De Bijbel


Бытие 14



1 И было во дни Амрафела, царя Сеннаарского, Ариоха, царя Елласарского, Кедорлаомера, царя Еламского, и Фидала, царя Гоимского,

2 пошли они войною против Беры, царя Содомского, против Бирши, царя Гоморрского, Шинава, царя Адмы, Шемевера, царя Севоимского, и против царя Белы, которая есть Сигор.

3 Все сии соединились в долине Сиддим, где ныне море Соленое.

4 Двенадцать лет были они в порабощении у Кедорлаомера, а в тринадцатом году возмутились.

5 В четырнадцатом году пришел Кедорлаомер и цари, которые с ним, и поразили Рефаимов в Аштероф-Карнаиме, Зузимов в Гаме, Эмимов в Шаве-Кириафаиме,

6 и Хорреев в горе их Сеире, до Эл-Фарана, что при пустыне.

7 И возвратившись оттуда, они пришли к источнику Мишпат, который есть Кадес, и поразили всю страну Амаликитян, и также Аморреев, живущих в Хацацон-Фамаре.

8 И вышли царь Содомский, царь Гоморрский, царь Адмы, царь Севоимский и царь Белы, которая есть Сигор; и вступили в сражение с нимив долине Сиддим,

9 с Кедорлаомером, царем Еламским, Фидалом, царем Гоимским, Амрафелом, царем Сеннаарским, Ариохом, царем Елласарским, – четыре царя против пяти.

10 В долине же Сиддим было много смоляных ям. И цари Содомский и Гоморрский, обратившись в бегство, упали в них, а остальные убежали в горы.

11 Победители взяли все имущество Содома и Гоморры и весь запас их и ушли.

12 И взяли Лота, племянника Аврамова, жившего в Содоме, и имущество его и ушли.

13 И пришел один из уцелевших и известил Аврама Еврея, жившего тогда у дубравы Мамре, Аморреянина, брата Эшколу и брата Анеру, которые были союзники Аврамовы.

14 Аврам, услышав, что сродник его взят в плен, вооружил рабов своих, рожденных в доме его, триста восемнадцать, и преследовал неприятелей до Дана;

15 и, разделившись, напал на них ночью, сам и рабы его, и поразил их, и преследовал их до Ховы, что по левую сторону Дамаска;

16 и возвратил все имущество и Лота, сродника своего, и имущество его возвратил, также и женщин и народ.

17 Когда он возвращался после поражения Кедорлаомера и царей, бывших с ним, царь Содомский вышел ему навстречу в долину Шаве, что ныне долина царская;

18 и Мелхиседек, царь Салимский, вынес хлеб и вино, – он был священник Бога Всевышнего, –

19 и благословил его, и сказал: благословен Аврам от Бога Всевышнего, Владыки неба и земли;

20 и благословен Бог Всевышний, Который предал врагов твоих в рукитвои. Аврам дал ему десятую часть из всего.

21 И сказал царь Содомский Авраму: отдай мне людей, а имение возьми себе.

22 Но Аврам сказал царю Содомскому: поднимаю руку мою к Господу Богу Всевышнему, Владыке неба и земли,

23 что даже нитки и ремня от обуви не возьму из всего твоего, чтобы ты не сказал: я обогатил Аврама;

24 кроме того, что съели отроки, и кроме доли, принадлежащей людям, которые ходили со мною; Анер, Эшкол и Мамрий пусть возьмут свою долю.


Van Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #1690

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1690. They that remained fled to the mountain. That this signifies that not all were overcome, is evident without explication, from the fact that there was a residue that fled away. In the internal sense the temptations are treated of that the Lord sustained in His childhood, concerning which nothing is related in the Word of the New Testament, except concerning His temptation in the wilderness, or soon after He came out of the wilderness, and finally concerning His last temptation in Gethsemane and what then followed. That the Lord’s life, from His earliest childhood even to the last hour of His life in the world, was continual temptation and continual victory, is evident from many things in the Word of the Old Testament; and that it did not cease with the temptation in the wilderness is evident from what is said in Luke:

And when the devil had completed every temptation, he departed from Him for a season (Luke 4:13);

as also from the fact that He was tempted even to the death on the cross, and thus to the last hour of His life in the world. Hence it is evident that the whole of the Lord’s life in the world, from His earliest childhood, was continual temptation and continual victory. The last was when He prayed on the cross for His enemies, and thus for all in the whole world.

[2] In the Word of the Lord’s life, in the Gospels, none but the last is mentioned, except His temptation in the wilderness. More were not disclosed to the disciples. The things that were disclosed appear in the sense of the letter so slight as to be scarcely anything; for to speak and to answer in this manner is no temptation, when yet His temptation was more grievous than can ever be comprehended and believed by any human mind. No one can know what temptation is except the one who has been in it. The temptation that is related in Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13, contains all temptations in a summary; namely, that from love toward the whole human race, the Lord fought against the loves of self and of the world, with which the hells were filled.

[3] All temptation is an assault upon the love in which the man is, and the temptation is in the same degree as is the love. If the love is not assaulted, there is no temptation. To destroy anyone’s love is to destroy his very life; for the love is the life. The Lord’s life was love toward the whole human race, and was indeed so great, and of such a quality, as to be nothing but pure love. Against this His life, continual temptations were admitted, as before said, from His earliest childhood to His last hour in the world. The love which was the Lord’s veriest life is signified by His “hungering,” and by the devil’s saying,

If Thou art the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread; and by Jesus answering that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God (Luke 4:2-4; Matthew 4:2-4).

[4] That He fought against the love of the world, or all things that are of the love of the world, is signified by:

The devil took Him up into a high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time, and said unto Him, All this power will I give Thee and the glory of them, for it hath been delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will, I give it; if Thou therefore wilt worship before me, all shall be Thine. But Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind Me, Satan; for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Him only shalt thou serve (Luke 4:5-8; Matt 4:8-10).

[5] That He fought against the love of self, and all things that are of the love of self, is signified by this:

The devil took Him into the holy city, and set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said unto Him, If Thou art the Son of God, cast Thyself down for it is written, He shall give His angels charge concerning Thee, and upon their hands they shall bear Thee up, lest Thou dash Thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God (Matthew 4:5-7; Luke 4:9-12).

Continual victory is signified by its being said that after the temptations, “angels came and ministered unto Him” (Matthew 4:11; Mark 1:13).

[6] In brief, the Lord from His earliest childhood up to the last hour of His life in the world, was assaulted by all the hells, against which He continually fought, and subjugated and overcame them, and this solely from love toward the whole human race. And because this love was not human but Divine, and because such as is the greatness of the love, such is that of the temptation, it may be seen how grievous the combats were, and how great the ferocity on the part of the hells. That all this was so, I know of a certainty.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.