Der Propheten und der Psalmen Davids (Kreuzwegerer Übersetzung)

다음의 번역 텍스트입니다: De Sensu Interno Librorum Propheticorum et Psalmorum Davidis by Swedenborg, Emanuel

해당 작가에 의해 출간된 원본 저서가 아닙니다.

다음과 같이 번역됨 Deutsch


This study is a nicely organized overview/study guide for the internal sense of the books of the Prophets in the Old Testament, and all of the Psalms.

해당 번역본에 대하여:

Diese Studie ist ein gut organisierter Überblick/Studienführer über den inneren Sinn der Bücher der Propheten im Alten Testament und aller Psalmen.

날짜: 2003

크레딧: This translation from Latin into German was done by Franz and Maria Kreuzwegerer in 2003. It is published by Swedenborg Verlag, in Zurich.

저작권: Swedenborg-Verlag, Zürich

라이센스: Used with permission - 이용약관 참조


추천 인용:

Der Propheten und der Psalmen Davids. [Written in 1761, not published by the author.] Translated. Retrieved from:
