De Bijbel


约珥书 1


1 耶和华的临到毗土珥的儿子约珥。

2 老年人哪,当我的话;国中的居民哪,都要侧耳而。在你们的日子,或你们列祖的日子,曾有这样的事麽?

3 你们要将这事传与子,子传与孙,孙,传与後

4 剩下的,蝗虫蝗虫剩下的,蝻子来;蝻子剩下的,蚂蚱来

5 的人哪,要清醒哭泣;好酒的人哪,都要为甜酒哀号,因为从你们的中断绝了。

6 有一队蝗虫(原文是民)又强盛又无数,侵犯我的;他的牙齿狮子牙齿,大如母狮的大

7 他毁坏我的葡萄树,剥了我无花果树的皮,剥尽而丢弃,使枝条露白。

8 我的民哪,你当哀号,像处女腰束麻布,为幼年的丈夫哀号。

9 素祭和奠祭从耶和华的殿中断绝;事奉耶和华的祭司都悲哀。

10 田荒凉,地悲哀;因为五谷毁坏,新酒乾竭,油也缺乏。

11 农夫啊,你们要惭愧,修理葡萄园的啊,你们要哀号;因为大麦小麦与田间的庄稼都灭绝了。

12 葡萄枯乾;无花果树衰残。石榴树、棕、苹果树,连田野一切的树木也都枯乾;众人的喜乐尽都消灭。

13 祭司啊,你们当腰束麻布痛哭;伺候祭坛的啊,你们要哀号;事奉我的啊,你们要披上麻布过夜,因为素祭和奠祭从你们的殿中断绝了。

14 你们要分定禁食的日子,宣告严肃会,招聚长老和国中的一切居民耶和华─你们的殿,向耶和华哀求。

15 哀哉!耶和华的日子临近了。这日到,好像毁灭从全能者到。

16 粮食不是在我们眼前断绝了吗?欢喜快乐不是从我们的殿中止息了吗?

17 谷种在土块朽烂;仓也荒凉,廪也破坏;因为五谷枯乾了。

18 牲畜哀鸣;牛群混乱,因为无羊群也受了困苦。

19 耶和华啊,我向你求告,因为烧灭旷野的草场;火焰烧尽田野的树木

20 田野的走向你发喘;因为溪乾涸,也烧灭旷野的草场。



Explanation of Joel 1 - Revised

Door J. E. Schreck

Joel Chapter 1, the Internal Sense.

(From Swedenborg's work, "The Inner Meaning of the Prophets and Psalms")

(Verse 1) The Word has been perverted by false worship,

(2) when instead the Word should have been obeyed by everyone in the Church,

(3) and communicated to everyone who holds false beliefs that arise from evil loves.

(4) Instead, the spiritual things of the Church have been destroyed by sensualism.

(5) Now, remorse should be awakened, because of this loss of faith,

(6) a faith which has been destroyed by the lust of worshipping false gods,

(7) depriving the Church of spiritual truth and good.

(8) The Church should return to the Lord

(9) with inward mourning and contrition

(10) over the loss of good and truth in the natural and spiritual man -

(11) especially people who seek the good of the Church and who desire its genuine doctrine: for the Church is about to perish.

(12) Spiritual truth, its good, its knowledge, and its delights, which constitute the Church, are perverted.

(13) Only by repentance can communion with the Lord be renewed.

(14) The Church can only remove the evil and falsity by acknowledging and worshipping the Lord,

(15) for the end of the Church is near, when it will be judged.

(16) Good works are not being done, nor are there any people who delight in spiritual things.

(17) Natural good has been subordinated to evil, and the truth and good of the Word are rejected.

(18) Wherefore there is no good in the Church,

(19) and our hearts must be turned again to the Lord: for the love of self has corrupted all things in the church.

(20) Although truth is desired, it has been misappropriated to ourselves.