

何西阿书 14



1 以色列啊,你要归向耶和华─你的;你是因自己的罪孽跌倒了。

2 当归向耶和华,用言语祷告他:求你除净罪孽,悦纳善行;这样,我们就把嘴唇的祭代替犊献上。

3 我们不向亚述求,不埃及的,也不再对我们所造的:你是我们。因为孤儿在你─耶和华那里得蒙怜悯。

4 我必医治他们背道的病,甘心他们;因为我的怒气向他们消。

5 我必向以色列如甘;他必如百合花开放,如利巴嫩的树木扎

6 他的枝条必延长;他的荣华如橄榄树;他的香气如利巴嫩的柏树。

7 在他荫下的必归回,发旺如五谷,开花如葡萄树。他的香气如利巴嫩的酒。

8 以法莲:我与偶像还有甚麽关涉呢?我─耶和华回答他,也必顾念他。我如青翠的松树;你的果子从我而得。

9 谁是智慧人,可以明白这些事;谁是通达人,可以知道这一切。因为,耶和华的道是正直的;人必在其中行走,罪人却在其上跌倒。




Exploring the Meaning of Hosea 14

작가: Helen Kennedy

At the outset of this chapter, Hosea says:

O Israel, return to the Lord your God,

For you have stumbled because of your iniquity;

Take words with you, And return to the Lord. (Hosea 14:1)

Plainly, the Lord exhorts us to return to Him when our wrongdoing has made us turn away.

"Take words with you," is an interesting phrase. It means that we should listen to our conscience - the voice within us that urges us to repent.

The next line,“Take away all iniquity; receive us graciously” shows very clearly what the Lord will do if the people ask Him.

Next, we have this: "For we will offer the sacrifices of our lips". We need to pay attention to detail, not only what we do but also how we speak.

“We will not ride on horses”, in verse (3), shows us to stop thinking we can escape by running away, using intelligent rationales to justify wrong acts.

“Nor will we say anymore to the work of our hands, ‘You are our gods,’” shows us to stop thinking that the things we do in the world and from ourselves are the only path to follow. Instead believe the truth that God is the only source of salvation.

“For in You the fatherless finds mercy” is saying that the Lord leaves no one without protection, and abandons no one.

“I will heal their backsliding,” in verse (4) means that God has the ability to keep people from returning to their old ways. “I will love them freely,” shows that He gives His love freely and without reservation.

“For My anger has turned away,” means the sinners’ perception of the Lord will clear and people will see He was never angry, only loving.

“I will be like the dew to Israel,” in verse (5) signifies that His instruction will be gentle like dew on the grass in the morning.

“Grow like the lily,” means the errant one will change, and will grow in purity like the lily;

“Lengthen his roots. . .” like roots growing in the ground the Lord work is in the dark and unseen.

“Branches shall spread” in verse (6) means good and truth will spread into the open and be seen, like the branches on a tree.

“Beauty shall be like an olive tree,” the beauty of the olive tree is in its bearing fruit.

“Fragrance like Lebanon,” like an aroma rising up, the ones who reform will be grateful;

“Those who dwell under his shadow shall return” in verse (7) means those in the dark of false thinking about salvation will be brought into full sunlight.

“They shall be revived like grain and grow like the vine,” explains that where good can flourish like grain in the sunlit field or be abundant like grapes on the vine.

“Their scent shall be like the wine of Lebanon“ means that this new life emanates a good scent, like the aroma of a good wine. In spiritual terms it means the person can now think through or understand why it is so important to live with good and truth joined together (Apocalypse Explained 730:15).

“What have I to do anymore with idols?” in verse (8) explains that as people are renewed they will no longer depend on their own idols of false thinking and reasoning.

“I have heard and observed Him” because they have heard the Lord speaking in His Word.

“I am like a green cypress tree; Your fruit is found in me” means that like trees that bear fruit, they will have perceptions that lead them to the life the Lord wants for them.

“Who is wise? Let him understand these things,” in verse 9 means those who accept the Lord will have wisdom to see the good paths they are to follow.

“Who is prudent? Let him know them,” explains that those being renewed will use the new thinking the Lord is giving them.

“For the ways of the Lord are right,” means they will understand that only the Lord knows the way to heaven.

“The righteous walk in them,” explains that those who are prudent will follow the Lord’s leading.

“But transgressors stumble in them,” signifies that wrongdoers will find the way to heaven difficult, and will stumble and fall away.

스웨덴보그의 저서에서


属天的奥秘 #1069

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1069. “栽了一个葡萄园” 表由此而来的教会, “葡萄园” 是属灵教会. 这一点从 “葡萄园” 的含义清楚可知. 在圣言中, 经常将教会描述为 “园子”, 以及 “园子里的树”, 实际上也如此称呼. 同样还用树所结的果子描述它们, 果子表属于爱或仁之物. 因此才有 “凭果子认出一个人来” 的说法. 将教会比作园子, 树和果子, 源于天堂中的象征物, 在天堂, 无法描述的美丽园子有时根据信的气场显现. 这也是为何属天教会被描述为栽有各种树的伊甸园. “园子里的树” 表教会的感知, “果子” 表源于爱的各种良善. 然而, 古教会由于是属灵的, 故根据它的果子, 即葡萄被描述为 “葡萄园”. 这一点从圣言的众多经文清楚看出来, 如以赛亚书:

我要为我所亲爱的唱歌, 是我所爱者的歌, 论他葡萄园的事. 我所亲爱的有葡萄园在肥美的山冈上, 祂给园子扎上篱笆, 围上石头, 栽种上等的葡萄树, 在园中盖了一座望台, 又凿出榨酒池, 指望结好葡萄, 反倒结了野葡萄. 耶路撒冷的居民和犹大人哪, 请你们现今在我与我的葡萄园中, 断定是非. 万军之耶和华的葡萄园, 就是以色列家. (以赛亚书 5:1-3, 7)

此处 “葡萄园” 表古教会, 因而表属灵教会, 它明显被说成是以色列的家; 因为在圣言中, “以色列” 表属灵教会, “犹大” 表属天教会. 耶利米书:

以色列的处女啊! 我要再建立你, 你就被建立; 你必再以击鼓为美, 与欢乐的人一同跳舞而出. 又必在撒马利亚的山上栽种葡萄园. (耶利米书 31:4, 5)

此处 “葡萄园” 表属灵教会, 因为主题是以色列, 如前所述, 以色列表属灵教会.


我将分散在万民中的以色列家招聚回来, 他们要在这陆地上安然居住, 他们要盖造房屋, 栽种葡萄园. (以西结书 28:25, 26)

此处 “葡萄园” 表属灵教会, 也就是以色列. “栽种葡萄园” 表在信的真理与良善上接受指教. 阿摩司书:

我以旱风, 霉烂攻击你们; 蝗虫要吃光你们许多园子和你们的葡萄园, 无花果树, 橄榄树林. 我必向你们如此行. (阿摩司书 4:9, 12)

“园子” 表教会之物; “葡萄园” 表教会的属灵之物, “无花果树” 表属世之物, “橄榄树林” 表属天之物; 因此, “葡萄园” 表属灵教会之物, 就是以色列. 同一先知书:

我必使我民以色列被掳的归回, 他们必重修荒废的城邑居住, 栽种葡萄园, 喝其中所出的酒; 建造果园, 吃其中的果子. (阿摩司书 9:14)

“栽种葡萄园” 表培植属灵教会, 因此 “葡萄园” 表属灵教会, 就是以色列.

由于 “葡萄园” 表属灵教会, 故 “葡萄树” 也表属灵教会, 因为葡萄树是葡萄园的一部分. 它们如同教会与教会成员, 因此具有相同的含义. 耶利米书:

以色列是奴隶吗? 是家中生的奴仆吗? 为何成为掠物呢? 我栽你是上等的葡萄树, 是真理的种子. 你怎么向我变为外邦葡萄树的坏枝子呢? (耶利米书 2:14, 21)

“葡萄树” 表属灵教会, 即以色列. 以西结书:

你当为以色列的王作起哀歌. 你的母亲如与你相似的葡萄树, 栽于水旁, 因为水多, 就多结果子, 满生枝子. (以西结书 19:1, 10)

“葡萄树” 表 “母亲” 所指的古代属灵教会, 因而表以色列; 因此才说 “与你相似”. 何西阿书:

以色列是茂盛的葡萄树, 结果象它自己那样繁多. (何西阿书 10:1)

“葡萄树” 表属灵教会, 或以色列, 在这种情况下, 则表荒凉的教会. 同一先知书:

以色列啊, 你们要归向耶和华你们的神. 我必向以色列如甘露. 那些曾住在祂荫下的必归回, 他们要使五谷生长, 开花如葡萄树, 它的记念如黎巴嫩的酒. (何西阿书 14:1, 5, 7)

此处 “葡萄树” 表属灵教会, 即以色列. 摩西书:

直等细罗 (就是 “赐平安者”) 来到……犹大把小驴拴在葡萄树上, 把母驴驹拴在美好的葡萄树上. (创世记 49:10, 11)

这是有关主的一个预言. “葡萄树” 和 “美好的葡萄树” 表属灵教会.

主关于葡萄园雇工的比喻同样表属灵教会 (马太福音 20:1-16; 21:33-44; 马可福音 12:1-12; 路加福音 20:9-16).

由于 “葡萄树” 表属灵教会, 而属灵教会的主要事物是仁爱, 主就存在于这仁爱中, 藉着仁爱与人结合, 并唯独藉着仁爱运行一切良善之物, 故主将自己比作葡萄树, 并在约翰福音中以下面的方式描述教会成员, 即描述属灵教会:

我是真葡萄树, 我父是栽培的人. 凡属我不结果子的枝子, 祂就剪去; 凡结果子的, 祂就修理干净, 使枝子结果子更多. 你们要常在我里面, 我也常在你们里面. 枝子若不常在葡萄树上, 自己就不能结果子, 你们若不常在我里面, 也是这样. 我是葡萄树, 你们是枝子. 常在我里面的, 我也常在他里面, 这人就多结果子, 因为离了我, 你们就不能做什么. 你们要彼此相爱, 像我爱你们一样, 这就是我的命令. (约翰福音 15:1-5, 12)


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Thanks to our friends at swedenborgwork.com for their permission to use this translation on the New Christian Bible Study site. ( 衷心感谢”史威登堡著作中文网”许可我们使用该中文译文)