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Apocalypse Explained #439

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439. Of the tribe Naphtali twelve thousand sealed, signifies regeneration and temptation. This is evident from what is represented and thence signified by "Naphtali" and his tribe, as meaning temptation and the state after it; and as temptations occur for the sake of regeneration, regeneration too is signified by "Naphtali." (That those who are regenerated undergo temptations see in The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem 187-201.) That "Naphtali" and thence the tribe named from him, signify temptation and the state after it, and accordingly regeneration, can be seen from the words of Rachel, when Bilhah her handmaid bare him, which are these:

And Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid, conceived again, and bare Jacob a second son. And Rachel said, With wrestlings of God have I wrestled with my sister, and I have prevailed; and she called his name Naphtali (Genesis 30:7, 8).

"Wrestlings of God" signify spiritual temptations; and as Rachel represented the internal church, which is spiritual, and Leah the external church, which is natural, Rachel's wrestling with her sister and prevailing signifies evidently the combat between the spiritual and the natural, since every temptation is a combat between the spiritual man and the natural; for the spiritual man loves and wills the things that are of heaven, since it is in heaven, while the natural man loves and wills the things that are of the world, since it is in the world; consequently the desires of the two are opposite, which gives rise to collision and combat, and this is called temptation.

[2] That "Naphtali" signifies temptation and the state after it, and thence regeneration, is further evident from the following passages. From the blessing he received from his father Israel:

Naphtali is a hind let loose; giving sayings of elegance (Gen. 49:21).

"Naphtali" here signifies the state after temptation, which state is full of joy from affection, that the spiritual and the natural, and good and truth, have been conjoined, for these are conjoined by temptations; "a hind let loose" signifies the freedom of the natural affection; "giving sayings of elegance," signifies gladness of mind. (This is more fully explained in Arcana Coelestia, n. 6412-6414.)

[3] Again, from the blessing he received from Moses:

And of Naphtali he said, O Naphtali, satisfied with the good pleasure and full of the blessing of Jehovah; possess thou the west and the south (Deuteronomy 33:23).

This, too, describes the state after temptation, in which man is filled with every good of love and with truths therefrom; for after temptations he is filled with joy, and good bears fruit, and truth is multiplied with him; to be filled with the good of love is meant by "satisfied with the good pleasure of Jehovah;" and to be filled with truths therefrom is signified by "full of the blessing of Jehovah;" the consequent affection of truth and illustration are signified by "possess thou the west and the south," the affection of truth is signified by "the west," and illustration by "the south." It is said "possess thou the west and the south," because those who are raised up into heaven after having been instructed are carried through the west to the south, that is, through the affection of truth into the light of truth.

[4] "Naphtali" has a similar signification in the song of Deborah and Barak, in the book of Judges:

Zebulun, a people that devoted their soul to death, and Naphtali upon the heights of the field (Judges 5:18).

These were the two tribes that fought against Sisera, the captain of the host of Jabin, king of Canaan, and conquered him, the other ten tribes remaining quiet; and this represented the spiritual combat against the evils that infest the church; as is evident also from the prophetic song of Deborah and Barak, of which this is the subject. Only the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali fought, because "Zebulun" signifies the conjunction of good and truth which constitutes the church, and "Naphtali" the combat against the evils and falsities that infest it and that resist the conjunction of good and truth, consequently the two signify reformation and regeneration; "the heights of the field" signify the interiors of the church, from which combat is maintained. Again "Zebulun and Naphtali" together also signify reformation and regeneration by means of temptations (in Isaiah 8:22; 9:1, 2; also in Matthew 4:12-16).

[5] In the highest sense however "Zebulun and Naphtali" signify the uniting of the Divine and the Human in the Lord, for the highest sense treats solely of the Lord, in general of the glorification of His Human, and the subjugation of the hells, and the arranging of the heavens by Him. In this sense Zebulun and Naphtali are mentioned in David:

They have seen Thy goings, O God; the goings of my God, my King in the midst of the sanctuary. The singers went before, the minstrels after, in the midst of the maidens playing on timbrels. Bless ye God in the assemblies, the Lord from the fountain of Israel. There little Benjamin is set over them, the princes of Judah their company, the princes of Zebulun, the princes of Naphtali. Thy God hath commanded thy strength; put on strength, O God; this Thou hast wrought for us out of Thy temple at Jerusalem; kings shall bring oblations to Thee. Rebuke the wild beast of the reed, the congregation of the mighty among the calves of the peoples; trampling upon the plates of silver, He hath scattered the peoples, they desire combats. Those that are fat shall come out of Egypt. Ethiopia shall hasten her hands unto God (Psalms 68:24-31).

This treats in the spiritual sense of the coming of the Lord, of the glorification of His Human, of the subjugation of the hells, and the consequent salvation. Celebration of the Lord because of His coming is described in these words: "They have seen Thy goings, O God, the goings of my God, my King, in the sanctuary. The singers went before, the minstrels after, in the midst of the maidens playing on timbrels. Bless ye God in the assemblies, the Lord from the fountain of Israel." (What the particulars here signify see explained above, n. 340.) The innocence of the Lord, by which He wrought and accomplished all things, is signified by "there little Benjamin is set over them;" Divine truth from Divine good is signified by "the princes of Judah their company;" His glorification, or the uniting of the Divine and Human by His own power, is signified by "the princes of Zebulun and the princes of Naphtali;" that from this the Lord's Human has Divine power is signified by "thy God hath commanded thy strength; put on strength, O God; this Thou hast wrought for us out of Thy temple at Jerusalem," "temple" meaning here the Lord's Divine Human, and "Jerusalem" the church for which He did this. The subjugation of the hells is signified by "rebuke the wild beast of the reed, the congregation of the mighty, among the calves of the peoples; trampling upon the plates of silver, He hath scattered the peoples, they desire combats;" "the wild beast of the reed and the congregation of the mighty" mean the knowing faculty of the natural man perverting the truths and goods of the church; "the calves of the people" mean the goods of the church; "the plates of silver" mean the truths of the church; "He hath scattered the people, they desire combats," signifies to pervert truths and reason against them.

[6] The subjugation of the hells means the subjugation of the natural man; for evils from hell are in the natural man, for in it, too, are the delights of the love of self and of the world and the knowledges [scientifica] that confirm these delights; and when these delights are regarded as ends and become dominant they are against the goods and truths of the church. That when the natural man has been subjugated it supplies accordant knowledges [scientifica)], and also cognitions of truth and good, is signified by "those that are fat shall come out of Egypt, Ethiopia shall hasten her hands unto God." "Egypt" meaning the natural man in respect to knowledges [scientifica], and "Ethiopia" the natural man in respect to cognitions of good and truth. From these few instances the signification of "Naphtali" and his tribe in the Word can be seen, namely, that it signifies in the highest sense the Lord's own power, by which He subjugated the hells and glorified His Human, in the internal sense temptation and the states after temptation, and in the external sense resistance by the natural man; therefore "Naphtali" signifies also reformation and regeneration, because these are results of temptations.

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.

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Apocalypse Explained #336

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336. And the number of them was myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, signifies the innumerable who are in truths, and the innumerable who are in goods. This is evident from the signification of "number" as being quantity and quality, quantity in the natural sense, and quality in the spiritual sense, the number employed determining the quantity and quality. But still all numbers in the Word signify something pertaining to the thing, as "two," "three," "four," "five," "seven," "ten," and "twelve," as has been shown where these are treated of; it is similar with "myriad" and "thousand," which are here mentioned. The number "seven," for example, signifies not seven, but all, what is full and whole (See above, n.257). But what "myriads" and "thousands" signify shall now be said. "Myriads" signify things innumerable, "thousands" the like; but "myriads" are predicated of truths, and "thousands" of goods; this is why "myriads of myriads, and thousands of thousands," signify the innumerable who are in truths, and the innumerable who are in goods.

[2] Those in the lower heavens of whom these things are said, in like manner as those in the higher heavens who were treated of above, are from two kingdoms, namely the spiritual kingdom and the celestial kingdom; those who are of the spiritual kingdom are meant by those who are in truths, while those who are of the celestial kingdom are meant by those who are in goods; the innumerableness of the latter is signified by "thousands of thousands," and the innumerableness of the former by "myriads of myriads;" but in an abstract sense, which is the true spiritual sense, innumerable truths and innumerable goods are signified. "Myriads" and "thousands" signify things innumerable, because "ten," and consequently also "a hundred," "a thousand," and "ten thousand" signify many; for numbers that are multiples of a similar number have a like signification as the simple numbers of which they are multiples (See n. 5291, 5335, 5708, 7973). But when innumerable things that are infinitely many are to be expressed, they are called "myriads of myriads," and "thousands of thousands."

[3] Moreover when two numbers related by multiplication, one larger and the other smaller, and having a like signification, are mentioned together, as "ten and a hundred," or "a hundred and a thousand," then the smaller is predicated of goods, and the larger of truths; and for the reason that each good consists of many truths; for good is formed out of truths, and thence good is produced by truths; on which account the larger number is predicated of truths, and the smaller of goods; in like manner here "myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands." That it is so may be illustrated by this, that a single delight of affection may be presented by many ideas of thought, and be expressed by various things in speech; the delight of affection is what is called good, and the ideas of thought and the various things in the speech that proceed from that delight or good are what are called truths. It is similar with one thing of the will in respect to many things of its understanding, and also with one thing of love in respect to many things that express it. From this it is that "many" and "multitude" in the Word are predicated of truths, and "great" and "greatness" of good, for what is great contains in itself many things. But these things are said for those who can be enlightened by examples, that they may know why it is that "thousands," the same as "myriads," signify things innumerable, but that "myriads" are predicated of truths, and "thousands" of goods.

[4] That these numbers have such significations can be seen from the following passages.

In Moses:

In the firstborn of his bullock he hath honor, and his horns are the horns of a unicorn; with them he shall push the peoples together to the uttermost parts of the earth; and these are the myriads of Ephraim, and these are the thousands of Manasseh (Deuteronomy 33:17).

These things are said of Joseph, who in a representative sense signifies the Lord in respect to the spiritual Divine and in respect to His spiritual kingdom (See Arcana Coelestia 3969, 3971, 4669, 6417); his two sons "Ephraim" and "Manasseh" signify the two constituents of that kingdom, namely, intellectual truth and voluntary good, "Ephraim" intellectual truth, and "Manasseh" voluntary good; it is therefore said "the myriads of Ephraim and the thousands of Manasseh." (That "Ephraim" and "Manasseh" have this signification, see Arcana Coelestia 3969, 5351, 5353, 5354, 6222, 6234, 6238, 6267, 6296.) What is here signified by the "firstborn of the bullock," and by the "horns of the unicorn," see above n. 316.

[5] In David:

The chariots of God are two myriads, thousands of angels of peace; the Lord is in them, Sinai in the sanctuary (Psalms 68:17).

"The chariots of God" signify the truths of doctrine, and "the angels of peace" the goods of doctrine; therefore "myriads" are predicated of the former, and "thousands" of the latter. (That "chariots" signify the truths of doctrine, see Arcana Coelestia 2762, 5321, 8215; and that "peace" signifies the inmost of good, see in the work on Heaven and Hell 284-290.) And because the Lord is called "Lord" from good, and "Sinai" signifies heaven where and from which is Divine truth, therefore it is said, "the Lord is in them, Sinai in the sanctuary," "sanctuary" meaning heaven and the church where Divine truth is. (That the Lord is called "Lord" from Divine good, and "God" from Divine truth, see Arcana Coelestia 4973, 9167, 9194; and that "Sinai" signifies heaven where the Lord is, from whom is Divine truth, that is, from whom is the law, in a strict sense and in a broad sense, n. 8399, 8753, 8793, 8805, 9420)

[6] In the same:

Thou shalt not fear for the dread of the night; for the arrow that flieth by day; for the pestilence that creepeth in thick darkness; for the death that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and a myriad at thy right hand (Psalms 91:5-7).

This is said of falsities and evils that are not known to be falsities and evils, and of falsities and evils that are known to be such, and yet creep into the thought and into the will, and destroy men. Falsities that are known to be falsities are meant by "the arrow that flieth by day," and evils that are known to be evils and yet gain entrance are meant by "the death that wasteth at noonday;" and falsities that are not known to be falsities are meant by "the dread of the night;" and evils that are not known to be evils by "the pestilence that creepeth in thick darkness;" the destruction of these evils is signified by "the thousand that shall fall at his side;" and the destruction of the falsities by "the myriad that shall fall at his right hand;" "the side at which they shall fall," also signifying good, and "the right hand," the truth of good. "Thousand" is predicated of evils, and "myriad" of falsities, because falsities are the contraries of truths, and evils of goods; and in the Word opposites are expressed by like words and similar numbers.

[7] In the same:

Our garners are full, yielding from food to food; our flocks are thousands, myriads in our streets (Psalms 144:13).

"Garners" and "food" signify the goods and truths of the church; for spiritual foods are the knowledges of truth and good, by which there is intelligence; like things, but interior, are signified by "flocks;" therefore the goods of the church are meant by "thousands," and its truths by myriads;" and because truths are meant by "myriads," it is said, "myriads in our streets," for the "streets" of a city signify the truths of doctrine. (That "food" signifies both good and truth, see Arcana Coelestia 3114, 4459, 4792, 5147, 5293, 5340, 5342, 5410, 5426, 5576, 5582, 5588, 5655, 5915, 6277, 8418, 8562, 9003; consequently also "garners," which are storehouses for food, have a like signification. That "flocks" signify interior goods and truths, which are called spiritual, see n. 1565, 2566, 3767, 3768, 3772, 3783, 3795, 5913, 6044, 6048, 8937, 10609.)

[8] In Micah:

Will Jehovah be pleased with thousands of rams, with myriads of rivers of oil? (Micah 6:7).

Because "rams" signify spiritual goods, and "rivers of oil" truths proceeding from good, "myriads" are predicated of the latter, and "thousands" of the former. (That "rams" signify spiritual goods, see Arcana Coelestia 2830, 4170.) And as "oil" signifies the good of love, "rivers" of it signify what proceeds from it, namely, truths.

[9] In Daniel:

I beheld till thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit. A stream of fire issued and went forth from before Him; a thousand of thousands ministered unto Him, and a myriad of myriads stood before Him (Daniel 7:9-10).

This treats of the Lord's coming, and the "thrones that were cast down" signify the falsities of the church which were destroyed; "the Ancient of Days" means the Lord from eternity; "the stream of fire issuing and going forth from before Him" signifies the Divine good of love and Divine truth therefrom; "a stream of fire issuing," the Divine good of love and the same "going forth," Divine truth proceeding; because both of these are signified it is said, "a thousand of thousands ministered unto Him, and a myriad of myriads stood before Him," "thousand" referring to Divine good, and "myriad" to Divine truth; "ministering" also is predicated of good (See above, n. 155), and "standing," as well as "going forth," is predicated of truth.

[10] In Moses:

When the ark rested, Moses said, Return, O Jehovah, to the myriads of the thousands of Israel (Numbers 10:36).

As the "ark" signified the celestial Divine proceeding from the Lord, because of the law or testimony that was in it, and as "Israel" signified the church in respect to the reception of Divine good and Divine truth, therefore it is said, "the myriads of the thousands of Israel," which signify truths from good, which are in "Israel," that is, in the church. But what "a chiliad" or "a thousand" [chilias seu mille] signifies when "ten thousand," that is, a "myriad," is not joined with it, will be seen hereafter in its own article; likewise what is signified by "number."

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Thanks to the Swedenborg Foundation for their permission to use this translation.