De Bijbel


撒母耳记下 5



1 以色列众支派到希伯仑见大卫:我们原是你的

2 从前扫罗我们王的时候,率领以色列人出入的是你;耶和华也曾应许你:你必牧养我的民以色列,作以色列的君。

3 於是以色列的长老到希伯仑见大卫王,大卫在希伯仑耶和华面前与他们立约,他们就大卫以色列的王。

4 大卫登基的时候年三十岁,在位四十年;

5 在希伯仑作犹大年零,在耶路撒冷以色列犹大三十三年。

6 大卫和跟随他的人到了耶路撒冷,要攻打方的耶布斯人。耶布斯人对大卫:你若不赶出瞎子、瘸子,必不能进这方;心里想大卫决不能进去。

7 然而大卫攻取锡安的保障,就是大卫的城。

8 当日,大卫:谁攻打耶布斯人,当上水沟攻打我心里所恨恶的瘸子、瞎子。从此有俗语:在那里有瞎子、瘸子,他不能进去。

9 大卫在保障里,给保障起名大卫城。大卫又从米罗以里,周围筑墙。

10 大卫日见强盛,因为耶和华─万军之与他同在。

11 推罗王希兰将香柏运到大卫那里,又差遣使者和木匠匠给大卫建造宫殿。

12 大卫知道耶和华坚立他作以色列王,又为自己的民以色列使他的国兴旺。

13 大卫离开希伯仑之,在耶路撒冷又立妃,又生儿女。

14 耶路撒冷所生的儿子是沙母亚、朔罢、拿单、所罗门

15 益辖、以利书亚、尼斐、雅非亚、

16 以利沙玛、以利雅大、以利法列。

17 非利士人见人大卫以色列王,非利士人就上来寻索大卫大卫见,就到保障。

18 非利士人来了,布散在利乏音

19 大卫求问耶和华:我可以上去攻打非利士人麽?你将他们交在我里麽?耶和华:你可以上去,我必将非利士人交在你里。

20 大卫到巴力毗拉心,在那里击杀非利士人,耶和华在我面前冲破敌人,如同水冲去一般。因此称那地方为巴力毗拉心。

21 非利士人将偶像撇在那里,大卫和跟随他的人拿去了。

22 非利士人又上来,布散在利乏音

23 大卫求问耶和华耶和华:不要一直地上去,要转到他们头,从桑林对面攻打他们。

24 见桑树梢上有脚步的声音,就要急速前去,因为那时耶和华已经在你前去攻打非利士人的军队。

25 大卫就遵着耶和华所吩咐的去行,攻打非利士人,从迦巴直到基色。






The Philistines play a large role in the Bible as one of the longest-standing and most bitter rivals of the people of Israel, clashing with them in repeated wars. The Philistines were a remnant of the Ancient Church, or church of Noah, but had turned the deep wisdom of that church into a worship that focused solely on knowledge of religious ideas and the details of ritual, with no concept of putting religious ideas to work in living a good life. People would be esteemed for their knowledge, no matter how evil they might be in their lives. This was a particularly attractive trap for the people of Israel, who lived in a state of obedience to a long list of spiritually meaningful rules. It was easy for them to forget about the “obedience” part and focus instead on the “rules” part, which made them akin to the Philistines. This is also a threat to us in our own lives. We need to remember that simply knowing a lot and believing the right things will not make us good people -- we have to use that knowledge to treat other people in a loving, caring way.

In 1 Samuel 5,6, this signifies people in faith separated from charity. (Divine Providence 326[12])

In Jeremiah 47:2, 3, this represents people who hold false ideas, and reason about spiritual things from them. (Arcana Coelestia 705) Philistia signifies this religion. (Arcana Coelestia 727)