

约书亚记 8



1 耶和华对约书亚:不要惧,也不要惊惶。你起来,率领一切兵丁上艾城去,我已经把艾城的王和他的民、他的城,并他的,都交在你里。

2 你怎样待耶利哥耶利哥的王,也当照样待艾城和艾城的王。只是城内所夺的财物和牲畜,你们可以取为自己的掠物。你要在城设下伏兵。

3 於是,约书亚和一切兵丁都起来,要上艾城去。约书亚选了三万大能的勇士,夜间打发他们前往,

4 吩咐他们说:你们要在城埋伏,不可离城太远,都要各自准备。

5 我与我所带领的众民要向城前往。城里的人像初次出来攻击我们的时候,我们就在他们面前逃跑

6 他们必出来追赶我们,直到我们引诱他们离开城;因为他们必:这些人像初次在我们面前逃跑。所以我们要在他们面前逃跑

7 你们就从埋伏的地方起来,夺取那城,因为耶和华─你们的必把城交在你们里。

8 你们夺了城以後,就放烧城,要照耶和华的行。这是我吩咐你们的。

9 约书亚打发他们前往,他们就上埋伏的地方去,住在伯特利和艾城的中间,就是在艾城的西边。这夜约书亚却在民中住宿。

10 约书亚清起来,点齐百姓,他和以色列的长老在百姓前面上艾城去。

11 众民,就是他所带领的兵丁,都上去,向前直往,到城前,在艾城边安营。在约书亚和艾城中间有一山谷。

12 他挑了约有五,使他们埋伏在伯特利和艾城的中间,就是在艾城的西边,

13 於是安置了百姓,就是城的全军和城西的伏兵。这夜约书亚进入山谷之中

14 艾城的王见这景况,就和全城的人,清急忙起来,按所定的时候,出到亚拉巴前,要与以色列人交战;王却不知道在城有伏兵。

15 约书亚和以色列众人在他们面前装败,往那通旷野逃跑

16 城内的众民都被招聚,追赶他们;艾城人追赶的时候,就被引诱离开城。

17 艾城和伯特利城没有一不出来追赶以色列人的,撇了敞开的城门,去追赶以色列人

18 耶和华吩咐约书亚:你向艾城伸出里的短枪,因为我要将城交在你里。约书亚就向城伸出里的短枪。

19 他一伸,伏兵就从埋伏的地方急忙起来,夺了城,跑进城去,放焚烧。

20 艾城的人回头一,不料,城中烟气冲,他们就无力向左向右逃跑。那往旷野逃跑的百姓便转身攻击追赶他们的人。

21 约书亚和以色列众人见伏兵已经夺了城,城中烟气飞腾,就转身回去,击杀艾城的人。

22 伏兵也出城迎击艾城人,艾城人就困在以色列人中间,前後都是以色列人。於是以色列人击杀他们,没有留下一个,也没有一个逃脱的,

23 生擒了艾城的王,将他解到约书亚那里。

24 以色列人在田间和旷野杀尽所追赶一切艾城的居民。艾城人倒在刀下,直到灭尽;以色列众人就回到艾城,用刀杀了城中的人。

25 当日杀毙的,连带女共有一万,就是艾城所有的

26 约书亚没有收回里所伸出来的短枪,直到把艾城的一切居民尽行杀灭。

27 惟独城中的牲畜和财物,以色列人都取为自己的掠物,是照耶和华所吩咐约书亚的

28 约书亚将艾城焚烧,使城永为高堆、荒场,直到今日;

29 又将艾城王上,直到晚上。日落的时候,约书亚吩咐人把尸首从上取,丢在城门口,在尸首上成一石头,直存到今日。

30 那时,约书亚在以巴路上为耶和华以色列的筑一座

31 是用没有动过器的整石头筑的,照着耶和华仆人摩西所吩咐以色列人的话,正如摩西律法上所的。众人在这上给耶和华奉献燔祭和平安祭。

32 约书亚在那里,当着以色列人面前,将摩西的律法抄石头上。

33 以色列众人,无论是本地人、是寄居的,和长老长,并审判,都站在约柜两旁,在抬耶和华约柜的祭司利未人面前,一半对着基利心,一半对着以巴路,为以色列祝福,正如耶和华仆人摩西先前所吩咐的。

34 ,约亚将律法上祝福、咒诅的,照着律法上一切所的,都宣读了一遍。

35 摩西所吩咐的一切,约书亚在以色列会众和妇女、孩子,并他们中间寄居的外人面前,没有一句不宣读的。




Exploring the Meaning of Joshua 8

작가: New Christian Bible Study Staff, Julian Duckworth

Joshua 8: The fall of Ai and the renewal of the covenant.

The events of this chapter - and their spiritual meaning for us - follow on from the previous chapter. After their first setback at Ai, the Children of Israel take the city of Ai by using a clever ruse. Joshua chose thirty thousand men for the battle. The plan was for five thousand of them to hide near the city, while he led the main army to attack the city. Then, Joshua and his forces would pretend to run away, pursued by the men of Ai. Those who had hidden were then to come out, go into the city, and set it on fire. The men of Ai would see this and run back, get ambushed, and be caught between Joshua’s two armies.

It all happened as planned, and Israel took Ai. (See Arcana Caelestia 1557). As with Jericho, everything in Ai was commanded to be destroyed, except that in this case the livestock and the city’s spoils were to be kept. The whole city was burned and its king was hanged on a tree until sunset and then his body was thrown down at the city entrance with a great heap of stones put over it.

The basic spiritual meaning of any battle in the Bible such as this, is to show how a heavenly principle can and will overcome a hellish or evil attack, especially for us, during some temptation - when we seek to resist and fight back.

Evil is only strong in illusion and fear-mongering; when the light of what is true shines on evil it gets shown for what it is. (Heaven and Hell 49)

The city’s name “Ai” means “a heap”. The word gets used several times in the text of the chapter. A heap implies rubble and rubbish. Cities sometimes look noble and well-planned; in Ai’s case it was the very opposite - a heap, a ruin. (Heaven and Hell 586[2])

While Jericho generally represents our wrong thinking, which first stands in the way of our regeneration and spiritual will, Ai represents our evil emotions and our selfish passions. Both of them must fall before we can make further progress.

Joshua chooses a large number to go against a relatively few in Ai, who nevertheless all rush out to fight Israel. “There was not a man left in Ai or Bethel who did not go out after Israel. Thus they left the city open.” (Joshua 8:17)

Joshua’s tactic of drawing out the men of Ai means our challenge to evil - by confronting it with the truths and commandments we know and obey. Joshua’s pretence of fleeing away draws Ai out in glee, interpreting the flight as a real retreat. Then everything turns, and Joshua’s men go forward representing the power of the truth, the Word and our persuasion of their effectiveness in winning. (Arcana Caelestia 6344[4])

Ai’s men see their city on fire, for other Israelites entered Ai and set it ablaze. This represents the self-condemnation of evil, of hell, when it is exposed to what is true, heavenly and of God. But Joshua’s men, lying in ambush and waiting for the moment, represent our keen observation of how our selfish desires work to cause havoc in us. They are 5,000. Symbolically, in the Bible, five or its multiples always stand for a small amount - but enough to use.

Hanging the king of Ai stands for our need to put down the controlling power of any evil which stirs us. And all Ai is destroyed, because all evil must be turned against and refused.

Then, and only then, Joshua remakes the covenant with the Lord God; he builds an altar, he writes a copy on stones of the Law of Moses in the presence of all Israel, the priests stand in two groups in front of two mountains, then Joshua reads the words of blessing and cursing and all the Law of Moses.

After we resist any evil and its temptation, we must re-hear and re-affirm the truth that this was the Lord’s victory, not ours, and re-dedicate ourselves to the life the Lord gives us. (True Christian Religion 13[2])

스웨덴보그의 저서에서


Heaven and Hell #48

해당 구절 연구하기

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48. This is also why an angel of outstanding wisdom sees the quality of others instantly, from their faces. In heaven, no one can conceal inner character by facial expression and pretend, much less lie and deceive others by guile and hypocrisy.

It does sometimes happen that hypocrites steal into [heavenly] communities, hypocrites trained in hiding their inner nature and arranging their outward appearance in the benevolent form they present in public, thereby misleading angels of light. However, they cannot stay around very long. They begin to feel inner discomfort and torment, their faces start to turn blue, and they almost faint - changes caused by their opposition to the life that is flowing in and affecting them. So they promptly cast themselves back into the hell of people like themselves and no longer dare to climb up again. These are the people meant by the man who was discovered among the dinner guests without a wedding garment and was thrown out into outer darkness ( 22:0).

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for the permission to use this translation.