La Bibbia


サムエル記上 7



1 キリアテ・ヤリムの人々は、きて、主の箱を携え上り、丘の上のアビナダブのに持ってきて、そのエレアザルを聖別して、主の箱を守らせた。

2 その箱は久しくキリアテ・ヤリムにとどまって、二十年を経た。イスラエルのを慕って嘆いた。

3 その時サムエルはイスラエルのに告げていった、「もし、あなたがたが一心にに立ち返るのであれば、ほかの神々とアシタロテを、あなたがたのうちから捨て去り、心をに向け、にのみ仕えなければならない。そうすれば、はあなたがたをペリシテびとのから救い出されるであろう」。

4 そこでイスラエルの人々はバアルとアシタロテを捨て去り、ただにのみ仕えた。

5 サムエルはまた言った、「イスラエルびとを、ことごとくミヅパに集めなさい。わたしはあなたがたのためにに祈りましょう」。

6 人々はミヅパに集まり、をくんでそれを主のに注ぎ、その、断食してその所で言った、「われわれはに対して罪を犯した」。サムエルはミヅパでイスラエルの人々をさばいた。

7 イスラエルの人々のミヅパに集まったことがペリシテびとに聞えたので、ペリシテびとの君たちは、イスラエルに攻め上ってきた。イスラエルの人々はそれを聞いて、ペリシテびとを恐れた

8 そしてイスラエルの人々はサムエルに言った、「われわれのため、われわれのに叫ぶことを、やめないでください。そうすればがペリシテびとのからわれわれを救い出されるでしょう」。

9 そこでサムエルは乳を飲む小羊一頭をとり、これを全き燔祭としてにささげた。そしてサムエルはイスラエルのためにに叫んだので、はこれに答えられた。

10 サムエルが燔祭をささげていた時、ペリシテびとはイスラエルと戦おうとして近づいてきた。しかしはその、大いなるをペリシテびとの上にとどろかせて、彼らを乱されたので、彼らはイスラエルびとのに敗れて逃げた。

11 イスラエルの人々はミヅパを出てペリシテびとを追い、これを撃って、ベテカルのまで行った。

12 その時サムエルは一つのをとってミヅパとエシャナの間にすえ、「は今に至るまでわれわれを助けられた」と言って、その名をエベネゼルと名づけた。

13 こうしてペリシテびとは征服され、ふたたびイスラエルの領地に、はいらなかった。サムエルの一生の間、主のが、ペリシテびとを防いだ。

14 ペリシテびとがイスラエルから取った々は、エクロンからガテまで、イスラエルにかえり、イスラエルはその周囲の地をもペリシテびとのから取りかえした。またイスラエルとアモリびととの間には平和があった。

15 サムエルは一生の間イスラエルをさばいた。

16 年ごとにサムエルはベテルギルガル、およびミヅパを巡って、その所々でイスラエルをさばき、

17 ラマに帰った。そこに彼のがあったからである。その所でも彼はイスラエルをさばき、またそこで祭壇を築いた。






In John 2:6, 7, the water pots signify external knowledges; which may be filled with truths. They also signify all those features of the Word, and so of the Jewish church and its worship, which were signified and represented by Divine things in the Lord and from the Lord. (Apocalypse Explained 376[29])

(Riferimenti: Arcana Coelestia 3068)

La Bibbia


Genesis 8



1 God remembered Noah, all the animals, and all the livestock that were with him in the ship; and God made a wind to pass over the earth. The waters subsided.

2 The deep's fountains and the sky's windows were also stopped, and the rain from the sky was restrained.

3 The waters receded from the earth continually. After the end of one hundred fifty days the waters decreased.

4 The ship rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on Ararat's mountains.

5 The waters receded continually until the tenth month. In the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the tops of the mountains were seen.

6 It happened at the end of forty days, that Noah opened the window of the ship which he had made,

7 and he sent forth a raven. It went back and forth, until the waters were dried up from the earth.

8 He sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from the surface of the ground,

9 but the dove found no place to rest her foot, and she returned to him into the ship; for the waters were on the surface of the whole earth. He put forth his hand, and took her, and brought her to him into the ship.

10 He stayed yet another seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ship.

11 The dove came back to him at evening, and, behold, in her mouth was an olive leaf plucked off. So Noah knew that the waters were abated from the earth.

12 He stayed yet another seven days, and sent forth the dove; and she didn't return to him any more.

13 It happened in the six hundred first year, in the first month, the first day of the month, the waters were dried up from the earth. Noah removed the covering of the ship, and looked. He saw that the surface of the ground was dried.

14 In the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth was dry.

15 God spoke to Noah, saying,

16 "Go out of the ship, you, and your wife, and your sons, and your sons' wives with you.

17 Bring forth with you every living thing that is with you of all flesh, including birds, livestock, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, that they may breed abundantly in the earth, and be fruitful, and multiply on the earth."

18 Noah went forth, with his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives with him.

19 Every animal, every creeping thing, and every bird, whatever moves on the earth, after their families, went out of the ship.

20 Noah built an altar to Yahweh, and took of every clean animal, and of every clean bird, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.

21 Yahweh smelled the pleasant aroma. Yahweh said in his heart, "I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake, because the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I ever again strike everything living, as I have done.

22 While the earth remains, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."