

弥迦书 3



1 雅各的首领,以色列家的官长啊,你们要!你们不当知道公平麽?

2 你们恶善恶,从人身上剥,从人骨头上剔肉,

3 我民的,剥他们的,打折他们的骨头,分成块子像要下,又像釜中的

4 到了遭灾的时候,这些人必哀求耶和华,他却不应允他们。那时他必照他们所行的恶事向他们掩面。

5 论到使我民走差先知─他们牙齿有所嚼的,他们就呼喊:平安了!凡不供他们吃的,他们就预备攻击他(预备攻击他:或译必遭遇刀兵)─耶和华如此

6 你们必遭遇黑夜,以致不见异象;又必遭遇幽暗,以致不能占卜。日头必向你们沉落,白昼变为黑暗。

7 先见必抱愧,占卜的必蒙羞,都必捂着嘴唇,因为不应允他们。

8 至於我,我藉耶和华的灵,满有力量、公平、才能,可以向雅各说明他的过犯,向以色列指出他的恶。

9 雅各家的首领、以色列家的官长啊,当我的话!你们厌恶公平,在一切事上屈枉正直;

10 以人血建立锡安,以罪孽建造耶路撒冷

11 首领为贿赂行审判;祭司为雇价施训诲;先知行占卜。他们却倚赖耶和华耶和华不是在我们中间麽?灾祸必不临到我们

12 所以因你们的缘故,锡安必被耕种像一块田,耶路撒冷必变为乱堆;这殿的必像丛林的处。





To Charity, by João Zeferino da Costa

It seems rather circular to say that “good” in the Bible represents good, but in a general sense it's true! The case is this: The Lord is love itself given form and expression as wisdom itself, and that Divine Love and Divine Wisdom flow down into us, into the world and into the Bible in an unending stream with endless variety. Divine Love gives rise to our loves, our affections, our desires for good and the joy we can feel; Divine Wisdom gives rise to facts, knowledge, intelligence, understanding and human wisdom. And the more we can bring those two aspects of our lives into harmony, the more elevated we can become -- which will in turn make us happier, more useful, and ultimately more angelic.