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True Christianity #817

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817. Roman Catholics in the Spiritual World

The Roman Catholics in the spiritual world appear both around and below the Protestants. The two groups are kept separate from each other by intervening areas that they are forbidden to pass through. There are monks, though, who use secret methods to communicate [with Protestants] and also send emissaries along uncharted paths to lure people into Catholicism, but the emissaries are discovered, punished, and either sent back to their people or cast down.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.

스웨덴보그의 저서에서


True Christianity #223

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223. 7. The Nazirites represented the power of the Word in its outermost form. In the book of Judges we read about Samson. He was a Nazirite from his mother's womb. His hair was the source of his strength. A Nazirite and a Naziriteship in fact mean "hair. " Samson himself showed that his hair was the source of his strength when he said,

No razor has come upon my head, because I am a Nazirite from my mother's womb. If I am shaved, my strength will leave me and I will become weak and be like any other person. (Judges 16:17)

Without knowing what a "head" means in the Word, we cannot imagine why a Naziriteship that means "hair" would be instituted or why Samson's hair would be the source of his strength. A head means the intelligence that angels and people have from the Lord through divine truth. Hair, then, means an intelligence because of divine truth on the lowest or outermost level. Since this was the meaning of hair, it was a rule for the Nazirites that they were not to shave the hair on their head, because it was the Naziriteship of God on their head (Numbers 6:1-21). There was also a rule that the high priest and his sons were not to shave their heads, or they would die and wrath would come upon the entire house of Israel (Leviticus 10:6). Hair was so holy because of its meaning (which comes from its correspondence) that even the hair of the Son of Humankind (that is, the Lord in his role as the Word) is described. It was as shining white as wool, like snow (Revelation 1:14). The Ancient of Days is described as having similar hair (Daniel 7:9).

Since hair means truth on the outermost levels and therefore means the literal meaning of the Word, we become bald in the spiritual world if we despise the Word. On the other hand, if we value the Word highly and hold it as sacred, we will have good-looking hair in that world.

This correspondence is the reason why forty-two youths were torn apart by two she-bears for calling Elisha bald (2 Kings 2:23-24). Elisha represented the church's teaching from the Word. The she-bears stood for the power of truth on the outermost levels.

The power of divine truth or of the Word exists in its literal meaning because at that level the Word is complete, and people and angels of each of the Lord's kingdoms share in it together.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.