed him, and on the way he told me this. "They live," he said, "in the border region between the south and the west, but at a great distance beyond those who lived in the previous four ages, and also deeper down."

So we continued through the south to a region bordering on the west, and we passed through a dreadful forest. For we found pools of water there from which crocodiles raised their heads, gaping at us with jaws open wide and showing their teeth. And between the pools we saw horrible dogs, some of them with three heads like Cerberus, some of them with two heads, all of them with hideous mouths and watching us with savage eyes as we passed by. Entering the western part of this area, we also saw dragons and leopards, like the ones described in the book of Revelation,chapters 12:3 and 13:2.

[3] Then the angel said to me, "All these wild beasts you have seen are not beasts but correspondent and thus representative forms of the lusts that motivate the inhabitants we are going to visit. Those hideous dogs represent the lusts themselves; the crocodiles, their deceits and deceptions; the dragons and leopards, their falsities and corrupt feelings towards things that have to do with worship.

"The inhabitants thus represented, however, do not live just the other side of the forest, but beyond a great desert that lies between, to keep them completely away and separate from the inhabitants of the preceding ages. Moreover, they are altogether alien - totally different from those other people. Indeed, they have heads above their breasts, breasts above their loins, and loins above their feet, like the earliest people. But there is not a bit of gold in their heads, or of silver in their breasts, or of bronze in their loins. In fact, there is not a bit of just plain iron in their feet. Instead, they have iron mixed with clay in their heads, both of these mixed with bronze in their breasts, both of these also mixed with silver in their loins, and these mixed with gold in their feet.

"By this inversion they have been transformed from human beings into caricatures of human beings, in which nothing inwardly holds together. For what had been uppermost has become lowermost, so that what was the head has become the heel, and vice versa. Viewed from heaven, they look to us like play-actors who turn their bodies upside down, support themselves on their elbows and thus move about. Or they look like animals that lie upside down on their backs, raise their feet in the air, and, digging their heads into the ground, from that position look up at the sky."

[4] We passed through the forest and proceeded into the desert, which was no less horrible. It consisted of piles of rocks, with pits in between, out of which crept poisonous snakes and vipers and from which flew fiery serpents.

This whole desert kept sloping downward, and we descended by a long decline, until at last we came to a valley inhabited by the people of that region and age. We saw huts here and there, which finally appeared to come together and be joined into the form of a city.

We went into the city, and behold, the houses were constructed out of charred tree branches mortared together with clay. The roofs were made of black tiles. The streets were irregular, all narrow at first, but widening as they went, becoming finally quite broad and terminating in squares. Consequently there were as many squares as there were streets.

Darkness fell as we entered the city, because the sky was not visible. We looked up, therefore, and we were given light by which to see.

I then asked the people I encountered, "Can you see, since the sky does not appear above you?"

And they replied, "What sort of question is this? We see clearly. We walk in full light."

Hearing this the angel said to me, "Darkness to them is light, and light to them is darkness, as it is for nocturnal birds. For they look downwards instead of upwards."

[5] We went into some of the shacks here and there, and in each we saw a man with his woman. And we asked whether all of them here lived each in his own house with only one wife.

But they replied to this with a hiss, "What do you mean, with only one wife? Why not ask whether we live with only one harlot? What is a wife but a harlot?

"According to our laws we are not allowed to commit whoredom with more than just one woman, but still it is not dishonorable or shameful for us to do so with more than one, provided we do it away from the house. We boast about it with each other! In this way we enjoy license and its pleasure more than polygamists do.

"Why is having more than one wife denied to us, when it has been permitted in the past and is permitted today in the whole world around us? What is life with just one woman but captivity and imprisonment?

"But here we break open the bar of this prison and so rescue ourselves from slavery and set ourselves free. Who is angry with a prisoner if he liberates himself when he can?"

[6] To this we replied, "You speak, my friend, like one devoid of religion. What person endowed with any power of reason does not know that adulterous affairs are profane and hellish, and that marriages are sacred and heavenly? Are not adulterous relationships found among devils in hell, and marriages among angels in heaven? Have you not read the sixth commandment in the Decalogue? And in Paul, that adulterers can by no means come into heaven? 1 "

At this our host laughed heartily, and he looked on me as a simpleton - almost, even, as insane.

But at that very moment a messenger came running from the headman of the city and said, "Bring the two strangers to the city square, and if they will not come voluntarily, drag them there! We saw them under the dark cover of daylight. They have come here in secret. They are spies!"

The angel then said to me, "The reason we seemed to be under dark cover is that we were in the light of heaven, and the light of heaven to them is darkness, while the darkness of hell to them is light. This is because they regard nothing as sinful, not even adultery, and consequently they see falsity altogether as truth. Falsity shines with light in hell, in the eyes of satanic spirits, while truth darkens their eyes like the gloom of night."

[7] Then we said to the messenger, "We will not be forced, still less dragged to the city square, but we will go with you voluntarily."

So we went, and behold, we found a great crowd there. From it came some lawyers who whispered in our ear, "Take care that you do not say anything against religion, against our form of government, or contrary to good manners."

But we kept answering, "We will only speak in favor of them and in accordance with them."

Then we asked, "What is your religion in regard to marriage?"

At this the crowd began to murmur, and they said, "What concern do you have here with marriage? Marriages are marriages."

So we asked a second time, "What is your religion in regard to licentious relationships?"

At this the crowd began to murmur again, saying, "What concern do you have here with licentious relationships? Illicit affairs are illicit affairs. He who is without guilt, let him throw the first stone. 2 "

So we asked a third time, "Does your religion teach regarding marriages that they are sacred and heavenly, and regarding adulterous affairs that they are profane and hellish?"

In response to this many in the crowd guffawed, mocked, and jeered, saying, "Ask our priests about matters of religion, not us. We accept without comment whatever they say, since nothing of religion falls within the ability of the understanding to judge. Have you not heard that the understanding is devoid of reason in the mysteries on which the whole of religion is based?

"Besides, what do our actions have to do with religion? Is it not the pious murmurings of the heart that makes souls blessed - murmurings about expiation, satisfaction and imputation - and not works?"

[8] But then some of the so-called wise men of the city came over and said, "Get away from here. The crowd is becoming inflamed. There will be a riot in a minute. Let us talk about this by ourselves. There is an alley behind the courthouse. Let us go back there. Come with us."

So we followed. And then they asked us where we came from and what our business was there.

We said, "We have come to be instructed about marriage, to find out whether or not marriages among you are sacred unions as they were among the ancient peoples who lived in the golden, silver and copper ages."

But they replied, "What do you mean, sacred unions? Are they not deeds of the flesh and the night?"

Then we began to answer, "Are they not also deeds of the spirit? And what the flesh does impelled by the spirit, is that not spiritual? Moreover, everything that the spirit does, it does from a marriage of goodness and truth. Is it not this spiritual marriage which enters into the natural marriage that exists between husband and wife?"

To this the so-called wise men replied, "You probe and refine the matter too much. You leap over rational considerations to spiritual ones. Who can begin there, then descend and thus form a judgment about anything?" To which they added sarcastically, "Perhaps you have the wings of an eagle and can soar to the uppermost regions of the sky and look down on such matters. But we cannot."

[9] So we then asked them to tell us, from the height or region to which the ideas of their minds flew aloft, whether they knew or were able to know that such a thing exists as the conjugial love of one man with one wife, into which have been gathered all the blessings, felicities, delights, gratifications and pleasures of heaven. Moreover, that this love comes from the Lord according to people's reception of goodness and truth from Him, thus according to the state of the church.

[10] Hearing this they turned away and said, "These men are crazy. They go into outer space with their rational faculties, form empty conjectures and shower us with nutty speculations."

Afterwards they turned around to us and said, "We will give a straight answer to your airy conjectures and dreams."

Then they said, "What does conjugial love have in common with religion and with being inspired by God?

"Does that love not exist in everyone according to the condition of his sexual powers? Is it not found among people who are outside the church as well as among people who are in the church? Among gentiles as well as among Christians? In fact, among impious people as well as among pious ones?

"Does the vigor of that love in everyone not come either from heredity, or from good health, or from temperance of life, or from the warmth of the climate? And can it not also be strengthened and stimulated by drugs?

"Is the same love not found in animals, especially in birds which mate in pairs? Is that love not a matter of the flesh? What does a matter of the flesh have to do with the spiritual state of the church?

"Does that love with a wife in its ultimate expression differ one bit from love with a harlot in its ultimate expression? Is the lust not the same, and the delight the same?

"It is harmful, therefore, to trace the origin of conjugial love from the sacred things of the church."

[11] When we heard this we said to them, "You are reasoning from the heat of lasciviousness and not from conjugial love. You do not know at all what conjugial love is because among you that love is cold. We are convinced by what you have said that you come from the age that is named after and consists of iron and clay, which do not cohere, according to the prophecy in Daniel 2:43. For you make conjugial love and licentious love the same thing. Can these two cohere any more than iron and clay? People believe you are wise and call you wise, yet you are anything but wise!"

Inflamed with anger at these words, they began to cry out and call the crowd to throw us out. But then, by a power given us by the Lord, we stretched out our hands, and suddenly fiery serpents, vipers and poisonous snakes came from the desert, and dragons, too, and they invaded and filled the city, so that the inhabitants became frightened and fled away.

And the angel said to me, "New people keep coming from earth to this region every day, and the previous inhabitants are by turns removed and cast down into chasms in the west, which at a distance look like lakes of fire and brimstone. The people there are all adulterers, both spiritually and naturally."


1. See 1 Corinthians 6:9.

2. Cf. John 8:7.

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Many thanks to the General Church of the New Jerusalem, and to Rev. N.B. Rogers, translator, for the permission to use this translation.