La Bibbia


利未記 17



1 耶和華摩西

2 你曉諭亞倫和他兒子以色列眾人耶和華所吩咐的乃是這樣:

3 以色列家中的宰公牛,或是綿羊羔,或是山羊,不拘宰於外,

4 若未曾牽到會幕口、耶和華的帳幕前獻給耶和華為供物,流血的罪必歸到那身上。他流了血,要從民中剪除。

5 這是為要使以色列人把他們在田野裡所獻的祭會幕口、耶和華面前,交給祭司,獻與耶和華為平安祭。

6 祭司要把血灑在會幕口、耶和華的上,把脂油焚燒,獻給耶和華為馨的祭。

7 他們不可再獻祭給他們行邪淫所隨從的鬼魔(原文作公山羊);這要作他們世世代永遠的定例。

8 你要曉諭他們:凡以色列家中的,或是寄居在他們中間的外,獻燔祭或是平安祭,

9 若不會幕口獻給耶和華,那必從民中剪除。

10 以色列家中的,或是寄居在他們中間的外,若甚麼血,我必向那血的變臉,把他從民中剪除。

11 因為活物的生命是在血中。我把這血賜你們,可以在上為你們的生命贖罪;因血裡有生命,所以能贖罪

12 因此,我對以色列人:你們都不可血;寄居在你們中間的外人也不可血。

13 以色列人,或是寄居在他們中間的外,若打獵得了可的禽獸,必放出他的血來,用土掩蓋。

14 論到一切活物的生命,就在血中。所以我對以色列人:無論甚麼活物的血,你們都不可,因為一切活物的血就是他的生命。凡吃了血的,必被剪除。

15 自死的,或是被野獸撕裂的,無論是本地人,是寄居的,必不潔淨到晚上,都要衣服,用身,到了晚上才為潔淨。

16 但他若不衣服,也不身,就必擔當他的罪孽。





Photo by Gretchen Keith

Generally, doors in the Bible represent the initial desires for good and concepts of truth that introduce us to new levels of love and understanding, and even to the Lord Himself. Since a “house” represents a person’s desires, affections and passions, the door serves to introduce true ideas that can put those desires into action.

In John 10:7, the door signifies the Lord, who is good itself and truth itself. (Arcana Coelestia 2356[2])

In Revelation 3:8; 4:1, the door signifies admission to the arcana of heaven revealed. (Apocalypse Explained 260[2])

The meaning depends on context, of course. For example, references to doorposts and lintels are making a distinction between introductory goods and introductory truths. And, in Sodom, Lot's house had two doors -- an inner one and an outer one. When, in Genesis 19:6, Lot tried to convince the men of Sodom not to attack the angels visiting him, he went outside the inner door, but stayed inside the outer door. There, the outer door represents a desire for good that is resistant to the falsity represented by the men of Sodom; the inner door represents true ideas springing from that desire for good. Someone nurturing a desire for good could be admitted through the first door, but would have to learn the truth about how to express that desire before being admitted through the second.

(Riferimenti: Genesis 19)