De Bijbel


Mattheüs 11



1 En het is geschied, toen Jezus geeindigd had Zijn twaalf discipelen bevelen te geven, dat Hij van daar voortging, om te leren en te prediken in hun steden.

2 En Johannes, in de gevangenis gehoord hebbende de werken van Christus, zond twee van zijn discipelen;

3 En zeide tot hem: Zijt Gij Degene, Die komen zou, of verwachten wij een anderen?

4 En Jezus antwoordde en zeide tot hen: Gaat heen en boodschapt Johannes weder, hetgeen gij hoort en ziet:

5 De blinden worden ziende, en de kreupelen wandelen; de melaatsen worden gereinigd, en de doven horen; de doden worden opgewekt, en den armen wordt het Evangelie verkondigd.

6 En zalig is hij, die aan Mij niet zal geergerd worden.

7 Als nu dezen heengingen, heeft Jezus tot de scharen begonnen te zeggen van Johannes: Wat zijt gij uitgegaan in de woestijn te aanschouwen? Een riet, dat van den wind ginds en weder bewogen wordt?

8 Maar wat zijt gij uitgegaan te zien? Een mens, met zachte klederen bekleed? Ziet, die zachte klederen dragen, zijn in der koningen huizen.

9 Maar wat zijt gij uitgegaan te zien? Een profeet? Ja, Ik zeg u, ook veel meer dan een profeet.

10 Want deze is het, van denwelken geschreven staat: Ziet, Ik zend Mijn engel voor Uw aangezicht, die Uw weg bereiden zal voor U heen.

11 Voorwaar zeg Ik u: onder degenen, die van vrouwen geboren zijn, is niemand opgestaan meerder dan Johannes de Doper; doch die de minste is in het Koninkrijk der hemelen, is meerder dan hij.

12 En van de dagen van Johannes den Doper tot nu toe, wordt het Koninkrijk der hemelen geweld aangedaan, en de geweldigers nemen hetzelve met geweld.

13 Want al de profeten en de wet hebben tot Johannes toe geprofeteerd.

14 En zo gij het wilt aannemen, hij is Elias, die komen zou.

15 Wie oren heeft om te horen, die hore.

16 Doch waarbij zal Ik dit geslacht vergelijken? Het is gelijk aan de kinderkens, die op de markten zitten, en hun gezellen toeroepen,

17 En zeggen: Wij hebben u op de fluit gespeeld, en gij hebt niet gedanst; wij hebben u klaagliederen gezongen, en gij hebt niet geweend.

18 Want Johannes is gekomen, noch etende, noch drinkende, en zij zeggen: Hij heeft den duivel.

19 De Zoon des mensen is gekomen, etende en drinkende, en zij zeggen: Ziet daar, een Mens, Die een vraat en wijnzuiper is, een Vriend van tollenaren en zondaren. Doch de Wijsheid is gerechtvaardigd geworden van Haar kinderen.

20 Toen begon Hij de steden, in dewelke Zijn krachten meest geschied waren, te verwijten, omdat zij zich niet bekeerd hadden.

21 Wee u, Chorazin! Wee u Bethsaida! want zo in Tyrus en Sidon de krachten waren geschied, die in u geschied zijn, zij zouden zich eertijds in zak en as bekeerd hebben.

22 Doch Ik zeg u: Het zal Tyrus en Sidon verdragelijker zijn in den dag des oordeels, dan ulieden.

23 En gij, Kapernaum! die tot den hemel toe zijt verhoogd, gij zult tot de hel toe nedergestoten worden. Want zo in Sodom die krachten waren geschied, die in u geschied zijn, zij zouden tot op den huidigen dag gebleven zijn.

24 Doch Ik zeg u, dat het den lande van Sodom verdragelijker zal zijn in den dag des oordeels, dan u.

25 In diezelve tijd antwoordde Jezus en zeide: Ik dank U, Vader! Heere des hemels en der aarde! dat Gij deze dingen voor de wijzen en verstandigen verborgen hebt, en hebt dezelve den kinderkens geopenbaard.

26 Ja, Vader! Want alzo is geweest het welbehagen voor U.

27 Alle dingen zijn Mij overgegeven van Mijn Vader; en niemand kent den Zoon dan de Vader, noch iemand kent den Vader dan de Zoon, en dien het de Zoon wil openbaren.

28 Komt herwaarts tot Mij, allen die vermoeid en belast zijt, en Ik zal u rust geven.

29 Neemt Mijn juk op u, en leert van Mij, dat Ik zachtmoedig ben en nederig van hart; en gij zult rust vinden voor uw zielen.

30 Want Mijn juk is zacht, en Mijn last is licht.




Exploring the Meaning of Matthew 11

Door Ray and Star Silverman

Saint John the Baptist in Prison Sends His Disciples to Question Jesus

Chapter 11.

The Persecutions Begin

1. And it came to pass when Jesus had finished instructing His twelve disciples, He passed on thence to teach and to preach in their cities.

2. And John, hearing in the prison the works of the Christ [and] sending two of his disciples,

3. Says to Him, “Art Thou He that comest, or should we expect another?”

4. And Jesus answering said to them, “Go, report to John what you hear and see:

5. The blind receive their sight and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel announced to them.

6. And happy is [he], whoever shall not be offended in Me.”

7. And as they went, Jesus began to say to the crowds concerning John: “What did you come out into the wilderness to observe? A reed shaken by the wind?

8. But what did you come out to see? A man clothed in soft garments? Behold, they that wear soft things are in kings’ houses.

9. But what did you come out to see? A prophet? yes, I say to you, and more than a prophet.

10. For this is [he] about whom it is written, ‘Behold, I send My messenger before Thy face, who shall make ready Thy way before Thee.’

11. Amen I say to you, There has not arisen among those that are born of women a greater than John the Baptist; but the least in the kingdom of the heavens is greater than he.

12. And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of the heavens presses, and they who press seize upon it.

13. For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John,

14. And if you will to accept [it], he is Elijah who was going to come.

15. He that has ears to hear, let him hear.

16. But to what shall I liken this generation? It is like little boys sitting in the markets, and summoning their fellows,

17. And saying, ‘We have piped to you, and you have not danced; we have lamented to you, and you have not wailed.’

18. For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, ‘He has a demon.’

19. The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Behold, a man, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!’ And wisdom has been justified by her children.”

20. Then He began to reproach the cities in which most of His [works of] power were done, because they did not repent.

21. “Woe to thee, Chorazin! Woe to thee, Bethsaida! Because if the [works of] power had been done in Tyre and Sidon that were done in you, they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes.

22. But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment, than for you.

23. And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted up to heaven, shalt be thrust down even to hell; for if the [works of] power which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom, it would have remained even to this day.

24. But I say to you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment, than for thee.”

In the previous episode the disciples were organized, instructed, and sent forth. Because each disciple represents a spiritual principle that is central to our spiritual life, it is necessary that the “disciples in us” (core spiritual principles) be well-organized. 1 This pictures the way our good affections and true thoughts — though initially scattered — are organized, put into shape, and readied for action. It is a spiritual law, however, that every forward step in our spiritual development will be met by an equal and opposing assault. In this way, the Lord maintains a continuous state of equilibrium, thereby protecting and preserving our spiritual freedom. 2

This is precisely what is represented in the next episode when we discover that John the Baptist has been imprisoned. The counter-attacks have begun. Because John the Baptist followed Jesus, and publicly proclaimed that the kingdom of heaven is at hand, he was persecuted and put in prison.

This however, is merely the external story. More interiorly, the counter-attacks take place within each of us — in our minds. When we are persecuted, when we feel discouraged and upset, we begin to doubt whether following the Lord is the right thing to do. We doubt His divinity. We doubt the authority of His words. We doubt that the kingdom of heaven is really at hand.

Even John the Baptist, one of Jesus’ staunchest supporters, is beginning to have his doubts. Although he is confined in prison, John is able to send a message to Jesus saying, “Are you the Coming One, or do we look for another?” (11:3). Jesus does not respond directly. Instead He tells John’s messengers to go back and report what has been happening: “The blind receive their sight and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them” (11:5). 3

It’s important to keep in mind that John the Baptist represents the literal teachings of the Word. 4 In John’s day, the Word of God had been twisted and profaned until it became useless for anything more than confirming whatever the religious establishment wanted the people to believe. The clear literal teachings were deemed less significant than the rigorous traditions taught and enforced by the reigning religious leaders. All this is represented by John’s being in prison, and this is what Jesus is referring to when He says, “The kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force” (11:12).

The human race was rapidly descending into the darkest night it would ever know, as indicated by the epidemic of demonic possession. Even though Jesus was doing mighty works, many still refused to believe. A Day of Judgment seemed to be drawing near. And so He warned them: “And you, Capernaum, who are exalted in heaven, will be brought down to hell; for if the mighty works that were done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day” (11:23). Jesus had indeed done mighty works such that even the evil people of Sodom might have repented and believed. God had come into the world through Jesus Christ, but some had grown so accustomed to the darkness that they rejected the light — even when it was in their very midst.

Jesus continues to warn them of the impending doom and destruction. “But I say to you that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgment than for you” (11:24). Those who refuse to believe, and who reject the light, represent those parts of us that are unwilling to change, even when there is enough light to do so.

“My yoke is easy”

25. At that time Jesus answering said, “I profess Thee, Father, Lord of the heaven and of the earth, because Thou hast hidden these things from the wise and intelligent, and hast revealed them to infants.

26. Yes, Father; for so it was [for] good pleasure before Thee.

27. All things are delivered up to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; neither knows anyone the Father, except the Son, and [he] to whomever the Son intends to reveal [Him].

28. Come to Me, all [ye] who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.

29. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am meek and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.

30. For My yoke [is] easy, and My burden is light.”

In the midst of these dire warnings, Jesus continues to provide hope and comfort. As this episode closes, He speaks with the tenderness and compassion of the Father within Him: “All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son, and he to whom the Son wills to reveal Him” (11:27). In other words, all things come forth from Divine love (the Father). Because of the increasing darkness in the world, people are no longer aware that this kind of love even exists. But Jesus is now bringing it forth to view, and will manifest it to others — to those whom “the Son wills to reveal Him.”

Although it appears that only some will be chosen to receive this love, the invitation is given to everyone. No longer speaking in terms of a separation between Father and Son, Jesus now speaks most tenderly, like a loving father speaking to tired children. “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden,” He says, “and I will give you rest” (11:28). It is to be noted that Jesus does not say, “The Father will give you rest.” Instead, He says, “I will give you rest.” This is a beautiful message of comfort, a promise that in Jesus we shall not only find physical rest, but, more importantly, spiritual rest — that is, rest for our souls: “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (11:30).

As Jesus reveals His oneness with the divinity within Him, there is a growing softness and tenderness in His words. More and more, we see the Divine love of the Father manifested in the Divine wisdom of the Son, and we begin to sense that in some way they are One. In Jesus we do not see the stern, angry, punitive idea of a God who is to be feared. Instead, we see a God who can be loved, a compassionate, forgiving Father who says to each of us, “Come unto Me . . . and you will find rest for your souls, for My yoke is easy and my burden light” (11:30).


1Apocalypse Explained 411: “All the Lord’s disciples together represented the church; and each one of them some central principle of the church; ‘Peter’ represents the truth of the church [faith], ‘James’ it’s good, and ‘John’ good in act, that is, works; the rest of the disciples represent the truths and goods that are derived from these central principles.”

2Apocalypse Explained 349[2]: “A person is kept in the freedom of choosing, that is, of receiving good and truth from the Lord or of receiving evil and falsity from hell. This is done for the sake of a person’s reformation. Being kept between heaven and hell, and thence in spiritual equilibrium, is freedom.”

3Arcana Coelestia 9209[4] “Those called ‘blind’ are in ignorance of truth ; ‘lame,’ those who are in good, but on account of their ignorance of truth, not in genuine good; ‘leprous,’ those who are unclean and yet long to be made clean; ‘deaf,’ those who are not in the faith of truth, because not in the perception of it; and ‘poor,’ those who have not the Word, and thus know nothing of the Lord, and yet long to be instructed. Consequently, it is said that ‘to these the gospel shall be preached.’”

4. See footnote at Matthew 3:1 which explains the representation of John the Baptist.

Van Swedenborgs Werken


Arcana Coelestia #6388

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6388. 'Issachar' means recompense gained from works. This is clear from the representation of 'Issachar' as mutual love which is earned as a reward or recompense, dealt with in 3956, 3957. Here recompense gained from works is meant, as is evident in the internal sense from every detail mentioned in this prophetic utterance concerning Issachar, in addition to which Issachar in the original language means reward. The reason why 'Issachar' here means recompense gained from works, whereas previously he meant mutual love, is that here one has to understand by Issachar people with whom some kind and appearance of mutual love, that is, of charity towards the neighbour, is present. But they wish to receive recompense for the good deeds they do; thus genuine mutual love or charity is not merely tainted by them but actually perverted. For people with whom genuine mutual love resides enter into the delight and blessedness that is theirs when they. perform good deeds to their neighbour; there is nothing they desire more. That delight and blessedness is what is meant in the Word by 'reward', for delight or blessedness is the reward, and in the next life it becomes the joy and happiness that is experienced in heaven, and so becomes for those people heaven itself. For when those in heaven with whom that love resides perform useful services and good deeds for others, they feel so full of joy and happiness that they seem to themselves to be in heaven for the first time then. This feeling is granted them by the Lord; and He grants it to each one according to the nature of the service he performs.

[2] But that happiness departs the moment they think of recompense, for thought of recompense, even though they already have the true recompense, renders that love impure and corrupts it. The reason for this is that they are now thinking about themselves, not about their neighbour, that is, how they themselves can be made happy, not how others can be unless they themselves benefit from it. Thus they turn love towards the neighbour into love towards themselves; and to the extent that they do so they prevent joy and happiness from being communicated to them out of heaven, since they channel the flow of happiness from heaven into themselves and do not pass it on to others. They are like objects which do not reflect rays of light but absorb them. Objects that do reflect them are lit up and shining, whereas those that absorb them are dull and not at all shining. People who are like this are therefore separated from angelic society, like those who have nothing in common with heaven; and these are the ones who are described here by 'Issachar'.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Society for the permission to use this translation.