De Bijbel


申命记 27



1 摩西以色列的长老吩咐百姓说:你们要遵守我今日所吩咐的一切诫命

2 你们过约但河,到了耶和华─你所赐你的,当要立起几块石头,墁上灰,

3 把这律法的一切在石头上。你过了河,可以进入耶和华─你所赐你流奶与蜜之,正如耶和华─你列祖之所应许你的。

4 你们过了约但河,就要在以巴路上照我今日所吩咐的,将这些石头立起来,墁上灰。

5 在那里要为耶和华─你的筑一座;在石头上不可动器。

6 要用没有凿过的石头耶和华─你,在上要将燔祭献给耶和华─你的

7 又要献平安祭,且在那里,在耶和华─你的面前欢乐。

8 你要将这律法的一切明明的石头上。

9 摩西祭司利未人晓谕以色列众人以色列阿,要默默静。你今日成为耶和华─你的百姓了。

10 所以要耶和华─你的话,遵行他的诫命律例,就是我今日所吩咐你的。

11 当日,摩西嘱咐百姓

12 你们过了约但河,西缅、利未、犹大、以萨迦、约瑟、便雅悯六个支派的人都要站在基利心上为百姓祝福

13 流便、迦得、亚设、西布伦、但、拿弗他利六个支派的人都要站在以巴路上宣布咒诅。

14 利未要向以色列高声

15 制造耶和华所憎恶的偶像,或雕刻,或铸造,就是工匠所做的,在暗中设立,那必受咒诅!百姓都要答应:阿们!

16 轻慢父母的,必受咒诅!百姓都要:阿们!

17 挪移邻舍地界的,必受咒诅!百姓都要:阿们!

18 使瞎子走差的,必受咒诅!百姓都要:阿们!

19 向寄居的和孤儿寡妇屈枉正直的,必受咒诅!百姓都要:阿们!

20 与继母行淫的,必受咒诅!因为掀开他父亲的衣襟。百姓都要:阿们!

21 淫合的,必受咒诅!百姓都要:阿们!

22 与异母同父,或异父同母的姊妹行淫的,必受咒诅!百姓都要:阿们!

23 与岳母行淫的,必受咒诅!百姓都要:阿们!

24 暗中杀人的,必受咒诅!百姓都要:阿们!

25 受贿赂害死无辜之人的,必受咒诅!百姓都要:阿们!

26 不坚守遵行这律法言语的,必受咒诅!百姓都要:阿们!





Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze

To command is to give an order that something must be done, and is directed to an individual, or a group. It is an imperative, not a suggestion. Commanding can be done in two ways, or from two differing motives. It often comes in an organization, where it is used to impose an order that is necessary to do the organization's work, such as a business, or government or an army, and can be legitimate, or is used in a family by parents to maintain an orderly home. But it can also be used by a person who loves power and having gotten it in some way, loves to impose his or her will on others for selfish gratification. So one motive is love of a use, or of good, and the other is for the love of self, or possessions. The Lord, from His infinite love, has given mankind commandments because He is order itself, and knows that our happiness to eternity depends on our acceptance of His order of creation, which ultimately is the only order that exists.