

阿摩司书 7



1 耶和华指示我一件事:为王割菜(或译:草)之,菜又发生;刚发生的时候,造蝗虫。

2 蝗虫尽那的青物,我就耶和华啊,求你赦免;因为雅各微弱,他怎能站立得住呢?

3 耶和华就後悔,:这灾可以免了。

4 耶和华又指示我一件事:他命惩罚以色列,就吞灭深渊,险些将地烧灭。

5 我就耶和华啊,求你止息;因为雅各微弱,他怎能站立得住呢?

6 耶和华就後悔,:这灾也可免了。

7 他又指示我一件事:有一道是按准绳建筑的,主拿准绳站在其上。

8 耶和华对我:阿摩司啊,你见甚麽?我见准绳。:我要吊起准绳在我民以色列中,我必不再宽恕他们。

9 以撒的邱坛必然凄凉,以色列的圣所必然荒废。我必兴起,用刀攻击耶罗波安的家。

10 伯特利的祭司亚玛谢打发人到以色列王耶罗波安那里,说:阿摩司在以色列家中图谋背叛你;他所说的一切,这国担当不起;

11 因为阿摩司如此:耶罗波安必被刀杀,以色列民定被掳去离开本地。

12 亚玛谢又对阿摩司:你这先见哪,要逃往犹大去,在那里糊口,在那里预言,

13 却不要在伯特利再说预言;因为这里有王的圣所,有王的宫殿。

14 阿摩司对亚玛谢:我原不是先知,也不是先知的门徒(原文是儿子)。我是牧人,又是修理桑树的。

15 耶和华选召我,使我不跟从羊群,对我:你去向我民以色列预言。

16 亚玛谢啊,现在你要耶和华的。你:不要向以色列预言,也不要向以撒家滴下预言。

17 所以耶和华如此:你的妻子必在城中作妓女,你的儿女必倒在刀下;你的地必有人用绳子量了分取,你自己必在污秽之地。以色列民定被掳去离开本地。






Hands in the Bible represent power, the force with which things are put into action. To be specific, they represent the power of spiritual good -- which is the love of others and serving others -- expressed through spiritual truth -- which is an understanding and knowledge of what it is to love and serve others. This is in contrast to the feet, which represent power on the natural level, and a “rod,” which represents the power of the hand passed down into external or natural ideas. In a few cases in the Bible, hands also represent communication and a drawing together. This is true when people lift their hands to heaven or to Jehovah, and also when the Lord touches children or touches people to heal them.